• 제목/요약/키워드: Heat Insulating Materials

검색결과 113건 처리시간 0.023초

콘칼로리미터를 이용한 플라스틱 단열재의 화재특성 (Fire Characteristics of Plastic Insulating Materials from Cone Calorimeter Test)

  • 이근원;김관응
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 산업현장에서 단열재로 .사용되고 있는 폴리스티렌 폼, 폴리우레탄 폼, 폴리에틸렌 폼과 같은 플라스틱 단열재의 화재특성을 구명하고자 하였다. 플라스틱 단열재의 화재특성은 ISO 5660에 따라 콘칼로리미터 시험을 수행하였다. 사용된 실험재료는 국내에서 생산되는 상업용 플라스틱 단열재를 사용하였고 그들의 조성은 제조자에 의해 밝혀지지 않았다. 연구 결과플라스틱 단열재의 열방출율은 재료의 밀도와 열플럭스의 증가에 따라 증가하였다. 플라스틱 단열재 중 폴리에틸렌 폼이 최대열방출율 및 평균열방출율이 가장 크게 나타났고, 열플럭스 및 밀도의 증가에 따른 최대열방출율의 증가율도 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 플라스틱 단열재에 의한 화재예방을 위해 제품의 종류 및 열플럭스의 크기에 따른 열방출 평가 기준을 제시하였다.

알루미늄 호일 부착 발포 폴리스티렌 단열재의 열전도율, 열방출시험 및 가스 유해성 시험 (Heat Transfer Coefficient, Heat Release and Gas Hazard Tests for Expanded Polystyrene Heat Insulating Materials with Aluminum Foil)

  • 공하성
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to enhance heat insulation effect and to decrease fire hazard by attaching aluminum foil to expanded polystyrene, which is mainly used for insulating materials, to have fire retardant. The result of the test confirmed that the insulating materials, expanded polystyrene of $10kg/m^3$ and $14kg/m^3$ of density attached aluminum foil on both sides, showed 12%, 14% of improved heat transfer coefficient respectively compared to existing expanded polystyrene of the same density. Besides, they met all the standards for the testing of heat release and gas hazard. On the other hand, the one made of general expanded polystyrene could not meet the standards of the heat release test and the gas hazard test.

단열재용 페놀폼의 물성과 열적특성 (Properties and Thermal Characteristics of Phenol Foam for Heat Insulating Materials)

  • 김동권;이수복
    • 공업화학
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.357-360
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 단열재로서의 페놀수지(PF) 발포폼의 물성과 응용가능성을 검토하였다. 실험결과 페놀수지 발포폼의 밀도는 $0.030g/cm^3$를 나타내었고, 열전도율은 $0.026kcal/m.h.^{\circ}C$를 나타내었다. 또한 페놀수지 발포폼은 $500^{\circ}C$로 1 h 동안 열을 가했을 경우 약 71.7 wt%가 휘발되었다. 그리고 페놀수지 발포폼의 화학구조는 단열재로서의 중요 물성인 closed cell 구조형태를 갖는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 제조된 페놀수지 발포폼은 단열소재로서의 우수한 물성을 갖는 것으로 확인되었다.

수치해석을 이용한 다겹보온자재의 내부공기층 함유에 따른 보온 특성 (Thermal Insulation Property due to Internal Air-layer Content of Warm Multi Layer Materials by using Numerical Analysis)

  • 정성원
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates thermal insulation properties of multi layer materials depending on thickness of air layers. Numerical analysis on the heat flow of different insulating materials was conducted to identify whether their temperature distributions demonstrate the reduced rate of heat transfer conclusively or not. Analytical model is divided into two categories. One is to distinguish temperature distribution of the air-layer materials from the non-air layer ones. The other is to compare the efficacy between eight-layered insulating materials with no air-layer contained and three-layered insulating materials which include an air-layer definitely. In the latter case, the identical thickness is assigned to each material. The effect of thermal insulation by including an air-layer is verified in the first analytical model. The result of the second model shows that the insulation of the eight-layered materials is coterminous at the three-layered ones with an air-layer and the thermal insulation of the two materials is imperceptible. The benefits of cost and energy saving are anticipated if air-layers are efficiently incorporated in multi layer insulating materials in a greenhouse.

배연용 축류팬의 내열 신뢰성 향상 (Improvement of the Heat Resistance Reliability of an Axial Smoke Exhaust Fan)

  • 허진혁;허기무;문승재;이재헌
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제21권12호
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    • pp.656-662
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, the heat resistance reliability of an axial smoke exhaust fan was investigated. An axial smoke exhaust fan should be capable of operating at $250^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours. The heat resistance reliability was evaluated by the heat resistance reliability test. A B10 life with a 90% confidence level was estimated to be about 48 minute. The failure occurred in the motor due to high temperature. The main failure mechanisms of the motor were melting of bond and insulating paper and burning of insulating materials in the coil. The heat resistance reliability was improved by changing the way to unite the core and the coil and by replacing the insulating paper and the insulating materials of the coil. A B10 life with a 90% confidence level of a modified axial smoke exhaust fan was estimated to be over 120 minute.

단열재 적용에 따른 터널 라이닝 열전달량 시험 (Heat Transfer Test of Tunnel Lining with Heat Insulation)

  • 진현우;황영철
    • 한국지반환경공학회 논문집
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2017
  • 강원권의 동절기에는 한랭기후로 인한 복합적으로 터널 라이닝 표면이 열화되는 형태와 외관상의 문제 및 균열이 발생하게 된다. 이에 따른 재해복구 관련 기술 개발을 통한 복구비용의 절감이 필요한 실정이지만, 국내에서는 기온에 따른 도로터널 라이닝의 피해 저감에 대한 연구는 미비한 상태이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 터널 라이닝의 단열성능을 개선하기 위하여 단열재료(에어로젤, 액상단열재)에 열전달량 실험을 실시하였다. 실험결과 단열재의 도포에 따라 열전달량이 상당히 감소하는 것으로 나타나, 동결지역에서의 터널라이닝 피해저감 효과를 확인할 수 있었다.

다겹보온커튼의 조합에 따른 열성능의 비교 분석 (P=Comparative Analysis of Thermal Performance According to Combines of Multi-layer Insulating Curtain)

  • 진병옥;김형권;유영선;이태석;김영화;오성식;문종필;강금춘
    • 한국기계기술학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.763-769
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    • 2018
  • In this research, in order to improve the heat retention of greenhouse, comparative analysis of the heat flux of the marketed multi-later insulating curtain was carried out. Experiments is conducted by fabricating a test apparatus for investigating the heat flux characteristics. The multi-later insulating curtain used for the experiment was compared using the P, N, S, U and T company, which are commercially available, and the heat flux due to temperature difference between the experimental apparatus and the outside was compared and analyzed. When the internal temperature of the experimental result is the maximum temperature $60^{\circ}C$, the heat flux of multi-later insulating curtain is T Co.($73.1W/m^2$) > S Co.($119.5W/m^2$) > U Co.($155W/m^2$) > N Co.($163.1W/m^2$) > P Co.($177.7W/m^2$). The heat flux means the quantity of heat passing through the unit time per unit area, and the higher the numerical value, the higher the quantity of heat passing through the multi-layer insulating curtain. This can be determined that high heat fluxes produce low heat resistance. Further, it has been found that the weight of the insulating curtain is largely unrelated to the heat insulating property, and the heat insulating curtain having a thickness containing a high internal air layer is excellent in the heat insulating property. In the future when manufacturing a heat insulating curtain, It is judged that it is desirable to manufacture a combination of heat insulating materials that contain a high internal air layer content and that can maintain the air layer even for long-term use while minimizing the volume.

재질이 변압기 절연유의 유동대전에 미치는 영향

  • 곽희로;김재철;김두석;권동진
    • 한국조명전기설비학회지:조명전기설비
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 1991
  • In a large power transformer, insulating oil is forced to circulate for cooling the heat generated by the losses within windings and core. When insulating oil flows and rubs against various materials, such as insulating paper or core, the electrostatic charges are separated at the interface of the oil and the solid material. This paper considers the streaming electrification of various materials used in the transformer. In this study, we show that a solid material such as paper is negatively charged. On the other hand, a solid material such as core is positively charged.

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열 열화에 따른 변압기 절연물의 절연특성 분석 (Analysis of Insulation Characteristics for Transformer Insulating Materials According to Thermal Degradation)

  • 이민구;심재명;임경범;이대동
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제65권10호
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    • pp.1688-1693
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    • 2016
  • In this study shall investigate the influence upon the electrical property of transformer oil due to the heat among accelerated heat degradation experiment for a constant hour in the typical insulation oils of mineral base oil, silicon base oil and vegetable oil. In addition, the electric insulation performance of insulation materials in transformer shall be evaluated through the electric property analysis according to the heat degradation of epoxy insulation material, which has been used for electric facilities such as a molded transformer.

대형발전기 고정자권선 절연재료의 열 사이클에 의한 열화에 관한 연구 (A study on the heat cycle aging of insulation materials in large generator stator windings)

  • 김희곤;박영관
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.553-557
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    • 1996
  • Heat cycle aging of insulating materials in large generator stator winding has been investigated using both on-line and off-line test methods. On this study, principally, off-line test against actual generator in service was carried out to acquire information about polarization index(PI) and dissipation factor, dissipation factor tip-up, maximum partial discharge for the purpose of remnant breakdown voltage and life assessment. It was found from the tests that both dissipation factor and maximum partial discharge decreased with the increase of operating hours and starting numbers. It was found from off-line tests that the remnant breakdown voltage had a strong relationship with both dissipation factor and maximum partial discharge the remnant breakdown voltage as a results of both operating hours and starting number and the nondestructive tests were proposed as parameters which can predict the remnant lifetime of insulating materials in large generator stator windings. (author). 8 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.

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