• Title/Summary/Keyword: Han Dynasty

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A study of the Koryo Dynasty Diet Culture

  • 라영아;김상보;이성우
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 1992
  • To study the Koryo Dynasty Diet Culture, [NOKULDAE] was used which is the book of Chinese Dialogue and the results obtained from the study were as follows. 1. Foods were dealed with cereal, ginsaeng, noodles, vegetables, fruits, lamb meat relish etc. 2. Several cooking methods had introduced on [NOKULDAE] such as meat roasting and bean boiling. 3. Diet therapy and Herb medicine cured by Chinese physician had been introduced on [NOKULDAE]. 4. Cooked menu introduced in [NOKULDAE] were 9 varieties in Han dynasty banquet menu. 5. Terms related to food and cook were to food and cook were analyzed and were summarized on Table 1,2,3.

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An Analytical Study on the Youngjeob Dogam Younhyangsek Euigwae of Choson Dynasty (1634, 1643 year) (조선왕조(朝鮮王朝)의 영접도감(迎接都監) 연향색의궤(宴享色儀軌)에 관한 분석적(分析的) 연구(硏究) 찬품(饌品) 및 재료(材料)와 그 분량(分量)에 관하여 (1634년(年), 1643년(年)의 의궤(儀軌)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kim, Sang-Bo;Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 1992
  • To analyze reception dishes of Choson Dynasty, studied historic book 'Youngjeob Dogam Younhyangsek Euigwae' (1634, 1643 year) described feast dishes for Chinese envoy in Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follow. 1. The number of sets to be arranged on the table for Chinese envoy were 91 sets, 49 sets, 37 sets at welcome party (下馬宴, 翌日宴, 別茶啖) and 91 sets at farewell party (上馬宴) in 1643 year. 2. The number of fresh meal to be arranged on the table for Chinese envoy were 102 kinds described in the took of 1643 year. 3. A reception dishes (下馬宴, 上馬宴 ) of Choson Dynasty was the same wedding feast dishes of Choson Dynasty.

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A Study on the Kingdom of KokuRyo, King's Costumes, MyunRyu Kwan Bok (중국 남북조시대 고구려 국왕 사여복식과 고구려 면류관에 관한 연구)

  • Im Myung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • The results from the consideration of this are as follows. 1. Kokuryo has been the exchange foreign relationship with the Han dynasty era, from king DaiMuSin 25 years to Bojang 27 years. 2 King of Kokuryo, from The North-Wei-dynasty has been received ceremonial costumes, first-third class of China's official rank. After unification of China, Su, Dang dynasty's envoy and missionary and many commercial men and artist come from China to Kokuryo, therefore, influenced their costume habbits and behabiers from royal families costumes and common peoples costumes, without concern of that one's social position. 3. Kokuryo King's ceremonial costumes are not the same as the China. Kokuryo performed a religious service an emperor's ceremony. And the Kokuryo King's religious mind was the Budism and Daoism. So that mural painting just showing the symbolic of the king's costumes , Myunryukwanbok.

A Study on the Government-controlled Lotus Ponds Constructed in Han-Yang during Chosun-Dynasty (조선시대 한양에 조성된 관영의 연지에 관한 연구 -동지, 서지, 남 지를 중심으로-)

  • 전영옥;양병이
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the ponds which were artificially constructed around the castle gate of Han-yang, the capital in Chosun-Dynasty. In order to conduct the research on landscape history, it is necessary to have a field survey and to collect and analyze historic documents. But this study was based on the historic documents published in Chosun-Dynasty because no relics of ponds are found nowadays. There Tong-ji(eastern pond) outside of the East Gate, Seo-ji(western pond) outside of the West Gate and Nam-ji(southern pond) outside of the South Gate. They were constructed as lotus ponds and managed by the landscape management office, called Chang-weon-seo in the ministry of Industry. Tong-ji and Nam-ji were constructed according to geomantic principles. In case of Seo-ji, the situation of construction differed from Tong-Ji in some points. As for the shape of Seo-ji, it was a rectangular pond and had an islet in the middle where flowering plants had been planted. These ponds were enjoyed by the people lived in Han-yang because they were located near the street. Particularly, people in Han-Yang enjoyed the beautiful scenery of lotus flowers planted in the ponds.

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A philological Study on Qingwujing(靑烏經) (청오경(靑烏經)의 문헌적 연구)

  • Chang, Sung-Kyu
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.27-45
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    • 2009
  • This study was to analyze the philological character of Qingwujing(靑烏經). Qingwujing is the oldest and representative documents of FengShui, especially famous for FengShui XingQi(形氣) theories. In spite of is fame, a systematic research for Qingwujing was not yet fulfilled up to now in Korea. In is the main reason why have to research the philological character of Qingwujing. The results from this research were described as following. Qingwujing(靑烏經) as knows of Qingwujing's writer is very famous already in Han 한(漢) dynasty for his accurate FengShui methods. His FengShui thories getting more powerfyl from WeiChen(魏晉) to Tang(唐) dynasty. In Tang(唐) dynasty Qingwujing was abolished by government rulers, but it recovered and retouched by some scholars from Tang(唐) and Song(宋) dynasty. In the process, the block book of Qingwujing were changed for four or five kinds. Qingwujing's block books of Ming(明) dynasty are Yimenguangdu(夷門廣牘), Xiaoshisanjing(小十三經), Jujiabibei(居家必備), and Shuofu(說郛). It's block books of Qing(淸) dynasty are Gujintushujicheng(古今圖書集成), Sikuquanshu(四庫全書), Xuejintaoyuan(學津討原), and Ershierziquanji(二十二子全集). It's block book of Choson(朝鮮) dynasty is KyujangKak(奎章閣). Among them distinctive characters been founded, but the basic contents and theories are almost same. In Korea, Qingwuzi's FengShui theories were confirmed in Silla(新羅) dynasty, and it recoreded in Soongboksa inscription written by Choi-CheeWon. Qingwu(靑烏) or Qingwuzi were known for a great FengShui master of a FengShui standing theories in Koryeo(高麗) and Choson dynasty among royal families and the aristocratic classes. And Qingwujing was a representative FengShui theory book in wh0.1ole period of Choson dynasty. Now for understanding traditional FengShui theories, we have to understand the main FengShui theories on Choson dynasty at first. For understanding Choson FengShui, the study on philological character of Qingwujing is the basic works. If those works fulfilled successfully, we can understand FengShui theories and FengShu itself more correctly.

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  • Lee, Chang-Kun;Kang, Dai-lll
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.10
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 1989
  • Between 1976 and 1984 approximately 26.7 tons of Chinese coins were recovered from a shipwreck which was found at the seabed of the Shin an area in the south-western coast of the Korean peninsula. Elements, Cu, Pb, Sn, Fe, Sb, As, Zn, Ag, Ni, Co and Mn, of 54 pieces of the coins were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy(ICP-AIS). The result shows that Ch, Pb, and Sn were found to be major elements roughly the coins with the ratio of 7 : 2 : 1, respectively. Trace elements were classified into 3 levels according to the avarage concentration : Fe,As and Sb(0.1-0.5%), Ag, Mi, Co and Zn(100-1000ppm) and Mn(10ppm). Some systematic tendencies are observed in the composition change with a function of their minting ages .The Wuzhu coins(오수전) from the Eastern Han dynasty(A.D.25-219 )are much more abundant in Cu than the coins of Tang dynasty(A.D.618-907) and later periods. Major element compositions of the Kai -tong Vuan-Bao(개통원보) coins from the Tang dynasty, were remarkably variable. In general, however, the Tang dynasty coins were much more abundant in Cu than the Song dynasty(A.S.S60-1279) coins. The amount of major elements Cu and Sn decreases while that of Pb in creasesby passage of age from the Bei Song dynasty(A.D.960-1127) to later Nam Song dynasty (A.D.1127-1279 ). It means that the quality of coins mere degraded. The amounts of trace elemends(Fe, As, Co, Hn) increases with the above age. High amounts of trace elements are supposed to be a reflection of immaturity of minting techniques or use of impurity-rich raw materials. The Jin dynasty(A.D.1125-1234) coins are found to be rich in Sn and thus contain Pb as the third component. It is quite different from the coins of the Song dynasty. The Zhi-dai Tong-Bao(지대통보) coins of the Yuan dynasty from A.0.1310 are much more abundant in Cu and Sn than those of the Nam Song dynasty .

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A Study on Dispatch of Japanese Missions during Chosen Period , and their facilities (朝鮮時代의 日本使節과 諸施設에 관한 硏究)

  • 허만형
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1996
  • This study investigated the history of Japanese delegation and their route to Han-Yang(Seoul) and reception and all sorts of facilities to elucidate the characteristics of the reception for Japaneses delegates and all sorts of facilities in the period of Chosun dynasty. The results of the study are as follows; 1) In the early period of the Chosun dynasty, diplomatic facilities for Japanese delegates were established in Pusanpo(Pusan), Jepo, Yumpo and also delegates were invited to Han-Yang through the designated route. 2) Japanese from all areas of Japan have been correspond to Chosun, and many Buddhist monks were reside to draw up the diplomatic document. Also, temples were built in Janpanese style. 3) In case of visit of the most reverend priest of Japan(Wang-guk-sa), Ta-rae-i and Su-pe-re were performed at Yun-dae-chung and Kaek-sa in Pusan. 4) Because of establishing diplomatic facilities (We-Gwan) and other supporting facilities (Kwan-A), Pusan has developed as only one diplomatic city in the period of Chosun dynasty.

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The Study of the Techniques of the Xia-ang Structure in China during the Tang and Song Dynasty (중국 당(唐).송(宋) 목조건축의 하앙 결구기법 변천 연구)

  • Chang, Hun-Duck
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2011
  • The bracket sets which are supporting the weight of the roof, has to meet both requirements which are structural functions and act as an ornamental element. Therefore the bracket sets differ in many types from time and space and has done an important role in the history of architecture with many studies being presented. The first form of the bracket set has been found in the bronze table relics in zhong shan wang ling (中山王陵). Through the Eastern Han dynasty (A.D. 25-220) it became more specific in the shique (石闕) and huaxiangshi (畵像石) in the Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220). Afterwards, as Buddhism was introduced to China, the bracket construction techniques shown in the Mogao Caves, Yungang Grottoes, and Longmen Grottoes has given much help for understanding the building techniques of wooden architecture. Especially the Xia-ang structure seen in the Mogao caves shows a vast development in wooden structure and a typical building would be the main hall of Fo Guang Shan monastery in Mt. Wutaishan from the Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-907). This accumulated techniques is inscribed in the 'Ying Zao Fa Shi (營造法式)' wooden structure designs which was published during the Northern Song dynasty (A.D. 960-1127) and many buildings were constructed following this technique after the publication. During this period, it is assumed that Baek-jae (B.C.18-A.D.660) in the Korean peninsula also used the Xia-ang technique, but there havn't been many studies on this field. In this thesis it is introducing the development of the building techniques and structural features of the Xia-ang wooden architecture during the Tang and Song dynasty.

A Philological Study on Hushoujing(狐首經) ("호수경(狐首經)"의 문헌적 연구)

  • Chang, Sung-Kyu;Kim, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2010
  • Hushoujing(狐首經) is Fengshui documents traditionally known to be written by Baihe(白鶴) of Han(漢) dynasty, which is hardly known in Korea. Baihe, the author, like Qingwuzi(靑烏子) has no evident personal background in history. There is a copy known to be written by Baihe of Han dynasty included in Dilitongyiquanshu(地理統一全書), which was published in 1628. The editor is known as Yuxiangtou(余象斗) from Fujiansheng(福建省) Jianyangxian(建陽縣) the same home town as Zhuxi(朱熹)'s. In contents and system, Hushoujing has the deep(profound) relationships between Qingwujing(靑烏經) and Zangshu(葬書), which attracts attention nowadays. Studying the relationships between Qingwujing, Zangshu and Hushoujing is the realm which requires systematic approach. Another reason for Hushoujing's attraction in Fengshui research lies in the contents related with Liqilun(理氣論). Mentioning Xingqilun(形氣論), Hushoujing also includes the explanation of Chinese compass needle, Deshui(得水) and Pokou(破口), and it is directly connected with the main theme of Liqilun. Hushoujing reveals a view point that both Xingqi(形氣) and Liqi(理氣) are important. Accordingly this means that we can understand Liqilun more clearly through studying Hushoujing. It is clearly recorded in the documents of Song(宋) dynasty that there was odd notes documents of Hushoujing as well as mentioning it. Therefore it is very likely that Hushoujing had been written before Song dynasty. Being contained in Huxianshengyinyangbeiyong(胡先生陰陽備用), Dilicanzanxuanjixianp oji(地理參贊玄機仙婆集), Dilitongyiquanshu, Lidaidilizhengyimishuershisizhong(歷代地理正義秘書二十四種), Xingjiaershizhong(形家二十種), 5 kinds of Hushoujing's copies are descended. The contents of Hushoujing are also introduced in documents of sejong period in The Annals of the Choson Dynasty. This means that Hushoujing is the geographical books prevailed representatively in early years of Choson Dynasty and studying Hushoujing is indispensible to studying Fengshui history or Chinese compass(羅盤) as well as deep understanding of Fengshui theory.

A Study of the Characteristics of the Manchu-Mongol Alliance during the Qing Dynasty Era (청대만몽동맹관계(淸代滿懜同盟關係) 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Jong-Wha
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2020
  • This study concerns of how the Qing dynasty overcame the national inferiority on the process of the Ming-Qing war in the East Asia during the early 17th century. Historically the Qing came forward in succession the total 12 Emperors whose posthumouses were recorded according to a respective independent system. These studies will be commented the alliance between Manchurian and Mongolian tribes. As the researching result, it will be commented that the Qing's emperors possessed the names of the Emperor of Han's race, Khan of Mongolian tribe, Han of Manchurian clan at the same time. Furthermore in other to follow the war against the Ming dynasty the Qing dynasty promoted positively the strategic alliance through the marriage connection with Mongolian royal family. And the Qing dynasty succeeded in organizing the Military Eight Banners so that Qing dynasty could utilize the reorganized social civilian groups into the avaliable groups to the battle. Thus this Eight Banners were comprehended all members who were not only the Mongolian clans allianced but also the submitted soldiers from the Ming in the war.