• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ground Classification

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Flight Range and Time Analysis for Classification of eVTOL PAV (eVTOL PAV 유형별 항속거리 및 항속시간 분석)

  • Lee, Bong-Sul;Yun, Ju-Yeol;Hwang, Ho-Yon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2020
  • To overcome ground congestions due to growing number of cars, a lot of companies have proposed personal aerial vehicle (PAV). Among PAV, electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircrafts capable of vertical take-off and landing with electric power are drawing attention, and their configurations vary from multicopters to tilt ducted fans. This study tries to analyze the characteristics of each eVTOL design configurations. Parasite drag was calculated using component build up method for Vahana, Aurora, Volocopter representing each eVTOL PAV type of tilt-wing, compound, and multicopter. Wetted area and induced drag was calculated using OpenVSP and XFLR5 that are aircraft design and aerodynamic analysis software. The batteries used in the eVTOL PAV was assumed as Tesla 2170 batteries and flight ranges were calculated. Also, energy consumption and maximum flight time for the given mission profile including take-off and landing, cruising segments were compared for each eVTOL.

A Study on Qualitative Landscape Character Assessment for Rural Areas and Its Environmental Policy Implementation (정성적 농촌경관평가 기법과 정책 활용 - 영국의 경관특성평가제도 사례분석을 통한 시사점 도출 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo;Kim, Sang-Bum;Chon, Jin-Hyung;Kim, Su-yeon;An, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2017
  • While the significance and need of landscape assessment for rural area has been recognised, an appropriate method has not been established due to the lack of statutory ground and policy status in Korea. For that reason, current studies have been limited to dominantly amenity field survey in specific rural areas and stayed in academic. In particular, the majority of research on rural landscape amenity or character assessment methodologies so far has been attempted with quantitative processes. Such quantitative methods produced sometimes, heavily overlapped, conflicted, and not much meaningful characterisation and classification. Moreover, such results could not only have been reflected to policy implementation but provide vision for rural areas. Therefore, this study offers new facets for landscape character assessment methods through the lens of practitioners' qualitative survey methods and moreover, seek a policy implementation of newly developed methodologies. In order to carry out such analysis, the study employed a case study of England's Landscape Character Assessment and survey location was Gateshead Council, Northeast of England. The study suggests meaningful qualitative landscape character assessment method and review of its policy implementation.

Development of a Tailored Analysis System for Korean Working Conditions Survey

  • Seo, Hwa Jeong
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2016
  • Background: Korean Working Conditions Surveys (KWCS), referencing European Working Conditions Surveys, have been conducted three times in order to survey working condition and develop work-related policies. However, we found three limitations for managing the collected KWCS data: (1) there was no computerized system for managing data; (2) statistical KWCS data were provided by limited one-way communication; and (3) the concept of a one-time provision of information was pursued. We suggest a web-based public service system that enables ordinary people to make greater use of the KWCS data, which can be managed constantly in the future. Methods: After considering data characteristics, we designed a database, which was able to have the result of all pairwise combinations with two extracted data to construct an analysis system. Using the data of the social network for each user, the tailored analysis system was developed. This system was developed with three methods: clustering and classification for building a social network, and an infographic method for improving readability through a friendly user interface. Results: We developed a database including one input entity consisting of the sociodemographic characteristics and one output entity consisting of working condition characteristics, such as working pattern and work satisfaction. A web-based public service system to provide tailored contents was completed. Conclusion: This study aimed to present a customized analysis system to use the KWCS data efficiently, provide a large amount of data in a form that can give users a better understanding, and lay the ground for helping researchers and policy makers understand the characteristics.

Seismic Zonation of Site Period at Daejeon within Spatial GIS tool (공간 GIS 기법을 활용한 대전 지역 부지 주기의 지진 구역화)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Shin, Jin-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.563-574
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    • 2008
  • Most of earthquake-induced geotechnical hazards have been caused by the site effects relating to the amplification of ground motion, which are strongly influenced by the local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated GIS-based information system for geotechnical data, called geotechnical information system (GTIS), was constructed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake-induced hazards at an urban area, Daejeon, which is represented as a hub of research and development in Korea. To build the GTIS for the area of interesting, pre-existing geotechnical data collections were performed across the extended area including the study area and a walk-over site survey was additionally carried out to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. For practical application of the GTIS used to estimate the site effects at the area of interesting, seismic microzoning map of the characteristic site period was created and presented as regional synthetic strategy for earthquake-induced hazards prediction. In addition, seismic zonation for site classification according to the spatial distribution of the site period was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site in the study area. Based on the case study on seismic zonations at Daejeon, it was verified that the GIS-based GTIS was very useful for the regional prediction of seismic hazards and also the decision support for seismic hazard mitigation.

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Introduction on the Contamination Design Standard(Revision Proposal) of 345kV/154kV Transmission System in KEPCO (345kV/154kV 직접접지계 송전설비의 내오손 설계기준(안) 해설)

  • Shim, E.B.;Woo, J.W.;Kwak, J.S.;Min, B.W.;Lee, O.B.;Shin, T.W.;Park, Y.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.262-264
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    • 2002
  • This paper shows the design standard of KEPCO on the contamination design for 345 kV and 154 kV transmission tower. Up to now, because the design standard of KEPCO on the insulation design contains 154 kV transmission system only, we had investigated the 343 kV system for the revision of design standard, with respect to the contamination design, we have used the same design philosophy which were adopted to the 765 kV transmission tower. In order to determine the number of insulator discs, we had investigated the withstand voltage of discs according to the level of ESDD(Equivalent Salt Deposit Density) and kinds of disc types. The TOV(Power Frequency Temporary Overvoltage) were estimated by EMTP(Electromagnetic Transient Program) for both 154 kV and 345 kV transmission system. The overvoltage level was appeared 1.35 p.u. between phase to ground for both 154 kV and 345 kV transmission system, but finally this factor was not applied to the design standard considering current design standard and economic point of view. With regard to classification of contamination area of 345 kV transmission system, we added the clean area which was not specified in the current design practise.

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GIS Technology for Soil Loss Analysis (금강유역 토양 유실 분석을 위한 GIS응용연구)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유일현;이석민;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1994
  • Soil loss was estimated by using universal soil loss equation(USLE) through GIS technique in Buyeu area. The expected soil loss is determined from six environmental factors: rainfall, erodibility of selected soil, length and steepness (gradient) of ground slope, crop grown in soil, and land practices used. A scoring system for assessing soil lossrisk has been developed for calculating SLI(Soil Loss Index) by GIS. The scores of six factors multiplied to give a total score which was compared with an chosen classification system to categorize areas of low, moderate and high risk. Finally, a soil loss assessment map was produced by GIS cartographic simulation technique, and this map could be applied in the establishment of regional land use planning.

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Application of High Resolution Land Use Data on the Possibility to Mitigate Urban Thermal Environment (고해상도 지표자료를 이용한 도시 열환경 완화효과 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kwi-Ok;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hwa-Woon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.423-434
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    • 2009
  • In recent years, the urban thermal environment has become worse, such as days on which the temperature goes above $30^{\circ}C$, sultry nights and heat stroke increase, due to the changes in terrestrial cover such as concrete and asphalt and increased anthropogenic heat emission accompanied by artificial structure. The land use type is an important determinant to near-surface air temperature. Due to these reasons we need to understand and improve the urban thermal environment. In this study, the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model(MMS) was applied to the metropolitan of Daegu area in order to investigate the influence of land cover changes and urban modifications increase of Albedo to the surface energy budget on the simulated near-surface air temperature and wind speed. The single urban category in existing 24-category U.S. Geological survey land cover classification used in MM5 was divided into 6 classes to account for heterogeneity of urban land cover. As a result of the numerical simulation intended for the metropolitan of Daegu assumed the increase of Albedo of roofs, buildings, or roads, the increase of Albedo (Cool scenario)can make decrease radiation effect of surface, so that it caused drops in ambient air temperature from 0.2 to 0.3 on the average during the daylight hours and smaller (or near-zero) decrease during the night. The Sensible heat flux and Wind velocity is decreased. Modeling studies suggest that increased surface albedo in urban area can reduce surface and air temperatures near the ground and affect related meteorological parameters such as winds, surface air temperature and sensible heat flux.

A Study of the Dynamic Amplification Characteristics of the Domestic Seismic Observation Sites Using Coda Wave (Coda파를 이용한 국내 관측소지반의 동적 증폭특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Junkyoung;Lee, Jundae
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2009
  • For more reliable estimation of soil-structure interaction and seismic source and attenuation properties, site amplification function should be considered. This study use the Nakamura's method (1989) for estimating site amplification though various methods for the same purpose have been proposed. This method was originally applied to the surface waves of background noise and therefore there are some limitation for applications to general wave energy. However, recently this method has been extended and applied to the S wave energy successfully. This study applied the method to the coda wave energy which is equivalent to the backscattered S wave energy. We used more than 60 observed ground motions from 5 earthquakes which occurred recently, with magnitude range from 3.6 to 5.1 Each station showed characteristic site amplification property in low-, high- and resonance frequency ranges. In the case of comparing these results to those from S wave energy, lots of information to the site classification work can be gained. Moreover, removal of site amplification can give us more reliable seismic source parameters.

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Target Level of Safety Analysis in Airworthiness Certification for Military UAV (군용무인기의 감항인증 목표안전수준 분석)

  • Lee, Narae;Jeon, Byung-Il;Chang, Young-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.840-848
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    • 2013
  • Airworthiness certification of military aircraft is a government's certification that it must have airworthiness and ability to demonstrate its requested function and performance. NATO released STANAG-4671 to establish the minimum airworthiness requirements for UAVs between 150kg and 20,000kg MTOW in 2009. Up to now, there are no clear airworthiness certification criteria and guideline for small UAV which is less than 150kg. STANAG-4671 is used for military UAV airworthiness certification in Korea as Other Airworthiness Certification Criteria. However, since STANAG-4671 requires the same Target Level of Safety without regard to MTOW, excessive Target Level of Safety or design requirements could be applied to relatively small-medium UAV. In this paper, classification and criteria of airworthiness certification for military UAV were investigated and a Target Level of Safety was analyzed based on MTOW using ground victim criteria.

Development of the Constructing Integrated Interface for a MP3 Service Vending Machine (MP3 자판기를 위한 통합적 인터페이스 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 홍석기;김상일
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2000
  • Development of the digital technology made possible the Integrated media that is combined computer with information network technology. Integrated media is the data transferring method through the multimedia, and has been developed by the similar form with the human's information transferring system. For that reason, interface has been developed as the important theme, Human Computer Interaction, according to the formal development. Using interface is not activated yet for the lack of connection with various divisions and the system of the product development although interfaces formatic development is re-arranged and re-established in design. This is the try to construct new model of the interface by re-arrange of the factors for the information transferring form development on the ground of the mp3 service vending machine development. Interface is divided into logical I formatic and hardware I software for he systematic classification and also arranged so that anybody can understand. Consequently, presenting of the new integrated interface paradigm can make possible to suggest the fundamental framework that is the new direction of the design re-arranged by the integrated media.

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