• Title/Summary/Keyword: Histochemistry

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Immunocytochemical Localization of Glutamatergic Neurons in the Lateral Reticular Nucleus Projecting to Ansiform (Crus I and II) and Paramedian Cerebellar Lobules of the Rat

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 1998
  • I examined the projection of glutamatergic neurons in the lateral reticular nucleus into ansiform (crus l and ll) and paramedian lobules in the rat cerebellum using immunocytochemical methods with antiserum against glutamate combined with WGA-HRP histochemistry. The projections of glutamatergic neurons from the lateral reticular nucleus to crus l were most extensive in number among the three injection cases and the majority of projections originated at the dorsal to dorsomedial region of the ipsilateral magnocellular nucleus. Glutamate-immunoreactive cells projecting to crus ll were less extensive in number than those projecting to crus l and were mainly localized at the dorsomedial portion of the ipsilateral magnocellular nucleus. Double-labelled neurons projecting to crus l or crux ll were also located at ipsilateral subtrigeminal as well as contralateral magnocellular nuclei. Glutamatergic neurons projecting to paramedian lobules were moderate in number and mainly located at the dorsal area of the ipsilateral magnocellular nucleus. A few double-labelled cells were also found at ipsilateral subtrigeminal or contralateral magnocellular nuclei. The present study suggests that glutamate-immunoreactive neurons at the dorsal to dorsomedial magnocellular division of the lateral reticular nucleus may participate in the excitatory control of target neuronal activities at ipsilateral, posterior hemispheric lobules of the rat cerebellum.

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Histochemical study on the endochondral ossification of the native Korean cattle femur (한우 대퇴골의 연골내골화에 관한 조직화학적 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-myung;Yang, Hong-hyun;Paik, Young-ki
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 1991
  • The present study was undertaken to provide basic data on fetal endochondral ossification for the native Korean cattle femur. This study was determined to the both earliest stages of chondrification and ossification by histochemical methods. The forty-five pairs of femur, from a series of embryos and fetuses ranging from 11 to 100mm in crown-rump(C-R) length, were used. These samples were divided into 9 groups. The groupings were based on C-R length, as the first grouping being 11~20mm, the second grouping being 21~30mm and so on. The results were as follows: 1. Alcianophility and PAS reaction were markedly increased in the perichondrium and interterritorial matrix in the 3rd group(C-R length 31~40mm). These reactions were decreased in the territorial matrix and in the adjacent area to the cartilage canal in the 5th group(C-R length 51~60mm). 2. Calcium deposits and collagen substances were observed initially in the 3rd group(C-R length 31~40mm). The calcium deposits and calcified cores were observed in the trabeculae of the proximal epiphyseal plate of the femur in the 8th group(C-R length 81~90mm).

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Observation of Histochemical Ultrastructure in Regenerating Rat Liver (재생중인 흰쥐 간세포의 조직화학적 미세구조 관찰)

  • Choi, Chee-Yong;Sohn, Seong-Hyang;Yoo, Chang-Kyu;Choe, Rim-Soon
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 1988
  • An ultrastructural study of hepatocyte proliferation in the regenerating rat liver has been made by means of the partial hepatectomy. And electron microscopic histochemistry of hepatocyte in the regenerating rat liver is studied through alkaline phosphatase reaction. The results are as follows: 1. When the regeneration of rat liver is induced by the partial hepatectomy, the prominent ultrastructural characteristics of hepatocyte are changes of the distribution of chromatin in nucleus, increase of the number of mitochondria and decrease of the size of them, development of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and transient decrease of glycogen granules in cytoplasm. 2. Alkaline phosphatase reaction products are appeared in the nucleus or rough endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocyte during the initial regeneration of liver as 24, 48 and 72 hour groups after partial hepatectomy. And these positive reaction are mainly increased in cytoplasm and plasma membrane of hepatocytes during 1, 2 and 3 week groups after partial hepatectomy. As 4 weeks passed after partial hepatectomy, these positive reaction is located in the sinusoidal epithelial cells or erythrocytes. With above results, we concluded that alkaline phosphatase was synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum bounded ribosomes of regenerating hepatocyte, was transported to the plasma membrane of them, and then was transported in blood by the way sinusoidel epithelial cells.

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In Vitro Culture and Transformation by Agroinfiltration of Lisianthus (Eustoma russellianus) Pollen (Lisianthus 화분의 기내배양 및 Agroinfiltration에 의한 형질전환)

  • Park Hee Sung
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.14 no.6 s.67
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    • pp.1018-1022
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    • 2004
  • Optimized conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated lisianthus pollen transformation were adjusted using various factors such as temperature, pH and sucrose concentration. Pollen tube growth was successfully achieved in a medium (pollen germination medium; PGM) containing $7-15\%$ sucrose with pH in the range of 5.5-7.0 at temperature of $20-27^{\circ}C$. Lisianthus pollen was vacuum-infiltrated with Agrobacterium cell suspension for 20 min, and transformed pollen was confirmed by GUS histochemistry and Southern hybridization following RT-PCR. Transgenic pollen system may be utilized for establishing an area of plant transient expression systems based on the convenient pollen transformation procedure presented in here.

Protective Effects Wonjiseokchangpo-san has on Brain Damage and Cognitive Dysfunction in Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia (일시적 국소 뇌허혈 흰쥐모델에서 원지석창포산의 뇌손상 및 인지기능 보호효과)

  • Kang Mi Sun;Chang Gyu Tae;Kim Jang Hyun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1777-1783
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects Wonjiseokchangpo-san on brain damage in transient focal cerebral ischemia. Rats were used for testing in the following three models: Morris Water Maze, Eight-Arm Radial Maze, and Histochemistry. In the Morris Water Maze Model, the Wonjiseokchangpo-san group showed significant decrease in the 3rd and 6th training session compared with the ischemia group. A retention test, in the Morris Water Maze Model, was performed on the 7th day without the escape platform. The Wonjiseokchangpo-san group showed significant increase compared to the ischemia group. In the Eight-Arm radial Maze model, the Wonjiseokchangpo-san group showed significant decrease in the error rate compared to the ischemia group. In the density of hippocampal CA1 cell of the cresyl violet-stained section, the Wonjiseokahangpo-san group showed significant increase compared to the ischemia group. These results suggest that Wonjiseokchangpo-san may have a significant protective effect on brain damage and cognitive dysfunction in transient focal cerebral ischemia.

Protective Effects of Geupunggibodan on Brain Damage and Cognitive Dysfunction in Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats (일시적 국소 뇌허혈 흰쥐모델에서 거풍지보단의 뇌손상 및 인지기능 보호효과)

  • Jung Sung-Wook;Chang Gyu-Tae;Kim Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2 s.62
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the effects of Geupunggibodan on brain damage in transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Methods: Rats were used for testing in the following three models: Morris water maze, eight-ann radial maze, and histochemistry. Results: In the Morris water maze model, the Geupunggibodan group showed significant decrease in the 3rd, 4th and 6th training sessions compared with the ischemia, group. A retention test in the Morris water maze model was performed on the 7th day without the escape platform. The Geupunggibodan group showed significant increase compared to the ischemia group. In the eight-ann radial maze model, the Geupunggibodan group showed significant decrease in the error rate compared to the ischemia group. In the density of hippocampal CA1 cell of the cresyl violet-stained section, the Geupunggibodan group showed significant increase compared to the ischemia group. Conclusions: These results suggest that Geupunggibodan may have a significant protective effect on brain damage and cognitive dysfunction in transient focal cerebral ischemia.

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Ritanserin, a 5HT2/1C Receptor Antagonist, Does Not Block Cocaine-Induced Behavioral Alterations and zif268 mRNA Expression in the Striatum of the Rats

  • Choe, Eun-Sang;Kim, Jong-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.355-359
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    • 2000
  • Cocaine induces immediate early gene expression and behavioral changes by blocking dopamine transporters in the terminals of nigrostriatal neurons in the striatum. The pharmacological role of serotonin 2/1C (5HT2/1C) receptors in cocaine-induced expression of zif268 (NGFI-A, egr1 and Krox-24) mRNA, a member of the zinc finger, was investigated using quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry in vivo. Behavioral alterations induced by cocaine were also monitored in relation with blockade of the receptors. Systemic injection of ritanserin (1 mg/kg, s.c.), a 5HT2/1C receptor antagonist, did not reverse behavioral alterations and zif268 mRNA gene expression induced by 15 mg/kg cocaine, i.p., in the dorsal and ventral striatum. These data indicate that ritanserin-sensitive 5HT2/1C receptors are not necessary for cocaine-induced behavioral alterations and zif268 mRNA gene expression in the striatum.

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Amperozide Decreases Cocaine-Induced Increase in Behavior and Immediate Early Gene Expression in the Dorsal Striatum

  • Choe, Eun-Sang;Kim, Jong-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.361-367
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    • 2000
  • Cocaine functions as indirect dopamine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) agonists and induces genomic and behavioral alterations in the striatum. Previously we demonstrated that ritanserin, a 5HT2/1C receptor antagonist, is not responsible for cocaine-induced behavioral alterations and zif268 mRNA gene expression in the striatum (see the previous paper in this issue). In this study, it was hypothesized that dopamine and 5HT2/1C receptors are required for cocaine-induced behavioral alterations and c-fos and zif268 mRNA expression. This hypothesis was addressed by infusing amperozide which antagonizes both 5HT2/1C and dopamine receptors and was analyzed using the quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry in vivo. Systemic injection of amperozide (5 mg/kg, s.c.) significantly blocked increase in behavior, c-fos and zif268 mRNA expression induced by 15 mg/kg cocaine, i.p., in the dorsal striatum. These data suggest that dopamine and 5HT2/1C receptors are necessary for cocaine-induced behavioral alterations and immediate early gene expression in the dorsal striatum.

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Study on Changes in Endogenous Stem Cells in the Salivary Gland of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats

  • Jung, Bo Hyun;Lee, Hee Su;Yoo, Ki-Yeon
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2017
  • Type1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is generally known to be caused by destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic ${\beta}$ cells or an immune-related problem. Polydipsia is a representative symptom of DM, and it has been reported that this condition is closely related to xerostomia and is considered that hyposalivation from the salivary gland results in this phenomenon. Although various studies have reported that induction of diabetes reduces endogenous stem cells in other organs (heart, brain etc.), diabetes-related changes in endogenous stem cells in the salivary gland have not yet been well established. Therefore, in this study, to verify the change in salivary gland stem cells after diabetes, salivary gland tissues in the control and diabetes-induced groups were processed by histochemistry (Masson's trichrome staining) for morphological analysis, TUNEL assay for cell death, and immunohistochemistry (Ki-67 and c-Kit) for cell proliferation and maturation. Diabetes induced by STZ leads to vacuolization, apoptosis, and reduction in proliferating cells/salivary gland stem cells in salivary glands of rats. This result suggests that diabetes may be associated with reduction in salivary gland function such as degeneration and inhibition of regeneration in the salivary gland.

Histochemical and Ultrastructural Study on the Digestive Tract of a Land Snail Nesiohelix samarangae (동양달팽이의 소화관에 대한 조직화학적 및 미세구조적 연구)

  • 정계헌;이용석
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-147
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    • 1998
  • A histochemical and ultrastructural study on the epithelia of some selected digestive tracks such as esophagus, crop, intestine of a land snail N. samarangae was carried out during the period of June 1997 to may 1998. The epithelium of digestive tract are simple columnar epithelium and consisted of five types of columnar cells. Type 1 cell which is majority in number has a brush border with microvilli on the free surface of the cell and contains numerous secretory granules supposed to be neutral mucopolysaccharide. Type 2 cell, elongated conical in shape, is rarely found in the epithelium. This cell also has a brush border with microvilli on its free surface and contains well developed rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, and secretory granules in various electron densities. This cell seems to produce both of acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides. Type 3 cell, which is morphologically similar to the Type 1 cell, has microvilli and cilia on the free surface and exists in group only in the limited regions of the intestine. Type 4 cell, typical goblet cell containing secretory granules in high electron density. Type 5 cell rarely found in the digestive tract. This cell contain inconspicuous materials.

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