A Study for the Norms of Audiometric Tests in Koreans

정상한국인의 청력검사치에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1981.05.01


Currently in the otologic field, there are various methods of special audiometric examinations, such as, tone decay, SISI, and impedance audiometry and only a few studies has been done in these fields sporadically in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to establish norms of various special audiometric tests, so we have performed the special audiometric tests on 100 male medical students in good physical condition and the follow results were obtained. 1. All cases showed over 90% of PB scores. The mean and its 2 S.D. were 98$\pm$4.9% in the right ear and 97$\pm$5.6% in the left ear. 2. The mean and its 2 S.D. of MCL(most comfortable level) were 45$\pm$15.4 dB in the right ear and 46$\pm$17.9 dB in the left ear, and its range was 12$\pm$12.2 dB in the right ear and 13$\pm$12.6 dB in the left ear. 3. The mean and its 2 S.D. of UCL (uncomfortable level) were 102$\pm$7.9 dB in the right ear and 102$\pm$7.9 dB in the left ear and about an half in cases showed over 106 dB of UCL. 4. In 95% of cases, SISIs(short increment sensitivity index) at 1, 000 Hz and 4000 Hz was below 45% in the right ear in both frequencies and below 55% and 75% in the left ear, respectively. 5. In 95% of cases, tone decays at 2, 000 Hz and 4, 000 Hz was below 10 dB in both ears. 6. The difference between SRT and PTA (speech reception threshold minus pure tone average) was 4$\pm$9.2 dB in the right ear and 4$\pm$10.0 dB in the left ear. 7. The dynamic range(uncomfortable level minus speech reception threshold) was 98$\pm$13.5 dB in the right ear and 99$\pm$13.5 dB in the left ear. We had trouble in estimating the dynamic range in about an half in cases, in which we couldn't estimate the UCL with our conventional audiometry. 8. The results of impedance audiometric tests were as follow: A. In the tympanogram, all cases were of A type with one exception of B type in the left ear. The mean and its 2 S.D. of its peak level were 22.8$\pm$32.94mm $H_2O$ in the right ear and 23.9$\pm$29. 81mm $H_2O$ in the left ear. B. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the compliance were 0.6$\pm$0.54cc in the right ear and 0.6$\pm$0.53cc in the left ear. C. The results of stapedial reflex: a. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the controlateral stapedial reflex at 500Hz, 1, 000Hz, 2, 000Hz, 4, 000Hz were 99$\pm$17.7 dB, 87$\pm$14.4 dB, 79$\pm$13.7 dB, 77$\pm$20.0 dB in the right ear and 99$\pm$15.9 dB, 88$\pm$13.9 dB, 79$\pm$13.7 dB, 77$\pm$21.3 dB in the left ear. Depending on the tested frequencies, the stapedial reflex wasn't generated in 6 cases in the right ear and 11 cases in the left ear. b. The mean and its 2 S.D. of the ipsilateral stapedial reflex at 1, 000Hz, and 2, 000Hz were 89$\pm$16.3 dB, 82$\pm$15.9 dB in the right ear and 89$\pm$18.0 dB, 83$\pm$18.9 dB in the left ear. Depending on the tested frequencies, the stapedial reflex wans't generated in 1 case in the right ear and 2 cases in the left ear. 9. Eustachian tube function using with impedance audiometry was malfunctioned in21 cases depending on the tested pressure and the range of peak level of tympanogram was 14$\pm$26.9mm $H_2O$(tested pressure:+250mm $H_2O$), 8$\pm$21.9mm $H_2O$ (tested pressure:-250mm $H_2O$) in the right ear and 11 cases depending on the tested pressure and the range of the peak level of tympanogram was 12$\pm$22.5mm $H_2O$ (tested pressure: +250 mm $H_2O$, 9$\pm$17.3mm $H_2O$(tested pressure: -250mm $H_2O$) in the left ear.

현재 이과영역에서 청각기능을 진단하기 위해 순음 및 언어청각검사와 Impedance청각검사등을 이용한 여러가지 특수청각검사법이 사용되고 있으나 우리나라에서는 이에 대한 정상한국인 기준치의 연구가 몇몇 학자에 의해서만 산발적으로 보고되어 왔다. 금번 본 교실에서는 정상 청각기능을 가진 의과대 남학생 100명을 대상으로 일련의 특수청각검사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 기준치를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. 1) 언어판별치(PB score)는 전부 90%이상이었고 95%의 예가 우측귀에서는 94%이상이었고 좌측귀에서는 92%이상이었다. 2) M.C.L.(most comfortable level)은 우측귀가 45$\pm$15.4dB이었고 좌측귀는 46$\pm$17.9dB이었으며 그 범위는 우측귀가 11$\pm$12.1dB, 좌측귀는 13$\pm$13.5dB이었다. 3) U.C.L. (uncomfortable level)은 106dB이상이었던 예가 우측귀에서 43%, 좌측귀에서 45%였고 나머지 예에서는 95%의 예가 우측, 좌측 귀에서 모두 96dB이상이다. 4) SISI(short increment sensitivity index)는 95%의 예가 우측귀에서는 1,000Hz와 4,000Hz에서 각각 45%, 45%이내였고 좌측귀에서는 각각 55%, 70%이내였다. 5) Tone decay는 95%의 예가 양측귀 모두 2,000Hz와 4,000Hz에서 10dB이내였다. 6) SRT-PTA(speech reception threshold minus pure tone average)는 우측귀가 -1$\pm$9.2dB이었고 좌측귀는 0$\pm$10.0dB이었다. 7) UCL-SRT(uncomfortable leve minus speech reception threshold)는 UCL이 106dB이상이었던 예를 제외한 57례, 55례에서 우측귀가 98$\pm$11.7dB이었고 좌측귀가 99$\pm$13.5dB이었다. 8) Impedance청각검사 ㄱ) Tympanogram은 1례 (좌측귀, B형)를 제외한 모든 예에서 A형이었고 peak level은 우측귀가 22.8$\pm$32.94mm$H_2$O였고 좌측귀는 23.9$\pm$29.81mm$H_2$O이었다.ㄴ) Compliance는 우측귀가 0.6$\pm$0.54cc였고 좌측귀는 0.6$\pm$0.53cc이었다. ㄷ) 등골근반사(stapedial reflex) $\circled1$ 반대측에 자극음을 주었을 때 반사는 5000z, 1,000Hz, 2,000Hz 및 4,000Hz에서 우측귀가 각각84$\pm$17.7dB, 87$\pm$14.4dB, 79$\pm$13.7dB, 87$\pm$18.6dB에서 나타났고 좌측 귀는 각각 84$\pm$l5.9dB, 88$\pm$13.9dB, 84$\pm$16.8dB, 87$\pm$21.3dB에서 나타났다. 그리고 반사가 보이지 않은 에는 500Hz, 1,000Hz, 2,000Hz 및 4,000Hz에서 우측귀간 각각 1례, 1례, 1례, 3례였고 좌측귀는 각각 2례, 2례, 2례, 5례였다. $\circled2$ 동측에 자극음을 주었을 때 반사는 1,000Hz, 2,000Hz에서 우측귀가 각각 89$\pm$16.3dB, 82$\pm$15.9dB에서 나타났고 좌측귀는 각각 89$\pm$18.0dB, 83$\pm$18.9dB에서 나타났다. 그리고 반사가 보이지 않은 예는 1,000Hz에서만 우측귀가 1례, 좌측귀가 2례였다. 9) Impedance 청각검사를 이용한 구씨관 기능극은 -250mm$H_2O$와 +250mm$H_2O$를 준 때 우측귀에서는 각각 10례, 11례에서 반응이 없었으며 그 반응 범위는 14$\pm$26.9mm$H_2O$, 8$\pm$21.9mm$H_2O$였고 좌측귀에서는 각각 5례, 6례에서 반응이 없었으며 고 반응범위는 각각 2$\pm$22.5mm$H_2O$, 9$\pm$17.3mm$H_2$였다.
