• Title/Summary/Keyword: Helical scan grinding

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Experiments on the Grinding Conditions for Helical Scan Grinding of a Glass Material (유리 재료의 헬리컬 스캔 연삭 조건 실험)

  • Lee, Dae-Uk;O, Chang-Jin;Lee, Eung-Seok;Kim, Ok-Hyeon;Kim, Seong-Cheong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2001
  • In normal grinding abrasive particles of a grinding wheel rotate on planes parallel to the direction of workpiece fred. which may induce continued scratch lines on ground surface as the workpiece feeds. Instead in helical scan grinding the planes make an angle, called a helical angle, with the feeding direction. Thus scratch lines produced by abrasive particles per one revolution are discontinued which implies that the generation of scratch lines are suppressed by the helical scan grinding. In this study some experimental works have been done on the helical scan grinding of glass to find the effects of grinding conditions on the surface roughness and estimate the optimal grinding conditions. The helical angle, fred rate, material removal rate and the wheel speed are taken as factors for three kinds of grinding wheels i.e., coarse(#140 mesh), medium(#400) and fine(#800) diamond wheels. The experiments are scheduled by Taguchi technique and ANOVA has been carried out for the interpretation of the results. As a result of this study effects of the factors are verified quantitatively showing that the major factors are changed according to the wheel's mesh size and the helical angle is one of the influencing factors on the surface quality.

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Optimal Grinding Condition Using the Design of Experiments (실험계획법을 이용한 최적연삭조건)

  • 이대욱;오창진;김성청;김옥현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.866-869
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    • 2000
  • To improve quality of the ground surface, we have to consider a number of parameters. But it is difficult to make experiment with many parameters. Most of all experiments try to search optimal grinding condition with conservative factors such as feed rate, depth of cut, wheel rotating speed, etc. But This paper attempts to view the significance of some different factors effecting on the surface roughness by introducing helical scan grinding method and material removal rate. The design of experiment is used to find the optimal grinding condition which minimizes the surface roughness value bout optical glass material. To analyze experimental results, ANOVA(ANalysis of VAriation) is used. Discussion on the result about helical scan grinding is also given.

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Helical Scan Grinding Mechanism of Double- mesh Wheel (입도 복합 숫돌의 헬리컬 스캔 연삭 기구)

  • 김한섭;박규열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.846-849
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    • 2000
  • 세라믹 재료는 높은 강도 및 결도를 갖는 기계적 성질로 인하여 연삭가공에는 다이아몬드를 지립으로 하는 초지립 숫돌이 사용된다. 다이아몬드는 일반지립에 비하여 내마모성이 월등하게 높다는 사실로부터 숫돌의 트루잉 및 드레싱 작업이 극히 곤란한 것은 주지의 사실이다.(중략)

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