• Title/Summary/Keyword: Herniation

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Hydroxyurea Treatment for Unresectable and Recurrent Meningiomas - Preliminary Report - (재발하였거나 수술적 제거가 불가능한 뇌수막종에 대한 Hydroxyurea 치료 - Preliminary Report -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Oh-Lyong;Kim, Seong-Ho;Bae, Jang-Ho;Choi, Byung-Yon;Cho, Soo-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.30 no.sup1
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    • pp.120-123
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : The present study was performed to analyze results of hydroxyurea treatment for unresectable and recurrent meningiomas as adjuvant chemotherapeutic agent. Material and Methods : Among 87 cases of meningioma patients who treated surgically between Jauary 1988 and December 1997 in our department, unresectable and recurrent cases were 4 cases. Histologically, 3 cases were meningothelial type, 1 case was angiomatous type. Tumor orgin was cerebellopontine angle(CPA) in 3 cases, cavernous sinus in 1 case. Three of 4 cases received radiation treatment. All patients received a daily dosage of 20mg/kg/day of hydroxyurea. Hematological monitorning was performed monthly and tumor measurement was assessed by MR imaging before treatment and every 6 months. Mean follow-up period was 34 months. Rerults : All cases showed no enlargement of tumor mass without any shrinkage. Trigeminal neuralgia in 1 case was improved and external herniation of brain on craniectomy site in 1 case was shrunken. None of the patients had any serious side effects. White blood cell count fell below $3000/{\mu}l$ in 1 case, but recovered 2 weeks later with cessation of medication. Conclusion : Hydroxyurea stopped cell growth by triggering the apoptotic cascade. Our preliminary data indicate that hydroxyurea provides adjuvant medical treatment in patients of unresectable and recurrent meningiomas

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The Surgical Outcome of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (흉곽출구증후군 환자의 수술성적)

  • Hwang Jung Joo;Joung Eun Kyu;Paik Hyo Chae;Lee Doo Yun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.12 s.257
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    • pp.844-848
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    • 2005
  • Background: Thoracic outlet syndrome(TOS) is caused by the compression of neurovascular structures that supply to the upper extremities. Only a few reports have been published in Korea, and this study attempts to investigate the clinical aspects and results of the patients who underwent surgical treatment. Material and Method: This study consist of 16 patients who underwent operations for thoracic outlet syndrome from May, 2002 to October, 2004. The surgical indications were confined to patients with: 1) symptom too severe to perform ordinary daily life because of pain, paresthesia, edema of upper extremities, 2) no improvement after proper physical therapy, 3) definite finding of compression confined by radiologic examinations (MRI, angiography, etc), and 4) no other diseases such as cervical intervertebral herniation, myositis, neurologic diseases below the brachial plexus. The surgical approaches were by transaxillary approaches in 12 cases, supraclavicular approaches in 2 cases, and infraciavicular approaches in 2 cases. Result: There were 15 males and one female with an average age of 23.9 years (range:19$\∼$39). Rib anomalies were observed in four cases (25.0$\%$), but the others had no abnormal ribs. Right lesions were found in eight cases (50.0$\%$), left lesions in five cases (31.3$\%$), and bilateral lesions in three cases (18.7$\%$). The follow-up period was 9$\∼$26 months and recurrence rate was 12.5$\%$ (2/16). Complications were one case of ulnar nerve palsy, one case of persistent pain despite radiologic improvement and three cases of wound dehiscence due to fat necrosis and hematoma. Conclusion: Although the choice of treatment in patients with TOS has been disputed, patients who have no response with proper physical therapies can benefit from the surgical treatment which may help patients to return to normal daily activity in shorter period of time.

Comparative study of acupuncture and invasive laser acupuncture therapy at $SI_3$.$BL_{40}$ on the tibial, sural nerve injury and L5 spinal nerve ligation model in rats (백서(白鼠)의 신경병리성(神經病理性) 동통(疼痛)에 대한 후계(後谿).위중(委中) 혈위(穴位) 호침료법(毫鍼療法)과 레이저 침습조사(侵襲照射) 침료법(鍼療法)과의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Wei, Tung-Sheun;Youn, Dae-Hwan;Youn, Yeo-Chung;Na, Chang-Su
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.9-24
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    • 2005
  • Objective: We have studied the effects of acupuncture and low level He-Ne laser therapy(LLLT) at $SI_3$, $BL_{40}$ on the tibial, sural nerve injury due to sports-damage or traffic accident and L5 spinal nerve ligature model like general herniation of nucleus pulposus(HNP) in a rat of neuopathic pain. Methods: A model of neuropathic pain was made by injuring tibial nerve and sural nerve while common peroneal nerve was maintained. Also, it was made by isolating left 5th lumbar spinal nerve. Three weeks after the neuropathic surgery, acupuncture and LLLT was injected at $SI_3$,$BL_{40}$ one time a day for one week. LLLT was divided three groups, that is LLLT-1(5mW), LLLT-2(10mW) and LLLT-3(30mW). After that, we examined the withdrawal response of neuropathic rats' legs by Von frey filament and acetone stimulation. And also we examined c-Fos, Nocieptin and KOR-3 in the midbrain central gray of neuropathic rats. Results: As we have observed the effect of mechanical allodynia, LLLT-3 group were diminished on 4 day, 5 day, 6 day and 7 day in the resection model compared with control model, LLLT-1 group were diminished on 5 day, LLLT-2 group were diminished on 3 day and 6 day, LLLT-3 group were diminished on 3 day, 4 day, 5 day, 6 day and 7 day in connected model compared with control group. As we have observed the effect of cold allodynia, LLLT-3 group were diminished on 7 day in the resection model compared with control model, LLLT-1 group were diminished on 6 day, 7 day, LLLT-3 group were diminished on 7 day in connected model compared with control group. As we have observed the effect of activity of c-Fos in the central gray part, LLLT-3 were diminished in resection model compared with control group, LLLT-1 group were diminished in connected model compared with control group. As we have observed the effect of activity of Nociceptin in the central gray part, resection model were not increased compared with control group, LLLT-1 group and LLLT-3 group were increased in connected model compared with control model. As we have observed the effect of activity of KOR-3 in the central gray part, resection model were not increased compared with control group, LLLT-3 group were increased in connected model compared with control model. Conclusions: We have noticed that LLLT-1 and LLLT-3 group have more controllable effect than acupuncture group. This study can be used in clinical therapy for neuropathic pain. But it is not reliability that Nociceptin and KOR-3 have effectively to control pain. Therefore We have to follow up about that.

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Utility of Ultrasonography-guided Facet Joint Block in Chronic Cervical Spinal Pain (만성 경추 동통 환자에서 초음파를 이용한 후관절 차단술의 진단 및 치료적 유용성)

  • Kim, Tae Kyun;Shim, Dae Moo;Oh, Sung Kyun;Choi, Byong San;Han, Sang Su
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: In patients with chronic cervical pain, the facet joint is the source of the majority. Due to the difficulty of identifying the exact location of the joint that causes these symptoms, the possibility of complications and the placebo effect brings clinical application into question. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of patients with chronic cervical pain and report the diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness of ultrasonography - guided facet joint block therapy. Materials and Methods: Patients with nonspecific chronic cervical pain for more than 6 months were selected. Patients with disc herniation, sciatica-related pain were excluded from the study and 160 patients who failed in conservative treatment (physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, medication) were included in the study. Diagnostic Ultrasonography-guided facet joint block was performed with 1% lidocaine, and after two weeks, Bupivacaine 0.25% was used in patients who tested positive for lidocaine. Patients with more than 75% pain reduction during movement after facet joint block were considered positive. Results: Among the 160 patients with chronic cervical pain, 96 patients(60%) had a positive reaction after facet block using lidocaine. Among the 64 patients with a negative reaction to lidocaine, 48 patients(75%) had a positive reaction to bupivacaine. There were 48 false positive patients(50%) who showed a positive reaction to lidocaine but a negative reaction to bupivacaine. The mean VAS of the total 160 patients before blocks was 8.5, after 2 weeks follow up it decreased to 2.7 (p = 0.001) and after 4weeks 3.6 (p = 0.001). The 8 patients as an initial improvement of symptoms are not satisfied with the procedure and the 3 patients had been worsened during observation, were showed pain relief after additional ultrasonography-guided facet joint block at 4th week. Conclusion: A single ultrasonography-guided block to chronic cervical pain patients has relatively low diagnostic value since high false positive rate. The twice facet joint blocks is thought to be a useful method for interventional pain management of patients with chronic cervical pain.

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The Relationship between Neural Foraminal Stenosis and Imaging Features of Lumbar Spine MRI in Patients Older Than 60 Years with Lumbar Radiculopathy (요추신경근병증이 있는 60세 이상의 환자에서 신경공 협착과 자기공명영상 평가를 통한 인자와의 상관관계)

  • Kyeyoung Lee;Hee Seok Jeong;Chankue Park;Maeran Kim;Hwaseong Ryu;Jieun Roh;Jeong A Yeom;Jin Hyeok Kim;Tae Un Kim;Chang Ho Jeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.862-875
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    • 2021
  • Purpose To investigate the MRI features associated with neural foraminal stenosis (NFS) in patients older than 60 years with lumbar (L) radiculopathy. Materials and Methods This study included 133 retrospectively selected patients older than 60 years with lumbar radiculopathy who had undergone a lumbar spine MRI (from January 2018 to April 2018). For L4/L5 and L5/sacral (S)1 levels, NFS was reviewed blindly by two radiologists. Spondylolisthesis, retrolisthesis, disc height loss, disc bulging/herniation/central canal stenosis, ligamentum flavum thickening, and facet hypertrophy were evaluated separately for the NFS and non-NFS groups, and they were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. Results The univariate analysis revealed that disc height loss (p = 0.006) was associated with NFS for L4/L5. For L5/S1, both spondylolisthesis (p = 0.005) and facet hypertrophy (p = 0.006) were associated with NFS. The multivariate logistic analysis revealed that disc height loss was associated with NFS for L4/L5 [odds ratio (OR) = 4.272; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.736-10.514]. For L5/S1, spondylolisthesis (OR = 3.696; 95% CI 1.297-10.530) and facet hypertrophy (OR = 6.468; 95% CI 1.283-32.617) were associated with NFS. Conclusion Disc height loss was associated with NFS for L4/L5 and spondylolisthesis and facet hypertrophy were associated with NFS for L5/S1.