• 제목/요약/키워드: Heart failure, Right-sided

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.026초

선천성 심질환에서 우심부전 (Right-sided heart failure in congenital heart diseases)

  • 정조원
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제50권11호
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    • pp.1055-1060
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    • 2007
  • Right-sided heart failure is a major problem among patients with congenital heart diseases, due to the prevalence of congenital heart defects and the association of pulmonary hypertension. More attention is focused on the structure of the right heart particularly in association with congenital heart defects and chronic lung disease. The right ventricle (RV) may support the pulmonary circulation, and sometimes the systemic circulation (systemic RV) in congenital heart defects. Despite major progress being made, assessing the RV remains challenging, often requiring a multi-imaging approach and expertise (echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear and cineangiography). Evidence is accumulating that RV dysfunction develops in many of these patients and leads to considerable morbidity and mortality. While there is extensive literature on the pathophysiology and treatment of left heart failure, the data for right-sided heart failure is scarce. Therefore RV function in certain groups of congenital heart disease patients needs close surveillance and timely and appropriate intervention to optimise outcomes. An understanding of RV physiology and hemodynamics will lead to a better understanding of current and future treatment strategies for right heart failure. This will review right-sided heart failure with the implications of volume and pressure loading of the RV in congenital heart diseases.

Fatal progressive right heart failure in a pancreatic cancer patient

  • Byoun, Jeong Tae;Cho, Jae Young
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2020
  • Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) is a rare but fatal complication of cancer and causes pulmonary hypertension and acute/subacute right heart failure. PTTM is most commonly associated with gastric cancer and more rarely associated with pancreatic cancer. We report a case of progressive right heart failure associated with clinically diagnosed pancreatic cancer, suggesting PTTM.

Temporary Right Ventricular Assist Device Insertion via Left Thoracotomy after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation

  • Park, Ilkun;Cho, Yang Hyun;Chung, Su Ryeun;Jeong, Dong Seop;Sung, Kiick;Kim, Wook Sung;Lee, Young Tak
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제52권2호
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    • pp.105-108
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    • 2019
  • Right heart failure is a relatively common complication after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. Severe right heart failure can be managed by temporary right ventricular assist device (RVAD) implantation. However, trans-sternal RVAD insertion requires a subsequent third sternotomy for cannula removal. Herein, we present a case of RVAD insertion via a left anterior mini-thoracotomy after LVAD implantation in a patient with alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy.

Potts Shunt in Patients with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

  • Kim, Sue Hyun;Jang, Woo-Sung;Lim, Hong-Gook;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.52-54
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    • 2015
  • Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension eventually leads to right-sided heart failure and sudden death. Its mortality rate in children is still high, despite improvements in pharmacological therapy, and therefore novel treatments are necessary. The Potts shunt, which creates an anastomosis between the left pulmonary artery and the descending aorta, has been proposed as a theoretically promising palliative surgical technique to decompress the right ventricle. We report the case of a 12-year-old girl with suprasystemic idiopathic pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure who underwent a Potts shunt for palliation with good short-term results.

말기신부전환자에서 우심방 우종을 동반한 심내막염 환자의 수술 1례 (Active Infective Endocarditis with Vegetation of Right Atrium in Patient with End-stage Renal Disease)

  • 김창영;안혁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제35권9호
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    • pp.680-683
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    • 2002
  • 우측 심장에 발생한 감염성 심내막염은 전체 감염성 심내막염의 5%를 차지하며 이중 70%이상에서 선천성 심기형이나 후천성 판막질환 등에 동반되어 발생한다. 환자들은 약물 남용의 과거력을 갖는 경우가 많으며, 혈액투석 등 의인성 감염성 심내막염이 발생하는 경우도 있다. 우측 심장에 발생한 감염성 심내막염은 항생제 치료에 대한 반응이 우수하고, 내과적 치료에 반응하지 않더라도 판막손상이나 색전에 의한 합병증이 상대적으로 적게 발생하기 때문에 수술이 필요하지 않은 경우가 많다. 만성신부전으로 혈액투석을 받는 환자들은 관혈적 투석경로를 통해 균혈증에 노출되고 이로 인해 감염성 심내막염이 속발된다. 본 교실에서는 혈액투석을 받던 말기신부전 환자에서 정맥내 도관과 관련하여 삼첨판막이나 폐동맥판막의 침범없이 우심방내 우종을 동반한 심내막염이 발생하였으며, 항생제 치료를 시행하였으나 반응이 없어 수술을 시행하였다. 속목정맥도관과 관련된 우측 심장의 감염성 심내막염은 혈액투석환자에서 매우 드물게 발생하지만 진단이 지연되고 이로 인해 적절한 시기에 치료를 받지 못하여 병원내 사망률을 높이므로 적극적인 진단과 처치가 필요함을 확인할 수 있었기에 이를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

개에서의 만성 승모판 부전증 (Chronic Mitral Valvular Insufficiency in Dogs)

  • 최호정;장동우;서민호;정주현;정우조;원성준;장진화;이기창;이희천
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2001
  • Chronic mitral valvular insufficiency (CMVI) is the most common heart disease in dogs. The prevalence of CMVI is age-dependent. CMVI is usually affected to small to medium size breeds. It is more prevalent in males than females. The characteristic lesions of CMVI are caused by an acquired chronic structural degeneration of the mitral valve defined as endocardiosis or myxomatous degeneration. The main clinical signs are cough, respiratory distress, weakness and pleural effusion and ascites by secondary right-sided heart failure. The most prominent clinical finding is a systolic heart murmur. The thoracic radiography and echocardiography are useful methods in diagnosis of CMVI. Thoracic radiographic findings are left atrial enlargement, left main stem bronchial compression and pulmonary edema. Echocardiography is confirmed to increased left atrial and ventricular dimension, mitral regurgitation, mitral valve thickening and abnormal movement. Thoracic radiography and echocardiography are used to obtain a definite diagnosis of CMVI, and then to study the progression of the condition.

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The Third Nationwide Korean Heart Failure III Registry (KorHF III): The Study Design Paper

  • Minjae Yoon;Eung Ju Kim;Seong Woo Han;Seong-Mi Park;In-Cheol Kim;Myeong-Chan Cho;Hyo-Suk Ahn;Mi-Seung Shin;Seok Jae Hwang;Jin-Ok Jeong;Dong Heon Yang;Jae-Joong Kim;Jin Oh Choi;Hyun-Jai Cho;Byung-Su Yoo;Seok-Min Kang;Dong-Ju Choi
    • International Journal of Heart Failure
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2024
  • With advancements in both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, significant changes have occurred in heart failure (HF) management. The previous Korean HF registries, namely the Korea Heart Failure Registry (KorHF-registry) and Korean Acute Heart Failure Registry (KorAHF-registry), no longer accurately reflect contemporary acute heart failure (AHF) patients. Our objective is to assess contemporary AHF patients through a nationwide registry encompassing various aspects, such as clinical characteristics, management approaches, hospital course, and long-term outcomes of individuals hospitalized for AHF in Korea. This prospective observational multicenter cohort study (KorHF III) is organized by the Korean Society of Heart Failure. We aim to prospectively enroll 7,000 or more patients hospitalized for AHF at 47 tertiary hospitals in Korea starting from March 2018. Eligible patients exhibit signs and symptoms of HF and demonstrate either lung congestion or objective evidence of structural or functional cardiac abnormalities in echocardiography, or isolated right-sided HF. Patients will be followed up for up to 5 years after enrollment in the registry to evaluate long-term clinical outcomes. KorHF III represents the nationwide AHF registry that will elucidate the clinical characteristics, management strategies, and outcomes of contemporary AHF patients in Korea.

Double-Chambered Right Ventricle in an Old Standard Poodle Dog

  • Yunho Jeong;Yoonhwan Kim;Eunchan Lee;Ju-Hyun An;Sooyoung Choi;Jin-Young Chung;Jin-Ok Ahn
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2023
  • A 12-year-old Standard Poodle presented with intermittent weakness and occasional dyspnea at the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital of Kangwon National University. A grade of 4 out of 6 systolic murmur with an irregular tachycardic rhythm was auscultated on both sides of the chest. Systolic blood pressure was 140 mmHg. Panting was noticed in the hospital, but there was no crackle sound. Blood analysis revealed mild increases in liver panel levels (alanine aminotransferase 149 [reference interval, 19-70] U/L; and alkaline phosphatase, 185 [reference interval, 15-127] U/L) and severe increases in cardiac biomarker levels (n-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, 4169 [reference interval, 50-900] pmol/L; and cardiac troponin I, 0.22 [reference interval, 0.03-0.12] ng/mL). On electrocardiography, irregularly irregular supraventricular tachycardic rhythm with an f-wave and no distinct p-wave was observed. Generalized cardiomegaly with an enlarged right atrium and left ventricle was confirmed on thoracic radiography. Moreover, hepatomegaly and an enlarged caudal vena cava were observed. Echocardiographic evaluation revealed a fibromuscular diaphragm in the right ventricle. Because of the obstructive lesion in the right ventricle, the right atrium and ventricle were enlarged (right atrial area index, 38.82 cm2/m2 [reference interval, 4.2-10.2 cm2/m2]; right ventricle end-diastolic area index, 14.152 cm2/m2 [reference interval, 4.9-10.92 cm2/m2]). Accordingly, the patient was diagnosed with double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV). Pimobendan, furosemide, enalapril, diltiazem, and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) were prescribed, and all symptoms were relieved. DCRV is a right-sided congenital heart defect resembling pulmonic valve stenosis. If symptoms are not severe, medical therapy can be facilitated without surgery or the balloon dilation.

개에서 심방중격결손의 증례 (Atrial Septal Defect in Dogs)

  • 정주현;엄기동;장광호;오태호;이영원;장동우;윤정희
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.110-113
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    • 2002
  • An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital hole in the atrial septum that allows flow between the two atria. Small ASDs are usually well-tolerated defects and do not result in significant clinical abnormalities. In large ASDs or in the presence of other cardiac defects, clinically significancy is increased. Atrial septal defects in 2 Dogs with cardiac and respiratory signs were diagnosed at seoul animal medical center. In ascultation, systolic murmur and the splitting of second heart sound were heard at pulmonary or tricuspid valve region. In radiograph, right-sided cardiomegaly, pulmonary artery dilation, increased pulmonary vasculature makings, and pleural effusion or pulmonary edema signs were observed. In echocardiography, the region, location and size of septal defect was identified. Also, the direction and degree of shunt was measured. These dogs were treated with medicine for cardiac failure. One dog is well-tolerated, the other dog died.

Cardiovascular beriberi: rare cause of reversible pulmonary hypertension

  • Song, Joon Hyuk;Cheon, Sang Soo;Bae, Myung Hwan;Lee, Jang Hoon;Yang, Dong Heon;Park, Hun Sik;Cho, Yongkeun;Chae, Shung Chull
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 2014
  • Cardiovascular beriberi is caused by thiamine deficiency and usually presents as high cardiac output failure associated with predominantly right-sided heart failure and rapid recovery after treatment with thiamine. Because of its rarity in developed countries, the diagnosis can often be delayed and missed. We recently experienced a case of cardiovascular beriberi with pulmonary hypertension which successfully treated with thiamine infusion. A 50-year-old man with chronic heavy alcoholics was refered to our department for dyspnea with mental change. Echocardiography showed marked right ventricular (RV) dilatation and flattening of the interventricular septum with a D-shaped deformation of the left ventricle. Moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation was found and estimated RV systolic pressure was 52 mm Hg. Because of his confused mentality and history of chronic alcohol intake, neurological disorder due to thiamine deficiency was suspected and intravenous thiamine was administered and he continuously received a daily dose of 100 mg of thiamine. Follow up echocardiography showed marked reduction of RV dilatation and improvement of a D-shaped deformation of the left ventricle. He finally diagnosed as cardiovascular beriberi on the basis of dramatic response to intravenous thiamine. Thiamine deficiency can cause reversible pulmonary hypertension, and can still be encountered in the clinical setting. Thus high index of suspicion is critically needed for diagnosis.