• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health education need

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A Study on the Health Status and Need of Health Education of the Elderly - Focused on Some Elders Living in Jeju- (노인의 건강상태 및 보건교육 요구도에 관한 연구 - 제주시 거주 노인을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Young-Ju;Choi, Eun-Young;Song, Young-A
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: It is important to identify problems in elders' health through health examination as a part of health service for elders and to execute health education so that elders have appropriate abilities to manage and protect themselves. This study was attempted to assess the need of health education in the elderly and to analyze factors affecting the need of health education. Method: The participants in this study were 354 elderly people living independently in the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province of Korea, and a questionnaire survey was conducted through personal interviews from June 25 to July 26, 2007. The methodology was a descriptive study. Data were collected and analyzed using SPSS Win 12.0. Results: As for the contents of education, elders preferred most the area of 'prevention and management of elderly diseases.' Detailed education contents preferred by elders were the prevention of accidents, diet habits, exercise and weight management, mental health and stress management, complementary and alternative therapies, management of drinking and smoking, etc. Conclusion: According to elders' concerns and needs, systemic health education for the elderly should provide right health knowledge, health maintenance, health promotion and setting of appropriate health education.

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School child health communication activity needs in Seoul : Focused on school-based health fairs (서울지역 초등학생들의 보건의사소통 요구도 특성 : 학교 건강관련 행사를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyoung-Ok
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.6
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to describe elementary school students' health communication needs based on school-based health fairs by students' demographic characteristics and school health education experiences. A self-administered survey was conducted to a total of 851 fifth-grade students in 8 elementary schools in Seoul. For survey participant sampling, Seoul area was divided into four districts: north, south, east, and west, and two elementary schools were selected from each district by the stratified convenient sampling process. Three class 5th-grade students in each selected school finished the survey. Questionnaires and survey instruction letters were delivered to vice-principals in the designated schools and the vice-principals managed the survey process. The survey Questionnaire included demographic characteristics (sex, parent's marital status, parents' educational status, famil financial status, the person whom was with after school, and daily computer hour), health education experiences (health education at school, and school health education satisfaction), and health communication types. The health communication types were reorganized into eight types based on comprehensive literature review on health fairs (or child and adolescence. The health communication types were 'health exam and advice fair,''health promotion advertising and campaign,' 'health-related exhibition and experience fair,' 'profession visit-in-school education,' 'health-related VCR or movie festival,' 'health-related institute visits,' 'internet health counseling,' and 'telephone health counseling.' Regarding demographic characteristics, sex, family financial status, and academic performance were significant factors related to health communication need scores (p <.05). Girl, high level of family financial status, and excellent academic performance score were related to high score of health communication need. In terms of school health education experience, taking regular class for health education and satisfaction with school health education were linked to higher health communication need scores. This result discusses that experience and satisfaction with school health education largely contribute to building participants' health communication concepts and needs.

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A Study on Factors Affecting the Use of Ambulatory Physician Services (의사방문수 결정요인 분석)

  • 박현애;송건용
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.58-76
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    • 1994
  • In order to study factors affecting the use of the ambulatory physician services. Andersen's model for health utilization was modified by adding the health behavior component and examined with three different approaches. Three different approaches were the multiople regression model, logistic regression model, and LISREL model. For multiple regression, dependent variable was reported illness-related visits to a physician during past one year and independent variables are variaous variables measuring predisposing factor, enabling factor, need factor and health behavior. For the logistic regression, dependent variable was visit or no-visit to a physician during past one year and independent variables were same as the multiple regression analysis. For the LISREL, five endogenous variables of health utiliztion, predisposing factor, enabling factor, need factor, and health behavior and 20 exogeneous variables which measures five endogenous variables were used. According to the multiple regression analysis, chronic illness, health status, perceived health status of the need factor; residence, sex, age, marital status, education of the predisposing factor ; health insurance, usual source for medical care of enabling factor were the siginificant exploratory variables for the health utilization. Out of the logistic regression analysis, health status, chronic illness, residence, marital status, education, drinking, use of health aid were found to be significant exploratory variables. From LISREL, need factor affect utilization most following by predisposing factor, enabling factor and health behavior. For LISREL model, age, education, and residence for predisposing factor; health status, chronic illess, and perceived health status for need factor; medical insurance for enabling factor; and doing any kind of health behavior for the health behavior were found as the significant observed variables for each theoretical variables.

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Survey Study of Current Status of and Need for Mental Health Education Enhancing Protective Factors in the Elementary Schools (보건교사와 초등학교 고학년 학생을 대상으로 한 정신건강교육 실태 및 보호요인 강화 교육 요구도 조사)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Park, Hyeoun-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of mental health education and need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in the elementary schools. Methods: We surveyed 10 school health teachers and 328 fifth- and sixth-grade students using 19- and 20-item questionnaires, respectively. Results: All of the teachers and 65.2% of the students replied that they were either teaching or being taught mental health in school. Topics covered suicide, depression, school violence, and Internet addiction. All of the teachers and 84.1% of the students expressed the need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in school. Both groups replied that two sessions are enough. The teachers preferred role play and discussion as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and computer as instructional media. The students preferred lecture and role play as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and smartphone as instructional media. Both groups ranked self-esteem, parent-child relationship, peer relationship, and emotional regulation as the most important topics to be covered in the education. Conclusion: There is a high demand for mental health education enhancing protective factors. Therefore, it is recommended to develop educational programs enhancing protective factors by enabling formal and informal learning using smartphone.

Comparison of Teaching Status, Utilization of the Teaching Materials, and the Need to solve the Matters of Sex Education between the School Health Educators and Teachers in the Elementary Schools (보건교사와 일반교사의 성교육 수업실태, 자료 활용도 및 문제해결 요구도 비교)

  • Lee, Jung-Ran;Ahn, Suk-Hee;Kim, Young-Hae;Cho, Gyoo-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This descriptive study was conducted to compare the teaching status, utilization of the teaching materials, and the need to solve matters of sex education between the school health educators and teachers working in an elementary school in Busan. Method: 182 school health educators and 125 teachers participated in the research. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire, and analyzed by frequency and x2 -test using the SPSS WIN 10.0 Program. Results: While school health educators carried out most of the sex education in the extra curriculum and physical education class, teachers did in the regular curriculum and physical education class. Regarding the utilization of the teaching materials on sex education, although the majority of school health educators used the teacher's manual, only a few teachers used it. Most of the school health educators used the ICT teaching materials while only half of the teachers did. Regarding the methods to solve matters on sex education, school health educators responded that a sex-related subject should be combined with a health subject, and an independent sex-related subject was necessary. The teachers, however, responded that it was necessary to secure enough time for sex education, the sex-related subject combined with a health subject was necessary, and there is a need to designate a sex educator. Conclusion: School health educators utilized more teaching materials for sex education and suggested more active methods to solve matters related to sex education. Therefore, school health educators should be more active as sex educators, and the subject of sex education should be adopted as a regular course.

The Health Information for Health Promotion (건강증진을 위한 보건정보)

  • 김종갑;강성홍
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 1993
  • Human health is affected by physical, social, cultural, economic, and political environment. To improve health status, of the people we need much support from social system and to make social supporting system effective for health promotion, we need health information. Because, the health information is basic to the social supporting system for health promotion. So, we should construct health information systems as follows : 1. Health information system for children 2. Health information system for families 3. Health information system for adolescents 4. Health information system for mothers 5. Health information system for workers 6. Health information system for physical handicapped 7. Health information system for elders

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Health Improvement; Health Education, Health Promotion and the Settings Approach

  • Green, Jackie
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2005
  • This paper develops the argument that the 'Healthy Cities Approach' extends beyond the boundaries of officially designated Healthy Cities and suggests that signs of it are evident much more widely in efforts to promote health in the United Kingdom and in national policy. It draws on examples from Leeds, a major city in the north of England. In particular, it suggests that efforts to improve population health need to focus on the wider determinants and that this requires a collaborative response involving a range of different sectors and the participation of the community. Inequality is recognised as a major issue and the need to identify areas of deprivation and direct resources towards these is emphasised. Childhood poverty is referred to and the importance of breaking cycles of deprivation. The role of the school is seen as important in contributing to health generally and the compatibility between Healthy Cities and Health Promoting Schools is noted. Not only can Health Promoting Schools improve the health of young people themselves they can also develop the skills, awareness and motivation to improve the health of the community. Using child pedestrian injury as an example, the paper argues that problems and their cause should not be conceived narrowly. The Healthy Cities movement has taught us that the response, if it is to be effective, should focus on the wider determinants and be adapted to local circumstances. Instead of simply attempting to change behaviour through traditional health education we need to ensure that the environment is healthy in itself and supports healthy behaviour. To achieve this we need to develop awareness, skills and motivation among policy makers, professionals and the community The 'New Health' education is proposed as a term to distinguish the type of health education which addresses these issues from more traditional forms.

A Study on the Establishment of Health Education Subject in Girl's High School (여자고등학교의 보건교육과목 설정에 관한 기초적 조사 연구)

  • 백운경;홍양자
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this thesis is to provide the framework of the health education curriculum on a school level which should be accomplishe in futrue and farthermore to establish the health education as a independent and regular course. The relation among the status in quo and the satisfaction degree of health education, the degree of the knowledge about health, the degree of the understanding of the health education and the degree of requirement for the health education curriculum has been analyzed in this paper. The research has been carried out through the questionnaire forms distributed to the girl students and the instructors at a few general senior high school and vocational senior high schools in Seoul, and the consequences are as follows : 1. As to the degree of understanding of the health education, it has been indicated that the health education should be performed one or two hours a week from the elementary school for all the boy and girl students by the experts trained in the departments concerned with health. 2. Concerning the degree of requirement for health education curriculum, the high school girl students have shown the need for first aid, sex education, environmental health, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, maternal and child health, industrial health, safety health, mental health, growth & development, epidemiology, the old health in the order named. On the other hand, the instructors have shown the need for drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sex education, maternal and child health, public health and industrial health also in the order named. The items having low degree of requirement are biostatistics, community health and health administration in case of the gril students and biostatistics, health administration and health economics in case of the instructors. 3. The status in quo and the satisfaction degree of the health education has proved higher in senior high school curriculums than in junior high school curriculums, and the most instructive course about health has turned out to be gymnastics in junior high school and the training course in senior high school respectively. 4. As to the degree of understanding of the health education in case of the girl students, the significance has been found between the health condition and the time for performing the health education, the monthly income and the objects for the health education, and the school records and the school hours per week. The significance has been shown only in regard to the school records in case of the degree of requriement for the health education curriculum. 5. The degree of requirement for the health education in case of the instructors has shown the significance between the teching career and the need for the health education. In addition, the degree of requirement for the health education curriculum has indicated significance with regard to sex and age. 6. The degress of the understanding of the health education according to the degree of knowledge about health and the degree of requirement for the health educatio curriculum have been all turned out to be statistically significant. 8. Among the factors which have an influence on the degree of the understanding of the health education, the recognition of the relation between the health course and the training course has significatly influenced the selection of the health education instructors. In additon, the understanding of the need for the health eduation has significantly influenced the objects for the instructors and the school hours, and the understanding of the need for establishing the health education course has significatly influenced the time for performing the health education.

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The Effects of Health Education on Health Knowledge and Health Promoting Behaviors in Elementary School Students (초등학생의 건강지식과 건강증진행위에 관한 보건과 교육의 효과)

  • Kim, Young Im;Park, Eunok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the effects of health education on health knowledge and health promoting behaviors in elementary school students. Methods: 17 sessions of health education were provided to the fifth graders in two elementary schools in Gyunggi Province and data were collected from 268 students. The data of 250 students who had responded both pretest and posttest were analyzed using SPSS program. Results: The scores of health knowledge for mental health, social health, sex and health were lower than other domain. The scores of knowledge for drug abuse/smoking and disease prevention/management were higher than other domain. Overall health knowledge was improved significantly from 0.60 at pretest to 0.81 at posttest (t=15.98, p<.001). The score of health promoting behaviors at post test was higher than score at pre test but this change was not significant (t=-0.91, p<.365). Conclusion: Health education had significant effects on health knowledge and we need to maintain and activate health education in elementary schools. Health education did not have significant effects on health promoting behaviors, we need to do further research for understanding why and how we improve health promoting behaviors.

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The Status of Safety Accident and Safety Health Education and Risk Factors of Safety Accident among the selected High School Students (일부 고등학생들의 안전보건교육 및 안전사고 실태와 관련요인)

  • 한성현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2002
  • In this study, it is aimed to clarify the status of safety accident and safety health education and risk factors on safety accidents among the selected high school students. The study is accomplished by the survey which includes a total of 558 students sampled from the six high school. The survey took for 10 days from the date of 3th July 2000 to 13th July 2000 and the results were as follows; 1. The rate of experience of safety health education during last one year was 26.4% and the rate of accident during last one month was 20.6%. 2. The risk factors of safety accident during last one year were understanding degree of safety health education(R.R.=2.81), experience of smoking(R.R.=2.55), educational level of mother (R.R=l.63) From the results of this study, we are to propose as follow; Because the purpose of safety health education is the practice, it is important to induce changing the recognition and behavior. Therefore the government have to build up experience place, to bring up professional teacher of safety health education. It need to develope a reference of each subject and to utilize various media. Especially it need to take of education comprehensive health and environmental inducing safety health subject.