Kim, Jun-Sang;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Ju-Ock;Kim, Sun-Young;Cho, Moon-June
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose : A retrospective study was conducted comparing single daily fraction (SDF) thoracic radiotherapy (TRT) with twice daily (BID) TRT to determine the potential benefit of BID TRT in limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Endpoints of the study were response. survival, pattern of failure, and acute toxicity. Materials and Methods : Between November 1989 to December 1996, 78 patients with histologically proven limited-stage SCLC were treated at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chungnam National University Hospital. Of these, 9 were irradiated for palliative intent, and 1 had recurrent disease. Remaining 68 patients were enrolled in this study. There were 26 patients with a median age of 58 years, and 22 (85$\%$) ECOG performance score of less than 1 in SDF TRT. There were 42 patients with a median age of 57 years, and 36 (86$\%$) ECOG performance score of less than 1 in BID TRT By radiation fractionation regimen, there were 26 in SDF TRT and 42 in BID TRT. SDF TRT consisted of 180 cGy, 5 days a week. BID TRT consisted of 150 cGy BID, 5 days a week in 13 of 42 and 120 cGy BID, in 29 of 42. And the twice daily fractions were separated by at least 4 hours. Total radiotherapy doses were between 5040 and 6940 cGy (median, 5040 cGy) in SDF TRT and was between 4320 and 5100 cGy (median, 4560 cGy) in BID TRT. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) was recommended for patients who achieved a CR. The recommended PCI dose was 2500 cGy/10 fractions. Chemotherapy consisted of CAV (cytoxan 1000 mg/$m^2$, adriamycin 40 mg/$m^2$, vincristine 1 mg/$m^2$) alternating with VPP (cisplatin 60 mg/$m^2$, etoposide 100 mg/$m^2$) every 3 weeks in 25 (96$\%$) of SDF TRT and in 40 (95$\%$) of BID TRT. Median cycle of chemotherapy was six in both group. Timing for chemotherapy was sequential in 23 of SDF TRT and in 3 BID TRT, and concurrent in 3 of SDF TRT and in 39 of BID TRT Follow-up ranged from 2 to 99 months (median, 14 months) in both groups. Results : Of the 26 SDF TRT, 9 (35$\%$) achieved a complete response (CR) and 14 (54$\%$) experienced a partial response (PR). Of the 42 BID TRT, 18 (43$\%$) achieved a CR and 23 (55$\%$) experienced a PR. There was no significant response difference between the two arms (p=0.119). Overall median and 2-year survival were 15 months and 26.8$\%$, respectively. The 2-year survivals were 26.9$\%$ and 28$\%$ in both arm, respectively (p=0.51). The 2-rear survivals were 35$\%$ in CR and 24.2$\%$ in PR, respectively. The grade 2 to 3 esophageal toxicities and grade 2 to 4 neutropenias were more common in BID TRT (p=0.028 0.003). There was no difference in locoregional and distant metastasis between the two arms (p=0 125 and 0.335, respectively). The most common site of distant metastasis was the brain. Conclusion : The median survival and 2-year survival were 17 months and 20.9$\%$ in SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy, and 15 months and 28$\%$ in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy, respectively. We did not observe a substantial improvement of long-term survival in the BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy compared with standard schedules of SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy. The grade 2 to 3 esophageal toxicities and glade 2 to 4 neutropenias were more common in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy. Although the acute toxicities were more common in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy than SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy, a concurrent chemotherapy and twice daily TRT was feasible. However further patient accrual and long-term follow up are needed to determine the potential benefits of BID TRT in limited-stage SCLC.
Since financial crisis of IMF resulted in intensive competitiveness and adverse management environment, many hotel industries have responded it with restructuring. Since this restructuring is accompanied by reduction of employees, hence comes the recognition of justice in the procedure of restructuring. When the surviving employees in the restructuring process recognize unfairness in the procedure and practical operations, organization effectiveness can not be maintained due to losing trust of their employers. In this paper I will examine the relationship between validity of restructuring and compensatory programs for layoffs and surviving employees' trust of the employers. Also I will find out the relationship between remaining employees' trust of the employers and their job satisfaction and organization commitment. Through this relationship, we can prepare an alternative to reduce negative effect of restructuring. The hypotheses of this study are proposed as follows: H1: The higher surviving employees' recognition of procedural justice in restructuring process is, the higher their trust with a manager of the company is. H2: The higher surviving employees' recognition of distributive justice in restructuring process is, the higher their trust with a manager of the company is. H3: The higher surviving employees' recognition of procedural justice in restructuring process is, the higher their job satisfaction is. H4: The higher surviving employees' recognition of distributive justice in restructuring process is, the higher their job satisfaction is. H5: The higher surviving employees' recognition of procedural justice in restructuring process is, the higher their organization commitment is. H6: The higher surviving employees' recognition of distributive justice in restructuring process is, the higher their organization commitment is. H7: The higher surviving employees' trust with a manager of the company in restructuring process is, the higher their job satisfaction is. H8: The higher surviving employees' trust with a manager of the company in restructuring process is, the higher their organization commitment is. For the purposes of this study, employees working in luxury hotels located in Seoul were targeted. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to those who consented with the investigation after explaining the purpose of the survey. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 450 questionnaire were returned to the researcher for analysis. 430 of the returned questionnaires were used for analysis. As for the education for this survey, 250 junior college graduates or under (58.1%), 143 college graduates (33.3%) and 37 graduate school graduates (8.6%). As for the marital status, 315 persons (73.3%) are single and 115 are married (26.7%). As for the monthly income, 49 people (11.48%) are less than 2 million won, 148 (34.4%) are between 2 million and less than 2.5 million won, 153 (35.6%) are between 2.5 million to less than 3 million won, 80 (18.6%) are more than 3 million won. As for the workplace, 293 people (68.1%) work for the F&B department, 73 (17.0%) for rooms department, 41 (9.5%) for operation/ marketing department, 23 (5.3%) for account/ general affair department. As for the period of employment, 85 people (19.8%) are less than 5 years, 150 (34.9%) are between 6 to 9 years, 143 (33.3%) are between 10 to 14 years. and 52 (3.%) are more than 15 years. An exploratory factor analysis was used to survey validity and reliability of calculating tool on perceived values. This study used correlation between individual items and whole items and Cronbach's alpha value of multiple-item scale which is usually used to assess scale and reliability. Reliability of conceptual sub-dimension was assessed by basing on repeated procedure of correlation between individual items and whole items and factor loading. 1. Verification of correlation between validity of restructuring and trust This research showed that procedural and distributive justice of restructuring affects trust positively. The path coefficient between procedural justice of restructuring and trust is 0.719(t=10.135, p=0.000), and thereby the higher procedural justice results in higher trust. The path coefficient between distributive justice of restructuring and trust is 0.160(t=3.291, p=0.001), and thereby the higher distributive justice results in higher trust. Hence H1 and H2 are accepted. 2. Verification of correlation between validity of restructuring and job satisfaction The path coefficient between procedural justice of restructuring and job satisfaction is 0.179(t=2.202, p=0.028), and thereby the higher procedural justice results in higher job satisfaction. The path coefficient between distributive justice of restructuring and job satisfaction is 0.074(t=1.620, p=0.105), and thereby distributive justice of restructuring has no relationship with job satisfaction. Hence H3 is accepted, but H4 is removed. 3. Verification of correlation between validity of restructuring and organization commitment The path coefficient between procedural justice of restructuring and organization commitment is 0.188(t=2.466, p=0.014), and thereby the higher procedural justice results in higher organization commitment. The path coefficient between distributive justice of restructuring and organization commitment is 0.118(t=2.720, p=0.007), and thereby the higher distributive justice results in higher organization commitment. Hence H5 and H6 are accepted. 4. Verification of correlation between trust and job satisfaction The path coefficient between trust and job satisfaction is 0.610(t=6.736, p=0.000), and thereby the correlation has a meaningful result. Since the higher trust of the employer results in higher job satisfaction, H7 is accepted. 5. Verification of correlation between trust and organization commitment The path coefficient between procedural justice of restructuring and job satisfaction is 0.446(t=5.547 p=0.000), and thereby the higher trust of the employer results in higher organization commitment. Hence H8 is accepted. This research aimed to help the employers of hotel industries by analyzing the effects of validity of restructuring on employees' trust, job satisfaction and organization commitment. The research found that employer's validity of restructuring has significant affects on the degree of employee's trust with a manager, thereby reducing the negative effects of restructuring and enhancing organization commitment and job satisfaction. The principal purpose of this research is to confirm the correlation between employees' perceived validity of restructuring and their trust with a manager. Also whether this correlation results in competitive edge of the company is also investigated. It is also pointed out that employees had to participated the procedure of restructuring, sharing the philosophy and reason of restructuring. This participation and furthermore compensatory methods can reduce employees' anxiety of organization operations. Variable of trust appeared to have impact on intermediation effect between perceived variable of validity and job satisfaction, organization commitment, so that increase of trust with a manager plays an crucial role in increasing organization effectiveness. Since this research did not cover whole hotel industries which underwent restructuring, it showed a limit. Unlike previous studies which dealt with validity and trust of superior bosses, this research focussed on employers. Also the organization citizenship which is not considered in this study will be dealt with in the future study.
According as the automation of clerical work(OA ; Office Automation) develops, the use of VDT(Visual or Video Display Terminal) is increasing suddenly. But, in proportion to the spread of office automation(OA tendency), the self-conciousness syptom attendant upon the work is appearing also (Kim, Jung Tae, Lee, Young Ook, 1990). The apparatuses of office enable the clerical workers to be convenient and perform mass businesses. But, they are increasing the opportunity to be exposed to VDT syndrom, techno stress, computer terminal disease, pain by muscle strain(RSI), bradycausia of noise nature, and electromagnetic waves, etc. which are referred to as the new type of occupational diseases to the workers. It is the real situation that the workers to use VDT is complaining of the physical inconvenience sense in the recent newspaper and literature, it is the point of time that the sydrome to come from VDT use and computer terminal disease, etc. must be classified into the occupational disease(Lee, Kwang Young 1990, Lee, Kyoo Hak 1990, Lee, Won Ho 1991, Lee, Si Young 1991, Lee, Joon 1991, Choi, Young Tae 1991, Heo, Seung Ho 1989). In addition, it is the real situation that the scientifitic study result about the scope that electromagnetic waves has influence on the human body has not been suggested yet, and criticism on the stable exposure permission standard about electromagnetic waves to be emitted from VDT and on the problem in the health about electromagnetic waves is continuing. (IEEE Spectrum, 1990). In addition according to the experience of nursery business of industry field, it is the real situation that the patients who consult complaining of physical and mental inconvenience sence, among the users of apparatus of office automation, are reaching 10% of the patients coming to doctor's room. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complain of multilaterally with the actual state examination about the use of the apparatuses of offices automaton. Thus, this study was tried as th basic data for the cosultation and education for the maintenance and furtherance of the health of workers as the nurse of industry field, by confirming the contents of self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of the apparatus for office outomation making the financial institution in which the spparatus for office automation in most frequently used as the subject, and by examining whether there is the difference according to the subject of study, the data were collected, by using the questionnaire method, making 200 workers who consented to the study participation as the subject, among the persons who have spent over 3 months since they used the apparatuses for office automation and didn't receive the treatment in hospital due to the clerical disease for recent 3 years. The period of data collection was from Oct. 9, 1991 to Oct. 12. As for the measurement instrument about the complaint if self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of apparatuses fo office automation, the question item on the complaint symptom of health problem attendant upon the treatment of VDT that Kim(1991) developed and on CMI health problem and the question items on the fatigue degree due to industry were used by previous examination to 25 persons. Collected data were analyzed with the statistical method such as percentage, arithmetic mean, Person correlation coeffient, Kai square verfication, t-test, ANOVA, etc. by using SPSS/PC+ program, and the result is as follows : 1. The self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complained of most frequetly appeared high in 'My eyes are tired'(99.4%), 'I feel fatigue and weariness'(99.4%), 'I feel that my head is heavy5(90.0%), 'eyesight fell'(88.8%), 'I have a stiff neck'(88.8%), 'I fell pain in the shoulder'(85.0%), 'I feel cold and painful in the eyes'(76.9%), 'I feel the dry sense of eyeball'(76.2%), 'My nerves are edgy, and I an fretful, (75.6%), 'I feel pain in the waist'(73.2%) and 'I fell pain in the back'(72.8%). It emerged that the subject use the apparatuses for office automation complained of self-consciousness symptoms related to visual symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms. 2. As for the general feature of examination subjects, the result to see the distribution by classifying into sex, age, school career, use career of apparatuses for office automation, skillfulness degree of the use of apparatus for office automation, use hours of the apparatuses for office automation per 1 day, type of business of the apparatus for office automation, rest hours during the use of apparatus for office automation, satifaction degree of business of office automation, and work circumstance, etc. emerged as follows : As for the sex of subjects, the distribution showed that men were 58.8% and women were 41.3%, Age was average 26.9. As the distribution of school career, the distribution showed that4below the graduation of high school' was 58.8%, 'graduation from junior college-university' was 35.0%, and 'over graduate school' was 6.3%. In the question to ask the existence or non-existence of experience of health consultation in connection with the work of office automation, the response that I had the consultation exprience and I feel the necessity emergerd as 90.1% And, the case that the subject who didn't wear the glasses or lens before using the OA apparatus wear glasses or lens after using OA apparatus emerged as 28.3% of whole. As for the existence or non-existence of use career of OA apparatus, the case under 3 years was highest as 52. 7%. As for the skillfulnness degree about the use of apparatus for office automation, most of them are skillful with the fact that 'common' was 44.4%, 'skill' was 42.5%, and 'unskillful' was 13.1% As for the use average hours of the apparatus for office automation per 1 day, the distribution showed that the case under 3-6 hours was 33.1%, the case under 6-9 hours was 28.1%, the case under 3 hours was 30.6%, and the case over 9 hours was 8.1% Main OA business and the use hours for 1 day showed in the order of keeping and retrieval, business of information transmission(162min), business of information transmission(79.3 min), business of document framing(55.5 min), and business of duplication and printing(25.4min). as for the rest during the use of apparatus for affice automation, that I take rest occasion demands the major portion, but that I take after completing the work emerged as 33.8%. Though the subiness gets to be convenient by the use of the apparatus for of office automation, respondents who showed the dissatisfaction about the present OA business emergd high as 78.1%. The work circumstances of each office was good with the fact that the temperature of office was 21.8, noise was average 42.7db, and the illumination was average 364.4 lx, in the light of ANSi/HFS 100 Standard. 3. Sight syptom, musculoskeletal symptom, skin and other symptoms showed the significant difference according to the extent of skillfulness of the apparatus for office automation. All the symptoms exept skin symptom showed the difference according to the use hours of the apparatus for office automation. All the question items exept the sytoms of digestive organs and the rest hours during the apparatus for office automation showed the signicant difference. The question item which showed the signicant difference from the satisfaction degree of present OA business showed the significant difference from all the question item classified into 6 groups. But, age and school career didn't significant difference from the complaint of any self-consciousness symptoms.
. In conclusion, the self-consciousness symptoms of the subjects to use OA apparatus appeared differently, according to sex distiction, skillfull degree of OA apparatus, use hours of OA apparatus, the rest hours during th use of OA apparatus, and the satiafaction degree of persent business. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurse in the inuctry field must recognize to receive the education about the human technological physical condition which is most proper for te use of OA apparatus and about the proper rest method until they get accustomed to the use of OA apparatus. In addition, the simple exercise relax the tention of muscle due to the repetitive simple movement, and the education for the protection of eyesight are necessary.
The study has been carried out to investigate the occurrence, damage, host range, transmission and control of rice stripe virus in Korea since 1965. 1 Disease occur「once and damage : The virus infection during the seedling stage ranged from 1.3 to $8\%$. More symptom expression was found in regrowth of clipped rice than infected intact plants, and the greater infection took place in early seasonal culture than in ordinary seasonal culture. A higher incidence of the disease was found on the rows close to the bank, and gradually decreased toward the centre of the rice paddy. Disease occurrence and plant maturity was highly correlated in that the most japonica rice types were diseased when they were inoculated within 3 to 7 leaf stage, and$50\%$, $20\%$ and no diseaseb were found if they were inoculated at 9, 11 and 13 leaf stages, respectively. Symptom expression required 7-15 days when the plants were inoculated during 3-7 leaf stages, while it was 15-30days in the plants inoculated during 9-15 leaf stages. On Tongil variety the per cent disease was relatively higher when the plants were infected within 1.5-5 leaf stages than those at 9 leaf stage, and no disease was found on the plants infected after 15 leaf stage. The disease resulted in lowered growth rates, maturity and sterility of Tongil variety although the variety is known as tolerant to the virus. 2. Host range: Thirty five species of crops, pasture grasses and weeds were tested for their susceptibility to the virus. Twenty one out of 35 species tested were found to be susceptible. and 3 of them, Cyperus amuricus Maximowics var. laxus, Purcereus sanguinolentus Nees and Eriocaulon robustius Makino, were found as new hosts of the virus. 3. Transmission: The vector of the virus, Laodelphax striatellus, produces 5 generations a year. The peak of second generation adults occurred at June 20th and those of third was at about July 30th in Suweon area. In Jinju area the peak of second generation adult proceeded the peak at Suweon by 5-7 days. The peaak of third generation adult was higher than the second at Jinju, but at Suweon the reverse was true. The occurrence of viruliferous Laodelphax striatellus was 10-15, 9, 17, 8 and about $10\%$ from overwintered nymph, 1st generation nymph, 2nd generation adult, End generation nymph and the remaining generations, respectively. More viruliferous L. striatellus were found in the southern area than in the central area of Korea. The occurrence of viruliferous L. striatellus depended on the circumstances of the year. The per cent viruliferous vectors gin 2nd and 3rd generation adult, however, was consistantly higher than that of other generations. Matings of viruliferous L. striatellus resulted in $90\%$ viruliferous progenies, and the 3rd, 4th and 5th instars of the vector had higher infectiviey than the rest of the vector stages. The virus acquisition rate of non-viruliferous L. striatellus was $7-9\%$, These viruliferous L. striatellus, however, could not transmit the virus for more than 3 serial times. The optimum temperature for the transmission of the viru3 was $25-30^{\circ}C$, while rare transmission occurred when the temperature was below $15^{\circ}C$. The per cent of L. striatellus parasitization by Haplogonatopus atratus were $5-48\%$ during the period from June to the end of August, and the maximum parasitization was $32-48\%$ at around July 10. 4. Control: 1) Cultural practices; The deeper the depth of transplanting more the disease occurrence was found. The higher infection rate, $1.5-3.5\%$, was observed during the late stages of seedling beds, and the rate became lower, $1.0-2.0\%$, in the early period of paddy field in southern area. Early transplanting resulted in more infection than early seasonal culture, and the ordinary seasonal culture showed the lowest infection. The disease also was favored by earlier transplanting even under tile ordinary seasonal culture. The higher the nitrogen fertilizer level the more the disease occurrence was found in the paddy field. 2) Resistant varieties; Tongil varieties shelved the resistant reaction to the virus in greenhouse tests. In the tests for resistance on 955 varieties most japonica types shelved susceptible reactions, while the resistant varieties were found mostly from introduced varietal groups. 3) Chemical control; Earlier applications of chemicals, Disyston and Diazinon, showed better results when the test was made 4 days after inoculation in the greenhouse even though none of the insecticides shelved the complete control of the disease. Three serial applications of chemicals on June 14, June 20 and June 28 showed bettor results than one or two applications at any other dates under field conditions.
The flow theory becomes one of the most important frameworks in the internet research arena. Hoffman and Novak proposed a hierarchical flow model showing the antecedents and outcomes of flow and the relationship among these variables in the hyper-media computer circumstances (Hoffman and Novak 1996). This model was further tested after their initial research (Novak, Hoffman, and Yung 2000). At their paper, Hoffman and Novak explained that the balance of challenge and skill leads to flow which means the positive optimal state of mind (Hoffman and Novak 1996). An imbalance between challenge and skill, leads to negative states of mind like anxiety, boredom, apathy (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi 1988). Almost all research on the flow 4-channel model have been focusingon flow, the positive state of mind (Ellis, Voelkl, and Morris 1994 Mathwick and Rigdon 2004). However, it also needs to examine the formation of the negative states of minds and their outcomes. Flow researchers explain play or playfulness as antecedents or the early state of flow. However, play has been regarded as a distinct concept from flow in the flow literatures (Hoffman and Novak 1996; Novak, Hoffman, and Yung 2000). Mathwick and Rigdon discovered the influences of challenge and skill on play; they also observed the influence of play on web-loyalty and brand loyalty (Mathwick and Rigdon 2004). Unfortunately, they did not go so far as to test the influences of play on state of mind. This study focuses on the relationships between state of mind in the flow 4-channel model and play. Early research has attempted to hypothetically explain state of mind in flow theory, but has not been tested except flow until now. Also the importance of play has been emphasized in the flow theory, but has not been tested in the flow 4-channel model context. This researcher attempts to analyze the relationships among state of mind, skill of play, challenge, state of mind and web loyalty. For this objective, I developed a measure for state of mind and defined the concept of play as a trait. Then, the influences of challenge and skill on the state of mind and play under on-line shopping conditions were tested. Also the influences of play on state of mind were tested and those of flow and play on web loyalty were highlighted. 294 undergraduate students participated in this research survey. They were asked to respond about their perceptions of challenge, skill, state of mind, play, and web-loyalty to on-line shopping mall. Respondents were restricted to students who bought products on-line in a month. In case of buying products at two or more on-line shopping malls, they asked to respond about the shopping mall where they bought the most important one. Construct validity, discriminant validity, and convergent validity were used to check the measurement validations. Also, Cronbach's alpha was used to check scale reliability. A series of exploratory factor analyses was conducted. This researcher conducted confirmatory factor analyses to assess the validity of measurements. All items loaded significantly on their respective constructs. Also, all reliabilities were greater than.70. Chi-square difference tests and goodness of fit tests supported discriminant and convergent validity. The results of clustering and ANOVA showed that high challenge and high skill leaded to flow, low challenge and high skill leaded to boredom, and low challenge and low skill leaded to apathy. But, it was different from my expectation that high challenge and low skill didnot lead to anxiety but leaded to apathy. The results also showed that high challenge and high skill, and high challenge and low skill leaded to the highest play. Low challenge leaded to low play. 4 Structural Equation Models were built by flow, anxiety, boredom, apathy for analyzing not only the impact of play on state of mind and web-loyalty, but also that of state of mind on web-loyalty. According the analyses results of these models, play impacted flow and web-loyalty positively, but impacted anxiety, boredom, and apathy negatively. Results also showed that flow impacted web-loyalty positively, but anxiety, boredom, and apathy impacted web-loyalty negatively. The interpretations and implications of the test results of the hypotheses are as follows. First, respondents belonging to different clusters based on challenge and skill level experienced different states of mind such as flow, anxiety, boredom, apathy. The low challenge and low skill group felt the highest anxiety and apathy. It could be interpreted that this group feeling high anxiety or fear, then avoided attempts to shop on-line. Second, it was found that higher challenge leads to higher levels of play. Test results show that the play level of the high challenge and low skill group (anxiety group) was higher than that of the high challenge and high skill group (flow group). However, this was not significant. Third, play positively impacted flow and negatively impacted boredom. The negative impacts on anxiety and apathy were not significant. This means that the combination of challenge and skill creates different results. Forth, play and flow positively impacted web-loyalty, but anxiety, boredom, apathy had negative impacts. The effect of play on web-loyalty was stronger in case of anxiety, boredom, apathy group than fl ow group. These results show that challenge and skill influences state of mind and play. Results also demonstrate how play and flow influence web-loyalty. It implies that state of mind and play should be the core marketing variables in internet marketing. The flow theory has been focusing on flow and on the positive outcomes of flow experiences. But, this research shows that lots of consumers experience the negative state of mind rather than flow state in the internet shopping circumstance. Results show that the negative state of mind leads to low or negative web-loyalty. Play can have an important role with the web-loyalty when consumers have the negative state of mind. Results of structural equation model analyses show that play influences web-loyalty positively, even though consumers may be in the negative state of mind. This research found the impacts of challenge and skill on state of mind in the flow 4-channel model, not only flow but also anxiety, boredom, apathy. Also, it highlighted the role of play in the flow 4-channel model context and impacts on web-loyalty. However, tests show a few different results from hypothetical expectations such as the highest anxiety level of apathy group and insignificant impacts of play on anxiety and apathy. Further research needs to replicate this research and/or to compare 3-channel model with 4-channel model.
This survey was made for a month starting from November 15 to December 15, 1977 covering 711 students taking the junior. (3rd-yea.) and the senior. (4th-year) at nine college of nursing in Seoul concerning their perception and Attitude toward the profession of nursing, motive for the necessity of learning, environment of study, attitude of study and particulars relevant with study performance, particulars of library, references and reading, assignments and particulars of the degree of confidence for the learning achievement. Through the survey of the above Particulars, the following results were obtained by classifying all subject matters and by analysing motive of the selection of their course, awarding or not awarding of scholarships. 1. General characteristics: it was revealed that 406 students (57.1%) were attending at the junior. while 305 students (42.9%) were taking the senior. Thus, the total number was 711 and their average age was 21.4 years. Their dwelling category was; 73.9 percent of them resided at their parent's home, 214 students (30.1%) were awarded with scholarships. The reason to be attracted by nursing science was the possibility of continuing social life after graduation (43.5%). 2. Their perception and attitude toward the profession of nursing: According to the perception of profession by the students of each grade, students of the 4th grade showed comparatively strong conception. Also, students of the 4th grade showed more positive attitude in the purchase and reading of magazines relative with the science of nursing, in the reading of Code for Nurses and in their interest in the activity of nursing field. For the necessity of mission of nurse, 97.7 percent of the entire number of students covered responded to necessity. For the necessity of the particular humanity and particularity in the character of nurses, 95.8 percent of those students responded to necessity. By the each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more response. 3. As to professional field desired after completing the professional course: 57 percent of those students desired for clinician nurse while 55 percents desired for community health-nurse. 4. As to the environment of study: they were mostly satisfied with their present residential environment. However, they complained of inconvenience at their lecture-halls. Students of the 3rd grade showed more complain. As to their attitude toward the adjustment of environment of study, they showed a affirmative response. As to the opinion of factors which interfere with their study, comparatively strong response was showed in their scepticism in the science of nursing, insufficient comprehension in general learning, relation with professors n4 discrepancy in the method of study. According to opinions of students at each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more scepticism. 5. Particulars relative with their attitude and performance of study : As to their knowledge of the objectives of their study of subject, the majority was to study with a partial knowledge of the objectives of their study. As to the plan of study, a low percentage indicated management of routine life under regular scheduling. Students of the 4th grade responded to rather planned life. As to time spent in independent study, response to concentrated study when necessary was stronger than that to regular daily study. Students of the 4th grade showed stronger response to regular study than that of the 3rd grade. As to the contents of their note-taking, 67.4 percents of those students responded to such regulatory procedure performing in the lecture-hall as they listen to lectures. 17.3 percents of those students showed response to adding supplementary informations from references to what was entered in choir note-taking at their lecture-halls. 6. Particulars of library, references and reading books: As to receiving of instruction for the utilization of library and time of receiving such instruction 64.7 percents of those students had received such instruction. 66.7 percents of the those responded received such instruction at orientation conducted for freshmen. As to the convenience of the utilization of library, 49.9 percents of those students responded to convenience. However, students of the 3rd grade showed a much stronger response to inconvenience. As to the time of the utilization of library,92.5 percents of those students showed a response to occasional utilization for particular purpose than regular utilization. 53.2 percents of those students responded to ordinary in quantity that library have references. 34.2 percents of those students responded to insufficient. As to the particular relative with the method and field of reading: 53.5 percents of those students responded to intensive reading and was the majority. As to the reading field, fiction u as the majority. When read any books for their major, they usually rend Korean text-b, oks. 7. Particular relative with giving assignment: All respondents were well aware of the objectives of giving home tasks. As to the attitude toward assignments and performing home tasks, 54.8 percents of those students to making ostentatious study because of an excessive quantity of assignments imposed. For performing assignment, they showed comparatively positive response. Also, 52.2 percents of those students responded that they usually submitted complected assignment with references. 8. As to motive to realize the necessity of study : 55.6 percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in communication with patients when they were engaged in clinical practice. Also, 8.6, the lowest percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in the course of conversation with nurses when they were engaged in clinical practice. 9. As to the determination of their confidence in the performance of study relative with clinical experience: They showed a general inclination of having in nursing. The major response was that they came to well comprehend the patients families. the lowest response was that they could apply what was learned at lecture-hall to practice. This response incidentally showed the distance the lecture-hall and practical study. In general items, students of the 4th grade showed more favorable response than students of the 3rd grade and there was a significant difference. 10. As to the perception and attitude toward profession according to the motive of selecting the nursing science : Those who selected the nursing voluntarily showed stronger conception than those who selected the nursing through indirect influence. However, there was no significant difference on this point. Only there was a remarkable difference in the reading of Code for Nurses. 11. Those who showed a stronger conception in the profession of nursing according to the motives of attractive nursing science indicated a strong will and ability to manage stable life and comparatively strong response was shown in the management of good home life because of the good adaptability of the science to their character. This group showed a strong conception of the profession than those who responded that they prefer this profession out of a longing for the work of a hospital and for the easy obtaining of opportunity to immigrate to over seas and for economic cause and for high school grade. There was significant difference between these two groups, 12. As to the conception and attitude toward the profession of nursing according to benefits by scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarship showed stronger conception of profession than those who did not receive scholarship and there was a remarkable difference between these two categories. However, there was no remarkable difference between these two categories in the extent of interest of the activities of nursing fields and in the reading of Code for Nurses. 13. As activation for study according to the benefits of scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarships showed stronger response to the motive for study comparing with those who receive. 14. As to tile field of reading according to the benefits by scholarships, those who received scholarships tended to read autobiographies and essayers to a considerable extent. Those who did not receive scholarships tended to read novels. Those who received scholarships more read nursing boots than those who did not receive scholarships. 15. As to the attitude of study and doing of assignment according to benefits of scholarships, those who received scholarships managed a favorable life with schedules for study, More students of receiving scholarship showed a regular study for more than one hour per day. Also, in the method of doing home tasks, more students of receiving scholarship showed reference to relative books frequently for the submission of completed assignments.
This experiment was carried out to stimulate lactic starter culture for yoghurt manufacturing. A each of 1.5% of Bios 2000, CR starter medium, and Yeast extract were added to bulk medium, acidity, pH and changes in the number of lactic acid bacteria were investigated at, intervals of two hours for Lactobacillus bulgaricus and four hours for Streptococus thermophilus and Lactobacillus casei. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The acidity of control arrived at 0.99% after 16 hours of incubation during the incubation of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Whereas that of CR starter medium reached 1.00% at 12 hours of incubation. Yeast extract, 1.12% at 12 hours, and Bios 2000 reached 0.97% at 10 hours respectively, Thus, Bios 2000 showed the fastest rate of acid production. 2. When the acidity of experiment medium peaked on optimum levels. pH of control was 4.03 in 16 hours of incubation during the incubation of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Whereas that of Bios 2000 reached 4.10 of Yeast extract reached 3.97 at 12 hours, and of CR starter medium reached 4.05 at 12 hours. 3. Lactic acid bacterial counts were $3.1{\times}10^{10}/ml$ after 16 hours of incubation during the incubation of lactobacillus bulgaricus, Whereas those of Bios 2000 reached $2.1{\times}10^{10}/ml$ at 10 hours, with the fastest stimulation of growth, The counts in CR starter medium were at $2.9{\times}10^{10}/ml$ at 12 hours, and Yeast extract were $3.8{\times}10^{10}/ml$ at 12 hours. 4. The acidity of control, CR starter medium, and Yeast extract reached 0.92% at 44 hours, and 0.96% at 32 hours, and 0.90% at 32 hours respectively, Also, that of Bios 2,000 reached 0.97% at 32 hours, which exhibited the highest, among the treatments. 5. The pH of control was 4.27 at 44 hours. that of CR starter medium was 4.33 at 40 hours and that of Yeast extract was 4.25 at 32 hours during the incubation in Streptococcus thermophilus. Besides, pH of Bios 2000 is lowest as 4.18 at 32 hours. 6. Lactic acid bacterial counts in control, CR starter medium, and Yeast extract during the incubation of Streptococcus thermophilus were $9.8{\times}10^{9}/ml$ at 44 hours,$9.5{\times}10^{8}/ml$ at 40 hours, and $9.6{\times}10^{8}/ml$ at 32 hours. And, the highest number was $2.0{\times}10^{9}/ml$ for Bios 2000 at 32 hours. 7. The acidity of control during the incubation of Lactobacillus casei reached 0.92% at 40 hours, and those of CR starter medium and Yeast extract were 0.95% at 40 hours, and 1.01% at 36 hours respectively. Also, Bios 2000 had the highest acidity as 0.94% at 32 hours. 8. The pH of control, CR starter medium and Yeast extract during the incubation Lactobacillus casei was 4.27 at 40 hours. 4.21 at 40 hours, and 4.15 at 36 hours respectively. Also, Bios 2000 showed the lowest pH, as 4.23, at 32 hours. 9. Lactic acid bacterial counts in control, CR starter medium and Yeast extract during the incubation of Lactobacillus casei were $9.4{\times}10^{7}/ml$ at 40 hours, $1.1{\times}10^{8}/ml$ at 40 hours, and $5.0{\times}10^{8}/ml$ at 36 hours respectively. And, the progress of 32 hours showed the highest number of lactic acid bacteria as$6.4{\times}10^{8}/ml$ in Bios 2000.
Background: National survey was performed to estimate the incidence of sarcoidosis in Korea. The clinical data of confirmed cases were analysed for the practice of primary care physicians and pulmonary specialists. Methods: The period of study was from January 1991 to December 1992. Data were retrospectively collected by correspondence with physicians in departments of internal medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology and neurology of the hospitals having more than 100 beds using returning postcards. In confirmed and suspicious cases of sardoidosis, case record chart for clinical and laboratory findings were obtained in detail. Results: 1) Postcards were sent to 523 departments in 213 hospitals. Internal medicine composed 41%, dermatology 20%, ophthalmology 20% and neurology 19%. 2) Postcards were returned from 241 departments (replying rates was 48%). 3) There were 113 confirmed cases from 50 departments and 10 cases. The cases were composed from internal medicine (81%), dermatology (13%), ophthalmology (3%) and neurology (3%). 78 confirmed cases were analysed, which were composed from department of internal medicine (92%), dermatology (5%), and neurology (3%). 4) The time span for analysed cases was 1980 to 1992. one case was analysed in 1980 and the number gradually increased to 18 cases in 1991. 5) The majority of patients (84.4%) were in the age group of 20 to 49 years. 6) The ratio of male to female was 1 : 1.5. 7) The most common chief complains were respiratory symptoms, dermatologic symptoms, generalized discomforts, visual changes, arthralgia, abdominal pains, and swallowing difficulties in order. 16% of the patients were asymptomatic. 8) Mean duration between symptom onset and diagnosis was 2 months. 9) The most common symptoms were respiratory, general, dermatologic, ophthalmologic, neurologic and cardiac origin in order. 10) Hemoglobin, hematocrits and platelet were in normal range. 58% of the patients had lymphopenia measuring less than 30% of white cell count. The ratio of CD4 to CD8 lymphocytes was $1.73{\pm}1.16$ with range of 0.43 to 4.62. ESR was elevated in 43% of the cases. 11) Blood chemistry was normal in most cases. Serum angiotensin converting enzyme (S-ACE) was $66.8{\pm}58.6\;U/L$ with the range of 8.79 to 265 U /L. Proteinuria of more than 150 mg was found in 42. 9% of the patients. 12) Serum IgG was elevated in 43.5%, IgA in 45.5%, IgM in 59.1% and IgE in 46.7%. The levels of complement C3 and C4 were in the normal range. Anti-nuclear antibody was detected in 11% of the cases. Kweim test was performed in 3 cases, and in all cases the result was positive. 13) FVC was decreased in 17.3%, FEV1 in 11.5%, FEV1/FVC in 10%, TLC in 15.2%, and DLco in 64.7%. 14) PaO2 was decreased below 90 mmHg in 48.6% and PaCO2 was increased above 45 mmHg in 5.7%. 15) The percentage of macrophages in BAL fluid was $51.4{\pm}19.2%$, lymphocytes $44.4{\pm}21.1%$, and the ratio of CD4 to CD8 lymphocytes was $3.41{\pm}2.07$. 16) There was no difference in laboratory findings between male and female. 17) Hilar enlargement on chest PA was present in 87.9% (bilaterally in 78.8% and unilaterally in 9.1%). 18) According to Siltzbach's classification, stage 0 was 5%, stage 158.3%, stage 228.3%, and stage 38.3%. 19) Hilart enlargement on chest CT was present in 92.6% (bilaterally 76.4% and unilaterally in 16.2%). 20) HRCT was done in 16 cases. The most common findings were nodules, interlobular thickening, focal patchy infiltrations in order. Two cases was normal finding. 21) Other radiologic examinations showed bone change in one case and splenomegaly in two cases. 22) Gallium scan was done in 12 cases. Radioactivity was increased in hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes in 8 cases and in parenchyme in 2 cases. 23) The pathologic diagnosis was commonly performed by transbrochial lung biopsy (TBLB, 47.3%), skin and mediastinal lymph nodes biopsy (34.5%), peripheral lymph nodes biopsy (23.6%), open lung biopsy (18.2%) and bronchial biopsy in order. 24) The most common findings in pathology were non·caseating granuloma (100%), multi-nucleated giant cell (47.3%), hyalinized acellular scar (34.5%), reticulin fibrin network (20%), inclusion body (10.9%), necrosis (9.1%), and lymphangitic distribution of granuloma (1.8%) in order. Conclusion: Clinical, laboratory, radiologic and pathologic findings were summarized. This collected data will assist in finding a test for detection and staging of sarcoidosis in Korea in near future.
Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
In order to know the effect of proliferation and differentiation on edipocyte 3T3-L1 by prescriptions and herbs, Taeyangin(太陽人)'s Okapijangcheok-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Mihudeungsikjangtang Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) and Taeumin(太陰人)'s Taeumjowi-tang(太陰調胃湯) Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Cheongpaesagan-tang(淸肺瀉肝湯) Galkeunbupyong-tang(葛根浮萍湯) Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Mori Cortex(桑白皮) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Holotrichia Vermiculus Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根), were used and had some effects. 1. The proliferation effect of edipocyte 1) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs, Okapijangcheok-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Mihudeungsikjang-tang Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) have a control effect at the boiling water-extract and ethyl alcohol-extract. Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) have a control effect at the ethyl alcohol-extract. 2) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs, Taeumjowi-tang(太陰調胃湯) Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Cheongpaesagan-tang(淸肺瀉肝湯) Galkeunbupyong-tang(葛根浮萍湯) have a control effect at the boiling water-extract and ethyl alcohol-extract. Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Morl Cortex(桑白皮) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) · Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of the boiling water-extract, Holotrichia Vermiculus Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect on edipocytes. Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of high-density have a cyto-toxicity. 2. The differentiation effect of edipocyte 1) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs during the natural differentiation, Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) of the boiling water-extract, Okapijangchek-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) of the ethyl alcohol-extract have a cyto-toxicity on the first-differentiation. 2) At the Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs during the natural differentiation, Ulmi Cortex (楡根白皮) Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of the boiling water-extract have a cyto-toxicity on the first-differentiation. Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect on the redifferentiation. 3) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs on the first-differentiation during the induced differentiation, Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) of ethyl alcohol-extract has a control effect. Okapijangchek-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) of the boiling water-extract have a cyto-toxicity. 4) At the Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs on the first-differentiation during the induced differentiation, Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根) of the boiling water-extract and Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of the ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect. Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of the boiling water-extract and the ethyl alcohol-extract has a cyto-toxicity. Considering this result, the Taeyangin(太陽人) Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs have a control effect on edipocytes during the proliferation. Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮), Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根) have a control effect on edipocytes during the induced differentiation. In the future, for treating a obesity need a vivo assay and hope this study to help to know the mechanisms of obesity.
Currently in the otologic field, there are various methods of special audiometric examinations, such as, tone decay, SISI, and impedance audiometry and only a few studies has been done in these fields sporadically in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to establish norms of various special audiometric tests, so we have performed the special audiometric tests on 100 male medical students in good physical condition and the follow results were obtained. 1. All cases showed over 90% of PB scores. The mean and its 2 S.D. were 98$\pm$4.9% in the right ear and 97$\pm$5.6% in the left ear. 2. The mean and its 2 S.D. of MCL(most comfortable level) were 45$\pm$15.4 dB in the right ear and 46$\pm$17.9 dB in the left ear, and its range was 12$\pm$12.2 dB in the right ear and 13$\pm$12.6 dB in the left ear. 3. The mean and its 2 S.D. of UCL (uncomfortable level) were 102$\pm$7.9 dB in the right ear and 102$\pm$7.9 dB in the left ear and about an half in cases showed over 106 dB of UCL. 4. In 95% of cases, SISIs(short increment sensitivity index) at 1, 000 Hz and 4000 Hz was below 45% in the right ear in both frequencies and below 55% and 75% in the left ear, respectively. 5. In 95% of cases, tone decays at 2, 000 Hz and 4, 000 Hz was below 10 dB in both ears. 6. The difference between SRT and PTA (speech reception threshold minus pure tone average) was 4$\pm$9.2 dB in the right ear and 4$\pm$10.0 dB in the left ear. 7. The dynamic range(uncomfortable level minus speech reception threshold) was 98$\pm$13.5 dB in the right ear and 99$\pm$13.5 dB in the left ear. We had trouble in estimating the dynamic range in about an half in cases, in which we couldn't estimate the UCL with our conventional audiometry. 8. The results of impedance audiometric tests were as follow: A. In the tympanogram, all cases were of A type with one exception of B type in the left ear. The mean and its 2 S.D. of its peak level were 22.8$\pm$32.94mm $H_2O$ in the right ear and 23.9$\pm$29. 81mm $H_2O$ in the left ear. B. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the compliance were 0.6$\pm$0.54cc in the right ear and 0.6$\pm$0.53cc in the left ear. C. The results of stapedial reflex: a. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the controlateral stapedial reflex at 500Hz, 1, 000Hz, 2, 000Hz, 4, 000Hz were 99$\pm$17.7 dB, 87$\pm$14.4 dB, 79$\pm$13.7 dB, 77$\pm$20.0 dB in the right ear and 99$\pm$15.9 dB, 88$\pm$13.9 dB, 79$\pm$13.7 dB, 77$\pm$21.3 dB in the left ear. Depending on the tested frequencies, the stapedial reflex wasn't generated in 6 cases in the right ear and 11 cases in the left ear. b. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the ipsilateral stapedial reflex at 1, 000Hz, and 2, 000Hz were 89$\pm$16.3 dB, 82$\pm$15.9 dB in the right ear and 89$\pm$18.0 dB, 83$\pm$18.9 dB in the left ear. Depending on the tested frequencies, the stapedial reflex wans't generated in 1 case in the right ear and 2 cases in the left ear. 9. Eustachian tube function using with impedance audiometry was malfunctioned in21 cases depending on the tested pressure and the range of peak level of tympanogram was 14$\pm$26.9mm $H_2O$(tested pressure:+250mm $H_2O$), 8$\pm$21.9mm $H_2O$ (tested pressure:-250mm $H_2O$) in the right ear and 11 cases depending on the tested pressure and the range of the peak level of tympanogram was 12$\pm$22.5mm $H_2O$ (tested pressure: +250 mm $H_2O$, 9$\pm$17.3mm $H_2O$(tested pressure: -250mm $H_2O$) in the left ear.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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ID의 비밀번호 관리소홀, 부정사용에 의하여 발생하는 모든 결과에 대한 책임은 회원에게 있습니다.
③ 회원은 당 사이트 및 제 3자의 지적 재산권을 침해해서는 안 됩니다.
제 4 장 서비스의 이용
제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.