• Title/Summary/Keyword: High resolution satellite

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A Semi-Automatic Building Modeling System Using a Single Satellite Image (단일 위성 영상 기반의 반자동 건물 모델링 시스템)

  • Oh, Seon-Ho;Jang, Kyung-Ho;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.6
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    • pp.451-462
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    • 2009
  • The spread of satellite image increases various services using it. Especially, 3D visualization services of the whole earth such as $Google\;Earth^{TM}$ and $Virtual\;Earth^{TM}$ or 3D GIS services for several cities provide realistic geometry information of buildings and terrain of wide areas. These service can be used in the various fields such as urban planning, improvement of roads, entertainment, military simulation and emergency response. The research about extracting the building and terrain information effectively from the high-resolution satellite image is required. In this paper, presents a system for effective extraction of the building model from a single high-resolution satellite image, after examine requirements for building model extraction. The proposed system utilizes geometric features of satellite image and the geometric relationship among the building, the shadow of the building, the positions of the sun and the satellite to minimize user interaction. Finally, after extracting the 3D building, the fact that effective extraction of the model from single high-resolution satellite will be show.

Supervised Classification Systems for High Resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상을 위한 감독분류 시스템)

  • 전영준;김진일
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we design and Implement the supervised classification systems for high resolution satellite images. The systems support various interfaces and statistical data of training samples so that we can select the m()st effective training data. In addition, the efficient extension of new classification algorithms and satellite image formats are applied easily through the modularized systems. The classifiers are considered the characteristics of spectral bands from the selected training data. They provide various supervised classification algorithms which include Parallelepiped, Minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, Maximum likelihood and Fuzzy theory. We used IKONOS images for the input and verified the systems for the classification of high resolution satellite images.

Recent Trend of the Configuration Design of High Resolution Earth Observation Satellites (고해상도 지구관측위성 본체 형상설계 동향)

  • Lim, Jae-Hyuk;Kim, Kyung-Won;Kim, Sun-Won;Kim, Jin-Hee;Hwang, Do-Soon
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2010
  • The goal of the paper is to discuss the recent trend of the configuration of high resolution LEO(Low Earth Orbit) EO(Earth Observation) satellites. The satellite configuration is decided by considering several factors such as mission, payloads, launch vehicle, propulsion and attitude control module. The advent of commercial companies selling satellite's images in 2000's requires additional changes of the satellite system to be capable of obtaining many high resolution images quickly. In order to meet customer's needs, the overall configuration of satellites is designed to be compact and stable without the loss of structural integrity and reliability. Among design changes, the configuration change of satellites is treated intensively in the paper.

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Application of Multi-Class AdaBoost Algorithm to Terrain Classification of Satellite Images

  • Nguyen, Ngoc-Hoa;Woo, Dong-Min
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.536-543
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    • 2014
  • Terrain classification is still a challenging issue in image processing, especially with high resolution satellite images. The well-known obstacles include low accuracy in the detection of targets, especially for the case of man-made structures, such as buildings and roads. In this paper, we present an efficient approach to classify and detect building footprints, foliage, grass and road from high resolution grayscale satellite images. Our contribution is to build a strong classifier using AdaBoost based on a combination of co-occurrence and Haar-like features. We expect that the inclusion of Harr-like feature improves the classification performance of the man-made structures, since Haar-like feature is extracted from corner features and rectangle features. Also, the AdaBoost algorithm selects only critical features and generates an extremely efficient classifier. Experimental result indicates that the classification accuracy of AdaBoost classifier is much higher than that of the conventional classifier using back propagation algorithm. Also, the inclusion of Harr-like feature significantly improves the classification accuracy. The accuracy of the proposed method is 98.4% for the target detection and 92.8% for the classification on high resolution satellite images.

Object-oriented Classification and QuickBird Multi-spectral Imagery in Forest Density Mapping

  • Jayakumar, S.;Ramachandran, A.;Lee, Jung-Bin;Heo, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2007
  • Forest cover density studies using high resolution satellite data and object oriented classification are limited in India. This article focuses on the potential use of QuickBird satellite data and object oriented classification in forest density mapping. In this study, the high-resolution satellite data was classified based on NDVI/pixel based and object oriented classification methods and results were compared. The QuickBird satellite data was found to be suitable in forest density mapping. Object oriented classification was superior than the NDVI/pixel based classification. The Object oriented classification method classified all the density classes of forest (dense, open, degraded and bare soil) with higher producer and user accuracies and with more kappa statistics value compared to pixel based method. The overall classification accuracy and Kappa statistics values of the object oriented classification were 83.33% and 0.77 respectively, which were higher than the pixel based classification (68%, 0.56 respectively). According to the Z statistics, the results of these two classifications were significantly different at 95% confidence level.

An Open Standard-based Terrain Tile Production Chain for Geo-referenced Simulation

  • Yoo, Byoung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2008
  • The needs for digital models of real environment such as 3D terrain or cyber city model are increasing. Most of applications related with modeling and simulation require virtual environment constructed from geospatial information of real world in order to guarantee reliability and accuracy of the simulation. The most fundamental data for building virtual environment, terrain elevation and orthogonal imagery is acquired from optical sensor of satellite or airplane. Providing interoperable and reusable digital model is important to promote practical application of high-resolution satellite imagery. This paper presents the new research regarding representation of geospatial information, especially for 3D shape and appearance of virtual terrain. and describe framework for constructing real-time 3D model of large terrain based on high-resolution satellite imagery. It provides infrastructure of 3D simulation with geographical context. Web architecture, XML language and open protocols to build a standard based 3D terrain are presented. Details of standard-based approach for providing infrastructure of real-time 3D simulation using high-resolution satellite imagery are also presented. This work would facilitate interchange and interoperability across diverse systems and be usable by governments, industry scientists and general public.

Spatial Pattern Analysis of High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Level Index Approach using Variogram

  • Yoo, Hee-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2006
  • A traditional image analysis or classification method using satellite imagery is mostly based on the spectral information. However, the spatial information is more important according as the resolution is higher and spatial patterns are more complex. In this study, we attempted to compare and analyze the variogram properties of actual high resolution imageries mainly in the urban area. Through the several experiments, we have understood that the variogram is various according to a sensor type, spatial resolution, a location, a feature type, time, season and so on and shows the information related to a feature size. With simple modeling, we confirmed that the unique variogram types were shown unlike the classical variogram in case of small subsets. Based on the grasped variogram characteristics, we made a level index map for determining urban complexity or land-use classification. These results will become more and more important and be widely applied to the various fields of high-resolution imagery such as KOMPSAT-2 and KOMPSAT-3 which is scheduled to be launched.

Analysis of Tidal Channel Variations Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Satellite Image in Sihwa Reclaimed Land, South Korea (고해상도 다분광 인공위성영상자료 기반 시화 간척지 갯골 변화 양상 분석)

  • Jeong, Yongsik;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Yu, Jaehyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1605-1613
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    • 2020
  • The tidal channel is a coastal sedimentary terrain that plays the most important role in the formation and development of tidal flats, and is considered a very important index for understanding and distribution of tidal flat sedimentation/erosion terrain. The purpose of this study is to understand the changes in tidal channels by a period after the opening of the floodgate of the seawall in the reclaimed land of Sihwa Lake using KOMPSAT high-resolution multispectral satellite image data and to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of high-resolution satellite images. KOMPSAT 2 and 3 images were used for extraction of the tidal channels' lineaments in 2009, 2014, and 2019 and were applied to supervised classification method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Net (ANN), Matched Filtering (MF), and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and band ratio techniques using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and MF/SAM. For verification, a numerical map of the National Geographic Information Service and Landsat 7 ETM+ image data were utilized. As a result, KOMPSAT data showed great agreement with the verification data compared to the Landsat 7 images for detecting a direction and distribution pattern of the tidal channels. However, it has been confirmed that there will be limitations in identifying the distribution of tidal channels' density and providing meaningful information related to the development of the sedimentary process. This research is expected to present the possibility of utilizing KOMPSAT image-based high-resolution remote exploration as a way of responding to domestic intertidal environmental issues, and to be used as basic research for providing multi-platform-image-based convergent thematic maps and topics.

Development of Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval R&E Program using High-Resolution Satellite Data for Science-Gifted Student (고해상도 위성자료를 활용한 과학 영재 대상 해수면 온도 산출 R&E 프로그램 개발)

  • 장재철;박경애;최도영
    • School Science Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2018
  • R&E (Research and Education) program has been emphasized since it can improve student's scientific thinking, problem solving ability, and creativity, with providing diverse opportunities for scientific research experiences that are difficult to access in this curriculum. In this study, we reconstructed a method of calculating high resolution sea surface temperature data in the coastal region around Korea using satellite data, and developed it into a R&E program for science-gifted students. In order to calculate the high resolution sea surface temperature data in the seas around Gyeonggi Bay and to understand the spatio-temporal distribution, 9 Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager and Thermal InfraRed Sensor) satellite data were collected from December 21, 2013 to November 30, 2017. To understand the accurate sea surface temperature distribution, land area was masked by using SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data, tidal flat was detected by applying the land use classification algorithm, and cloud was removed by applying a threshold to visible wavelength band of Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite. High resolution sea surface temperature data in the seas around Gyeonggi Bay was calculated by applying MCSST (Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature) to preprocessed Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite data. In order to develop the R&E program that can be used practically, we simplified the research process and developed learning worksheets suitable for each research stage so that students can perform the research process step by step. We conducted R&E program for students of science and gifted students from June 24, 2017 to January 13, 2018 and confirmed the applicability of R&E program based on satellite data.

Electronic System Design of SRI (Super Resolution Imager) for satellite

  • Park Jong-Euk;Kong Jong-Pil;Heo Haeng-Pal;Kim Young Sun;Youn Heong-Sik;Paik Hong Yul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.483-485
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    • 2004
  • The SRI (Super Resolution Imager) is the development project for the next generation satellite camera. This camera has more high resolution than the present satellite camera. It's used by very accurate observation and other multi-purposes. In this paper, the SRI electronic system is described in terms of H/W (Configuration and Function operation).

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