• Title/Summary/Keyword: Half-Circle

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Development of Non-Scallop Block Joint Welding Method (논-스캘럽 블록 조인트 용접법 개발)

  • Kim, Ho-Kyeong;Ko, Dae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.5419-5424
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    • 2014
  • A weld scallop is a small quadrant or half circle type hole installed in the weld line cross area for easy welding operation. Many types of T-bars with a scallop can be welded in a block assembly stage in shipbuilding. The difficulties arise from the fact that scallops are to be filled by build-up welding after welding of the cross line is complete. In this study, a non-scallop block joint welding method was developed using special type CBM (ceramic backing material). The wedge shaped CBM was devised to insert a CBM into just the V groove of weld line cross area without weld scallop. A saw-toothed shape was adopted for easy cutting of the unnecessary part in the CBM fitting process. The applicability of the developed method was verified through welding experiments based on the yard welding conditions.

A Study on Exporting Small & Medium Enterprises Based on Accident Types of Derivatives Transactions: Focus on Exporting Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises with KIKO Currency Option (파생상품의 투자 리스크 요인 분석을 통한 중소수출 기업의 환리스크 관리 방안 - KIKO를 통해 살펴본 국내 중소제조업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Young-Hun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2016
  • 2008 began with the American financial crisis which gave way to the liquidity crisis (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) situation in which 'the withdrawal of investment initiated from the insufficiency of the U.S. subprime mortgage loan companies', 'the large size loss situation of the financial company (Bear Stearns) due to the American structured bond insufficiency' and the second half opening part national debt mortgage company. Within the American financial crisis was propagated the crisis of international derivatives. Due to this, the withdrawal of foreign investment progressed in the interior of a country with the considerable. By the end of 2007, the exchange rate fluctuation was absorbed in the domestic financial circle on the belief the potentiality of the domestic financial market had been growing drastically through the expansion of the foreign currency debt according to this and it came to the defence but while the exchange rate jumped up to the dollar shortage according to the international crisis, the small and medium companies making the banks and exchange rate-related derivatives contract were going bankrupt due to the derivatives loss. The small and medium factories establish the bank exchange rate-related derivatives has nose (KIKO), pivot (PIVOT), and snowball (Snowball) etc. at that time and the damage which it is the KIKO grasped at 6 end of the months in 2008 caused by reaches to 1 thousand billion 4 thousand hundred million dollars. Small and medium companies in which the dollar which it has to denounce among small and medium companies bearing the KIKO contract in fact with the Knock-In generation city bank exceeds the amount of sales were known to be 68 enterprises among 480 enterprises. This paper departs in this awareness of a problem and tries to look into the risk factor of the derivatives, including nose and study the essential ring risk management plan of small and medium manufacturer.


  • Choi, Myung-Sik;Kay, Kee-Sung;Kang, Dong-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.95-122
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    • 1990
  • This study was done to analyze the occlusal curve as one of the factors to be considered for maintenance of occlusal stability in the orthodontic and prosthodontic treatments. Sixty gnathological casts we.e obtained from 43 subjects with normal occlusion and 17 subjects with some of temporomandibular disorders. The occlusal surfaces of gnathologic casts were duplicated by using a Color kit SK-700 and tile reference points of X, Y coordinates were digitized by using the Summagraphic digitizer and 18AT computer system. The Z coordinates of cusp height were measured by 0.01mm measurable caliper. The mathematical computer program of least square method was used to analyze the occlusal curve arranged by three dimensional coordinates of X, Y, Z. The following results were obtained : 1. The occlusal curve of buccal and lingual cusp tips was fitted to the ellipse, and the occlusal curve of anterior teeth was fitted to a part of the circle in the analysis of conic sections. 2. The radius of Spee's curve showed individual differences, but was average 98.7mm in male subjects and 93.7mm in female subjects. 3. The radius fo Spee's curve according to the half of canine width showed the least coefficient of variation. 4. The radius of Spee's curve was not significantly relative to the lateral occlusal contacts on laterotrusion and the absence or presence of temporomandibular disorders. 5. The radius of Wilson's curve showed individual difference and the size of radius was followed by the order of 1st premolar, 2nd premolar, 2nd molar and 1st molar.

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Graphical Method for Multiple Regression Model (다중회귀모형의 그래픽적 방법)

  • Lee, W.R.;Lee, U.K.;Hong, C.S.
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2007
  • In order to represent multiple regression data, an alternative graphical method, called as SSR Plot, is proposed by using geometrical description methods. This plot uses the relation that the sum of sqaures for regression (SSR) of two explanatory variables is known as the sum of the SSR of one variable and the increase in the SSR due to the addition of other variable to the model that already contains a variable. This half circle shaped SSR plot contains vectors corresponding explanatory variables. We might conclude that some explanatory variables corresponding to vectors which locate near the horisontal axis do affect the response variable. Also, for the regression model with two explanatory variables, a magnitude of the angle between two vectors can be identified for suppression.

The external and internal morphological standards of original plants and herbal states in two kinds of Rhei Rhizoma (2종(種) 대황(大黃)의 외부(外部) 및 내외부형태(內外部形態))

  • Kim, Ja-Young;Choi, Go-Ya;Kim, Hong-Jun;Ju, Young-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2006
  • The Following is a list of specific external and internal morphology of Rheum palmatum L. and R. undulatum L. in Rhei Rhizoma. 1. For the original plants of Rhei Rhizoma in the literatures. 18 plants are reported. 2. The external characteristics of original plant : R. palmatum has a large palmate leaf, its petiole of radical leaf has a simple bristle and its flower is purple and pink color. Whereas R. undulatum has a medium ovate leaf, its petiole of radical leaf is purphish, its stem leaf surrounds a half of stem and its flower is yellowish white color. 3. The character of herbal states : a. diameter and size-- R. palmaum is bigger and heavier than R. undulatum. b. in section--R. palmatum is dark brown color, R. undulatum is bright brown color Fibrovascular bundle is arranged in circle shape in R. patmatum. R. undulatum shows a distingushed wheel shape. 4. The internal characteristics : R. palmatum has a large intercellular space of cork layer, its cambium is clear and a xylem medullary ray is comparatively tight, Whereas R. undulatum has a tight intercettular space of cork layer., its cambium is a few clear and xylem medullary ray is verty tight. As these results, additional study is required to distinguish herbs and their effect among many kinds of same genus-degree of relatedness.

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Korean-Japan Medical Culture Exchange through The Choson Delegation in The 18th Century (18세기 조선통신사를 통한 한일의학문화교류)

  • Cha, Wung-Seok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1418-1430
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    • 2006
  • In the 18th century, Joseon and Japan corresponded politically and culturally through the Joseon Missionary. During this time, the people in Japan who received the Joseon Missionary left many records of their visits and among them were numerous accounts related to medicine, In the years 2003 and 2004, the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine gathered records that were dispersed throughout japan, and in 20005, it organized the information and put it up on the web along with the original text. This research is an overall report on the documentary records. It analyzes individual documents and looks into what the mainly interested the joseon and Japanese medical worlds at that time. The documents located up till now are 21 medical dialogue records from the 18th century. Through the process of these medical dialogues, the Joseon medical circle discovered a different side of japanese medicine, and the japanese medical world had a chance to directly receive advanced medical skills. Through these medical dialogues, the two countries also exchanged bountiful information about clinical patients. The japanese scholars showed deep interest in Joseon's ginseng, and asked many questions about practical usages of the contents in the medical documents. It is thought that these medical dialogue records will greatly assist studies on the medical history of this time, because it reveals new research data on Korean medical history and Japanese medical history in the latter half of the Joseon Dynasty that has never been reported in the academia before.

Study of Radio Frequency Thawing for Cylindrical Pork Sirloin

  • Kim, Jinse;Park, Jong Woo;Park, Seokho;Choi, Dong Soo;Choi, Seung Ryul;Kim, Yong Hoon;Lee, Soo Jang;Park, Chun Wan;Han, Gui Jeung;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Radio frequency (RF) heating is a promising thawing method, but it frequently causes undesirable problems such as non-uniform heating. This can occur because of the food shape, component distribution, and initial temperature differences between food parts. In this study, RF heating was applied to the thawing of cylindrically shaped pork sirloin by changing the shape of electrodes and the surrounding temperature. Methods: Curved electrodes were utilized to increase the thawing uniformity of cylindrically shaped frozen meat. Pork sirloin in the shape of a half-circle column was frozen in a deep freezer at $-70^{\circ}C$ and then thawed by RF heating with flat and curved electrodes. In order to prevent fast defrosting of the food surface by heat transfer from air to the food, the temperature of the thawing chamber was varied by -5, -10, and $-20^{\circ}C$. The temperature values of the frozen pork sirloin during RF thawing were measured using fiber-optic thermo sensors. Results: After multiple applications of curved electrodes resembling the food shape, and a cooled chamber at $-20^{\circ}C$ the half-cylindrically shaped meat was thawed without surface burning, and the temperature values of each point were similarly increased. However, with the parallel electrode, the frozen meat was partially burned by RF heating and the temperature values of center were overheated. The uniform heating rate and heat transfer prevention from air to the food were crucial factors for RF thawing. In this study, these crucial factors were accomplished by using a curved electrode and lowering the chamber temperature. Conclusions: The curved shape of the electrode and the equipotential surface calculated from the modeling of the parallel capacitor showed the effect of uniform heating of cylindrically shaped frozen food. Moreover, the low chamber temperature was effective on the prevention of the surface burning during RF thawing.

An Evaluation of Loss Factor of Damping Treatment Materials for Panels of Railway Vehicles (철도차량용 패널 감쇠처리재의 감쇠계수 평가)

  • Kang, Gil-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.489-496
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    • 2019
  • This paper is a study on the evaluation of loss factor of damping treatment materials to reduce the noise and vibration for panels of railway vehicles and automobiles. In order to determine the modal parameters of damping materials, beam excitation tests were carried out using different type PVC coated aluminum and steel base beam specimens. The specimens were excited from 10 Hz to 1000 Hz frequency range using sinusoidal force, and transfer mobility data were measured by using an accelerometer. The loss factors were determined by using integrated program, based on theories of Half Power Method, Minimum Tangent Error Method, Minimum Angle Error Method and Phase Change Method, which enable to evaluate the parameters using modal circle fit and least squares error method. In the case of lower loss factor and data of linear characteristics, any method could be applied for evaluation of parameters, however the case of higher loss factor or data including non-linear characteristics, the minimum angle error method could reduce the loss factor evaluation. The obtained dynamic properties of the coating material could be used for application of Finite Element Method analyzing the noise control effects of complex structures such as carbody or under-floor boxes of rolling stock. The damping material will be very useful to control the structural noise, because the obtained modal loss factors of each mode show very good effect on over $2^{nd}$ mode frequency range.

Studies on the Penetration, Diffusion Ability and Effect of Insects Control Using the Methyl Bromide in the Vertical Silo (수직사이로에 있어 MB훈증제의 침투확산성 및 살충효과 시험)

  • Hah J.K.;Kim J.T.;CHO N.K.;Kim B.H.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.20 no.4 s.49
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    • pp.212-216
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    • 1981
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the penetration velocity and diffusion ability of methyl bromide fumigants under the condition of natural gravity, and the effect of in control of yellow corn in the vortical silo. The results were as fallows 1. The methyl bromide remainded concentration on the surface of the vertical silo was rapidly reduced from over 100mg/l to under 20mg/l, within 2 hours after supplying methyl bromide fumigant 2. Even 3m depth place from the surface of the vertical silo filled with yellolw corn was well penetrated within 30 minutes, but its remained methyl bromide gas was reduced gradually from over 100mg/l to 30mg/l after 12 hours duration. 5. In case of 13m place tile penetration ability of methyl bromide was over 100mg/l within one hour and kept the same concentration of it for 12 hours, its remainded methyl bromide preserved over 40mg/l until 48 duration time. 4. Less methyl bromide gas was detected at the bottom place than 3m and 13m depth of the vertical silo. It showed bellow 20mg/l of methyl bromide gas only through the whole duration time. 5. Comparing to the vertical penetration velocity of mehtyl bromide gas, the horizontal diffusion ability was not so good. Therefore, remained methyl bromide gas of 3m depth at the wall side of silo was about half than that of center circle where the nearer place from the methyl bromide supplying point, and the methyl bromide gas of 13m depth placed center circle was detected about 15 to 20 times than that of wall side. 6. For the purpose of examining the mortality of methyl bromide, the testing insects (Lesser Rice weevil and confused flour beetle) placed on the surface and bottom side of the silo were killed completely after 24 hrs fumigation, and the same results showed also at the 3m, 7m and 13m depth after 48 hrs fumigation.

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Agronomic Characteristics of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Germplasm (수수 유전자원의 작물학적 특성)

  • Yoon, Seong-Tak;Xu, Zhen Yu;Zhang, Qing-Yu;Kim, In-Sook;Kim, Tae-Ho;Nam, Jung-Chang
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2010
  • Crop characteristics of 179 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) resources collected in Korea were investigated in order to establish basic data for the improvement of crop breeding. Spike types of 179 sorghum resources were classified as 5 types of open-loose type, broom-tillering type, half broom-tillering type, extreme-compact type and compact type, of which broom-tillering type was the highest ratio of 38.0% (68 plant resources) of 179 germplasm. In the existence and nonexistence of spike awn in 179 sorghum resources, 28.5% (51 plant resources) showed existence of spike awn, whereas the rest of 71.5% (128 plant resources) had no spike awn. Seed type was classified as 5 types, of which circle-shape showed the highest ratio of 43.0% (77 plant resources) and the lowest was inclined-circle shape by 7.3% (13 plant resources). Seed color was classified as 4 colors of brown, white, whitish brown, and yellowish brown, of which yellowish brown was the highest ratio of 84.4% (151 plant resources) among them. Days from seeding to heading date showed the range from 67 to 88 days with the average of 77.4 days and the highest frequency proportion of it was the group from 76 to 80 days, which occupied 37.4% (67 plant resources) of 179 germplasm. 179 sorghum resources showed high variation in the range of culm length with the average of 253.8 cm and group from 92 cm to 360 cm of culm length showed the highest frequency proportion of 20.6% (37 plant resources). Spike length showed the range from 15 to 49 cm with the average of 28.8 cm and the highest frequency distribution of it was the group from 31 to 35 cm with the proportion of 26.3% (47 plant resources), whereas the lowest was below 15 cm with the proportion of 0.6%. Days from seeding to physiological maturity showed the range from 110 to 146 days with the average of 125.5 days and the highest frequency proportion (39.7%) of it was the group from 111 to 115 days, while there were also occupied with 2 plant resources below 110 days and 23 plant resources over 141 days among 179 germplasm. Number of grains per spike showed the range from 163 to 4,532 grains with the average of 2,068.6 grains and group from 1,601 to 2,000 grains per spike was the highest frequency distribution with the proportion of 25.7% (46 plant resources). 1000 grains weight showed the range from 10.6 to 38.1g with the average of 25.6g and group from 26.0 to 30.0g was the highest frequency distribution with the proportion of 44.1% (79 plant resources).