• Title/Summary/Keyword: High risk Infant

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The Identification of the High-Risk Pregnacy, Usign a Simplified Antepartum Risk-Scoring System (단순화된 산전위험득점체계를 이용한 고위험 임부의 확인)

  • Jo, Jeong-Ho
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to assess the problems with the pregnant women, and check out the risk-factors in the high-risk pregnancies, using a simplified antepartum risk-scoring system, which was revised from Edwards' scoring system to be suitable for Korean situaition. This instrument was included 4 categories, demographic, obstetric, medical and miscellaneous factors. This survey was based on the 1300 pregnant women who were admitted, $x^2$-test, F-test, Pearsons correation, using statistical package SAS in NAS computer system, KIST. The results of the study were as follows; 1. 1313 infants were deliveried of these 560 infants(42.7%) were born to mothers with risk-scores > 7, and 753 infants(57.3%) were born to mothers risk-scores <7. 2. Maternal age" parity, education level, of the demographic factors were significant relation statistically to identify the high risk pregnancies($X^2$=20.88, 42.87, 15.60 P < 0.01). 3. C-section, post term, incompetent cervix, uterine anomaly, polyhydramnios, congenital anomaly, sensitized RH negative, abortion, preeclampsia, excessive size infant, premature, low birth weight infanl, abnormal presentation, perinatal loss, multiple pregnancy, of the obstetric factors were significant relation statistically to identify the high risk-pregnancies. ($X^2$ = 175.96, 87.5, 16.28, 21.78, 9.46, 8. 10, 6.75, 22.9, 64.84, 6.93, 361.43, 185.55, 78.65, 45.52, P < 0.01). 4. Abnormal nutrition, anemia, UTI, other medicalcondition(pulmonary disease, severe influenza), heart disease, V.D., of the miscellaneous and medical factors, were significant relation statistically to identify the high risk-pregnancies. 5. Premature, low birth weight infant, contracted pelvis, abnormal presentation, of the risk factors were significantly related with Apgar score at 1 '||'&'||' 5 minute after birth and neonatal body weight. 6. Apgar score at 1 '||'&'||' 5 minute after, birth and neonatal body weight were significantly negative correlated with risk-score. 7. There were statistically significant difference between risk-score and Apgar score at 1 '||'&'||' 5 minute after birth, 3 group(0-3, 4-6, above 7), and neonatal body weight, 2 group(below 2.5kg, the other group) (F=104.65, 96.61, 284.92, P<0.01). 8. Apgar score at 1 '||'&'||' 5 minute after birth(below 7), and neonatal body weight(below 2.5kg), were significant relation statistically with risk score.($x^2$=65.99, 60.88, 177.07, P<0.01) were 60.8 %, 60% . 9. Correct classifications of morbid infants(l '||'&'||' 5 minute Apgar score < 7) were 77.8%, 83.8% and that of nonmorbid infants(l '||'&'||' 5 minute Apgar score > 7) were 60.8%, 60%. 10. There were statistically significant difference between dislribution of maternal risk-score among the morbid infants(l '||'&'||' 5 minute Apgar score < 7) and non morbid infants(l '||'&'||' 5 minute Apgar score> 7) ($x^2$=64.8, 58.8, P < 0.001). 11. There were statistically significant difference between distribution of morbid infants(l '||'&'||' 5 minute Apgar score < 7) and fetal death. 12. The predictivity for classifying high.risk cases was 12 % and for classifying low-risk cases was 98.3 % in 5 minute Apgar score. Suggestions for further studies are as follows; 1. Contineous prospective studies, using this newly revised scoring system are strongly recommended in the stetric service. 2. Besides risk facto~s used in this study, assessmenl of risks by factors in another scoring system and paralled studies related to perinatal outcome are strongly recommended.

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Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in Infant (1세이하의 총폐정맥 환류이상증의 완전교정)

  • 홍유선;박영환;임상현;조범구;노환규
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.1004-1008
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    • 1999
  • Background: Total anomalous pulmonary venous return is a relatively rare disease which has a very high mortality(80% within a year) if not properly corrected surgically. Material and Method: Twenty-six infants with total anomalous pulmonary venous return underwent repair between May, 1991 and February, 1996. Result: There were 19 boys and 7 girls. The mean age at operation was 2.6 months(range: 5 day to 11 month) and the mean body weight was 4.3kg(range:2.8 to 6.7 kg). Preoperative stabilization included ventilator for 5 patients and inotropic support for 6 patients. There were 6 hospital mortalities. Significant risk factors of operative mortality were preoperative ventilator care(p<0.03) and preoperative inotropic support(p<0.05). Age, body weight at operation, pulmonary venous obstruction, high pulmonary arterial pressure, spurasystemic right ventricular pressure or emergency operation did not affected the operative outcome. Postperative pulmonary venous obstruction occurred in three patients 2 or 3 months later, among them one patient was reoperated. The actuarial survival was 76% at 40 months. Conclusion: Although early mortality was high, repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous return should be attempted in early life, but the patients receiving ventilator care or inotropic support need special attention.

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A Cancer Risk Assessment of Di (2- ethylhexyl ) -phthalate - Application of MOE (Margin of Exposure) Approach (Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate의 발암위해성평가 - MOE(Margin of Exposure) 방법론의 활용 -)

  • 최시내;이효민;윤은경;서경원;김효정;박종세
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2002
  • The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) characterized the cancer hazard of di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP) as a B2 group (probable human carcinogen) and proposed "Guide-lines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment". This guidelines proposed alternative methods for analyzing carcinogen dose-response data and for extrapolating the effects of observed at high dose to predict that might occur at lower doses relevant to human exposure. This proposed guidelines state that "If in a particular case, the evidence indicated a threshold, as in the case of carcinogenicity being secondary to another toxicity that has a threshold, the margin of exposure analysis for toxicity is the same as is done for a non-cancer endpoint". DEHP is excellent candidate for reconideration under the new guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment (John Doull et al., 1998). This study is conducted about risk assessment for infant exposure on DEHP in powdered milk wing methodology in EPA's new guideline on carcinogenic risk assessment. Estimated cancer risk of DEHP in powdered milk and cow milk is 2.83$\times$$10^5$ (using cancer potency: 1.4$\times$$10^2$/ (mg/kg/day)) as mean and MOE is 12075 (using selected NOEL 20 mg/kg/day) as mean. mg/kg/day) as mean.

K-BSID-II Performance in Normal and High Risk Infants : A Three Year Longitudinal Data Analysis (정상 영아 및 장애 위험 영아의 한국 Bayley 영유아발달검사(K-BSID-II) 수행 비교 : 3년 종단자료분석)

  • Park Choi, Hyewon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2006
  • Stability of the Korean Bayley Scale of Infant Development-II was tested in 305 infants by two measurements of varying intervals over a span of 5-36 months. Stability of K-BSID-II performance was r=.62(p<.01), r=.08(p<.18), r=.69(p<.01), r=.18(p<.01) for mental scale raw scores, mental scale index scores (MDI), psycho-motor scale raw scores and psycho-motor scale index scores(PDI), respectively. Stability was higher for the shorter test-retest interval group. Correlations between raw scores among infants with retest intervals of more than 2 years were stable on both mental and psycho-motor scales. MDI showed higher stability among high-risk infants than normal infants while PDI showed higher stability among normal infants. Testers and researchers should use both raw scores and index scores for better interpretations.

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Evaluation of Mental Status in High-Risk Neonates using Infants Coma Scale (고위험신생아의 의식수준 사정을 위한 Infants Coma Scale의 개발과 적용)

  • Ahn, Young-Mee;Sohn, Min;Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.561-570
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This was a cross sectional descriptive study to introduce the Infants Coma Scale (ICS), describe mental status of high risk infants using ICS and explore the relationships between ICS and clinical variables in infants hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit of a university hospital in Korea. Methods: After ICS was developed and tested by the authors, a research nurse evaluated the mental status of the infants using the English version of ICS and obtained clinical information on the infants from their medical records. Results: Data from 88 infants were analyzed. About 60% were male, 90% were preterm births, and 40% had pathologic abnormalities. Their mean gestational age was 32.4 (${\pm}3.50$) weeks and the mean birth weight was 1,842 (${\pm}728.6$) grams. The Cronbach's alpha for the ICS was .78. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between ICS total score and five clinical variables including gestational age, birth weight, 1 and 5 min Apgar scores and respiration status. Conclusion: Mental status is an important parameter in nursing assessment. ICS is a valid and reliable instrument, which clinicians can easily use to evaluate the mental status of high risk infants.

A Case Report of Preterm Labor Patient at High Risk for Preterm Delivery Treated by Combination of Herbal Medicine and Conventional Treatment (한양방 병용 치료로 임신 유지된 조산 고위험군의 조기진통 환자 1례 보고)

  • Jo, Jun-Young;Park, Kyoung-Sun;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Lee, Jin-Moo
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to report the effect of combination of herbal medicine and conventional treatment on preterm labor patient at high risk for preterm delivery. Methods: The patient in this case was 33-year-old female with gravid 3, para 2, abortus 1. She experienced 1 preterm birth 5 years ago. She visited our clinic with lower abdominal pain at 14th gestational week. We treated her by herbal medicine. She also take vaginal progesterone from 19th gestational week to 34th gestational week. Results: She maintained her pregnancy until giving a birth by cesarean section at 38th gestational week. No adverse effects were not observed among mother or infant. Conclusions: Combination of herbal medicine and conventional treatment is effective on preterm labor patient at high risk for preterm delivery.

Effect of Breast-feeding Education and Follow-up care on the Breast-feeding Rate and the Breast-feeding Method - Focused on Home Visit and Phone Counselling - (모유수유교육과 추후간호방법이 산모의 모유수유실천율과 모유수유방법에 미치는 효과 - 가정방문과 전화상담을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sook-Hee;Koh, Hyo-Jung
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2001
  • This was a pre-experimental study to confirm the breast-feeding ability and effect of follow up care on the breast-feeding rate and the breast-feeding method by the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool for the mothers who got the breast-feeding education. The subjects were 46 mothers who experienced normal delivery of infants at a college hospital in K-city, Kyungsangbuk-do, from July 1 to October 21, 2000. The instrument for data obtainment were The Mother-Infant Breast-Feeding Assessment Tool of Johnson et al. (1999), and The Breast- Feeding Method Measurement Tool of Jeong, Geum-hee(1997). This instrument was reliable, showing Cronbach $\alpha$.751. This study classified them into 3 groups: at high risk for breast-feeding failure, at risk for breast-feeding problems, and at low risk for breast-feeding failure by the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool on the day of discharge from the hospital after delivering individual breast-feeding education to the subjects. This study investigated the breast-feeding rate and the breast-feeding method through mail questionnaire at the four week after childbirth, and through the phone counselling and the home visit for follow up care at the first week and the second week after childbirth. The sixth week after childbirth, this study investigated the breast-feeding rate by phone. The data analyzed the hypothesizes by $x^2$-test, paired t-test, ANOVA, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test and trend analysis using SPSS/PC+ WIN 10.0 program. The results were as follows : 1) Hypothesis 1-1, "there won't be any difference the breast-feeding rate of a group at risk for breast-feeding failure by the time elapsed" was supported through constant the breast-feeding rate, because changes in the breast-feeding rate by the time elapsed after childbirth wasn't statistically significant(t= -1.501, p=.270). Hypothesis 1-2, "there won't be any difference the breast-feeding rate of group at low risk for breast-feeding failure by the time elapsed" was supported through constant the breast-feeding rate, because changes in the breast-feeding rate by the time elapsed after childbirth wasn't statistically significant(t=-1.732, p=.225). 2) Hypothesis 2-1, "there won't be any difference between the breast-feeding method of group at risk for breast-feeding failure for four weeks after childbirth and just after childbirth” was rejected, because the mean point of post test appeared to be higher than that of pre test(t=-7.267, p=.000). Hypothesis 2-2, "there won't be any difference between the breast-feeding method of the group at low risk for breast-feeding failure for four weeks after childbirth and just after childbirth" was rejected, because the mean point of post test appeared to be higher than that of pre test(t=-2.501, p=.012). 3)The 3rd hypothesis, "there won't be any difference between breast-feeding method of groups at risk for breast-feeding problems and at low risk for breast-feeding failure at the 4th week after childbirth and just after childbirth" didn't show any difference between the breast-feeding method of groups at risk for breast-feeding problems and at low risk for breast-feeding failure in the advance test(t=-1.521, p=.130) but there was difference between them in post test (t=-2.012, p=.044). As a result, the 3rd hypothesis was supported by pre test, but it was rejected by post test. In conclusion, this study confirmed breast- feeding education and follow up care just after childbirth were effective for the breast-feeding rate and method. Accordingly, it is proposed that successful nursing intervention of breast-feeding to be necessary by continuously providing follow up care through the mother-infant breast-feeding assessment tool as well as to execute individual breast-feeding education to mothers just after childbirth.

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Analysis and Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Infant Formula (분유 중 아플라톡신 M1 분석 및 위해평가)

  • Kang, YoungWoon;Song, Jeong-Eon;Suh, Junghyuck;Park, Sung Kug;Kim, Meehye
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2013
  • To analyze aflatoxin $M_1$ ($AFM_1$), we dissolved infant formula in warm water and cleaned it by using an immunoaffinity column (IAC). The amount of $AFM_1$ was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection. $AFM_1$ was detected in 281 of 439 samples. Thus, the detection rate of $AFM_1$ was 64.0%. The average concentration of $AFM_1$ in positive samples was 2.6 ng/kg (of prepared formula). The estimated daily intake (EDI) of $AFM_1$ through infant formula was 0.087-0.646 ng/kg body weight/day and the additional number of cases of liver cancer associated with exposure to $AFM_1$ would be 0.003-0.020 cancer cases/1,000,000. Because there is less than 1 cancer case/1,000,000 per year, the exposure to $AFM_1$ through infant formula in Korea is considered to be an unlikely human health concern.

The studies about the weight-changes during pregnancy and the condition of mother and infant (임신 중 체중변화와 임부 및 신생아 상태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Hee
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2001
  • This research is to study about the weight-change of a pregnant woman, conditions of the woman and an infant. The weight-change of a mother during pregnancy was observed and that was expressed as the basis on the body mass index of a mother before pregnancy. The effects of weight-changes on both the discomfort, complications of pregnant mother and the condition of an infant were also investigated. Thus we set a purpose that this study would help pregnant woman and an infant to maintain and enhance their health conditions by proper weight control through nursing mediation. This study was performed in a certain hospital of university in seoul from Feb. 1. 2000 to Mar. 31. 2000. We explained the purpose of this study to the hospital institution and obtained consent of investigation. 152 inpatients who were in condition from PA 37 weeks to PA 42 weeks were the subject of this study. The research materials were made through of question paper that inpatients make answer by themselves and investigation paper. The question paper was about general background, weight and height before pregnancy and discomfort of the physical degree. And the investigation paper was about parity, maternal weight(late pregnancy), high pregnancy, delivery method, hemoglobin level, Apgar score, fetal weight. Physical discomfort was measured using the implement made by Kim hae won(1996) (chronbach's ${\alpha}=0.85$). SPSS was used to do statistics for managing and analyzing data. The results of this study were like followings. 1. The mean value of gained weight during pregnancy was about 13.8kg within from 3 kg to 26 kg. Among 152 research candidates, the gained weight of 80(52.6%) candidates remained within an ideal range. But that of 37 candidates(24.3%) became less than the ideal range. Also that of 35 candidates(23.0%) became over than the ideal range. 2. In the investigation of the relation between the weight change of a pregnant woman and her condition, the scores to represent physical discomfort were middle in all candidates. And the physical discomfort of over weight-gained group was more than that of low weight-gained group, but there was no difference in statistics(F=0.234, p=0.791). The weight-changes of pregnant woman didn't have an influence with the high risk of pregnancy(F=0.509, p=0.477). Also, the weight-changes didn't have an influence on delivery method($x^2=3.825$, p=0.148). However, in the investigation of the relation between weight-change and hemoglobin level, the change of hemoglobin level was highest in over weight gained group(F=3.062, p=0.05). 3. In the investigation of the weight-change of pregnant woman and the condition of infant. the weight changes didn't have an influence on both 1 min Apgar score(F=0.157, p=0.855) and 5 min Apgar score(F=0.030, p=0.970) of infant. Also, in the investigation of weight-change of a pregnant woman and weight difference of a infant with Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the weight-change of a pregnant woman affected vastly the weight of a infant. It was also found that the more pregnant woman gained in weight, the more did gain weighty infants. This relation was in net proportion(r=0.256, p=0.001). In conclusion, these results suggest that the weight-changes during pregnancy in Korea women of these days are more increased than that of the past days and individual variation in weight-changes is very high. Also, these results suggest that the changed hemoglobin level of a mother and weight of an infant were meaningfully affected by the weight-changes of a pregnant woman during pregnancy. However, the physical discomfort of a pregnant woman, the high risks of pregnancy, the delivery method and Apgar score of an infant were not affected by the weight-changes during pregnancy. Because the recommendation suggesting the ideal weight-change, used this study, is basis on the subject of American women, therefore, these results also suggest the necessity of such recommendation which is subject to Korean women.

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Vitamin D deficiency in infants aged 1 to 6 months

  • Choi, You Jin;Kim, Moon Kyu;Jeong, Su Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to recognize the state of vitamin D among healthy infants aged 1 to 6 months in South Korea, and also to identify the risk factors affecting the level of vitamin D. Methods: A total of 117 infants were enrolled in this study for 12 months, from March 1, 2011 to February 29, 2012. Serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D), calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase were measured and data including birth weight, body weight, sex, feeding pattern, delivery mode, siblings and maternal age and occupation were collected. Data was mainly analyzed with independent t-test model. Results: We determined that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (serum 25[OH]D<20 ng/mL [50 mmol/L]) was 48.7% in the population investigated. Particularly in breastfed infants, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was strikingly high (90.4%). The mean serum level of 25(OH)D in breastfed infants was lower than that of formula fed infants (9.35 ng/mL vs. 28.79 ng/mL). Also female infants showed lower mean serum level of 25(OH)D than male. Mean serum values of calcium and phosphorus had positive correlation with vitamin D state (P<0.001). Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency was found to be very common in infants aged 1 to 6 months in South Korea, and breast feeding was the most critical risk factor of vitamin D deficiency. Therefore we suggest to start vitamin D supplementation in South Korea, as soon as possible, to all infants, including breastfed and female infants.