• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-efficiency heater

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A Theoretical and Experimental Study for the Design of Solar Air Heaters Using Porous Material (다공성 물질을 이용한 공기용 태양열 집열기의 설계를 위한 이론 및 실험적 연구)

  • Hwang, Yong-Ha;Park, Seung-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.336-345
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    • 1996
  • A theoretical and experimental study was conducted in order to design highly efficient solar air heaters using porous material. Radiative characteristics of glass windows and porous absorbing media were correlated through spectral transmittances measured by the UV-Visible and the FT-IR spectrometers. Using those characteristics the efficiencies of collectors were numerically calculated with the use of the two-flux radiation model. Based on the theoretical results, an experimental solar collector was designed and constructed. Experimental results under various conditions show that the daily efficiencies are over 60% in general and agree well with the theoretically calculated ones.

Assemblage and Driving Characteristics of a Ultrasonic Fabric Washing Machine (초음파 직물수세기의 구성 및 구동 특성)

  • 이춘길;이광수
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2000
  • A new, high-efficiency ultrasonic fabric washing machine was developed to be an energy-efficient washing machine and to enhance fabric washing quality in washing processes of the dyeing and finishing process in the textile industry. This system is composed of ultrasonic wave generator, air blowing nozzle, torque motor for fabric tension control, and enclosed washing bath, multi-tube type exchanger, noiseless heater, air cylinder, expander roller, mangle upper and lower rollers, bend bar, dancer, shower spray nozzle, and solenoid valve, and so on. These elements are synergised for fabric washing. One of the very important principles is the low tension fabric running system. For an efficient washing effect, a counter flow system is also adopted. The new system also adopts the dancer and torque motor to control fabric tension and prevent fabric creasing. Shower spray nozzle, counter flow and overflow apparatus, and air-blowing apparatus are adopted to enhance the fabric washing effect. In this study, peach yoryu, exter, and moss crepe fabrics were washed by the general and ultrasonic washing systems under different conditions respectively. The washing efficiency was affected by the fabric running speed and characteristics of fabrics. Size content after washing increased with increasing the fabric running speed. The values in the general washing system were higher than those of the ultrasonic washing system. The changes of conductivity in the ultrasonic and the cooling bath were affected by the running time under the ultrasonic generating. The values of conductivity decreased as the experimental time passed.

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A Study on the Performance of Ak Heaters -Black Coating Materials, Coating Methods and Structure of Air Path- (평판식 태양열 공기가열기의 성능에 관한 연구 -도장재료, 도장방법 및 공기통로 구조를 중심으로-)

  • 박종길;연광석;차균도
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 1979
  • In order to obtain the basic data for designing optimum flat plate solar air heaters, which can be operated with relatively low temperature for drying farm products, 8 different treatment of solar air heaters were devised and tested for their heating performances and efficiencies. The results were analised and summarized as follows. 1. The primary factors, structure of air path (C), black coating materials (A) and bottom coating methods (B) showed very high significant effect of far above 1% level. With respect to the mutual multiplying effect of secondary factors, 1% level of significance was found with coating materials and methods (AB), and 5% level of significance was found with coating materials and air path structure (AC). 2. The heating performance of the air heaters with winding air path showed about twice those with straight air path. 3. The Korean black ink which is less expensive than dim oil paint showed 3-4% better heating efficiencies as the black coating material of flat plate solar air heaters. 4. The heating efficiencies of the solar air heaters whose bottoms were not black coated were 2-3% higher than those with black coated bottoms. 5. The highest heating efficiency of solar air heater among 8 different treatment was found in the plot of Korean black ink-bottom not coated-winding air path showing 29.0-34.5%

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Enhancement of Burner Performance of Household Gas Fired Absorption Chiller/Heaters (가정용 가스 냉난방기용 연소기의 성능개선 연구)

  • Yoon, Young-Seok;You, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Tae-Han;Lee, Joong-Seong;Han, Jeong-Ok
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 1999
  • In order to enhance the burner performance of household gas fired absorption chiller/heaters, the operating condition(excess air $\approx$ 10%) of the burner currently being used was required to be optimized. In this regard, we examined where the $CO_{\min}$. emission limit was located between blow off and yellow tip limit and how much amount of excess air was exhausted by means of observing blow off and yellow tip limit. It was found that the $CO_{\min}$ limit(excess air ${\approx}$ 4%) was determined near the yellow tip limit. The effect of exhaust pressure on the $CO_{\min}$. limit was that, if exhaust pressure was higher than that in steady condition, higher air blower fan rpm is demanded to maintain the $CO_{\min}$ limit. Therefore, it was necessary to optimize the operating condition of burner in terms of a thermal efficiency and safety.

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A Study on the Improvement of High Temperature Bonding Performance of LCD Panel Bonding Equipment (LCD 패널 압착장비의 고온압착성능 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Il-Kwon;Kim, Dong-Min;Chae, Soo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2010
  • The bonding process of LCD panel is attaching an inner lead to an outer lead in the production line of LCD panel module. It is composed of an OLB process and a PCB bonding process. Since bonding tool assembly is one of the core parts of the bonding equipment that determines the durability and performance of the final product, much design efforts to enhance uniformity and efficiency of the process have been made. In this paper, FE analyses have been employed to determine the bonding tool size. Bonding tool of long bar shape has been simplified as a piece with same heater pitch, and appropriate boundary conditions such as convection and radiation are considered. Thermal analysis results by the FEM have been validated by the experiments. With the use of FE analysis varies design parameters and the corresponding effects have been evaluated. It was observed that the approach presented in this paper could be employed for the design of LCD module bonding tool.

An Experimental Study on the Manufacturing Method and Performance of Planar Thick Film Heaters for Electric Vehicle Heating (전기자동차의 난방용 면상 후막히터의 제조방법과 성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chae-Yeol Lee;Jong-Han Im;Jae-Wook Lee;Sang-Hee Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2024
  • Currently used heating elements are metal and non-metal heating elements, including various types of heaters, and resistance line heating elements have a problem of decreasing thermal efficiency over time, so to solve this problem, a planar heating element using high-purity carbon materials and oxidation-resistant inorganic compounds was applied. Through the manufacture of planar heating elements using CNT, ruthenium composite materials, and ruthenium oxide, physicochemical performance and capacity were increased, and instantaneous responsiveness was increased. Through thick film technology applicable to various base bodies, fine patterns were formed by the screening method in consideration of the fact that the performance of the heat source depends on the viscosity and pattern shape. The heating element was manufactured by thick film printing technology by mixing ruthenium oxide, CNT, Ag, etc. The characteristics of each paste were analyzed through viscosity measurement, and STS 430 was used as a base. Surface temperature and efficiency were measured by testing heaters manufactured for small wind tunnels and real-vehicle experiments. The surface temperature decreased as the air volume increased, and the optimal system boundary was found to be about 200 mm. Among the currently used heating elements, this paper manufactured a planar heating element using thick film technology to find out the relationship between air volume and temperature, and to study the surface temperature.

A CFD Analysis on Heat Transfer of High Temperature Steam through Interface with Superheater and SOEC for Hydrogen Production (SOEC에 과열기의 고온 스팀을 공급하는 Interface의 열전달에 관한 전산해석)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2020
  • There is a growing interest in hydrogen energy utilization since an alternative energy development has been demanded due to the depletion of fossil fuels. Hydrogen is produced by the reforming reaction of natural gas and biogas, and the electrolysis of water. An solid oxide electrolyte cell (SOEC) is reversible system that generates hydrogen by electrolyzing the superheated steam or producing the electricity from a fuel cell by hydrogen. If the water can be converted into steam by waste heat from other processes it is more efficient for high-temperature electrolysis to convert steam directly. The reasons are based upon the more favorable thermodynamic and electrochemical kinetic conditions for the reaction. In the present study, steam at over 180℃ and 3.4 bars generated from a boiler were converted into superheated steam at over 700℃ and 3 bars using a cylindrical steam superheater as well as the waste heat of the exhaust gas at 900℃ from a solid refuse fuel combustor. Superheated steam at over 700℃ was then supplied to a high-temperature SOEC to increase the hydrogen production efficiency of water electrolysis. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was conducted on the effects of the number of 90° elbow connector for piping, insulation types and insulation layers of pipe on the exit temperature using a commercial Fluent simulator. For two pre-heater injection method of steam inlet and ceramic wool insulation of 100 mm thickness, the highest inlet temperature of SOEC was 744℃ at 5.9 bar.

A Study on the Dieless Wire Drawing Using Microwave (마이크로웨이브를 이용한 Dieless Wire Drawing 에 대한 연구)

  • Huh You;Kim S.H.;Kim J.S.;Kim I.S.;Paik Y.N.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.942-945
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    • 2005
  • Micron-sized metal wires are widely used in industries such as filtration, catalyst and composite materials, etc. In the wire drawing process, the die that is used conventionally is an effective and, at the same time, sensitive component. However, a typical array of the dies has caused many problems in the wire drawing process, e.g., large frictional force on the interface between wire and the resulting high heat generation, precise adjustment of the dies, extended cooling system, die abrasion, etc.. Because of these problems, there have been many works that are aiming at improving the efficiency of wire drawing process by analyzing the die geometry and by applying advanced die material to prolong the die life or even at developing a dieless wire drawing system. This paper is dealing with developing a new wire drawing system that is applicable to reduce the wire drawing steps with high draw ratio. The new wire drawing system does not use the dies, but use the self-induced heater that works on the basis of the resonant phenomenon of wire material. The electromagnetic wave is the heating source. The results of the study on the diameter reduction and microwave flow analysis show that the heating effectiveness of the wire is influenced by the energy distribution in the microwave propagation chamber. We can obtain diameter-reduced wires by using microwave in the dieless drawing process. Microwave as a heating source is capable of producing wires without applying dies in wire drawing process.

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Characteristics of Heat Absorption by Gas in a Directly-irradiated Fluidized Bed Particle Receiver (태양열 유동층 흡열기의 기체 열흡수 특성)

  • Park, Sae Han;Kim, Sung Won
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2021
  • Characteristics of hydrodynamics and heat absorption by gas in a directly-irradiated fluidized bed particle receiver (50 mm-ID X 150 mm high) of SiC particles have been determined. Solid holdups of SiC particles show almost constant values with increasing gas velocity. Fine SiC particles (SiC II; dp=52 ㎛, ρs=2992 kg/㎥) showed low values of relative standard deviation of pressure drop across bed but high solids holdups in the freeboard region compared to coarse SiC particles (SiC I; dp=123 ㎛, ρs=3015 kg/㎥). The SiC II exhibited higher values of temperature difference normalized by irradiance due to the effect of additional solar heat absorption and heat transfer to the gas by the particles entrained in the freeboard region in addition to the efficient thermal diffusion of the solar heat received at bed surface. Heat absorption rate and efficiency increased with increasing the gas velocity and fluidization number. The SiC II showed maximum heat absorption rate of 17.8 W and thermal efficiency of 14.8%, which are about 33% higher than those of SiC I within the experimental gas velocity range.

Experimental Study on the Cooling and Heating Characteristics of System A/C Applying the Digital Scroll Compressor (디지털 스크롤 압축기를 적용한 시스템 에어컨의 냉난방특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Jeon, Yong-Ho;Kim, Dae-Hoon;Kwon, Young-Chul;Jang, Geun-Sun;Lee, Yoon-Soo;Moon, Je-Nyung;Yoon, Baek;Hong, Ju-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.454-460
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    • 2003
  • In order to investigate the cooling and heating characteristics of a variable-capacity system A/C applying a digital scroll compressor, the cooling and heating capacities and COP are measured by the psychrometric calorimeter. The capacity of the system is controlled by the digital scroll compressor, which is operated by controling PWM valve and the loading vs. unloading time. In the case of unloading compared that of loading, the consumption power of the compressor is about 11% and the capacity variation of the system A/C is within about 1%. When the system A/C is operated under the cooling and heating standard conditions, COP is nearly uniform but cooling capacity and heating capacity increase at minimum, rated and maximum modes. The system A/C applying the digital scroll compressor is effective for the range with high load or the width of large load variation. When the auxiliary heater is on, at the cold region, the system A/C produces the excellent heating capacity.