• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-resolution Seismic

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Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Dukjuk-Do Sand Ridge in Western Gyeonggi Bay, Korea (경기만 서부 덕적도 사퇴의 탄성파층서 및 퇴적환경 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Oh;Choi, Sang-Il;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2014
  • We examined high-resolution seismic data, side scan sonar data, surface sediments, and vibrocore samples from a sand ridge off the western part of Dukjuk-Do in Gyeonggi Bay, with the aim of interpretation of seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary environment. Based on the seismic data, the deposited sands are divided into three sedimentary units. 14C age data indicate that the top sequence (sequence I) formed at 5000-6000 yr BP, when a transgression resulted in strong shifting tides. Analyses of the vibrocore samples indicate that sequence II is a paleo-mudflat layer of intertidal sediments dominated by mud. Sequence III consists of terrestrial sediments that are presumed to have been deposited at the end of the Pleistocene, unconformably overlying the acoustic bedrock and Mesozoic granite. The side scan sonar data indicate that sand waves were formed on the seabed on top of the sand ridge. Generally, this is the direction of $N20^{\circ}E$, which coincides with the direction of tidal flow. Sand ripples occur away from the top of the sand ridge and are distributed homogeneously across a sandy slope. Vibrocore analyses indicate that the surface sediments and core sediments (samples VC-1, -2, and -3) are homogeneous, without any internal structures, and are characterized by a mixture of medium and fine sand (1-$2{\phi}$), respectively.

Late Quaternary Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea Strait (한국 남동해역(대한해협) 대륙붕지역의 후 제4기 탄성파 층서 및 퇴적작용)

  • Yoo Dong-Geun;Lee Chi-Won;Min Gun-Hong;Lee Ho-Young;Choi Joung-Gyu;Park Soo-Chul
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2005
  • Interpretation of high-resolution seismic profiles from the southeastern continental shelf of Korea reveals that the sedimentary deposits consist of seven seismic units formed during the late Quaternary. These units comprise lowstand, transgressive, and highstand systems tracts. The lowstand systems tract consists of a lowstand prograding wedge (SU1) and a mass flow deposit (SU2) including slumps and slides. The transgressive systems tract contains four seismic units: an ancient beach/shoreface deposit (SU3), a channel-fill deposit (SU4), a transgressive sand layer (SU5), and a transgressive sand ridge (SU6). The highstand systems tract consists of an inner-shelf mud deposit (SU7) derived from the Nakdong and Seomjin rivers during the last 6 ka when sea level was close to the present level.

Acoustic Facies in the Western South Sea, Korea (한국남서해역의 음향학적 퇴적상)

    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.313-322
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    • 1993
  • The Western south Sea of Korea can be divided into 4 acoustic facies (AF I-AF IV) according to the variations of acoustic characters. Typical acoustic characters revealed in high-resolution seismic profiles (3.5kHz) are prolonged, internal reflected, non-penetrated, and transparent types. These acoustic types probably controlled by bottom condition and sediment properties such as composition and compaction of sediments. Acoustic facies I is characterized by prolonged type which is produced by absorbing of acoustic signals on the coarse sediments including gravels and shell fragments and irregular bedforms. Acoustic facies II is characterized by internal reflected type which is probably produced by differential sediments compaction. Acoustic facies III is characterized by non-penetrated type caused by scattering of acoustic signals on the well sorted fine ad very fine sand sediments. Acoustic facies IV is characterized by transparent type with non-internal reflector in limited thickness. Acoustic types in high-resolution profiles provide important information not only about the stratigraphy of sub bottom but also abut the sedimentary processes in shallow sea.

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Multicomponent RVSP Survey for Imaging Thin Layer Bearing Oil Sand (박층 오일샌드 영상화를 위한 다성분 역VSP 탐사)

  • Jeong, Soo-Cheol;Byun, Joong-Moo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2011
  • Recently, exploration and development of oil sands are thriving due to high oil price. Because oil sands reservoir usually exists as a thin layer, multicomponent VSP, which has the advantage of the high-resolution around the borehole, is more effective than surface seismic survey in exploring oil sand reservoir. In addition, prestack phase-screen migration is effective for multicomponent seismic data because it is based on an one-way wave equation. In this study, we examined the applicability of the prestack phase-screen migration for multicomponent RVSP data to image the thin oil sand reservoir. As a preprocessing tool, we presented a method for separating P-wave and PS-wave from multicomponent RVSP data by using incidence angle and rotation matrix. To verify it, we have applied the developed wavefield separation method to synthetic data obtained from the velocity model including a horizontal layer and dipping layers. Also, we compared the migrated image by using P-wave with that by using PS-wave. As a result, the PS-wave migrated image has higher resolution and wide coverage than P-wave migrated image. Finally, we have applied the prestack phase-screen migration to the synthetic data from the velocity model simulating oil sand reservoir in Canada. The results show that the PS-wave migrated image describe the top and bottom boundaries of the thin oil sand reservoir more clearly than the P-wave migrated image.

Detection of Surface Changes by the 6th North Korea Nuclear Test Using High-resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 활용한 북한 6차 핵실험 이후 지표변화 관측)

  • Lee, Won-Jin;Sun, Jongsun;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Park, Sun-Cheon;Lee, Duk Kee;Oh, Kwan-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_4
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    • pp.1479-1488
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    • 2018
  • On September 3rd 2017, strong artificial seismic signals from North Korea were detected in KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) seismic network. The location of the epicenter was estimated to be Punggye-ri nuclear test site and it was the most powerful to date. The event was not studied well due to accessibility and geodetic measurements. Therefore, we used remote sensing data to analyze surface changes around Mt. Mantap area. First of all, we tried to detect surface deformation using InSAR method with Advanced Land Observation Satellite-2 (ALOS-2). Even though ALOS-2 data used L-band long wavelength, it was not working well for this particular case because of decorrelation on interferogram. The main reason would be large deformation near the Mt. Mantap area. To overcome this limitation of decorrelation, we applied offset tracking method to measure deformation. However, this method is affected by window kernel size. So we applied various window sizes from 32 to 224 in 16 steps. We could retrieve 2D surface deformation of about 3 m in maximum in the west side of Mt. Mantap. Second, we used Pleiadas-A/B high resolution satellite optical images which were acquired before and after the 6th nuclear test. We detected widespread surface damage around the top of Mt. Mantap such as landslide and suspected collapse area. This phenomenon may be caused by a very strong underground nuclear explosion test. High-resolution satellite images could be used to analyze non-accessible area.

Permanent Ground Deformation induced by Christchurch Earthquake and Estimation of Underground Water Pipeline Performance in New Zealand (뉴질랜드 크라이스트처어치 지진에 의해 발생된 영구지반변형과 매설된 상수도관 성능평가)

  • Jeon, Sang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4201-4207
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the performance of underground water pipeline system affected by earthquakes is examined by using data acquired after MW 6.2 February 22, 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, NZ. Water pipeline repair rates, expressed as repairs/km, for different types of pipe are evaluated inside the areas of which liquefaction induced by permanent ground deformation was observed and assessed relative to differential settlement and lateral ground strain, calculated from high resolution LiDAR data acquired before and after each seismic event. The earthquake performance of underground water pipeline systems associated with permanent ground deformation is summarized in this paper. The results show that highly ductile polyethylene water pipelines has a high earthquake performance.

Holocene sea-level rise and paleoenvironmental changes in Korea Strait shelf (대한해협 대륙붕 해역의 홀로세 해수면 상승과 고환경변화)

  • 남승일;장정해;공기수;김성필;유동근
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2003
  • A 31m-long sediment core (SSDP-102) was taken from the inner shelf (about 40m water-depth) off the northwestern coast of the Korea Strait. Detailed lithofacies and organic-geochemical analyses were performed to establish a high-resolution stratigraphy in the Korea Strait shelf and to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes associated with the Holocene marine transgression. The stratigraphic framework of the core was primarily established using 6 AMS $^{14}C$ ages. The sedimentary record of the core SSDP-102 allows for the reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental changes during the last 12.1 ka BP. According to the high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, lithofacies and organic-geochemical data, the core SSDP-102 can be divided into three units (III to I in ascending order) above the acoustic basement. The three units reflect distinct changes of depositional environments resulted from the post-glacial marine transgression. Therefore, it is suggested that three phases of sea-level change have occurred within the inner shelf of the Korea Strait following the Holocene marine transgression. (1) estuarine environments from ca. 12.1 to 6.2 ka BP; (2) near-shore environments with a period of decreased rising of sea level between 6.2 and 5.1 ka BP; (3) near-shore to modem marine environments after 5.1 ka BP. In particular, the present marine conditions influenced by the warm Tsushima Current have been gradually established after ca. 5.1 ka BP.

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The Consideration for Optimum 3D Seismic Processing Procedures in Block II, Northern Part of South Yellow Sea Basin (대륙붕 2광구 서해분지 북부지역의 3D전산처리 최적화 방안시 고려점)

  • Ko, Seung-Won;Shin, Kook-Sun;Jung, Hyun-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.11 no.1 s.12
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2005
  • In the main target area of the block II, Targe-scale faults occur below the unconformity developed around 1 km in depth. The contrast of seismic velocity around the unconformity is generally so large that the strong multiples and the radical velocity variation would deteriorate the quality of migrated section due to serious distortion. More than 15 kinds of data processing techniques have been applied to improve the image resolution for the structures farmed from this active crustal activity. The bad and noisy traces were edited on the common shot gathers in the first step to get rid of acquisition problems which could take place from unfavorable conditions such as climatic change during data acquisition. Correction of amplitude attenuation caused from spherical divergence and inelastic attenuation has been also applied. Mild F/K filter was used to attenuate coherent noise such as guided waves and side scatters. Predictive deconvolution has been applied before stacking to remove peg-leg multiples and water reverberations. The velocity analysis process was conducted at every 2 km interval to analyze migration velocity, and it was iterated to get the high fidelity image. The strum noise caused from streamer was completely removed by applying predictive deconvolution in time space and ${\tau}-P$ domain. Residual multiples caused from thin layer or water bottom were eliminated through parabolic radon transform demultiple process. The migration using curved ray Kirchhoff-style algorithm has been applied to stack data. The velocity obtained after several iteration approach for MVA (migration velocity analysis) was used instead or DMO for the migration velocity. Using various testing methods, optimum seismic processing parameter can be obtained for structural and stratigraphic interpretation in the Block II, Yellow Sea Basin.

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Study on the Characteristics of Gas Hydrate Layers Distributed in the Southern Ulleung Basin, the East Sea (동해 울릉분지 남부해역에 분포하는 가스 하이드레이트층의 특성 연구)

  • Huh Sik;Yoo Hai-Soo;Kim Han-Joon;Han Sang-Joon;Lee Yong-Kuk
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.10 no.1_2 s.11
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2004
  • To identify and interpret the distribution and the characteristics of the gas hydrate layers in the Ulleung Basin, we have surveyed and gathered the multi-channel seismic data, Chirp sub-bottom profiler, SeaBeam and 12 m piston core samples since 1996. In previous works, high-resolution seismic profiles showed acoustic anomalies such as acoustic void, acoustic turbidity and pock mark which indicate the presence of gas-charged sediments. The patterns of horizontal degassing cracks originated from free methane expansion is the strong indicator of shallow gas-charged sediments in the core samples. The observation of submarine slides and slumps from destabilizing the sediments in the southern part of the Ulleung Basin may also point out that the gas had been released from gas hydrate dissociation during lowstand of sea level. The multi-channel seismic data show BSR, blanking and phase reversal. The gas hydrate layers above which large-scale shallow gases are distributed exist at the depth of about 200 m from the sea-floor with water depth of 2,100 m. From the interpretation of seismic sections in the southern Ulleung Basin, gas hydrate layers occur in the Pleistocene-Holocene sediments. These gas-charged sediments, acoustic anomalies and BSR may be all related to the existence of gas hydrate layers in the study area.

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Monitoring and Analyzing Water Area Variation of Lake Enriquillo, Dominican Republic by Integrating Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and MODIS Data

  • Kim, Sang Min;Yoon, Sang Hyun;Ju, Sungha;Heo, Joon
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2018
  • Lake Enriquillo, the largest lake in the Dominican Republic, recently has undergone unusual water area changes since 2001 thus it has been affected seriously by local community's livelihood. Earthquakes and seismic activities of Hispaniola plate tectonic coupled with human activities and climate change are addressed as factors causing the increasing. Thus, a thorough study on relationship between lake area changing, and those factors is needed urgently. To do so, this study applied MESMA on MODIS data to extract water area of Lake Enriquillo during 2001 and 2012 bimonthly, with six issues 12-year. MODIS provides high temporal resolution, and its coarse spatial resolution is compensated by MESMA fraction map. The increase in water area was $142.2km^2$, and the maximum lake area was $338.0km^2$ (in 2012). Water areas extracted by two Landsat scenes at two different times with three image classification approaches (ISODATA, MNDWI, and TCW) were used to assess accuracy of MODIS and MESMA results; it indicated that MESMA water areas are same as ISODATA's, less than 0.4%, while the highest difference is between MESMA and TCW, 2.4%. A number of previously formulated hypotheses of lake area change were investigated based on the outcomes of the present study, though none of them could fully explain the changes.