• 제목/요약/키워드: Heart rate check

검색결과 59건 처리시간 0.029초

전북지역 남자 근로자의 혈청 Glucose, Cholesterol, AST, ALT 농도 분석 (Analysis of Glucose, Cholesterol, AST and ALT in Sera of Man Workers in Jeonbuk Area)

  • 김종호;신용섭;박석태;정미라
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 2008
  • We determined the concentration of glucose, cholesterol, AST and ALT in sera of man workers (n=3,247) had health check-up at hospitls in Jeonbuk area. The mean of concentration of glucose, cholesterol and AST of all workers were increased by 0.1%, 14.9% and 33.0% over than the mean of reference, but the mean of ALT was decreased by 0.8% from it. The rate of workers showed abnormal value of glucose, cholesterol, AST and ALT were 9.7%, 25.4%, 23.7% and 5.5%, respectively. The mean of glucose, cholesterol and AST in each age group were increased over than reference, but the mean of ALT was decreased except in fifties. The rate of the workers in each age group showed an abnormal concentration of glucose, cholesterol, AST and ALT were in 5.6~6.7%, 14.9~31.1%, 20.4~29.2% and 5.2~6.0%, respectively. These data suggest that many workers in Jeonbuk area are opened in possibility of getting diabetes, liver disease and heart disease.

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무선 디지털청진기를 이용한 동물 진단시스템 (Animal Diagnosis System Using Wireless Digital Stethoscope)

  • 박기영;홍수미;이종하;박진호;정의붕
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제38B권9호
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    • pp.722-727
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    • 2013
  • 동물 의료는 병의 정도나 치료의 필요성에 관계없이 보호자의 의향이 앞서는 어려운 의료행위이다. 특히, 동물치료 중 심장 질환은 필요한 치료법의 결정이나 치료 효과의 확인에 대해서 동물 환자로부터 직접적인 답을 얻기가 어렵다. 그래서 동물 환자의 경우, 심장질환은 증상의 악화로 급변하거나 돌연사 등의 응급사태를 예측하고 그것에 대처하는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 심장 및 몸 안의 질환을 확인하는 1차 진단 방법은 청진이다. CT나 X-ray, 초음파 등의 최첨단 영상장비들을 이용하여 정확하게 측정할 수 있지만 장비가 비싸고, 이를 활용할 수 있는 전문인력이 요구되는 등 경제성으로 인해 2차 진단장비로 활용되어질 뿐 1차 진단을 위한 가장 좋은 진단도구로 여전히 청진기가 이용되어지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 수의사가 귀에 대지 않고 청진음을 분석하고 무선으로 어디서나 진단 할 수 있는 무선디지털 진단시스템에 대해 자세하게 서술하고, 이 시스템을 통해 진단되는 청진음에 대한 레벨교차율(LCR)과 에너지레벨을 통해 질병의 관계에 대해 새로운 개념의 진단시스템 환경을 제시한다.

종합 건강검진 과정에서 나타난 일부 중년기 여성의 건강문제 (Health Problem of the Middle-Aged Women)

  • 성미혜
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.258-270
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to offer the basic data for more qualitative lives of the middle-aged women through their health maintenance and control. So, the researcher reviewed and analyzed the health problems of the middle-aged women, the differences of main symptoms in each subject, positive ratcs in screening tests, the difference of screening tests with age and the correlation of obesity and blood pressure with screening tests. All subjects were 218 women(40-59years) who had a check-up at a comprehensive health check-up center in K University Hospital in Seoul from July 1, 1998 to August 31. 1998. Questionaires were developed to get subjects, general characteristics. main symptoms, medical examination and diagnosed disease by the researcher referring through the questionaires of comprehensive health check-up center and the medical recorders were used as a tool of study. The researcher analyzed the data with SPSS PC+ ; the distribution of the subjects, general characteristics and main symptoms with percentage : the difference between main symptoms and screening tests with X$^2$-test, ANOVA. The results are as follows. 1) Among the age distribution, most were 40-45 years old and unemployed. 2) The most common complaints were indigestion in digestive system, cough in respiratory system, heart beat in cardiovascular system, general sweat in endocrine system. edema in urinary system, easy bruise in hematologic system, backache in musculoskeletal system, headache in psychoneurologic system, lochia in gynecology, itch in dermatology system, eye ball pain in visual system and tinnitus in auditory system. 3) In main symptoms according to age, the 40-45 age group had a higher rate of complaints in digestive system and gynecology than other age group ; the 46-49 age group in endocrine system. 4) The main symptoms according to diagnosis had no difference statistically. 5) The screening tests which showed high rates of abnormality were mammography(the highest), abdominal ultrasonography, upper gastrointestinal series/gastrofiberscopy, PFT. In all age group the highest rate of abnormality was seen in mammography. 6) In screening tests according to age. the 46-49 age group showed higher positive rates of pap smear, blood sugar test, urine test than any other age group ; the 50-55 age group showerd higher positive rates of obesity, BP, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, ESR, SGOT, CRP and urine micro. 7) In correlation of obesity with screening test, the obesity group showed higher positive rates of blood pressure, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, HCT and CRP than the normal weight group. 8) In correlation of blood pressure with screening test, the hypertension group showed higher positive rate of obesity, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, pap smear and blood sugar than the normal blood pressure group. In conculusion, the middle-aged women have various physical symptoms and affected by age. The obesity and BP have an important effect on the health of the middle aged women. Therefore, this study is considered significant as data for qualitative lives of the middle-aged women playing an important part of family health care by catching of their health problem complaints for prevention of disease and promotion of health.

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대사증후군의 습담 변증군과 심박변이도의 관련성에 관한 고찰 (A Clinical Study on Relevance between Classified Dampness-Phlegm Pattern of Metabolic Syndrome and Heart Rate Variability)

  • 이재욱;신윤리;배수현;박선영;최상옥;김경민;김영균
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.284-297
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was performed to investigate characteristic indice of heart rate variability (HRV) according to presence of metabolic syndrome (MS), pattern identification. Methods : We analyzed 167 subjects who participated in a stroke check-up. We classified the subjects into two groups as MS (n=48) and non-MS (n=119) based on NCEP ATP III. First, we investigated pattern identification of all subjects based on Korean Standard Pattern Identifications for Stroke-III. Second, we surveyed significance of HRV indices between MS and non-MS groups. Third, we investigated significance of HRV indices between classified DP of MS and classified DP of non-MS. Fourth, we investigated significance of HRV indices between classified DP of MS and non-MS. Fifth, we investigated significance between components of MS and HRV indices. Results : 1. SDNN, RMS-SD, HF, Ln(HF), and HF (NORM) were significantly lower in the MS than non-MS group. LN (TP), LF/HF were significantly higher in the MS than non-MS. 2. Ln (HF), Ln (TP), and LF/HF were statistically significant in the classified DP of MS group. 3. RMS-SD, and Ln (HF) were significantly lower in the abdominal obesity group than in the non-abdominal obesity group. SDNN, RMS-SD, TP, Ln (TP), VLF, Ln (VLF), and Ln (LF) were significantly lower in the hypertension group than in the non-hypertension group. RMS-SD was significantly lower in the diabetes group than in the non-diabetes group. Mean HRT,LF/HF were significantly higher in the hypertriglyceridemia than non-hypertriglyceridemia group, but Ln (HF), RMS-SD, and HF (NORM) were significantly lower in the hypertriglyceridemia than non-hypertriglyceridemia group. Conclusions : We found a few significant relationships between classified DP of MS and HRV indices. The resluts demonstrate that MS has potentially negative effects on the cardiovascular system, and these effects could be detected by HRV.

Comparative Performance of Broilers Fed Diets Containing Processed Meals of BT, Parental Non-BT Line or Commercial Cotton Seeds

  • Elangovan, A.V.;Mandal, A.B.;Johri, T.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2003
  • An effort was made to assess comparative production performance in broiler chickens fed diets containing solvent extracted cottonseed meal (CSM) processed from BT and Parental Non-BT lines. Processed meal of national check and commercial produce cottonseeds were also used for comparison. The free gossypol contents were 0.02, 0.02, 0.44 and 0.03% in meals of BT, Parental Non-BT, national check and commercial produce cottonseeds, respectively. Day-old broiler chicks (n=243) were divided to 27 groups of 9 each. Nine dietary treatments (iso-nitrogenous, 23% CP and iso-caloric, 2,800 kcal ME/kg) were formulated viz., D1 (control, soybean meal-SBM based), D2 and D3 (BT CSM at 10% of diet with and without additional iron), D4 and D5 (non-BT CSM with and without additional iron), D6 and D7 (national check CSM with or without additional iron), and D8 and D9 (commercial produce CSM with or without additional iron at 2 ppm for every 1 ppm of free gossypol, respectively). Each dietary treatment was offered to three replicated groups up to 6 weeks of age. At the end of 6 weeks of age, 10 birds were taken out randomly from each treatment and were sacrificed to study carcass traits, organs' yield and histo-pathological changes in vital organs. The broiler chickens received CSM processed from BT (D2, 1,753 g and D3, 1,638 g) and Parental Non-BT (D4, 1,653 g and D5, 1,687 g) with or without additional Fe grew at same rate as observed in soybean meal (solvent ext.) based diet (D1, 1,676 g). The feed intake and feed conversion efficiency (feed: gain) in these dietary treatments (BT, non-BT line based diets) also did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from control diet. Similar observation was also observed in dietary treatments (D8 and D9) containing solvent extracted cottonseed meal of commercial produce origin. However, a decrease (p<0.05) in body weight gain and feed intake was observed in D6 containing national check CSM with high gossypol content. Addition of Fe in the diet (D7) improved (p<0.05) feed intake and weight gain but not to the extent as observed in diets containing BT, parental non-BT, and commercial produce CSM or control. However, any type of CSM did not affect feed conversion efficiency when fed with or without additional iron. The carcass characteristics in terms of dressing percentage, liver weight and heart weight was not significantly (p>0.05) different between the treatments. The eviscerated yields emanated from diets containing either BT, non-BT or commercial produce were statistically similar to control. However, eviscerated yield of broilers fed national check CSM with or without iron supplementation was lower (p<0.05) than BT cotton with Fe supplementation and commercial produce CSM. The study envisaged that BT, parental non-BT and commercial produce solvent extracted cottonseed meal can be included at 10% in soybean meal based broiler diet replacing soybean meal and rice bran without additional iron.

단심실 -III C Solitus 형의 수술치험- (Surgical Repair of Single Ventricle (Type III C solitus))

  • naf
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 1979
  • For years, physicians and anatomists have been interested in the heart that has one functioning ventricle. Various terms have been suggested for this entity including single ventricle, common ventricle, double-inlet left ventricle, cor biatriatum triloculare, and primitive ventricle. In this report, the term "single ventricle" is utilized as suggested by Van Praagh, and is defined as that congenital cardiac anomaly in which a common or separate atrioventricular valves open into a ventricular chamber from which both great arterial trunks emerge. An outlet chamber, or infundibulum, may or may not be present and give rise to the origin of either of the great arteries. This definition excludes the entity of mitral and tricuspid atresia. An 11 year old cyanotic boy was admitted chief complaints of exertional dyspnea and frequent upper respiratory infection since 2 weeks after birth. He was diagnosed as inoperable cyanotic congenital heart disease, and remained without any corrective treatment up to his age of 11 year when he suffered from aggravation of symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure for 2 months before this admission. On 22nd of May 1979, he was admitted for total corrective operation under the impression of tricuspid atresia suggested by a pediatrician. Physical check revealed deep cyanosis with finger and toe clubbing, and grade V systolic ejection murmur with single second heart sound was audible at the left 3rd intercostal space. Development was moderate in height [135 cm] and weight[28Kg]. Routine lab findings were normal except increased hemoglobin [21.1gm%], hematocrit [64 %], and left axis deviation with left ventricular hypertrophy on EKG. Cardiac catheterization and angiography revealed 1-transposition of aorta, pulmonic valvular stenosis, double inlet of a single ventricle with d-loop, and normal atriovisceral relationship [Type III C solitus according to the classification of Van Praagh]. At operation, longitudinal incision at the outflow tract of right ventricle in between the right coronary artery and its branch [LAD from RCA] revealed high far anterior aortic valve which had fibrous continuity with mitral annulus, and pulmonic valve was stenotic up to 4 mm in diameter positioned posterolaterally to the aorta. Ventricular septum was totally defective, and one markedly hypertrophied moderator band originated from crista supraventricularis was connected down to the imaginary septum of the ventricular cavity as a pseudoseptum of the ventricle. Size of the defect was 3X3 cm2 in total. Patch closure of the defect with a Teflon felt of 3.5 x 4 cm2 was done with interrupted multiple sutures after cut off of the moderator band, which was resutured to the artificial septum after reconstruction of the ventricular septum. Pulmonic valvotomy was done from 4 mm to 11 mm in diameter thru another pulmonary arteriotomy incision, and right ventriculotomy wound was closed reconstructing the right ventricular outflow tract with pericardial autograft of 3 x 4 cm2. Atrial septal defect of 2 cm in diameter was closed with 3-0 Erdeck suture, and atrial wall was sutured also when rectal temperature reached from 24`C to 35.5`C. Complete A-V block was managed with temporary external pacemaker with a pacing rate of 110/min. thru myocardial wire, and arterial blood pressure of 80/50 mmHg was maintained with Isuprel or Dopamine dripping under the CVP of 25-cm saline. Consciousness was recovered one hour after the operation when his blood pressure reached 100 /70 mmHg, but vital signs were not stable, and bleeding from the pericardial drainage and complete anuria were persisted until his heart could not capture the pacemaker impulse, and patient died of low output syndrome 320 min after the operation.

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Ebstein 기형의 수술 -2례 보고- (Surgical Repair for Ebstein's Anomaly)

  • naf
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 1979
  • For years, physicians and anatomists have been interested in the heart that has one functioning ventricle. Various terms have been suggested for this entity including single ventricle, common ventricle, double-inlet left ventricle, cor biatriatum triloculare, and primitive ventricle. In this report, the term "single ventricle" is utilized as suggested by Van Praagh, and is defined as that congenital cardiac anomaly in which a common or separate atrioventricular valves open into a ventricular chamber from which both great arterial trunks emerge. An outlet chamber, or infundibulum, may or may not be present and give rise to the origin of either of the great arteries. This definition excludes the entity of mitral and tricuspid atresia. An 11 year old cyanotic boy was admitted chief complaints of exertional dyspnea and frequent upper respiratory infection since 2 weeks after birth. He was diagnosed as inoperable cyanotic congenital heart disease, and remained without any corrective treatment up to his age of 11 year when he suffered from aggravation of symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure for 2 months before this admission. On 22nd of May 1979, he was admitted for total corrective operation under the impression of tricuspid atresia suggested by a pediatrician. Physical check revealed deep cyanosis with finger and toe clubbing, and grade V systolic ejection murmur with single second heart sound was audible at the left 3rd intercostal space. Development was moderate in height [135 cm] and weight[28Kg]. Routine lab findings were normal except increased hemoglobin [21.1gm%], hematocrit [64 %], and left axis deviation with left ventricular hypertrophy on EKG. Cardiac catheterization and angiography revealed 1-transposition of aorta, pulmonic valvular stenosis, double inlet of a single ventricle with d-loop, and normal atriovisceral relationship [Type III C solitus according to the classification of Van Praagh]. At operation, longitudinal incision at the outflow tract of right ventricle in between the right coronary artery and its branch [LAD from RCA] revealed high far anterior aortic valve which had fibrous continuity with mitral annulus, and pulmonic valve was stenotic up to 4 mm in diameter positioned posterolaterally to the aorta. Ventricular septum was totally defective, and one markedly hypertrophied moderator band originated from crista supraventricularis was connected down to the imaginary septum of the ventricular cavity as a pseudoseptum of the ventricle. Size of the defect was 3X3 cm2 in total. Patch closure of the defect with a Teflon felt of 3.5 x 4 cm2 was done with interrupted multiple sutures after cut off of the moderator band, which was resutured to the artificial septum after reconstruction of the ventricular septum. Pulmonic valvotomy was done from 4 mm to 11 mm in diameter thru another pulmonary arteriotomy incision, and right ventriculotomy wound was closed reconstructing the right ventricular outflow tract with pericardial autograft of 3 x 4 cm2. Atrial septal defect of 2 cm in diameter was closed with 3-0 Erdeck suture, and atrial wall was sutured also when rectal temperature reached from 24`C to 35.5`C. Complete A-V block was managed with temporary external pacemaker with a pacing rate of 110/min. thru myocardial wire, and arterial blood pressure of 80/50 mmHg was maintained with Isuprel or Dopamine dripping under the CVP of 25-cm saline. Consciousness was recovered one hour after the operation when his blood pressure reached 100 /70 mmHg, but vital signs were not stable, and bleeding from the pericardial drainage and complete anuria were persisted until his heart could not capture the pacemaker impulse, and patient died of low output syndrome 320 min after the operation.

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허혈성 심장 질환의 One-stop Evaluation Protocol: Myocardial Fusion PET Study (One-stop Evaluation Protocol of Ischemic Heart Disease: Myocardial Fusion PET Study)

  • 김경목;이병욱;이동욱;김정수;장영도;방찬석;백종훈;이인수
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2010
  • 관상동맥질환의 진단 및 평가에 있어서 myocardial perfusion SPECT검사와 FDG를 이용한 myocardial PET검사 그리고 PET/CT에 장착된 64-slice CT를 이용한 coronary CT angiography를 동시에 실행함으로 검사의 신뢰도와 편의성을 한층 더 높이고자 한다. 먼저 약물부하 myocardial perfusion SPECT검사를 먼저 시행한다. 환자의 피폭경감을 위해서 $^{99m}Tc$-MIBI 10 mCi 로 주사하며 myocardial PET검사를 위해서 지방식을 먹지 않고 ursodeoxcholic acid 100 mg을 생수와 함께 복용하게 하여 1시간 후에 SPECT 영상을 얻는다. 이어서 myocardial FDG PET검사를 시행한다. 혈중의 지방산 농도를 낮추고 심장의 FDG섭취율을 증가시키기 위해 혈중 포도당 농도치에 따라 insulin과 Acipimox를 함께 사용하는 독창적인 경구 당 부하법을 사용하였으며, 환자의 피폭 경감을 위해서 $^{18}F$-FDG 5 mCi를 주사하고 1시간 후에 10분간 gated 영상을 얻으며 필요시 delay 영상을 얻는다. PET검사가 끝남과 동시에 환자는 동일한 position을 하고 연속해서 coronary CTA를 시행한다. 이 검사에서 가장 중요한 것은 심박동수 조절과 환자의 호흡협조이다. 심박동수를 65회 이하로 낮추기 위해 beta blocker 50 mg~200 mg을 의사와 상의하여 복용케 하고 호흡법을 충분히 연습을 시키다. 검사 직전에 isosorbide dinitrate를 3~5회 분무하여 혈관벽의 긴장을 낮추고 혈관을 확장시켜서 coronary artery의 해부학적 형태를 더욱 잘 나타낼 수 있게 한다. 촬영 시 CT 조영제를 4.0~5.0 mL/sec의 압력으로 주입하며 촬영을 한다. Coronary CTA를 이용하면 coronary artery stenosis가 잘 보이며, 약물부하 myocardial perfusion SPECT로 coronary CTA에서 보인 stenosis와 perfusion저하의 상관관계를 검토(culprit vessel 확인)할 수 있으며, FDG PET으로 hibernating myocardium 또는 infarction site의 viability를 확인할 수 있다. 한 가지 검사로 lesion site와 severity 및 치료에 대한 반응 예측이 가능함으로 약물치료, PCI, CABG 등 치료방향을 설정할 수 있다. 또한 모든 검사 과정들이 연속적으로 동시에 이루어지기 때문에 짧은 시간(3시간) 내에 one-stop으로 검사를 종료할 수 있는 큰 장점을 가지게 된다. 그러므로 이 검사법은 ischemic heart disease의 one-stop evaluation에 있어서 유용한 protocol로 보여진다.

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중년 건강검진 수진자에서 대사증후군과 한방비만변증의 관련성 (Relation between Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire in Middle-aged Health Check-up Examinees)

  • 유정은;조영혜;구현경;김보영;윤영주
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Metabolic syndrome is considered a coronary heart disease risk factor and its prevalence rate is increasing in Korea. Because obesity is relevant to metabolic syndrome, we investigated the relationship between metabolic syndrome and the Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire in middle-aged health check-up examinees. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with 125 patients who visited a health promotion center of university hospital from October 2012 to January 2013. We analyzed the association of Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire and the diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome. Results: Pi deficiency (脾虛), phlegm (痰飮), liver stasis (肝鬱) and food accumulation (食積) pattern showed significantly highs score in the group with hypertriglyceridemia. Also, females demonstrated significantly high scores of liver stasis (肝鬱) and food accumulation (食積) in the group with hypertriglyceridemia. The questions of Pattern Identification that showed especially significant high score in the group of hypertriglyceridemia are as follows: 'Easily get annoyed', 'Usually worried', 'Frequently overeating or bingeing', and 'Having more after getting full'. There are positive correlations between triglyceride and the score of Pi deficiency (脾虛), phlegm (痰飮) and food accumulation (食積) pattern. Conclusions: Obesity Pattern Identification Questionnaire can be used for the management of hypertriglyceridemia in an effort to prevent metabolic syndrome.

키넥트 스테레오 영상을 이용한 원격 재활 시스템 (A Remote Rehabilitation System using Kinect Stereo Camera)

  • 김경아;정완영;김종진
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.196-201
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    • 2016
  • Rehabilitation exercises are the treatments designed to help patients who are in the process of recovery from injury or illness to restore their body functions back to the original status. However, many patients suffering from chronic diseases have found difficulties visiting hospitals for the rehabilitation program due to lack of transportation, cost of the program, their own busy schedules, etc. Also, the program usually contains a few medical check-ups which can cause patients to feel uncomfortable. In this paper, we develop a remote rehabilitation system with bio-signals by a stereo camera. A Kinect stereo camera manufactured by Microsoft corporation was used to recognize the body movement of a patient by using its infrared(IR) camera. Also, we detect the chest area of a user from the skeleton data and process to gain respiratory status. ROI coordinates are created on a user's face to detect photoplethysmography(PPG) signals to calculate heart rate values from its color sensor. Finally, rehabilitation exercises and bio-signal detecting features are combined into a Windows application for the cost effective and high performance remote rehabilitation system.