• Title/Summary/Keyword: History taking

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Effect of Boundary Condition History on the Symmetry Breaking Bifurcation of Wall-Driven Cavity Flows

  • Cho, Ji-Ryong
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.2077-2081
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    • 2005
  • A symmetry breaking nonlinear fluid flow in a two-dimensional wall-driven square cavity taking symmetric boundary condition after some transients has been investigated numerically. It has been shown that the symmetry breaking critical Reynolds number is dependent on the time history of the boundary condition. The cavity has at least three stable steady state solutions for Re=300-375, and two stable solutions if Re>400. Also, it has also been showed that a particular solution among several possible solutions can be obtained by a controlled boundary condition.

Analysis on Trends of Artworks Blockchain Platform

  • Lee, Yo-Seob
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the blockchain platform is changing the art market. Changes are taking place in many areas, including artists, collectors, art investors, and auction. The platform that provides distribution history information on artworks on a blockchain basis can be used when information on the work history is suspected or needs verification, and can be used to manage the distribution history information of stolen and lost artworks and confiscated artworks by the police. Several companies currently operate these platforms, but they operate various blockchain platforms according to their contents. In this paper, we will compare and analyze features of artworks blockchain platform.

Retrieving the Time History of Displacement from Measured Acceleration Signal

  • Han, Sangbo
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2003
  • It is intended to retrieve the time history of displacement from measured acceleration signal. In this study, the word retrieving means reconstructing the time history of original displacement signal from already measured acceleration signal not just extracting various information using relevant signal processing techniques. Unlike extracting required information from the signal, there are not many options to apply to retrieve the time history of displacement signal, once the acceleration signal is measured and recorded with given sampling rate. There are two methods, in general, to convert measured acceleration signal into displacement signal. One is directly integrating the acceleration signal in time domain. The other is dividing the Fourier transformed acceleration signal by the scale factor of - $\omega$$^2$and taking the inverse Fourier transform of it. It turned out both the methods produced a significant amount of errors depending on the sampling resolution in time and frequency domain when digitizing the acceleration signals. A simple and effective way to convert the time history of acceleration signal into the time history of displacement signal without significant errors is studied here with the analysis on the errors involved in the conversion process.

Teleology, Discontinuity and World History: Periodization and Some Creation Myths of Modernity

  • Pomeranz, Kenneth
    • Asian review of World Histories
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.189-226
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    • 2013
  • Discussions of world history often focus on the pros and cons of thinking on large spatial scales. However, world history also tends to employ unusually large timescales, both for research and teaching; frequently it is framed around a teleology and a series of "revolutions" which mark milestones taking humans from a very distant past to "modernity". Moreover, world history usually rejects regionally specific period markers (e.g. Renaissance), making periodization within this long timespan especially difficult. This article surveys various approaches to these problems, and shows that any of them, if treated as sufficient by itself, introduces significant distortions. It argues for a world history that highlights this problem, rather than hiding it, and which uses the need to deploy multiple timescales simultaneously to clarify the distinctive intellectual contribution of historical thinking.

Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders Through Sleep Questionnaires (수면 설문지를 통한 수면장애의 진단)

  • Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1995
  • It is very difficult to evaluate sleep disorders by simple history taking, because which covers very comprehensive areas such as psychobiosocial fields. Although polysomnography is used for the method of final diagnosis, systemic history taking and sleep question-aires are still critically important especially in evaluation of insomnia. Proper informations through sleep questionnaires can provide very precise data for effective treatment as well as exact diagnosis. Sleep questionnaires consist of largely four kinds of questionnaires, which are screening questionnaire of sleep disorders, sleep diary and questionnaire of sleep hygine, diagnostic questionnaire for specific sleep disorder and questionnaire of special symptoms of sleep disorders including insomnia, daytime sleepiness, cognitive function, mental symptom and personality, parasomnia, physical illness and sexual function. However, for more conclusive diagnosis especially in excessive daytime sleepiness nocturnal polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test should be performed.

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Diagnosis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (전방십자인대 손상의 진단)

  • Ahn, Jin-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 1997
  • Recently, the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injury is rapidly increasing because many young Korean are actively participating in sports activities including basketball, skiing and soccer. Sometimes acute ACL injuries arc misdiagnosed as sprain because of pain and muscle spasm. An accurate physical examination and careful history taking are very important to diagnose the ACL injuries. Therefore author described the skill of history taking and the technique of physical examination to diagnose ACL injuries. The most sensitive test is the Lachman's test, which is performed with the knee in 200 of flexion, the femur stabilized with full flexed examiner's knee placed behind patient's distal thigh and one hand of examiner, and the proximal tibia grasped with the other. The pivot shift test is a passive motion test that attempts to subluxate the tibia anteriorly, then have it reduce rapidly. The pivot shift test is very sensitive test to diagnose the chronic ACL injuries.

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Developing a Standardized Patient Program using Internal Damage Fever Cases in Korean Medical Education (한의학 교육에서 내상발열(內傷發熱) 증례를 이용한 표준화환자 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Jo, Hak-jun;Jo, Na-young
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The objective of this paper is to develop a standardized patient program with a focus on diagnosis and treatment of internal damage fever in Korean Medical education. Methods : First, cases of diagnosis and treatment of internal damage fever were collected from various classical texts, then a module was developed according to pre-existing standardized patient program's protocols based on selected cases. Careful consideration was given to developing evaluation criteria on history taking and physical examination that are necessary to accurately differentiating the 9 types. Results : Nine types of differentiation models on internal damage fever were selected, which are qi deficiency from overexertion/fatigue and famish; blood deficiency from overexertion/fatigue, famish and fullness; fire stagnation from excessive eating and cold foods; food damage; yang deficiency; yin deficiency; phlegm; stagnated blood; liver qi stagnation. For each type, evaluation criteria in regards to history taking, physical examination, communication with patient, and patient education were developed. Conclusions : When developing a standardized patient program using internal damage fever cases, it would better reflect the characteristics of Korean Medicine in clinical education of Korean Medicine if the program is based on classical texts. It would also be useful in evaluating students' graduation competence in exams such as CPX.

A Study of 救急方 from a Historical Perspective (의사학적으로 살펴본 『구급방(救急方)』)

  • Jung, Soon Duk;Kim, Nam Il;Cha, Wung-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2008
  • 救急醫學 was initiated with the emergence of mankind. 救急方 was written in the federal government and published in the state government taking orders from 世祖 to meet various needs; stabilization of public welfare, reinforcement of the royal authority, a need for a book for common use in the medical field, as well as pure interest in medicine coming from the king himself. 救急 includes not only emergencies but also rapid transitions of diseases encountered in everyday life. 救急方 successes the tradition of 鄕藥救急方 in that it helps anyone to appropriately treat emergencies. 救急簡易方, 救急易解方, and 諺解救急方 of later generations all were directly influenced by 救急方 and carried on the tradition of 救急.

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Establishment and Application of the Guideline for Hypertension by Delphi Method in the Field of Primary Medical Care (Delphi방법을 이용한 일차의료 고혈압 진료지침 개발 및 적용)

  • Yang, Yun-Jun;Hong, Myung-Ho
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.68-84
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    • 1995
  • Background: Guideline for practice is useful because it can be the standard for assessment and way to improve quality. We need to take account of expert opinion and consensus as well as scientific evidences to develope practice guideline because it should be practical. Delphi method has been developed to gather opinions from experts fairly. This study was designed to develop practice guideline and apply it to practices as a method to improve quality in primary medical care. Methods: Hypertension(in adults over 18 years old) was selected as a target problem. Self questionnaires about management of hypertensive patients were developed by a researcher with advice of 11 experts. The questionnaires were designed to response as a 5 pont scale. The results of previous questionary were given to respondents in second and third questionnaires. If needed, the questionnaires were changed on the previous responses. The items with medium greater than or equal to 4 point in 1st and 2nd responses were accepted in guideline. The items with medium lesser than or equal to 3 point were questioned again about whether they can be excluded or not. The criteria for assessment was made with reference to guideline and applied to 85 hypertensive patients of 9 family practitioners. At 3 months after practice guideline had been given to family practitioners, performance of same practitioners was assessed with 36 new hypertensive patients. Results: 23 professors in family medicine, 22 family practitioners and 6 cardiologists, responded among 50, 50, 15 respectively. Practice guideline with 33 items was developed as a result of 3 times questionaires. The difference of responses between professors in family medicine, family practitioners and cardiologists was not significant. Performance of practice was improved in diagnosis, history taking about 6 fields, laboratory examination and decision making about time of pharmaceutical prescription. It was not improved in physical examination, life style modification, method of pharmaceutical prescription, choice of initial antihypertensives and history taking about duration of disease and diet habit. It was decreased in history taking about psychosocial factors. The assessment scores were low in history taking, physical examination and life style modification before and after use of practice guideline. Conclusion: Practice guideline for hypertension could be developed by Delphi method. Performance of practice improved partially after use of guideline.

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A Study of Cardiovascular Disease(Hypertension) for Ulleung-Gun Inhabitants (울릉군 주민에 대한 순환기계 질환(고혈압) 조사연구)

  • Han, Kyung-Yog;Lee, Jei-Cheul;Lee, Moo-Sang
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 1991
  • From the medical examination held on 1988, an interested fact was observed that the cardiovascular disease related examination results of the Ulleung-Gun inhabitants were more marked than those of other areas. An intended search for hypertension with related tests was executed from September $3^{th}$, 1989 to September $7^{th}$, 1989 on 344 Ulleung-Gun inhabitant and the results were as follows. 1) Among the 344 subjects, males were 94 and female, 250. The reason of showing lower number of males than the number of females was due to the fishing work season of showing lower medical examination period was overlapped. 2) 58% of the subjects are the age of over 50 years old. 3) The suspected cases were 68 among 344, and the suspected rate was 19.7%. 4) Abnormality rates of related tests were as follows : suspected ECG 10.1%, hypertension 9.0%. high triglyceride value 5.8%, and high total cholesterol value 4.6%. 5) Table 5 shows that the higher of ages, the higher of ages, the higher of the suspected rates of all 4 related and results. especially the abnormality of hypertension and EOG was marked. 6) Table 6 shows that the incidence of hypertension was higher from the subjects having family history than those who had no family history, from those taking foods salty than those taking foods unsalty, from those taking diet of meat than those taking vegetable diets. 22 cases among 31 had abnormal ECG results and/or high triglyceride values. But there were 5 subjects who had no hypertension related factor.

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