• 제목/요약/키워드: Heart rate check

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로봇활용 공동 주의 훈련자극에 대한 사용자 반응상태를 추정하는 프로세스 (The process of estimating user response to training stimuli of joint attention using a robot)

  • 김다영;윤상석
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1427-1434
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 사회성 상호작용 훈련자극에 반응하는 아동의 행동 및 정서적 긴장상태를 연산하는 심리반응 상태 추정 프로세스를 제안한다. 행동 중재에 필요한 훈련자극으로는 공동 주의(Joint attention) 사회성 훈련을 채택하고, 훈련프로토콜은 불연속 개별시도 훈련(DTT: Discrete trial training)기법이 적용된다. 공동 주의 훈련에서 사용자의 집중과 긴장 정도를 확인하기 위해 3가지 훈련자극용 콘텐츠를 구성한 후, 캐릭터 형태의 탁상 로봇을 이용하여 사용자에게 훈련자극을 수행하게 된다. 그런 다음, 비전 기반 헤드 포즈 인식기와 기하학 연산모델로 사용자 응시반응을 추정하고, PPG와 GSR의 생체신호를 심박변이도와 히스토그램 기법으로 신경계 반응을 분석한다. 로봇을 활용한 실험에서 공동 주의에 대한 각 콘텐츠 별 훈련에 사용자의 심리반응을 정량화 할 수 있음을 확인하였다.


  • 김민진;송지수;신터전;김영재;김정욱;장기택;이상훈;현홍근
    • 대한장애인치과학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.36-40
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    • 2018
  • CATCH 22 증후군(CATCH 22 Syndrome)은 선천성 심장기형, 비정상적인 안모, 흉선 형성부전, 구개열, 저칼슘혈증을 특징으로 하나 임상양상은 다양하게 나타난다. 본 증례는 치과 검진에 비협조적이고 다수의 치아 우식을 보이는 4세 5개월의 CATCH 22 증후군 환자를 전신마취 하에 효과적으로 치료하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다. CATCH 22 증후군 환아는 선천적 심장기형을 동반하는 경우가 많아 의과적 자문 하에 치과 치료를 시행해야 한다. 간단한 치료의 경우 의과적 자문 하에 진정법 시행을 고려해 볼 수 있으나 불안정한 생징후를 보일 수 있어 보다 면밀한 모니터링을 요한다. CATCH22 환아의 전신상태에 대한 충분한 이해 및 술전 평가를 바탕으로 한 주의깊게 시행된 전신마취 술식은 다발성 치아우식의 치료에 있어서 보다 안전하고 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.


  • 맹유진;오소희
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.613-618
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    • 2009
  • 구치부 매복은 1% 이내로 드문 편이지만 저위 교합, 반대 악궁 치아의 정출, 인접치 경사로 인한 공간 부족 등의 문제가 발생하게 된다. 구치부 치아는 교합 및 악골 발육에 관여하는 기능적으로 중요한 치아이므로 초기 혼합 치열기부터 지속적인 방사선 사진을 찍어 매복 여부를 관찰해야 한다. 매복의 원인에는 치근 발육의 저하, 과잉치, 낭종, 치아종, 유착 등이 있다. 첫 번째 증례에서는 초진 시 치근 발육이 1/2이하라서 자발적 맹출을 기대하였지만 2/3이상 발육 시에도 맹출 하지 못하여 외과적 노출 및 교정적 견인을 시함하였다. 두 번째 증례는 낭종을 포함하는 매복 구치를 주소로 내원하였고 낭종 크기가 작고 인접 부위에 주요한 해부학적 구조물이 없어 완전한 적출술을 시행 후 교정적 견인을 하였다. 교정적 견인 시 해당 치아에 직접 어태치먼트(attachment)를 붙인 후 악하고 지속적인 힘을 적용하는 것이 유착, 외흡수, 치주 부착 소실 등의 부작용이 나타나지 않는다. 또한 고정식 장치를 사용하면 환자의 협조도가 필요 없고 맹출 공간을 확보하면서 호선상에 매복치를 견인 할 수 있다. 본 증례에서는 매복 구치를 외과적 노출 및 교정적 견인을 통해 교합상으로 배열을 하여 양호한 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다.

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소도구를 활용한 융복합 필라테스 매트운동이 중년여성의 면역글로블린에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Using Prop for Con vergence Pilates Met Exercise on the Immunoglobulin in Middle-aged Women)

  • 백순기
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제6권5호
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 중년여성을 대상으로 소도구 필라테스 매트 운동 프로그램을 8주간 주 3회의 빈도로 준비운동 10분, 주 운동 40분, 정리운동 10분을 실시하였다. 필라테스 운동프로그램 수행 시 운동강도는 ACSM(2010)의 지침을 기준으로 삼아 1-4주는 50-60%HRR, 5-8주는 61-70%HRR로 50-70%의 강도로 유지 시켰고, 4주마다 소도구 필라테스 운동 프로그램의 강도를 증가시켰으며 무선심박수 측정기(Polar Analyzer, Polar Electro of Finland)를 이용하여 Karvonen(1979) 방법으로 얻어진 개인별 목표 심박수와 운동자각도를 이용하여 운동강도를 체크하였다. 8주간 소도구 필라테스 매트 운동을 통해 면역글로불린의 변화를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이와 같은 목적과 절차를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 8주간 소도구 필라테스 매트 운동 프로그램을 실시한 결과 면역글로불린 IgA에서 증가하였으며 상호작용효과가 나타났다. 둘째, 8주간 소도구 필라테스 매트 운동 프로그램을 실시한 결과 면역글로불린 IgG에서 증가하였으며 상호작용효과가 나타났다. 셋째, 8주간 소도구 필라테스 매트 운동 프로그램을 실시한 결과 면역글로불린 IgM에서 증가하였으며 상호작용효과가 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서 실시한 소도구를 이용한 필라테스 매트 운동이 면역기능에 긍정적인 호르몬 변화를 보였으며 대사적 질환을 예방할 수 있는 효과적인 운동방법이라고 사료된다.

화병의 진단 및 변증유형에 관한 연구 (A study for diagnosis and pattern identification of Hwa-Byung)

  • 이희영;박종훈;황의완;김종우
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2005
  • Objective : This empirical research is performed to recognize diagnostic concept, pattern identification, and clinical features of Hwa-byung. In other words, the aims of this research are to examine the differences of the diagnosis between Hwa-Byung and the other psychiatric disorders, and to find out pattern identification, and clinical characteristics of Hwa-Byung for prescriptions of this syndrome. Method : In the experiment, there were participated 30 patients who were met for our criterions according to HBDIS (Hwa-Byung Diagnostic interview Schedule). These patients were diagnosed as Axis1 according to criterions of DSM-IV with administering SCID-I. OMS-prime was utilized for finding out pattern identification of oriental medicine. Symptom Check List-90-Revision(SCL-90-R), Hemilton rating Scale for Depression(HRSD), Heart Rate Variability(HRV), and Digital Infrared Thermographic imaging(D.I.T.I.) were also utilized to discover clinical characteristics of Hwa-Byung Patients. Results : 1. Regarding Sex-ratio, male subjects were 3(10%), and female subjects are 27(90%). The age of subjects ranged from 22 year old to 75 $(51.87{\pm}11.04;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$ 2. In the results of diagnosis on the basis of DSM-IV, the 17(56.67%) patients were MOD (Major Depressive Disorder), the 5(16.67%) patients were USD (Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder), the 4(13.33%) patients were Dysthymic Disorder, the 3(10%) patients were GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and the 1(3.33%) was Panic Disorder. Two of the patients who diagnosed as MOD were diagnosed as Panic Disorder too, and one of them was diagnosed as Pain Disorder too. 3. Regarding pattern identification, Hwa-Byung is positively correlated to deficiency of Heart(心). and then to stagnancy of Liver-Gall bladder. Hwa-Byung is correlated deficiency symptom-complex rather than excessiveness symptom-complex. That is also correlated positively to Pathological heat and fire. 4. In SCL90-R, the mean of PSDI was $(75.3{\pm}10.7;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$. The each mean of the other 11 factors was distributed between50-70. 5. The mean of HRSD was $(17.9{\pm}5.6;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$ in the entire subject's group. Then the group of MDD was $20.9{\pm}4.4$ and the group of USD was $12.0{\pm}4.8$ 6. In the results of HRV. the mean of TP is $972.4{\pm}1174(Mean{\pm}SD)$, this is lower than normal range 1000-200. The other factors were within normal range. Then, there were no significant differences between them (p<0.05). 7. The temperatures of each acupoint have significant differences between HNl(印堂) and PC6(內關), between CV17(顫中) and PC6(內關), between HN1(印堂) and CV8(神闕), between CV17(顫中) and CV8(神闕) in comparison with the average of body temperature in the use of D.I.T.I. (p<0.01) 8. In the analysis of correlation between SCL-90-R, HRSD, HRV. and D.I.T.I. there were no significant results. According to results that the correlation was analyzed with only the MDD group as subjects, there was negative correlation between RMSSD of HRV and HRSD, between LF of HRV and PDSIof SCL-90-R, and between LF/HF of HRV and ANX, PSY, and PDSI of SCL-90-R. Conclusion : In the observation of clinical features of 30 cases of Hwa-Byung patients by using diverse structured tests, there could make diverse diagnosis as depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and Somatoform Disorder. Particularly. MDD was highly distributed. Considering oriental medicine's pattern identification of Hwa-Byung, this syndrome is related strongly to Heart, and there were demonstrated deficiency symptom-complex, and Pathological heat and fire. One of the limits of this study is lack of control subject's group, therefore, in the future study, it requires reexamination through a comparative research with these data to complete this study.

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가미창백산(加味蒼栢散)이 Carrageenan유발 동물모델 관절염의 소염, 진통, 해열 및 면역에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) on Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-febrile Activities and Immune Responses in Carrageenan-induced Arthritic Animals)

  • 한영규;박영회;금동호;이명종
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was performed to investigate the effects of Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) on anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-febrile and immune response on the arthritis of carrageenan-induced animals. Methods and Materials : Rats were classified into control and sample groups which are 7 individuals each for the experiments about anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile. Each of the 7 mice were classified into normal, control, sample groups for the analgesic experiments. Gamichangbai-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) was administered to sample group and normal saline was administered to normal and control groups. Arthritis was induced by injection of 1% carrageenan $0.1m{\ell}$ and Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) was administered after 30 minutes. The change of edema in Carrageenan-induced Arthritic Rats' Paws was measured after 1 hour and 5 hours from the injection of carraqeenan with Plethysmometer(7150, UGO BASILE, ltaly) by Winter' method. WBC, Lymphocyte and ESR were measured by heart puncture and CD4+ T cell, CD8+ T cell and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio were measured from the spleen tissue. Writhing syndrom was measured with Tail flick unit(UGO BASILE, Italy) in the experiments conducted to check the analgesic activity. The temperature of the paws of carrageenan-induced arthritic rats was measured by Laser thermometer. Rectal temperature was measured by Yeast's method in anti-febrile experiments. Immune response was measured by CD4+, CD8+ T cell ratio and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio. Results : 1. It was recognized that Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) decreased the increase rate of Paw Edema effectively with statistical significance. 2. It was recognized that Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) decreased WBC, Lymphocyte and ESR with statistically high significance. 3. It was recognized that Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) did not show significant analgesic effect, but the Pressure pain threshold of the paws was increased with statistical significance. 4. It was recognized that Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) decreased rectal temperature effectively and had an anti-febrile effect about the febrile of a joint with statistical significance. 5. It was recognized that Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) increased CD4+ T cell ratio with statistically high significance and increased CD+8 T cell ratio with statistical non significance but increased CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio effectively with statistical significance, too. Conclusions : According to the above results, it can be concluded Gamichangbaek-san(Jiaweichangbai-san) showed the treatment effects on the artificial arthritis resulted from carageenan in rats and it is suggested that more interest and study in the security for the clinical use were needed.

뇌졸중(腦卒中)에 대(大)한 한방치료법(韓方治療法) 연구(硏究)(증치의학(證治醫學)과 사상의학(四象醫學)) 및 한방(韓方), 양방(洋方), 양(洋)·한방(韓方) 협진치료(協診治療) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (The Study on the investigation of oriental medical theraphy(oriental medical theraphy by symptoms and signs and Sasang constitutional medicine)and the each effect of oriental medicine, occidental medicine and both joint control)

  • 김종원;김영균;김법영;이인선;이인선;장경전;권정남;이원외;송창원;박동일
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.351-429
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    • 1998
  • The Purpose of Study 1. Inspection of clinical application on TCD to CVA 2. Objective Comparement and analysis about treatment effect of Western-Medicine, Korean Medicine, Cooperative consultation of Korean and Western medicice for CVA The Subject of Study We intended for the eighty six patient of CVA who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center from 1997. 8. I to 1998. 7. 31 1. View of CT, MRI : the patient of Cb infarction 2. Attack Time : The patient who coming hospital falling ill within the early one week The method of study 1. Treat four group of Korean medicine, Constitution medicine, Western medicine, cooperative consultation of Korean medicine and Western medicine. 2. Application of TCD Check the result for three times, immediatly after the attack, two months later, four months later 3. Comparative analysis of each treatment effect by clinical symptoms and pathologic examination 4. The Judgement of the patient The Result From 8/1/1997 to 7/31/1998, We have the following result by clinical analysis intended for CVA 86 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center from 1997. 8. 1 to 1998. 7. 31 in 1. Analysis according to Age The first stage of thirties, forties, seventies is heavier than forties, fifties in improvement and Index of improvement of symptom 2. Analysis according to sex We have no special relation in an average of symptom and improvement, Index improvement 3. Analysis according to Family History We have the better result in first stage and improvement, index improvement when no family history. 4. Analysis according to Past History We have no special relation in past history like hypertension, DM, heart problem 5. Analysis devided two group, above group and under group on the basis of the average in first stage of all patient. We have the better result when the first stage is light, that the first score of barthel index and CNS is high. 6. Analysis of the effect of treatment about Korean medical treatment, Western medical treatment, cooperative treatment. In this study, the highest group of rate of treatment at four contrast groups (Korean medicine, Constitution medicine, Western medicine, cooperative treatment according to dyagnosis and range of treatment was the patient group of doing dyagnosis and method of treatment based on constitution medicine theory. This is that of doing demostation, A-Tx, po-herb-medication according to dyagnosis and treat method of constitution of Lee Je-ma In case of left, the case of dyagnosis any disease according to doctor view but, normal in TCDwas 22-beginning of attack, 20- two weeks later, 11 case-four weeks later in case of right, 15-beginning of attack, 12-two weeks later, 9 case four weeks later. So left vessel compares to right vessel is more interference, in fact more than a 1/2 of the patients of MCA disease can't do dyagnosis. In rate of imparement, the state of pacient improved but there isn't the improved case of result in TCD. 7. In TCD dyagnosis, between the case of inconsus the doctor view specially MCA in brain blood vessel is in large numbers and in total 86's patient, impossible case of dyagnosis according to interferiance of temporal is 21 case. 7. Result study about application of Kreaan medical treatment 1) The impossible patient of observation MCA blood vescular for interference temporal bone happened in large numbers. 2) There is the case having difference result to CT,MRI, MRA result. 3) Because individual difference is large, excluding to ananalogy of symptom. This is normal numerical value that has possibility of being checked as abnormal numerical value 4) there are a lot of cases that the speed of normal part is as similarly measured as that of abnormal part. It means that we cannot judge the disease by this measure 5) It is rare that this measure represent degree of improvement in patient's condition of disease. When we observe patient's condition become better, but we have no case that the result of TCD test better. 6) The result could be appear differently by the technique of the tester or by the experience of the tester 7) In the TCD test, abnormal symptoms is checked at 0 week, but at 2th week, normal symptoms is checked, again at 4th week abnormal is checked. According to the above result, CVA diagnosis is difficult only with TCD, as it appear in diagnosis error check which is suggested in the problem connected to project, for the aged persons who have the worst hardening of part of the cranium (1998. 5. 26 77 of 83 patients is 50s) there is a lot of cases that the measurement is impossible by TCD and the correction of measurement numerical value is decreased, as the age of cerebral infarction is high, TCD is inappropriate to diagnosis equipment through this study.

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원발성 폐암의 지연진단에 관한 임상적 고찰 (Delayed Diagnosis of Primary Lung Cancer)

  • 김선영;조해정;김근화;고동석;서재철;신경상;정성수;김주욱
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.754-759
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    • 1998
  • 연구배경: 폐암은 우리나라에서 문제가 하나 되는 중요한 암종중 하나인데, 여러 가지 의학적 발전에도 불구하고 그 예후는 좋지 않으므로, 가능한한 조기에 발견하여 수술하는 것이 좋다. 그러나 이의 진단이 용이치 않아 지연진단의 원인들이나 임상적 특성들을 분석하여 개선점을 찾고자하였다. 방 법: 1995년 1월부터 12까지에 충남대학교 병원에서 조직학적으로 진단받은 폐암 환자 154명을 대상으로 그 주된 증상, 진단까지의 소요기간, 지연진단을 유발한 질환들을 후향적으로 조사 분석하되 순조롭게 진단된 환자 91명(1군)과 진단이 지연된 환자 63명(2군)으로 나누어 조사하여 비교하였다. 결 과: 병원을 찾게된 주증상들은 일반적인 호흡기 증상들이 대부분이었는데, 객혈이나 흉통의 경우는 진단이 순조로왔고, 객담 및 기침, 호흡곤란의 증상들에서는 진단이 지연되었다. 또한 이의료진들에 의한 지연진단도 후자의 증상들에서 주로 문제가 되었다. 진단이 지연된 경우에는 결핵성 질환(40.9%), 폐염(14.3%) 등으로 오진되거나 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환(9.5%), 심장질환(7.9%) 등의 동반되는 타질환으로 인해 오진되거나 지연전단된 경우들이었다. 결 론: 호흡기 증상이 일단 생기면 특별한 금기증이 없는 한 흉부 방사선 검사를 사행하는 것이 중요하며, 확실치 않을 때는 즉시 3차 전문병원으로 전원하는 것도 중요하고, 기존의 다른 만성질환으로 치료받고 있는 환자들에서도 주기적인 흉부 방사선 검사가 필요할 수 있으므로 이런 점들에 유의하면 지연진단의 문제를 개선할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

  • PDF

Enhanced immunity effect of Korean Red Ginseng capsule: A randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial

  • Yi Yang;Jing Li;Shengyuan Zhou;Daoyan Ni;Cailing Yang;Xu Zhang;Jian Tan;Jingrui Yan;Na Wang
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.504-510
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    • 2024
  • Background: As a physiological function of body, immunity can maintain health by identifying itself and excluding others. With economic development and increasingly fierce social competition, the number of sub-healthy population is gradually increasing, and the most basic problem exposed is human hypoimmunity. Hypoimmunity can be manifested as often feeling tired, catching colds, mental depression, etc. In order to enhance immunity, eating healthy foods with the effect of enhancing immunity may become an effective choice. KRG has pharmacological effects of enhancing immunity. Because the screening and evaluation method of immune population are not unified, there are relatively few KRG immunity tests for sub-health population. It is of great significance to study the effect of KRG on people with hypoimmunity to improve sub-health status. Methods: This was a 180-day, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. According to the trial scheme design, 119 qualified subjects were included and randomly divided into the test group taking KRG and the placebo control group. Subjects need to check safety indicators (blood pressure and heart rate, blood routine, liver and kidney function, urine routine and stool routine) and efficacy indicators (main and secondary) inspection at baseline, efficacy indicators inspection during the mid-term of the test (90th days of administration), safety and efficacy indicators inspection after the test (180th days of administration). Results: After the test, the safety indicators of placebo control group and KRG test group were basically within the normal range, and there is no significant difference in fireness score between the two groups. Through follow-up interviews, it was found that the subjects in the test group and the control group had no adverse reactions and allergic reactions such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain during the test period. Self-comparison of the test group, the results of the main efficacy indicators: (1) immune related health scores were significantly improved in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01), (2) CD3 and CD4/CD8 increased significantly after the test (P < 0.05), (3) IgG, IgA, IgM and WBC increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01); the results of the secondary efficacy indicators: (1) TNF-α decreased significantly in the midterm (P < 0.05), IFN-γ decreased significantly in the mid-term (P < 0.01), (2) NK increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05), (3) monocyte increased significantly in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01). Inter-group comparison of the test group and the control group, the results of the main efficacy indicators: (1) immune related health scores were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.01), (2) IgA of the test group was higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05); the results of the secondary efficacy indicators: (1) WBC of the test group was higher than that of the control group in the mid-term (P < 0.05); (2) monocytes of the test group were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term and after the test (P < 0.05), neutrophils of the test group were higher than that of the control group in the mid-term (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Taking KRG has no adverse effects on the health of the subjects. According to the standard of clinical trial scheme, the immune related health scores and IgA in the main efficacy indicators were positive, which shows that KRG is helpful in enhancing human immunity.