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Quality Characteristics on Traditional Wines Made from Pigmented Rice (유색미로 제조한 발효주의 품질 특성)

  • Tae Su Kang
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2024
  • This study compared quality characteristics of traditional wine made with white rice of Samkwang and pigmented rice of heugjinmi, joeunheugmi, and heugjinju cultivars. After 10 days fermentation period, the pH was in the range of 4.52~4.71. It was higher in pigmented rice than in white rice. Total acidity was 0.50~0.74%. It was also higher in pigmented rice than in white rice. Regarding sugar content, white rice samgkwang had the highest sugar content at 17.40 °Brix and pigmented rice had sugar contents in the range of 13.17~14.93 °Brix. Regarding reducing sugar, white rice samgkwang had the highest content while heugjinmi pigmented rice had the lowest content. Alcohol concentrations of traditional wine were in the range of 15.0~15.6%. White rice samgkwang and pigmented rice heugjinju cultivars had the highest alcohol concentrations. Traditional wine made from white rice and samgkwang had the highest lightness value at 53.40. For wine made from pigmented rice cultivars, lightness values ranged from 31.91 to 38.33. Pigment wine made from Heugjinmi had the highest redness value at 8.08 and the highest yellowness value at 6.39. Major aroma components produced in large amounts of fermented liquor were ethyl acetate, isobutyl alcohol, 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone, and isoamyl alcohol.

Oriental medical historic study of formation and development about theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek (奇經八脈) (기경팔맥(奇經八脈) 이론(理論)의 형성(形成)과 발전(發展)에 관한 의사학적(醫史學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Lee, Dong Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.10
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    • pp.671-728
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    • 1997
  • By studying from Chun Kuk are(戰國時代) to Chung area(淸代), I could find some conclusion as follows. 1. It was Chun Kuk area(戰國時代) that was shown some signs of forthcoming activity of theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈). In that time, Hwang Jae Nae Kyung(黃帝內經) had been written. That book made a important role for foundation of theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈), but it hadn't sufficient contents in some parts. 2. The theory of the Ki Kyung Pal Maek (奇經八脈) had been developed in Jin Han area(秦漢時代), Nan Kyung(難經) had been written in the area, Nan Kyung(難經) had been the first book which had referred to name and physiology of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) and it also had mentioned about course, function, and pathology of that in simple manner. 3. In Yang Jin are and Su Dang area(兩晋 및 隋唐時代), Maek Kyung(脈經) and Hwang Jae Nae Kyung Tae So(黃帝內經太素) had been written Maek Kyung(脈經) had been the first book which had referred to pathology of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) by Maek Jin(脈診) in detail, and it had affected on such books like Tae Pyung Seoung Hveu bang (太平聖惠方) and Ko Kum Yeu Tong Dae Chon(古今醫統大全). Hwang Jae Nae Kyung Tae So(黃帝內經太素) had mentioned about course, function, and pathology about Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) in most detail at that time, and it also had referred to that of such books like Myung Dang(明堂) and Ku Khoun Kyung(九卷經) which do not exist in present. Because of these point, Hwang jae Nae Kyung Tae So(黃帝內經太素) is evaluated an important book of theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈). 4. In Song area(宋代), Seung Jae Chong Rok(聖濟總錄) had been written. Seung Jae Chong Rok(聖濟總錄) first mentioned about meeting between Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) and Sip I Jong Kyung(十二正經), so this book helped development of theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) of Kum Won area(金元時代). 5. In Kum Won area(金元時代), Dong In Su Hyul Chym Ku Do Kyung(銅人腧穴針灸圖經) had been written. Dong In Su Hyul Chym Ku Do Kyung(銅人腧穴針灸圖經) made a important role of theroy of Im Meak(任脈) and Dok Meank(督脈). Sip Sa Kyung Bal Hyui(十四經發揮) was superior to other books which had been referred to theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) at that time. Also Sip Sa Kyung Bal Hyui(十四經發揮) more mentioned about meeting between Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) and Sip I Jong Kyung(十二正經) than that of Seung Jae Chong Rok(聖濟總錄), so this book helped dvelopment of theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈). 6. In Myung area(明代), Ki Kyung Pal Maek Ko(奇經八脈考) that had almost accomplished theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) had been written. Ki Kyung Pal Maek Ko(奇經八脈考) was the best book more than any other book that had been mentioned about theory of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) in three ways as follows. 1) It is Ki Kyung Pal Maek Ko(奇經八脈考) that mentioned about near similar manner of modern course and physiology of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈). 2) Ki Kyung Pal Maek Ko(奇經八脈考) mentioned about pathology and treatment of Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈) in detail more than any other book. 3) Ki Kyung Pal Maek Ko(奇經八脈考) emphasized on relationship between Ryun Kong(鍊功) and Ki Kyung Pal Maek(奇經八脈).

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The Clinical Considerations of Serous Otitis Media and Ventilation Tube (삼출성중이염과 중이내 통기관 유치술의 임상적 고찰)

  • 김영명;박인용;장태영;심형보
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1982.05a
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    • pp.14.2-15
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    • 1982
  • Serous otitis media (SOM) is one of the most common otologic diseases which was first discribed by Politzer in 1869. Currentely, among many methods introduced to treat SOM, ventilation tube insertion is considered to be the most popular and standard method being used. However due to complication of it, there remains many disputable various problems. In order to review the clinical aspect of SOM and search for the effects and safety of ventilation tube, we studied 97 SOM patients, who had performed V-tube from Jan. 1981 to Feb. 1982 at ENT dept. of Severance Hospital. Analizing the clinical symptoms, age distribution, associated disease, otoscopic findings of ear drum, degree of hearing loss, hearing gain after insertion of V-tube and complications, following results were obtained. 1) As a subjective symptom, among 29 cases all patients had hearing loss, 19 cases (65.6%) had tinnitus, 12 cases (44.4%) had autophony and 10 cases (34.5%) of the patients had sensation of ear fullness. 2) In age distribution, 6 to 10 year old group was most numerous up to 42 cases (43.3%) and 20 years and over was 23 cases (23.5%) 3) In adult group SOM tend to be involved unilaterally whereas young child group had tendency involving bilaterally. 4) 49 cases (50.05%) were associated with tonsillitis and adenoid vegetation, 15 cases (15.5%) were associated with sinusitis, 4 cases (4.1%) had nasal allergy. 5) In preoperative otoscopic findings, 62 ears (47.7%) had retraction, 37 ears (23.6%) had bulging, 34 ears (21.7%) had color change, and 29 ears (19.7%) had no significant findings. 6) In characteristics of middle ear fluid, child group was tend to have mucinous content (84.2%) while adult group had serous content (62.5%). 7) Average preoperative air-bone gap of pure tone was 25.3 dB. 8) 24 ears (72.7%) had over 10 dB of postoperative hearing gain and average hearing gain was 17.2 dB. 9) There were 44 ears (28.1%) of complications. Among them 37 ears (23.6%) had infection, 3 ears had atelectasis, 2 ears had granulation tissue, 2 ears had permanent perforations. 10) Among 37 ears suffered from post-op. infection, 19 ears (51.4%) had initial infection just after insertion of ventilation tube, 18 ears (48.6%) were infected during the course of post-ventilation tube. Of 37 infected ears, 26 ears (70.3%) responded to conservative care, while 11 ears (29.7%) was cured after removal of ventilation tube.

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A Survey Research on Family Health Care : Focusing on Married Women in Seoul (가족 건강관리 행위에 관한 조사연구 -서울시내 일부 기혼부인들을 대상으로-)

  • 주혜진;김초강
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 1996
  • Recently diseases related to personal health habit and lifestyle have become common in modern industrial society. These kinds of diseases can be prevented simply by changing one's lifestyle to be more healthy. As a result of realization our interest in general health has become stronger. The most basic environment for human-being in society is the home. Humans secure their livelihood, physically. mentally, and socially at home. Therefore health care at home is very important. In modern society the responsibility for this task is traditionally given to housewives. The purpose of this study was to measure the degree of the health knowledge, health concern, health behavior and family health care of the married women and to analyze its related factors. The subjects for this study. 1,100 married women who studied at social education institutes and who had children attending an elementary school or a kindergarten, were surveyed with questionnaires. The preliminary survey was carried out from Aug. 7, to Aug. 19, 1995. With complement of questions, the main survey was carried out from Sep. 11, to Sep. 30, 1995. The data was analysed by using the SAS program. The results were as follows. 1. General Characteristics (1) In the individual characteristics of the respondents, the married women aged 30-39 were 54.8%, the average age was 39.8 years old. 33.8% of respondents had 6-10 years of marriage period, and the average marriage period was 14.9 years. Most of them(96.5%) lived with their husband. Those who graduated from college and graduate school were 53.4%. And 68.3% of respondents had no job. (2) In the family characteristics, 69.3% of the married women had 3 or 4 family members and the average family size was 4.1 person. 60.0% of the respondents had 2 children. Most of the respondents(90.9%) had no married children. 84.8% of the respondents lived with their parents. Those who reported that the total family income was more than 2,500,000 won a month were 32.3%. When making the decisions, 68.5% of the married women discussed the family matter with their husband. (3) In the individual characteristics of the respondents, 51.5% answered they were in good health. 61.7% of the married women answered they obtained the health knowledge through mass media. 24.3% of the women answered they had patients in their family in these days. 67.5% of the respondents answered they could generally control their health by themselves. 2. The Health Knowledge, Concern and Behavior. (1) For the health knowledge, the average score was 11.8. The lowest percent of correct answer(27.8%) was in the item about the skin tests for tuberculosis. And the highest percent(97.%) was in the item about taking a rest. (2) For the health concern, the married women had the highest concern about washing hands. But they were indifferent to smoking. (3) For the health behavior, the highest score was in "changing socks and underwear everyday", and the lowest one was in "taking a regular dental examination". 3. The Family Health Care (1) For the family health care, the item of "using a drug with the order of doctor or pharmacist" had the highest grade(4.78), and "consulting with the family physician about the health problem" had the lowest grade(2.03). (2) Older women and the women with a longer period of marriage had the highest level of the family health care(p<0.001). The married women who had 3 children had the highest level of the family health care(p<0.001). Those who had 5 or 6 family member and higher income had the highest level had the high level of the family health care(p<0.01). Women in good health and those who had the health knowledge from health experts had a high level of the family health care. (3) For the correlation of the family health care and other variables, the health behavior showed the highest correlation with family heath care practice(r=0.74) and the second was health concern(r=0.43). The variables which could explain the family health care were health behavior, the health concern and married women's health status(r²=55.87). The most closely associated with family health care was health behavior(r²=54.93)

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The crossing the border into Liadong by Mangong and Jeokhyu, the high priests in the early Joseon Dynasty, and the rebuilding of the Chinese, Buddhist temples (조선초 고승 만공(滿空)과 적휴(適休)의 요동(遼東) 월경(越境)과 중국사찰 중창)

  • Hwang, In-Gyu
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.407-434
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    • 2018
  • This study took a look at the crossing the border into Liadong in the early Joseon Dynasty, which has nearly not been paid attention to in the history of the Buddhism in Korea, and the Chinese, Buddhist whereabouts of Monk Mangong and Jeokhyu, the periodical, Buddhist priests. Regarding the large-scale, Buddhist oppression measures of King Taejong in the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty and King Sejong, the Buddhist circle did not not respond helplessly, but, rather, it had made the resistance on its own way. Especially, the Naonghyegeum of Jogyeseonjong and the disciple affiliates of Taegobowu had stood out. The disciples of Bowu had mainly hit the Sinmungo or had advocated the self-purification of Buddhism. And the disciple affiliates of Naong either had reorganized the Buddhist circle with Muhak in the center or had opposed the suppression. And, by receiving the help of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, they had intended to protect the Buddhist circle, or they, also, crossed the border into Liadong. Although, while attempting the crossing the border into another territory, they were arrested like the sea ships, like Mangong of King Taejong and Jeokhyu of King Sejong, they succeeded in crossing the border into another territory, and they left the clear whereabouts in the Chinese, Buddhist circle. Mangong was one Buddhist monk among the 11 Buddhist monks who crossed the border into Liadong during the King Taejong. After crossing the border, Mangong had moved again from Beijing on a sea route and had settled for after going into a mountain in the Zen sect at the Tienchieh temple in Nanjing. Meanwhile, he had been close to the Joseon Dynasty, and he relocated to Mount Taishan, where there had been the history, thereby rebuilding the Chikurin Temple and the Buchauchan temple and widely publicizing the Buddhism. During the time of King Sejong, by crossing the border into Liadong together with a total of 10 Monks, including the Buddhist monks Shinnae, Shinhyu, Shindam, Hyeseon, Hongjeok, Haebi, Shinyeon, Honghye, Shinwun, etc., under the protection by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing, Jeokhyu went through Shanhaiguan and had moved to the Tienchieh Temple in Nanjing. Although their whereabouts can not be known, on the Guji Mountain in Beijing, Jeokhyu founded the Banyaseonsa Temple nearby the Ryeongamseonsa Temple, where the clergy and the laity of the Goryeo Dynasty had resided and, especially, where Naong and the disciples of Muhak etc. had stayed. As such, the Buddhist monks in the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty had either resisted the suppression by the country or crossed the border into another territory. Mangong and Jeokhyu of the times of King Taejong and King Sejong had led the Chinese, Buddhism circle, had rebuilt the Buddhist temples, and had contributed to the development of the Chinese Buddhism.

Simulation Skills of RegCM4 for Regional Climate over CORDEX East Asia driven by HadGEM2-AO (CORDEX 동아시아 지역에서 HadGEM2-AO를 경계조건으로 처방한 RegCM4의 상세 지역기후 모의성능)

  • Oh, Seok-Geun;Suh, Myoung-Seok;Cha, Dong-Hyun;Choi, Suk-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.732-749
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    • 2011
  • In this study, 27-year (1979-2005) regional climate over the CORDEX East Asia domain was reproduced using a regional climate model, RegCM4, driven by HadGEM2-AO output, and the model's simulation skill was evaluated in terms of surface air temperature and precipitation. The RegCM4 reasonably simulated the spatial distribution and interannual variability and seasonal variability of surface air temperature, while it had systematic biases in the simulation of precipitation. In particular, simulated rainband of East Asian summer monsoon was southward shifted below $30^{\circ}N$ as compared with the observation, thereby, summer mean precipitation over South Korea was significantly underestimated. Simulated temperature from the RegCM4 driven by the HadGEM2-AO output was comparable to that driven by the reanalysis. However, the RegCM4 driven by the HadGEM2-AO had prominently poor skill in the simulation of precipitation. This can be associated with the distorted monsoon circulations in the driving data (i.e., HadGEM2-AO) such as southward shifted low-level southwesterly, which resulted in the erroneous evolution of East Asian summer monsoon simulated by RegCM4.

Study on Relationship between constitution medicine and Prostaglandin E2 in Blood (사상인(四象人) 체질(體質)과 혈중(血中) Prostaglandin E2치(値)와의 관계(關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jong-Weon
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.245-261
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    • 1997
  • The investigation were carried out the 37 patient with cerebrovascular accidents who had been treated in Oriental Medical Hospital in Kyung Hee University and in KangNam Uy Lim, and the 10 examinees who had been worked in Medical Hospital in Kyung Hee University. The consitution which had discriminated by survey, which had discriminated by study on the morphological diagrammings, which had discriminated by the result of the impatient of hospital on a dosage of constitutial prescription. The Prostaglandin E2 in blood for 47 persons (37 patients & 10 examinees) was measured. The following results were obtained. 1.In the constitution which had discriminated by survey, in the value of Prostaglandin E2 in bood of ammong four constitutiens didn,t showed significant differance. 2.In the constitution which had discriminated by study on the morphological diagrammings, in the value of Prostaglandin E2 in bood of ammong four constitutiens didn,t showed significant differance. 3.In the constitution which had discriminated by the result of patient of hospital on a dosage of constitutial prescription, the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of among four constitutions didn,nt showed signicant differance. 4.In the constitution which had discriminated by colligated three methods(survey, morphological diagrammings,the result of patient of hospital on a dosage of constitutial prescription), the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of ammong four constituion didn,t showed significant differnce. 5.In the constitution which had discriminated by survey, a test of significance between the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of each constitution and the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of the others was conducted. Only the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood between in the TAE-EUM-IN(太陰人) and the others of female showed significant differance. 6.In the constitution which had discriminated by study on the morphological diagrammings,a test of significance between the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of each constitution and the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of the others was conducted. Only the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood between in the SO-EUM-IN(少陰人) and the others of male showed significant differance. 7.In the constitution whichhad discriminated by the result of patient of hospital on a dosage of constitutial prescription,a test of significance between the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of each constitution and the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of the others was conducted. Only the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood between in the TAE-EUM-IN(太陰人) and the others of male showed significant differance. 8.In the constitution which had discriminated was the colligated three methods(survey,morphological diagrammings,the result of patient of hospital on a dosage of constitutial prescription),a test of significance between the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of each constitution and the value of Prostaglandin E2 in blood of the others didn,t showed significant differnce. In this connected study is inadequete at present. But if the study is done persistently,the analysis of various ingredient in the body enables objectification in differentiation of four types of physical constitution as the supplemental method.

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A Study on the Image of Dental Hygienists in Dental Patients and Caregivers (치과환자 및 보호자가 인지한 치과위생사 이미지)

  • Kang, Boo-Wol
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the image of dental hygienists. The subjects in the study were 396 patients and their caregivers who visited 14 dental hospitals and dentists' offices in and around Seoul. After a survey was conducted, the following findings were given: 1. The people investigated gave a mean of 4.0 to the image of dental hygienists. Dental hygienists rated highest in terms of looking neat and tidy(4.33), and were given the lowest marks in arbitrary job performance(3.46). 2. There appeared four different types of dental hygienist images, which made a 59.824 prediction of the image of dental hygienists in general. A typical image(4.11) was most dominant, followed by professional one(4.07), personal one(4.01) and social one(3.73). 3. The relations between the general characteristics of the respondents and their image of dental hygienists could be described as below: 1) By age, those who were in their 60s(4.12) had the best image of dental hygienists, and the teenagers(3.90) had the worst image of them. 2) By gender, the men(4.05) looked at dental hygienists more positively than the women(3.96). They had a significantly different opinion on the social image of dental hygienists according to gender(pE0.05). 3) By marital status, the married people(4.00) had a better image of dental hygienists than the unmarried ones(3.95). 4) As for the influence of the type of dental institutions, they had a more favorable image of dental hygienists in dentists' offices(4.13) than in dental hospitals(3.88). There was a broad significant difference in the way they looked at the professional and personal images of dental hygienists according to the type of dental institutions(pE0.001). 5) As to the impact of educational level, those who received community-college or higher education(4.01) had the best image of dental hygienists, and those who received middle-school or lower education(3.91) had the worst image of them. 6) By occupation, the government workers and students(4.07) had the best image of dental hygienists, and the company employees(3.90) had the worst image of them. They took a significantly different view of the social image of dental hygienists according to occupation(pE0.05). 7) Concerning the impact of the frequency of receiving dental treatment, the respondents who had received it seven times or more(4.16) had the best image of dental hygienists, and those who hadn't(3.79) the worst image of them. There was a wide significant gap according to that frequency. The way they looked at the typical, social and professional images of dental hygienists was quite different significantly according to that frequency as well(pE0.001). 8) As for the influence of whether they were accompanied by caregivers or not, the people who weren't accompanied by caregivers(3.99) had a better image of dental hygienists than those who were(3.97).

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A Comparisonison of Primiparas' Perception of Delivery Experience and Identity as the Mother According to Delivery Methods (분만유형에 따른 초산모의 분만경험 지각과 어머니로서의 정체감비교)

  • Cho, Sun-Young;Koh, Hyo-Jung
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to examine primiparas' perception of delivery experience and identity as the mother("Myself as the Mother" and "My Baby") according to delivery methods such as normal delivery and cesarean section. The result of this study summarized as follows. 1. The primiparas' perception of delivery experience according to delivery methods showed that the primipars who had normally delivered perceives the delivery experience more positively than those by cesarean section(t=4.88, p=0.000). This fact supported hypothesis 1 that "the primiparas group by normal delivery should perceive the delivery experience more positively that by cesarean section." 2. The primiparas who had delivered by cesarean section were more positive in the SD-Self score than those who had normally delivered at the time when four weeks passed after delivered, and there was a significant difference(t=-4.21, p\0.000). Therefore, hypothesis 2-1 that "the primiparas group who had normally delivered should be more positive in the SD-Self 1-2 days and 4 weeks after delivery than one who delivered by cesarean section" was rejected. 3. It was shown that the primiparas who had delivered normally were more positive in the SD-Baby 1-2 days 4 weeks after delivery than those who delivered by cesarean section(after-delivery 1-2 days : t=3.10, p=0.002 and after-delivery 4 weeks : t=2.15, p=0.034). Based on this fact, hypothesis 2-2 that "the primiparas group who had delivered normally should be more positive in the SD-Baby 1-2days and 4 weeks after delivery than those who had delivered by cesarean section"was supported. 4. Primiparas who had delivered by cesarean section appeared to have a positive identity as the mother by showing a more significant difference (t=7.96, p=0.000) 4 weeks after delivery than 1-2 days after delivery. In conclusion, we see that primiparas' perception of delivery experience and identity as the mother were different according to delivery methods. Thus, it is required to devise a nursing in tervention strategy to expand support from the health care system and opportunities to provide pre. post-delivery programs so that primiparas can have a positive perception of delivery experience and a positive identity as the mother. Based on conclusion stated above, the following suggestions are made. 1. As this study compared the perception of delivery experience and identity as the mother between prmiparas who had delivered normally and ones who had delivered by cesarean section, the further study on comparison between multiparas who had delivered normally and ones who had delivered by cesarean section is needed. 2. According to the results of this study, longitudinal study is needed to examine the difference and change in the formation of maternal identity. 3. According to the result of this study, a study is also needed to determine interaction between time for maternal identity and delivery methods.

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A Survey on Americans' Area Perceptions for Korean Commercial Kimchi (미국인의 김치에 대한 지역별 인식 조사)

  • Han, Jae-Sook;Han, Gyeong-Phil;Lee, Jin-Shik;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.681-689
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the perception of Korean kimchi among Americans' living in different areas in the United States. A questionnaire was given to males 126 (40.4%) and females 186 (59.6%) residing in Illinois and California. The results were as follows: 86.0% of the participants answered that kimchi was Korean in origin, and 84.1% reported that they had eaten kimchi. Additionally, 56.8% and 52.3% of the respondents in Illinois and California had purchased commercial kimchi at home-made. Among the kimchi they had experienced, out of the total respondents, 92.4% had eaten baechu kimchi, 45.5% had eaten mu kimchi and 42.4% had eaten oi kimchi (When the responses from the residents of Illinois were evaluated: 100.0% of the respondents had eaten baechu kimchi, while 47.7% had eaten mu kimchi, and 40.9% had eaten bak kimchi. Evaluation of the responses of residents from California revealed that: 88.6% had eaten baechu kimchi, 45.5% had eaten oi kimchi, and 44.3% had eaten mu kimchi respectively). For evaluation of the their kimchi preference of the overall population revealed that, 71.0% preferred baechu kimchi, 9.2% oi kimchi, and 8.4% mu kimchi (Of the respondents in Illinois: 69.8% preferred baechu kimchi, 14.0% mu kimchi and 7.0% bak kimchi, while for Californians: 71.6% preferred baechu kimchi, 11.4% oi kimchi and 8.0% bak kimchi, respectively). Regarding the primary reason they purchased commercial kimchi, 64.9% responded 'its taste' (67.4% in Illinois and 63.6% in California), additionally, 40.0% stated of the package they purchased was 200g (51.2% in Illinois and 34.5% in California). After having eaten kimchi, 45.5% answer reported that it tasted good, and the their primary reason for liking kimchi was its, 'spicy and hot taste' (51.3%), The main reasons for not liking kimchi were the odor (garlic, ginger, anchovy juice, etc) and it being too spicy, respectively. Regarding improvements for its expanded consumption, 25.0% answered 'not to improve', 22.7% answered 'reduce the strength of the strong seasoning', and 20.5% answered 'to allow over-ripening'.

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