• Title/Summary/Keyword: HEEL

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An Analysis of Stress Transfer Behaviors within the Necrotic Cancellous Bone following Surgical Procedures or the Management of the Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head (대퇴골두 무혈성 괴사증의 수술적 기법 적용 후 괴사 망상골 내에서의 응력 변화 해석)

  • Kim, J.S.;Lee, S.J.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 1997
  • Operative interventions for the management of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) include core drilling, with or without vascularized fibular bone grafting. Nevertheless, their clinical results have not been consistently satisfactory. Recently, a new surgical procedure that incorporates cementation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) after core drilling has been tried clinically. In this study, a biomechanical analysis using a finite element method(FEM) was undertaken to evaluate surgical methods and their underlying surgical parameter. Our finite element models included five types. They were (1) normal model (Type I), (2) necrotic model (Type II), (3) core decompressed model (Type III). (4) fibular bone grafted model (Type IV), and (5) cemented with PMMA model (Type V). The geometric dimensions of the femur were based on digitized CT-scan data of a normal person. Various physiological loading conditions and surgical penetration depths by the core were used as mechanical variables to study their biomechanical contributions in stress transfer within the femoral head region. In addition. the peak von Mises stress(PVMS) within the necrotic cancellous bone of the femoral head was obtained. The fibular bone grafted method and cementation method provided optimal stress transfer behaviors. Here. substantial increase in the low stress level was observed when the penetration depth was extended to 0mm and 5mm from the subchondral region. Moreover, significant decrease in PVMS due to surgery was observed in the fibular bone grafted method and the cementation method when the penetration depths were extended up to 0 and 5mm from the subchondral region. The drop in PVMS was greater during toe-off than during heel-strike (57% vs. 28% in Type IV and 49% vs. 22% in Type V). Both the vascularized fibular bone grafting method (Type IV) and the new PMMA technique (Type V) appear to be very effective in providing good stress transfer and reducing the peak Von-Mises stress within the necrotic region. Overall results show that fibular bone grafting and cementation methods are quite similar. In light of above results, the new cementation method appears to be a promising surgical alternative or the treatment of ONFH. The use of PMMA for the core can be less prone to surgical complication as opposed to preparation of fibular bone graft and can achieve more immediate fixation between the core and the surrounding region.

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Introduction of Hindfoot Coronal Alignment View (후족부 관상면 배열 영상에 대한 고안)

  • Moon, Il-Bong;Jeon, Ju-Seob;Yoon, Kang-Cheol;Choi, Nam-Kil;Kim, Seung-Kook
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.225-228
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Accurate clinical evaluation of the alignment of the calcaneus relative to the tibia in the coronal plane is essential in the evaluation and treatment of hindfoot pathologic condition. Previously described standard anteroposterior, lateral, and oblique radiographic methods of the foot or ankle do not demonstrate alignment of the tibia relation to the calcaneus in the coronal plane. The purpose of this study was to introduce hindfoot coronal alignment view. Material : 1) Both feet were imaged simultaneously on an elevated, radiolucent foot stand equipment. 2) Both feet stood on a radiolucent platform with equal weight on both feet. 3) Both feet are located foot axis longitudinal perpendicular to the platform. 4) Silhouette tracing around both feet are made, and line is then drawn to bisect the silhouette of the second toe and the outline of the heel. 5) The x-ray beam is angled down approximately $15^{\circ} to $20^{\circ} Result : 1) This image described tibial axis and medial, lateral tuberosity of calcaneus. 2) Calcaneus do not rotated. 3) The view is showed by talotibial joint space. Conclusion: Although computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging techniques are capable of demonstrating coronal hindfoot alignment, they lack usefulness in most clinical situations because the foot is imaged in a non-weight bearing position. But hindfoot coronal alignment view is obtained for evaluating position changing of inversion, eversion of the hindfoot and varus, valgus deformity of calcaneus.

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The Effect of High-Heeled Shoes With Total Contact Inserts in the Gait Characteristics of Young Female Adults During Lower Extremity Muscle Fatigue (하지 근육의 피로상태 동안 높은 굽 신발에 적용한 전면접촉인솔이 젊은 여성의 보행 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Eun-Hye;Choi, Houng-Sik;Kim, Tack-Hoon;Cynn, Heon-Seock;Kwon, Oh-Yun;Choi, Kyu-Han
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated gait characteristics, kinematics, and kinetics in the lower extremities between two different shoe conditions (high heeled shoes (7 cm), and high heeled shoes with a total contact insert (TCI)) after lower extremity muscle fatigue. Although TCI shave been applied in high heeled shoes to increase comfort and to decrease foot pressure, no study has attempted to identify the effects of TCI in fatigue conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of walking in high heeled shoes with TCI after lower extremity muscle fatigue was induced. This study was carried out in a motion analysis laboratory at Hanseo University. A volunteer sample of 14 healthy female subjects participated. All in fatigue conditions, the subjects were divided into two groups. The muscle fatigue was induced by 40 voluntary dorsi- and plantar-flexion exercises and 40 heel-rise exercises of the dominant foot. Surface electromyography was used to confirm the localized muscle fatigue using power spectral analysis of three muscles (tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis). The results were as follows: (1) In muscle fatigue conditions, the use of TCI decreased the peak flexion angle of the hip joint significantly in the early stance phase (p<.05) and increased the peak hip flexion moment in the terminal stance phase (p<.05). (2) In muscle fatigue conditions, the application of TCI also increased peak hip power generation in the early stance phase and peak hip power absorption in the terminal stance phase (p<.05). (3) In muscle fatigue conditions, the use of TCI reduced the impact force significantly and increased the secondary peak vertical GRF. These findings suggest that the TCI may provide beneficial effects when muscle fatigue occurs for a high heeled shoe gait. Future research employing the patient population and various types of TCI materials are required to clarify the effects of TCI.

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Analysis and the Assessment of Exterior Design of Functional Sandals for Stature of Achilles Tendons (아킬레스건 신장용 기능성 샌들의 외형 디자인 평가 분석)

  • Yang, Keun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2012
  • Based on the study, the issues and trends in the current functional sandal designs on the same product line will be examined for the future developments for the functional sandals and the results were obtained as follows. First, the sandals must have a high front heel with wide floors that meet the ground. Second, the preference for the chromatic colour is stronger than the achromatic colors. Third, the sandals must be designed in curves in terms of the height and shape of the heels and design must consider the shoe's balance. Fourth, the product must appear big to provide a sense of stability. However, the sandals must not be designed too big to make them look crude or cause inconvenience while exercising. Fifth, the sandals must not be designed in too complex ways. This study has investigated and analyzed the external design of functional sandals and the user reviews on the actual sandals were not done. Through more detailed studies, the diversity in the design of functional sandals must be south and Korea's competitive edge in the industry and design must be secured for the future.

Surgical Treatment of Ruptured Achilles Tendon - End-to-end suture & Paratendinous wrapping (아킬레스건 파열의 수술적치료 -단단 봉합술 및 건외막피복술-)

  • Hwang Deuk-Soo;Lee Won-Seok;Kim Kyung-Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: To evaluate the results and prognosis of operative repair to acute rupture of achilles tend on associated sports injury. Materials and Methods: 21 cases were surgically treated and average follow-up period was 1 year and eight months. The forth decade was most common with $55\%$ and soccer was most common in sports with 5 cases. End-to-end suture of ruptured achilles tendon was performed, and paratendinous structure was wrapped sufficiently. Postoperatively. ankle was plantarflexed for 6 weeks with longleg cast. And then 2 weeks interval, short leg cast with equinous position was conversed to functional position. About 10 weeks after operation, ankle was recovered to right angle. Hooker scale was used to evaluate the results. Results: Compared to normal side, heel-floor distance of ruptures side was decreased 0.7 cm in average, and 0.8 cm was deceased after 20 times weight loaded dorsiflexion. Mid-calf circumference was deceased 0.3 cm, and active dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of ankle was decreased each 3 and 5degree. 16 cases showed ‘excellent’result and 5 cases showed ‘satisfactory’. There was no complication, such as re-rupture or infection at operation site. Conclusion: After end-to-end operative repair to achilles tendon, sufficient wrapping of paratendinous structure is efficient for healing and prevention of postoperative adhesion. And serial dorsiflex-ion cast change is considered to be a successful treatment for preventing residual equinus deformity.

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The Effects of Stretching and Recreation Exercise Included Health Education on Physical Flexibility and Health Behavior Compliance of Elderly Women (건강운동 프로그램이 여성노인의 신체 유연성 및 건강행위 이행에 미치는 효과)

  • Won, Jeong-Sook;Hyun, Kyung-Sun;Han, Sang-Sook;Kim, Won-Ock;Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Lee, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the stretching and recreation exercise including health education on physical flexibility and health behavior compliance of women in elderly. Subjects included 28 women elderly who were residents of H Dong, Dondae moon-Gu, Seoul. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 times/week for stretching exercise with 2 times/weeks for health education. Data collection were from February to April, 2004. SPSS Window program was used by aims of this study for data analysis. The results were as following: 1. 75 old age above (39.3%) was the most of age in subjects. None education (42.9%) was the most of subjects in this study. Perceived health state was the most as 71.4% in moderate and good health state. 2. Physical flexibility of both shoulder(right z=-4.301, p=,000)(left z=-4.306), both arm(right z=-3.623, p=.0001)(left z=4.111, p=.0001), heel on both ankle(right z=-3.472, p=.0001) (left z=956, p=.0001), both before food(right z=-4.205, p=.0001)left(z=4.191, p=.0001) and both knee(right z=-4.118, p=.0001)(left z=4.082, p=.0001) was increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 3. Health behavior compliance(z=-4.073, p=.0001) was significantly on the effect. Therefore, it is confirmed that stretching exercise included health education is an effective nursing intervention for physical, mental, and psychological health management in elderly. Accordingly, authors are proposing that variously effective health management exercise programs must be developed for elderly, at the same time, the application and following up on the programs will be more important in the future.

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Evaluation of Foot Pressures and Subjective Discomfort Ratings associated with Sneakers, High Heels, and Kill Heels (운동화, 하이힐, 그리고 킬힐에 따른 족압과 주관적 불편도 평가)

  • Song, Jae-Woong;Kim, Sung-Ja;Lee, Ga-Hee;Song, Ki-Burm;Kong, Yong-Ku
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2009
  • Ten young females were participated in this study to investigate the effects of types of shoes (sneakers, high heels, kill heels), types of tasks (standing, walking floor, step up and down), and areas of foot (fore foot, middle foot, rear foot) on foot pressures as well as subjective discomfort ratings. Results showed that kill heels had the most discomfort shoes, followed by high heels and sneakers. Generally, as the heel was higher, the discomfort of foot increased. For the analyses of task types, generally discomfort ratings were highest for the step down and up, followed by walking floor and standing. Especially discomfort ratings of high heels and kill heels were more evident in case of step up and step down than standing and walking floor. Standing task was rated as the lowest levels of discomfort on users' foot. Peak and mean foot pressures were also evaluated in this study. The findings represented that there was no significant differences between types of shoes in both peak and mean foot pressures. The peak pressure (82.14kPa) and mean pressure (40.32kPa) for standing task were significantly lower than those of other tasks [walking floor (190.55kPa, 55.46kPa), step up (191.43kPa, 53.80kPa), and step down (200.66kPa, 52.62kPa)]. Generally discomfort ratings and peak/mean pressures associated with foot showed that fore foot had higher discomfort ratings as well as peak and mean pressures than middle and rear foots. In particularly, this trend was more obvious in case of high heels and kill heels. For the high heels and kill heels, the peak pressures of fore foot were 4.5~4.8 times and 2.3~2.5 times greater than that of middle foot and rear foot, respectively, whereas the peak pressures of fore foot were 2.9 times and 1.7 times greater than that of middle and rear foots, respectively, in case of sneakers.

A Literature Study on surgical disease in seven medical books related with Ju Dan Gye(朱丹溪) (朱丹溪 關聯書籍 7種에 나타난 外科疾患의 文獻的 考察)

  • Lee, Suk-Jin;Roe, Suk-Sun;Ju, Young-Seung;Rho, Jin-Gu
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.131-132
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    • 1995
  • After studing of viewpoint of surgical disease in seven medical books related with Ju Dan Gye(朱丹溪) among four eminent physicians in the Jin and Yuan dynasties(金元四大家) I get conclsion as following. 1. Studied surgical diseases are total 40 kinds. 2. In 40 kinds surgical diseaes, case of having theory are 20 kinds, cases of having no theory and having only treatement by medicine are 20 kinds. 3. In therapy, cases that mainly use a method to eliminate pathogenic factors are 27 kinds; Acute mastitis(乳癰), Deep-seated mammary abscess(내巖), Acute appendicitis(陽癰), Bone cellulitis(附骨疽), Carbuncle of the lower abdomen near external genitalia(便毒), Leprosy(癩風), Macule(斑), Rash(疹), Urticaria(은疹), Scrofula(나역), Stagnant plegm(結核), Goiter andtumer(영유), Erysipelas(丹), Furuncle(정瘡), Scabies(疥瘡), Chancre(下疳瘡), Syphilitic skin disease(樣梅瘡), Incised wound (金瘡), Dermatopathy of lower limb and heel(脚足部瘡), Pemphigus(天疱瘡), Itching eruption due to blood-heat or wind heat(血風瘡), Dermatopathy of head(頭面瘡), Scald and burn(湯火瘡), Tetanus(破傷風) , Ecthyma(염瘡), Fistula(久漏瘡), Tinea(癬瘡), Cases that mainly use external therapy are 5 kinds; Rhagades of hand and foot(手足군裂), Vulvar ulceration(婦人陰瘡), Chilblain(凍瘡), Rabies(풍狗咬), Tinea capitis(白禿瘡), Cases that mainly use a reinforcing method are 4 kinds; Internal deep-rooted carbuncle(內疽), Pruritus and dryness of skin(皮膚乾燥), Anul fistula(漏瘡), Macule Caused by disorder of internal organ(內傷發斑), Cases that mainly use eliminating first and then reinforcing are 2 kinds; Pyogenic infection and ulcerous disease of slin( 疽瘡상癰疽瘡瘍), Lung abscess(肺癰), Case that mainly uses reinforcement and elimination in combination is only Haemorroid(痔瘡). Case divided into two groups that are reinforcing method and a method to eliminate pathogenic factor is only Trauma(打撲). Case that have no treatment by medicine is only Abscess of the scrotum(囊癰). 4. In 40 kinds surgical diseases, we can know that except a few important surgical diseases, Ju Dan Gye haven't distinguished viewpoint in many surgical diseases, because there are many cases that have no theory and have only simple treatment of medicine, and that mainly use a method to eliminate pathogenic factors and external therapy. 5. Representative theory of Ju Dan Gye, nourishing Yin and extinguishing fire(滋陰降火), has little effect on therapy of surgical disease. We need to try statistical division of internal and external remedy in the future, and by studing of surgical disase in medical books related with four eminent physicians in the Jin and Yuan dynasties, I think we can see their viewpoint of surgical disease.

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Design and Application of Acrylic Electron Wedge to Improve Dose Inhomogeneities at the Junction of Electron Fields (전자선 조사야 결합부분의 선량분포 개선을 위한 Acrylic Electron Wedge의 제작 및 사용)

  • Kim Young Bum;Kwon Young Ho;Whang Woong Ku;Kim You Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 1998
  • Treatment of a large diseased area with electron often requires the use of two or more adjoining fields. In such cases, not only electron beam divergence and lateral scattering but also fields overlapping and separation may lead to significant dose inhomogeneities(${\pm}20\%$) at the field junction area. In this study, we made Acrylic Electron Wedges to improve dose homogeneities(${\pm}5\%$) in these junction areas and considered application it to clinical practices. All measurements were made using 6, 9, 12, 16, 20MeV Electron beams from a linear accelerator for a $10{\times}10cm$ field at 100cm SSD. Adding a 1 mm sheet of acryl gradually from 1 mm to 15 mm, We acquired central axis depth dose beam profile and isodose curves in water phantom. As a result, for all energies, the practical range was reduced by approximately the same distance as the thickness of the acryl insert, e.g. a 1 mm thick acryl insert reduce the practical range by approximately 1 mm. For every mm thickness of acryl inserted, the beam energy was reduced by approximately 0.2MeV. These effects were almost independent of beam energy and field size. The use of Acrylic Electron Wedges produced a small increase $(less\;than\;3\%)\;in\;the\;surface\;dose\;and\;a\;small\;Increase(less\;than\;1\%)$ in X-ray contamination. For acryl inserts, thickness of 3 mm or greater, the penumbra width increased nearly linear for all energies and isodose curves near the beam edge were nearly parallel with the incident beam direction, and penumbra width was $35\;mm{\sim}40\;mm$. We decide heel thickness and angle of the wedge at this point. These data provide the information necessary to design Acrylic Electron Wedge which can be use to improve dose uniformity at electron field junctions and it will be effectively applicated in clinical practices.

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Donor Site Morbidity after Sural Nerve Harvesting for Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction (장딴지 신경이식술 후 공여부 합병증에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Jung-Woo;Choi, M. Seung-Suk;Lee, Jang-Hyun;Ahn, Hee-Chang;Kang, Nak-Heon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Although the sural nerve is the most commonly used donor for autologous nerve graft, its morbidity after harvesting is sparsely investigated. The sural nerve being a sensory nerve, complications such as sensory changes in its area and neuroma can be expected. This study was designed to evaluate the donor site morbidity after sural nerve harvesting. Methods: Among the 13 cases, who underwent sural nerve harvesting between January 2004 and August 2009, 11 patients with proper follow up were included in the study. The collected data included harvested graft length, actual length of the grafted nerve, anesthetic and paresthetic area, presence of Tinel sign and symptomatic neuroma, and scar quality. Results: In 7 patients, no anesthetic area could be detected. Of the patients with a follow up period of more than 2 years, all the patients showed no anesthetic area except two cases who had a very small area of sensory deficit ($225mm^2$) on the lateral heel area, and large deficit ($4,500mm^2$) on the lateral foot aspect. The patients with a short follow up period (1~2 m) demonstrated a large anesthetic skin area ($6.760mm^2$, $12,500mm^2$). Only one patient had a Tinel sign. This patient also showed a subcutaneous neuroma, which was visible, but did not complain of discomfort during daily activities. One patient had a hypertrophic scar in the retromalleolar area, whereas the two other scars on the calf were invisible. Conclusion: After a period of 2 years the size of anesthetic skin in the lateral retromalleolar area is nearly zero. It is hypothesized that the size of sensory skin deficit may be large immediately after the operation. This area decreases over time so that after 2 years the patient does not feel any discomfort from nerve harvesting.