• 제목/요약/키워드: Heat shock protein

검색결과 609건 처리시간 0.031초

산삼배양액을 급여한 돼지에서 근육의 프로테옴 분석 (Proteome Analysis of Pigs Fed with Tissue Culture Medium Waste after Harvest of Korean Wild Ginseng)

  • 설재원;채준석;강형섭;강춘성;인동철;박상열
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2011
  • Proteomics is a useful approach to know protein expression, post-translational modification and protein function. We investigated the protein expression pattern and identity in pigs fed with the tissue culture medium waste after harvest of Korean wild ginseng (TCM-KWG) (Panax ginseng). Two groups (n = 30/group) of pigs were administered with 0 (control) and 16 ml/L (treatment) TCM-KWG through drinking water. After 4 weeks, we examined the protein expression pattern of longissimus dorsi muscle by Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis. TCM-KWG treatment significantly increased two spot's density, and markedly reduced one spot's density in the muscles. We identified 3 proteins (heat shock protein 90-alpha, myosin binding protein and cofilin 2) by the ESI-MS/MS (Q-TOF2, Micromass). These results demonstrate that TCM-KWG treatment may play a protection role against physiological stress in pigs, like as increased heat shock protein 90-alpha.

溫熱處理와 細胞週期에 따른 생쥐 腫瘍細胞의 膜表面蛋白質의 變化 (Heat Shock and Cell Cycle Dependence of Cell Surface Proteins in Mouse Tumor Cells)

  • Kang, Man-Sik;Kim, Yunhee
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.155-170
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    • 1983
  • 溫熱處理에 대해서 細胞가 反應하여 適應하는 過程을 細胞膜水準에서 연구하기 위해서 培養中인 纖維芽細胞性 腫瘍細胞를 이용하여 細胞週期, 細胞密度 및 溫熱處理에 따른 膜表面蛋白質의 變化를 lactoperoxidase를 이용한 iodination과 galactose oxidase를 이용한 tritiation 方法을 서서 分析하였다. 細胞週期와 細胞密度에 따라 膜表面蛋白質은 定量的 變化를 보였는데 $G_1$期에서는 LETS 蛋白質과 高分子蛋白質이 크게 增加하였고 細胞密度의 증가에 따라서는 125K 蛋白質의 增加와 130K 및 100K 蛋白質의 減少가 特異하게 나타났다. 溫熱處理후의 시간경과에 따른 변화를 보면 處理직후 80K 이상의 蛋白質은 모두 사라지고, 24시간 지나면 70K 蛋白質이 현저한 增加를 보였지만 48시간이 경과하면 다시 減少하고 高分子蛋白質들이 原狀으로 回復되었다. 또한, 溫度를 $39^\\circ\\sim45^\\circC$까지 증가시켜 보았을 때 70K 蛋白質이 $41^\\circC$에서 가장 큰 폭으로 增加하는 特異한 현상이 관찰되었다. 아울러 이 70K 단백질은 trypsin을 처리하면 사라졌는데 galactose oxidase로 tritiation하였을때도 iodination하였을 때와 동일한 變化樣相을 보였다. 이러한 결과와 細胞質蛋白質과 比較한 缺課로 미루어 볼 때, 70K 蛋白質은 膜表面蛋白質이며 糖蛋白質이고 또한 HSP 70과 같은 蛋白質인 것으로 推定되었다. 이 蛋白質의 細胞膜에 있어서의 가능한 機能과 腫瘍細胞가 正常細胞에 비해서 溫熱處理에 敏感한 原因등에 관해서 考察하였다.

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Heat Shock Protein 70이 흰쥐 배양 혈관간 세포에서 관찰되는 $TNF{\alpha}$에 의한 지질과산화에 미치는 보호 효과 (Induction of Heat Shock Protein 70 Inhibits Tumor Necrosis $Factor{\alpha}-induced$ Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Mesangial Cells)

  • 하헌주;박영미;안영수;김경환
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 1995
  • 사구체내 단핵구의 침윤은 면역학적뿐 아니라 비면역학적 사구체 질환 발생 초기에 특징적으로 관찰된다. 단핵구에서 합성되는 대표적인 사이토 카인인 tumor necrosis factor $(TNF){\alpha}$의 합성이 각종 사구체 질환과 관련되어 증가할 뿐 아니라 외부에서 투여한 $TNF{\alpha}$는 사구체 질환의 발생과 진행에 수반된 유사한 증세를 초래한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 사구체 질환의 표적세포인 혈관간 세포를 이용하여 $TNF{\alpha}$에 의한 세포독성 기전을 검색하고자 하였다. 표준화된 체걸름법을 이용하여 사구체를 분리한후 collagenase로 처리하여 배양하므로써 혈관간 세포의 특징을 지닌 일차 배양 혈관간 세포계를 수립하였다. 세포독성의 지표로서 지질과산화물을 측정했을때, $TNF{\alpha}$는 용량의존적으로 배양 혈관간 세포의 지질과산화를 증가시켰다. 배양혈관간 세포를 $45^{\circ}C$에서 30분간 처리했을 때 heat shock protein 70의 합성이 증가함을 western 분석으로 확인하였을 뿐 아니라, $TNF{\alpha}$에 의한 지질과산화 증가를 효과적으로 억제함을 관찰하였다. 이상의 결과는 $TNF{\alpha}$에 의한 지질과산화 증가가 사구체 질환의 발생이나 진행에 관하여할 수 있음과 고온 전처리에 의해서 heat shock 반응을 초래하므로써 $TNF{\alpha}$에 의한 사구체 손상을 보호할 수 있음을 시사하였다.

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자외선 B 파로 유도된 Hairless Mouse에서 타닌의 피부 독성 억제효과 및 Heat Shock Protein 70의 생성억제 효과 (Inhibitory Effects of Tannic Acid on the Skin Toxicity and Heat Shock Protein Induction by UVB Irradiation in Hairless Mouse)

  • 이세윤;이민경;장동덕;안령미;안형수
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제13권1_2호
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1997
  • Inhibitory effects of tannic acid on skin toxicity and heat shock protein induced by UVB were investigated. Tannic acid was administered either topically or orally for 3 days to hairless mice, which were previously irradiated with UVB. UVB was found to cause skin erythema . However, the skin erythema was decreased when tannic acid was administered either topically or orally. The heat shock proteins, Hsp-78 kDa and 70 kDa, were induced by UVB irradiation, but the induction was decreased by treatment of tannic acid in both topically and orally administered groups. The hsp induction was more prominent in orally administered groups than in topically administerd groups. However, the difference between two groups was not statistically significant. The route of administrations, topical and oral, does not affect the activity of tannic acid. In the skin tissue observation, tannic acid regenerated the epithelial cells with 7-9 cell layers which were injured by UVB. In conclusion, tannic acid has an ability to protect against UVB irradiation and regenerate the skin.

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Porphyromonas gingivalis 열충격 단백으로 면역한 백서에서의 치조골 파괴의 감소 (Reduced alveolar bone loss in rats immunized with Porphyromonas gingivalis heat shock protein)

  • 이니나;이주연;최점일
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2003
  • The present study has been performed to evaluate Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.gingivalis) heat shock protein(HSP)60 as a candidate vaccine to inhibit multiple bacteria-induced alveolar bone loss. Rats were immunized with P.gingivalis HSP60 and experimental alveolar bone loss was induced by infection with multiple periodonto -pathogenic bacteria. Post-immune rat anti-P.gingivalis HSP IgG levels were significantly elevated and have demonstrated highly significant inverse relationship with the amount of alveolar bone loss induced by multiple bacteria. Results from PCR detection of subgingival bacterial plaque indicated that the vaccine successfully eradicated the multiple pathogenic species. We concluded that P.gingivalis HSP60 could potentially be developed as a vaccine to inhibit periodontal disease induced by multiple pathogenic bacteria.

Proposal of Dual Inhibitor Targeting ATPase Domains of Topoisomerase II and Heat Shock Protein 90

  • Jun, Kyu-Yeon;Kwon, Youngjoo
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.453-468
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    • 2016
  • There is a conserved ATPase domain in topoisomerase II (topo II) and heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) which belong to the GHKL (gyrase, Hsp90, histidine kinase, and MutL) family. The inhibitors that target each of topo II and Hsp90 are intensively studied as anti-cancer drugs since they play very important roles in cell proliferation and survival. Therefore the development of dual targeting anti-cancer drugs for topo II and Hsp90 is suggested to be a promising area. The topo II and Hsp90 inhibitors, known to bind to their ATP binding site, were searched. All the inhibitors investigated were docked to both topo II and Hsp90. Four candidate compounds as possible dual inhibitors were selected by analyzing the molecular docking study. The pharmacophore model of dual inhibitors for topo II and Hsp90 were generated and the design of novel dual inhibitor was proposed.

태서 중추신경계의 Heat Shock Protein 70 분포에 대한 Nicotine 영향 (Immunohistochemical Localization of Heat Shock Protein 70 in the Central Nervous System of Nicotine-treated Rat Embryo)

  • 최병태;강호성
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.276-281
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    • 1997
  • This study was investigated to determine whether nicotine causes the morphological changes and expression of heat shock protein(HSP) 70 in the central nervous system of rat embryo. The pregnant rats were injected s.c. twice daily with 3 mg nicotine per 100g body weight from day 0 to 14 of gestation and embryos were removed on gestation day 15. As morphological changes, retardation of cell proliferaton was observed in the telencephalon of nicotine-treated groups and no changes in the other region were found. Minimal HSP 70 was expressed over chole central nervous system was similar between control and nicotine-treated group, the expression of blood cells in the meinges and chroid plexus was significantly greater in nicotine-treated group than in control.

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Expression of the Heat Shock Protein Genes in Response to Thermal Stress in the Silkworm Bombyx mori

  • Velu, Dhanikachalam;Ponnuvel, Kangayam. M.;Qadri, Syed. M. Hussaini
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2008
  • The expression of heat shock protein genes (Hsp 70, Hsp 40, Hsp 20.8 and Hsp 20.4) against thermal stress in silkworm Bombyx mori was performed through semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Upon exposure of silkworm to two temperature regimes ($38^{\circ}C$ and $42^{\circ}C$), significant change in the expression of Hsp gene was observed as compared to the control. Hsp 70 and Hsp 40 showed increased expression than the small heat shock protein genes Hsp 20.8 and Hsp 20.4. The Hsp 70 showed increased expression during the recovery period as compared to 1 hr thermal treatments ($38^{\circ}C$/1 hr and $42^{\circ}C$/1 hr). Whereas, Hsp 40, Hsp 20.8 and Hsp 20.4 genes showed higher expression level at initial stages that later gradually decrease during recovery period. Tissue specific expression of Hsp 70 showed variation in the level of expression amongst the tissues. The mid gut and fat body tissues showed higher expression than the cuticle and silk gland tissue. The Hsp 70, Hsp 40 gene expression was analyzed in thermotolerant (Nistari) and thermo susceptible silk worm strain (NB4D2) and results showed significant variation in their expression level. The Nistari showed higher expression of Hsp 70 and Hsp 40 genes than the NB4D2. These findings provide a better understanding of cellular protection mechanisms against environmental stress such as heat shock, as these Hsps are involved in an organism thermotolerance.

K562 백혈구암 세포의 Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate에 의한 대핵세포로의 분화과정에서 Heat Shock Proteins와 Glucose-Regulated Proteins의 발현 (Expression of the Heat Shock Proteins and Glucose-Regulated Proteins during Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate-Induced Megakaryocytic Differentiation of K562 Erythroleukemia Cells)

  • 이창훈;김우진;김종묵;한송이;김정락;한규형;임운기;유미애;강호성
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1996
  • K562 백혈구암 세포의 phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate(PMA)에 의한 대핵세포로의 분화과정에서 heat shock proteins(HSPs)와 glucose-regulated proteins(GRPs)의 발현을 조사하였다. PMA에 의한 K562 세포의 분화 특징은 세포성장의 억제, 형태학적 변화, gpllIa의 발현 증가, c-myc 발현의 감소 등으로 나타난다. PMA에 의한 대핵세포 분화과정에서, HSP90A, HSP90B 그리고 HSP28 mRNA와 단백질 합성은 현저히 감소하는 반면, GRP78/BiP와 GRP94의 mRNA 합성은 증가하였다. 한편 HSP7OA와 HSP7OB의 mRNA 합성은 감소하였지만, HSP70 단백질의 합성은 변함이 없었다. 이러한 결과는 HSPs와 GRPs가 K562 세포의 증식 또는 대핵세포 분화 과정에서 특이한 역할을 할 것임을 시사하고 있다.

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