• Title/Summary/Keyword: Groundwater resources

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A Comparative Study on Forecasting Groundwater Level Fluctuations of National Groundwater Monitoring Networks using TFNM, ANN, and ANFIS (TFNM, ANN, ANFIS를 이용한 국가지하수관측망 지하수위 변동 예측 비교 연구)

  • Yoon, Pilsun;Yoon, Heesung;Kim, Yongcheol;Kim, Gyoo-Bum
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2014
  • It is important to predict the groundwater level fluctuation for effective management of groundwater monitoring system and groundwater resources. In the present study, three different time series models for the prediction of groundwater level in response to rainfall were built, those are transfer function noise model (TFNM), artificial neural network (ANN), and adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system (ANFIS). The models were applied to time series data of Boen, Cheolsan, and Hongcheon stations in National Groundwater Monitoring Network. The result shows that the model performance of ANN and ANFIS was higher than that of TFNM for the present case study. As lead time increased, prediction accuracy decreased with underestimation of peak values. The performance of the three models at Boen station was worst especially for TFNM, where the correlation between rainfall and groundwater data was lowest and the groundwater extraction is expected on account of agricultural activities. The sensitivity analysis for the input structure showed that ANFIS was most sensitive to input data combinations. It is expected that the time series model approach and results of the present study are meaningful and useful for the effective management of monitoring stations and groundwater resources.

Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Microbial Community Structures of Freshwater in Ulleung Island (울릉도 담수의 수리지화학적 특성 및 미생물 군집 구조)

  • Dong-Hun Kim;Byong Wook Cho;Byeong Dae Lee;Jung-Yun Lee;Yong Hwa Oh
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the hydrogeochemical and microbiological characteristics of freshwater on Ulleung Island, a volcanic island in the Ulleung Basin on the East Coast of Korea. The shallow groundwater (CSW, NRGW) and the surface water (SISW) samples are classified as Na-HCO3 type, reflecting an alkaline rock type and an oxidizing environment due to the influence of a highly permeable pyroclastic rock layer. In contrast, the deep groundwater sample (DMW) is classified as Ca-HCO3 type, suggesting the influence of deep-sourced carbon dioxide and reducing conditions. Microbial communities in the water samples are generally dominated by Proteobacteria, with the relative abundance of major genera varying depending on water quality and environmental conditions. Network analysis reveals the ecological characteristics of microbial communities adapted to specific environments. The presence of pathogenic genera in the shallow groundwater suggests potential groundwater contamination, necessitating appropriate management to ensure its use as drinking water or domestic water. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the ecological characteristics of Ulleung Island's groundwater resources and can inform future groundwater management strategies.

Bioaugmentation with GFP-Tagged Pseudomonas migulae AN-1 in Aniline-Contaminated Aquifer Microcosms: Cellular Responses, Survival and Effect on Indigenous Bacterial Community

  • Zhao, Yongsheng;Qu, Dan;Zhou, Rui;Ma, Yunge;Wang, Hao;Ren, Hejun
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.891-899
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    • 2016
  • The recently isolated aniline-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas migulae AN-1 was tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) to investigate its bioaugmentation potential against aniline-contaminated groundwater through microcosm experiments. The survival and cellular response of GFP-tagged AN-1 introduced in a lab-scale aquifer corresponded directly with aniline consumption. During the process, the GFP-tagged AN-1 biomass increased from 7.52 × 105 cells/ml to 128 × 105 cells/ml and the degradation rate of aniline was 6.04 mg/l/h. GFP-tagged AN-1 was moderately hydrophobic (41.74%-47.69%) when treated with 20-100 mg/l aniline and exhibited relatively strong hydrophobicity (55.25%-65.78%) when the concentration of aniline was ≥100 mg/l. The membrane permeability of AN-1 increased followed by a rise in aniline below 100 mg/l and was invariable with aniline above 100 mg/l. Pyrosequencing analysis showed that the relative abundance of Proteobacteria (accounted for 99.22% in the non-bioaugmentation samples) changed to 89.23% after bioaugmentation with GFP-tagged AN-1. Actinobacteria increased from 0.29% to 2.01%, whereas the abundance of Firmicutes barely changed. These combined findings demonstrate the feasibility of removing aniline in aquifers by introducing the strain AN-1 and provide valuable information on the changes in the diversity of dominant populations during bioaugmentation.

Analyzing the Effect of Groundwater Dam Construction Using Groundwater Modeling (지하수 모델링을 통한 지하수댐 건설 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Wook;Lim, Kyung-Nam;Park, Hyun-Jin;Rhee, Bo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2013
  • SEAWAT, a linked modeling program of Visual MODFLOW was used to analyze the change in groundwater levels and salinity related groundwater dam construction in Cheongsan island, Wando-Gun, Jeollanam-Do. The steady-state model results show the groundwater flow and salinity distribution of the studied area. The groundwater flows from north-west and south-east highlands into the river, located in the middle part of the basin, and is eventually discharged to the ocean. Part of the sea water infiltrates into the river; and through the estuary's alluvium aquifer, the sea water intrusion takes place spreading to about 830 m from the ocean. The transient model results show that after the groundwater dam construction, groundwater levels will rise to a maximum of 2.0 m upstream, and the groundwater storage will increase 21,000 after 10 years. Meanwhile 31% of the total area affected by sea water intrusion will decrease. To conclude, the groundwater dam is a very useful method for a secure water resource in preparation for drought and water shortages in the island regions.

Groundwater Level Responses due to Moderate·Small Magnitude Earthquakes Using 1Hz groundwater Data (1Hz 지하수 데이터를 활용한 중·소규모 지진으로 인한 지하수위 반응)

  • Gahyeon Lee;Jae Min Lee;Dongkyu Park;Dong-Hun Kim;Jaehoon Jung;Soo-Hyoung Lee
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2024
  • Recently, numerous earthquakes have caused significant casualties and property damage worldwide, including major events in 2023 (Türkiye, M7.8; Morocco, M6.8) and 2024 (Noto Peninsula, Japan, M7.6; Taiwan, M7.4). In South Korea, the frequency of detectable and noticeable earthquakes has been gradually increasing since the M5.8 Gyeongju Earthquake. Notable recent events include those in Jeju (M4.9), Goesan (M4.1), the East Sea (M4.5), and Gyeongju (M4.0) since 2020. This study, for the first time in South Korea, monitored groundwater levels and temperatures at a 1Hz frequency to observe the responses in groundwater to moderate and small earthquakes primarily occurring within the country. Between April 23, 2023, and May 22, 2023, 17 earthquakes were reported in the East Sea region with magnitudes ranging from M2.0 to M4.5. Analysis of groundwater level responses at the Gangneung observation station revealed fluctuations associated with five of these events. The 1Hz observation data clearly showed groundwater level changes even for small earthquakes, indicating that groundwater is highly sensitive to the frequent small earthquakes recently occurring in South Korea. The analysis confirmed that the maximum amplitude of groundwater level changes due to earthquakes is proportional to the earthquake's magnitude and the distance from the epicenter. These findings highlight the importance of precise 1Hz-level observations in earthquake-groundwater research. This study provides foundational data for earthquake monitoring and prediction and emphasizes the need for ongoing research into monitoring the changes in groundwater parameters (such as aquifer characteristics, quantity/quality, and contaminant migration) induced by various magnitudes of earthquakes that may occur within the country in the future.

Analysis of Hydraulic Gradient at Coastal Aquifers in Eastern Part of Jeju Island (제주도 동부지역 해안대수층의 조석에 의한 수리경사 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Kue-Young;Shim, Byoung-Ohan;Park, Ki-Hwa;Kim, Tae-Hee;Seong, Hyeon-Jeong;Park, Yun-Seok;Koh, Gi-Won;Woo, Nam-Chil
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2005
  • Groundwater level changes in coastal aquifers occur due to oceanic tides, where the properties of oceanic tides can be applied to estimate hyadraulic parameters. Hydraulic parameters of coastal aquifers located in eastern part of Jeju island were estimated using the tidal response technique. Groundwater level data from a saltwater intrusion monitoring well system was used which showed tidal effects from 3 to 5 km. The hydraulic gradient was assessed by utilizing the filtering method from 71 consecutive hourly water-level observations. Calculated hydraulic diffusivity ranged from 2.94${\times}10^7m^2d^{-1}$ to 4.36${\times}10^7m^2d^{-1}$ . The hydraulic gradient of the coastal aquifer area was found to be ~$10^{-4}$, whereas the gradient of the area between wells Handong-1 and 2 was found to be ~$10^{-6}$, which is very low comparatively. Analysis of groundwater monitoring data showed that groundwater levels are periodically higher near coastal areas compared to that of inner land areas due to oceanic tide influences. When assessing groundwater flow direction in coastal aquifers it is important to consider tidal fluctuation.

Reduction of Groundwater Licences for Groundwater Management Areas in Jeju Island (제주도 지하수특별관리구역의 지하수이용허가권 조정방안)

  • Yang, Yun-Seok;Yang, Sung-Kee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.839-845
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    • 2007
  • It is necessary to draw up many plans to solve problems in the management of groundwater resources in Jeju Island while systematically develop and utilize water resources at an optimal level. It also seems to an evitable option to establish Groundwater Management Areas in Jeju Island. The excess use of groundwater could be discouraged by imposing charges on those licenses. Such policy as allowance trading system do not appear to be because of transaction costs, but could be applied if only were accompanied by complementary method. The methods of using and conserving the limited resources of groundwater should be founded through socially agreeable and appropriate ways. The policy complemented allowance trading system by Pigouian tax could be effective to regulate licenses. This is cutting the numbers of licenses at a constant rate, imposing charges on those who want to continue using licenses, and reimbursing in cash to those who return the licenses.

Management Plan for Rural Groundwater Resources in the Era of Post COVID-19 (포스트 코로나 시대 농어촌지하수 관리 방안)

  • Lee, Byung Sun;Seo, Sangjin;Lee, Gyusang;Yoon, Seok-Hwan;Song, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to supplement new-normal strategies on management plans of rural groundwater resources in the era of Post COVID-19. Global outbreak of COVID-19 has damaged across all areas including public policy, economics, industrial services, and others without exception, which has resulted in establishing new-normal strategies in order to restore balance and functions as for these areas. The new-normal ones were represented as enhancing preventative management on infectious diseases, expanding non face-to-face services, enhancing protective trades and food securities, and preparing growth policies on public services using the 4th industrial revolution techniques. In this study, G-WASH_AD (Groundwater supply, sanitation, and hygiene with attraction and digitization) was suggested to be new-normal strategies on rural groundwater resources. The G-WASH_AD was consisted of three detailed action plans: a preventative plan on waterborne-diseases of groundwater (PP), a groundwater-tourism plan with rural heritage (GP), and an application plan of the 4th industrial revolution techniques to groundwater facilities and its data (P4). The PP can contribute to protect human health from waterborne-diseases and minimize hazardous effects on crop cultivation. The GP accompanied with high-quality groundwater resources is able to strengthen rural tourism, to promote marketing activities on local agricultural products, and to increase household incomes of rural communities. The P4 can reinforce fast, comfortable, and scientific management on groundwater facilities and its data, creating a virtuous cycle between innovative management on groundwater and growth of technology related to it. Results of the G-WASH_AD strategies can encourage a green growth engine in field of rural groundwater management keeping up with Post COVID-19.

Analysis of groundwater level variability in the middle mountain area of Pyoseon watershed in Jeju Island using normalized standard deviation and cross correlation coefficient (정규화된 표준편차 및 교차상관계수를 이용한 제주도 표선유역 중산간지역의 지하수위 변동성 분석)

  • Shin, Mun-Ju;Moon, Soo-Hyoung;Moon, Duk Chul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2020
  • In order to provide information for proper management of groundwater resources, an analysis of the effects of precipitation and groundwater withdrawal on groundwater levels is needed. In this study, we analyzed the correlation of precipitation-groundwater level and groundwater withdrawal-groundwater level using time series data converted by normalized standard deviation (Nor.St.Dev) and cross correlation coefficient (CCC) for nine groundwater monitoring wells in the middle mountainous area in the southeastern Jeju Island. First, the CCCs of precipitation-groundwater level were estimated using daily time series data, and the low CCCs of up to 0.3 were obtained. However, the result of using the Nor.St.Dev showed a clearer correlation by obtaining a CCC of up to 0.8. In addition, in most cases, precipitation variability and groundwater level variability had positive CCCs, whereas groundwater withdrawal variability and groundwater level variability had negative CCCs. Therefore, the groundwater level in this study area was largely influenced by precipitation with little effect of groundwater withdrawal. Lastly, as a result of analyzing the relative effects of Seongpanak and Gyorae rainfall station on the groundwater level, the rainfall at the relatively downstream Gyorae rainfall station has more influence. The analysis method used in this study can be easily used for analyzing the effects of precipitation and groundwater withdrawal on groundwater level variability in other regions in the future.