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경제능력 검정성적을 기초로 한 산란계의 생산성 향상도 추정 연구 (Studies on the Estimation of Productivity Improvement of Layer on the Basis of Random Sample Test)

  • 송상정;정선부;박응우;오세정
    • 한국가금학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.239-252
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    • 1989
  • 본 연구는 대한양계협회의 1966연부터 1988연의 21회에 걸친 경제능력검정 성적을 이용하여 난용계 전체의 산란능력 개선과 유색계와 백색유를 구분하여 산란능력이 어느 방향으로 개선되었는가를 분석함으로서 앞으로의 육종방향을 설정하는데 도움이 될 수 있는 자료를 제공하기 위해 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 측정한 형질은 육성률, 성계생존율, 성성숙일영, 산란율, 산란지수, 난중, 사료요구율, 500일영 체중이다. 이상의 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 육성률은 80연대 평균 99.4%이다. 유색계의 80년대 평균은 99.5% 백색계는 99.06%로 유색계가 우수하였다. 성계생존율은 연간 0.98%의 증가가 있어 왔으며 유색계 백색계 모두 연간 0.86%의 증가가 있어왔다. 2. 성성숙일영은 60연대 171.2일에서 70연대는 160.8일로 연간 1. 1일의 개선이 있었으나 80연대 162.4일로 오히려 증가했다. 백색계는 70년대 160.5일에서 80년대 159.5일로 미미한 개선이 있었고 유색계는 70연대 163.7일에서 80연대 166.1 일로 증가했다. 3. 산란율은 연간 0.96%의 증가로 80년대 평균 76.94%이다. 유색계의 경우 연간 1.09%의 증가로 80연대 평균 76.51%이고 백색계의 경우연간 0.63%로 80연대 평균 77.45%이다. 4. 산란지수 연간 4.5개씩 증가하여 80연대 평균 265.1개이다. 유색계는 연간 5.37개씩 증가하여 80년대 평균 264.97개이다. 백색계는 년간 4.23개씩 증가하여 80년대 평균265.5개이다. 5. 난중은 연간 0.22g 씩 증가하였다. 유색계는 0.25g 씩 증가하였으며 백색계는 0.03g 씩 감소하였다. 6. 사료요구양은 매년 0.04 개선되었고 백색계는 0.05의 개선이 유색계는 0.1의 개선이 있었다. 7. 500일영 체중은 매년 6.38g 씩 증가하였고 유색계는 14.95 g씩 감소했으며 백색계는 10.37g 씩 감소하였다. 8. 전체성적 백색계 유색계에서 성성숙일영과 산란율의 상관관계는 각각 - 0.4512, -0.0358, 0.0989이며 산란지수와는 -0.2876, -0.1530, 0.1181, 난중과는 -0.4347, 0.3475, 0.2885, 500일영 체중과는 0.2045, 0.1208, 0.2248로 추정되었다. 산란율과 난중과의 관계는 0.6233, -0.2259, 0.2973, 500일영 체중과는 0.2417, 0.0774, - 0.4787로 추정되었다. 산란지수와 난중과의 관계는 0.6171, -0.2706, 0.4579, 500일영 체중과의 관계 0.3082, -0.0792, -0.3368로 추정하였다. 난중과 500일영 체중과의 관계는 0.2742, 0.2205, 0.1354로 추정되었다.

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산란계농가의 자동화계사 시설실태 및 의식조사 연구 (Survey on the Automation of Laying Hen Houses and Farmers' Awareness of its Significance)

  • 최희철;서옥석;이덕수;한정대
    • 한국축산시설환경학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1996
  • This survey was conducted to investigate the situation of three types of laying hen houses and farmers' awareness of farm automation. Six windowless, three high-rising windowless and four open-sided laying hen houses were surveyed to compare their characteristics, and sixty farmers answered questionnaires. 1. Population density of laying hen was 13.9 birds/m^2$ in open-sided, 28.9 birds/m^2$ in high-rising windowless, and 44.9 birds/m^2$ in windowless laying hen houses. 2. Feeder space was $12{\sim}13.5cm$ in open-sided laying hen houses, but feeder space of windowless and high-rising hen houses was narrower than that of open-sided laying hen houses. 3. Thermal resistance values were $14.6{\sim}18.7\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$ in wall, #22.0{\sim}23.7\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$ in roof of windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses but the wall of open-sided laying hen houses was only $1.9\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$. 4. Maximum ventilation capacity was 0.161{\sim}0.326$ cmm/bird in summer. Minimum rate of tunnel Ventilation laying hen houses in winter was $0.013{\sim}0.040$ cmm/bird, but minimum rate of crossflow and high-rising windowless laying hen houses was larger than that of tunnel ventilation houses. 5. One person managed about 8,100 birds in open-sided, and about 23,500 birds in windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses. 7. 90.7% of farmers responsed that they want to construct automatized laying hen houses in the future.

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산란계와 비산란계의 에너지대사 비교 시험 (Comparison of Energy Metabolisms between Laying and Non- laying Hen)

  • 이영철
    • 한국가금학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1986
  • 정상적인 산란계와 란소 기능을 정지시킨 비산란계의 에너지 대사를 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 절식시 열생산량(FHP)은 산란계 109.7Kcal/kg$^{0.75}$ , 비산란계 87.4 Kcal/kg$^{0.75}$ 이며 전자의 FHP가 약 25.5% 높았다. 2. 유지를 위한 ME요구량(MEm)에 있어서 산란계 149Kcal/kg$^{0.75}$ 에 대하여 비산란계는 135Kcal/kg$^{0.75}$ 이며 산란계가 10% 높았다. 이는 유지시라 하드라도 란생산을 계속하는 이상체내에서의 산란을 위해 대사작용이 계속되기 때문으로 생각된다. 3. 생산을 위한 ME의 정미이용효율(NAME)은 산란계 77%, 비산란계 83%이었다. 이 경우 체에너지 축적이 마이너스였던 산란계의 NAME은 주로 란생산을 위한 ME 이용효율이며 또 산란이 중지된 비산란계의 NAME은 증체를 위한 이용효율에 해당된다고 생각된다. 4. 산란계와 비산란계에 있어서 각각 체중과 체에너지 축적의 회귀식으로 구한 체중 1g 증감할때의 에너지치는 산란계 3.54Kcal, 비산란계5.04Kcal 가 된다. 즉, 산란계는 비산란계에 비하여 약 70%의 에너지가를 나타내어 이들은 체에너지가 란생산을 위해 이용되는 경우의 이용효율을 나타내는 것이라 생각된다. 5. 혈청중 T$_3$ 및 T$_4$ 측정결과 T$_4$농도는 유의차가 없는데 비하여 T$_3$ 농도는 산란계가 비산란계에 비하여 유의적으로 높았다. 6. 간추출액중 에너지 대사에 관여하는 효소, ATP citrate lyase, fructose diphosphate aldolase, isocitrate dehydrogenase 및 glutamic pyruvic transaminase활성을 측정한 결과 간추출액 1mg 1분간당 분해기질을 기준으로 할 때 측정한 4개 효소활성은 산란계가 비산란계에 비하여 유의적으로 증가한다. 그러나 간 1당 1분간 분해 기질을 기준으로 할 때 ICD와 APT citrate lyase만이 산란계의 활성이 현저히 증가하였다.

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산란계(Dakalbwarren)의 연령에 따른 myeloperoxidase와 leukocyte peroxidase 활성에 관한 연구 (Activity of myeloperoxidase and leukocyte peroxidase according to ages in the hen(Dekalbwarren))

  • 전승기;강창원;이호일
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.465-470
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    • 1994
  • This study was undertaken to measure the activity of myeloperoxidase and leukocyte peroxidase of hen. 70 hens were decapitated to observe the activity of enzymes according to ages. The activity of peroxidase by the Lowry's method with bovine serum albumin as standard. Gel filtration chromatography was carried out of sephacryl S-300 column. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The mean of specific activity of myeloperoxidase and leukocyte peroxidase was 16.80(units/mg) and 15(units/mg), respectively. 2. The specific activity of myeloperoxidase in 35 days hen was significantly increased and showed almost the same level of activity to 350 days hen. 3. The specific activity of leukocyte peroxidase in 35 days hen was significantly increased and showed a little increased tendency from 210 days to 350 days hen. 4. On the sephacryl S-300 column chromatography, two separated peaks of myeloperoxidase activity were observed. The molecular weights of myeloperoxidase were 57,000 dalton and 13,700 dalton.

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난류(卵類)의 지질성분 및 지방산 조성 분석 - 달걀, 기러기알, 청둥오리알 - (Analysis of lipid composition and fatty acids in poultry eggs -cage system, open barn system's hen egg, moscovy duck's egg mallard's egg-)

  • 홍이진;윤혜경;구성자
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.645-651
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    • 1999
  • 일반란, 천연란, 고센란, 청둥오리알, 기러기알의 지질성분 및 지방산 조성 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 가식부 100 g에 대한 지질 비율은 기러기알>고센란>청둥오리알>일반란>천연란 순으로 기러기알이 가장 높았고, 지질중 TG 비율은 일반란>고센란>천연란>청둥오리알>기러기알 순으로 일반란의 TG함량이 가장 높았다. Cholesterol함량은 난황 1 g당 일반란이 14.14mg로 가장 높았고, 청둥오리알과 13.30 mg으로 가장 낮았고, total lipid에 대한 cholesterol함량은 일반란이 4.5%로 가장 높았고, 청둥오리알과 기러기알이 3.3%로 가장 낮았다. 방사구란과 비방사구란을 중성지절, 당지질 및 인지질의 함량을 측정한 결과 중성지질은 방사구란에 비해 비방사구란이 더 높았고, 당지질과 인지질의 경우에는 반대로 비방사구란보다 방사구란에서 더 높게 나타났다. 특수란의 경우 중성지질 함량은 청둥오리알보다 기러기알이 더 낮았고, 두 종류 모두 달갈류보다 더 낮은 값이였다. 또한 당지질과 인지질은 청둥오리알보다 기러기알에서의 함량이 더 높았고, 두 종류 모두 달걀류보다 높게 측정되었다. 분획한 중성지질과 당지질, 인지질 모두 TLC에 의한 정성반응을 통해 성분 확인을 하였다. 필수 지방산 함량을 분석한 결과 linoleic acid 함량은 기러기알에서, linolenic acid 함량은 고센란에서 가장 높았다. Arachidonicacid와 EPA함량는 기러기알에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 달갈류에서는 EPA값이 측정되지 않았다. DHA함량은 기러기알>천연란>일반란>고센란>청둥오리알 순으로 기러기알에서 가장 높게 나타났다.

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산란계에서의 흉강내 기형종 발생보고 (Thoracic teratoma in a laying hen (Deklb brown warren). A case report)

  • 한규삼;이성효;서문정;오언평;채효석;유혜진;임채웅
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 1997
  • This article reports a spontaneous thoracic teratoma in a laying hen (Deklb brown warren). In this case, a 40 days old hen was submitted for necropsy as part of an investigation into a flock problem suspected Marek's disease to Chonbuk Veterinary Service Laboratory in 1983. On the gross finding, mass was In the cranial subpulmonary cavity and attached to the vertebral column. It contained fully developed contour feathers. Histologically, feathers were arised from feather follicles complete with arrector plumi muscle, nerve, vessel and mucous gland composed with simple tall columnar epithelium. The outer surface of mass was lined by keratinized or nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. It converted to pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in some area. There were lymphocyte infiltration around gland tissue and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in nonkeratinized epithelium. This thoracic teratoma was composed of ectodermal origin, squamous epithelium and nerve, and endodermal origin, mucous gland. This case in laying hen has never been reported in the literature in the world.

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달걀.메추리알.오리알의 Retinol Equivalent 측정과 Carotenoids 분석 (Determination of Retinol Equivalent and Identification of Carotenoids in Hen, Quail and Duck Eggs)

  • 김미정;이혜수
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.391-395
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    • 1985
  • 시중에서 판매되는 달걀, 메추리알, 오리알의 총 carotenoid, provitamin A carotenoids, retinol함량을 측정하여 Retinol Equivalent를 산출하고, 이들 난황의 carotenoid 조성을 비교분석하였다. 각 난황에서 단위 g당 총 carotenoid함량은 달걀>메추리알>오리알의 순서로, retinol은 메추리알>오리알>달걀의 순서로, Retinol, Equivalent는 메추리알>오리알>달걀의 순서로 높았다. 간 난황의 carotenoid 분석결과, carotenoid 조성은 거의 비슷했으나, 달걀과 메추리알의 경우 lutein과 zeaxanthin이 총 carotenoid의 75% 정도였고, 오리알의 경우는 60% 정도였다. 거의 대부분을 차지하고 있는 carotenoids임을 보였다.

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부산 동리어촌계 개량조개, Mactra chinensis의 자원생태학적 연구 (A Population ecological study of the hen clam(Mactra chinensis) in the Dong-li self-regulatory community of Busan)

  • 박희원;장창익
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to estimate biomass and to provide management plan through population ecological characteristics, including growth parameters, survival rate, instantaneous coefficient of natural and fishing mortalities, and age at first capture of hen clam, Mactra chinensis, in the Dong-li self-regulatory community of Busan. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from a non-linear regression were $SH_{\infty}=86.24mm$, K=0.12/year, and = -1.37year. Survival rate(s) of the hen clam was 0.515. The instantaneous coefficients of natural mortality(M) was estimated to be 0.232/year and fishing mortality(F) 0.432/year for hen clam. The current biomass of the hen clam in the study area was estimated to be 713mt and the acceptable biological catch(ABC) was estimated under various harvest strategies based on $F_{0.1}$ and $F_{40%}$.

닭의 정자선(精子腺) 기능(機能) 향상(向上)을 위한 연구(硏究) 2. 정자(精子) 저장(貯藏) 상태에 대하여 (Study on functional elevations of sperm-host glands in domestic hens 2. Storage level of spermatozoa)

  • 곽수동;안동원
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was designed to investigate the methods for the functional elevations of sperm-host (utero-vaginal, U-V) glands in domestic hens. The laying hens were assigned to five groups of low-, medium-, high- fecundity, gonadotrophin-, and caffeinetreated hen groups, these group hens were sacrified at interval after last artificial inseminations (AI). Number of U-V gland observed in tissue preparation of each hen U-V region were investigated, and also the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were calculated. 1. In low-fecundity hen groups, the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 13.5, 15.6, 11.8, 13.6, 2.3, 0, and 0% respectively at the hens of 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 days after AI. 2. In medium-fecunditiy hen groups, the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 21.7, 22.7, 13.4, 10.4, 10.0, 7.7 and 0% respectively at the hens of 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 days after AI. 3. In high-fecundity hen groups, the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 30.8, 31.8, 28.9, 13.0, 10.3, 10.8, and 0.9 respectively at the hen of 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 days after AI. 4. In gonadotrophin-treated hen groups, the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 31.8, 33.7, 32.3, 17.3, 12.0, 5.0, and 1.0% respectively at hens of 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 days after AI. 5. In caffeine-treated hen groups, the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 33.2, 29.2, 22.4, 17.8, 12.7, 0, and 1.1% respectively at hens of 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 days after AI. 6. The appearance rates of completely filled U-V glands and partially filled U-V glands of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands were found to be 3.8:1. So we suggested as follows: The appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained glands tend to be high from 1 day after AI to 7 days and tend to declined rapidly from 10 days. Also higher fecundity hen groups tend to be higher in the appearance rates and longer in spermatozoa-contained duration in U-V glands than in lower fecundity hen groups. Gonadotrophin hormone tend to increase the appearance rates of spermatozoa-contained U-V glands than those in control group, whereas caffeine tend to increase those rates at 1 day and to declined more rapidly from 3 day than in control group.

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Comparison of Quality Traits of Breast Meat from Commercial Broilers and Spent Hens in Sri Lanka

  • Lakshani, Pubudu;Jayasena, Dinesh D.;Jo, Cheorun
    • 한국가금학회지
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2016
  • With the aim of investigating the differences in the quality traits of breast meat between spent hen and broiler chicken, the physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid profile and sensory attributes of breast meat from the two chicken types were assessed. A higher protein content and a lower moisture content were found in breast of spent hen compared to that of commercial broilers (P<0.05). No significant differences in crude fat and ash contents were detected between commercial broilers and the older spent hens (P>0.05). Spent hens showed a significantly lower pH value than did commercial broilers. Spent hen meat had a higher $L^*$ value than broiler chicken meat did (P<0.05). However, $a^*$ and $b^*$ values of breast meat were similar between spent hens and commercial broilers. Water holding capacity values measured in the breast meat were comparable between the two types of chicken used in this study (P>0.05). However, spent hen meat showed a higher cooking loss value than did broiler meat (P<0.05). Total polyunsaturated fatty acid content was significantly higher in spent hen meat compared to broiler meat, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Nevertheless, sensory characteristics of breast meat were comparable between spent hen and broiler chicken. This information can help consumers to understand better the nutritive value and important quality traits of breast meat from commercial broilers and spent hens.