• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grinding ratio

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An Experimental Study on the Strength Development of Fly-Ash Mortar by Using the Activator and Curing Temperature change. (자극제 사용 및 양생온도 변화에 의한 플라이애쉬 모르타르의 강도발현에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 배수환;최광윤;정재동;최영화
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is for the active use of the fly ash, which is a by-product of the combustion pulverizes coal thermal power plants, to compensate for the lack of landfill and for conservation of energy, by using fly ash as the supplementary cementitious material, and to prove its possibility as the related products of the cement. First of all, we examined strength development of Micro grinding fly ash by elevating its fineness and using $Na_{2}SO_{4}$ as an activator to elevate pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. Following fly ash replacement ratio and curing temperature we hope to prove its properties to suggest its possibility in the concrete and cement industry. In case of water curing, the more fineness and higher annexing of activator is, the higher strength is, and the higher curing temperature is the more pozzolanic reaction happens.

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High Temperature properties of Mechanically Alloyed Al-Ni System (기계적 합금법으로 제조된 Al-Ni 합금계의 고온특성)

  • 김유영
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 1994
  • Mechanical alloying process of Al-8wt.% Ni powder was investigated for the various milling time in order to get the steady state powder. High temperature deformation behaviors of the sintered specimens were investigated by activation energy calculated after high temperature compression tests at the strain rates of 2.5$\times$10-3 s-1, 2.5$\times$10-2 s-1 and 2.5$\times$10-1 s-1 at the temperature range between $350^{\circ}C$ and $450^{\circ}C$. The steady state was obtained after 1000 minutes of milling with the PCA of 1.5 wt.% stearic acid under the condition of grinding media to powder weight ratio of 50 : 1 and impeller rotating speed of 300 rpm. True activation energy of Al-8wt.% Fe alloy was estimated to be 181 kJ/mole at the temperature range of 350~ $400^{\circ}C$ and 265 kJ/mole at the range of 400~$450^{\circ}C$.

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Stochastic Analysis of the Diamond Particle Distribution on the Surface of Circular Diamond Saw Blade (원형 다이아몬드 톱의 세그먼트 표면에서의 다이아몬드 입자 분포의 확률적인 해석)

  • 이현우;변서봉;정기정;김용석
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2003
  • Distributions of diamond particles protruding on the surface of worn diamond segments in circular saw has been investigated. Scanning electron microscope was used to examine the worn ,surface and radial saw blade wear and grinding ratio was measured. The number of protruded diamond particle was approximately 50% of the total number of particles, and that was independent of diamond particle concentration and table speed. It was also noted that the inter-particle distance did not follow a symmetric function like Gaussian distribution function, instead it fitted well with a probability density function based on gamma function. The distribution of inter-particle spacing, therefore, was analyzed using a gamma function model.

Physical Properties of Ultrafine Ash Blended Cement (초미분말 애시를 혼합한 시멘트의 물성)

  • Yoo, Dong-Woo;Byun, Seung-Ho;Song, Jong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 2007
  • Effects of ultrafinely ground ash on the rheological properties of cement paste were investigated. Also compressive strength development and setting time of ultrafine ash blended cement mortar were investigated in the study. A sample with silica fume was included for comparison. According to the results of ultra fine ash blended cement paste in the lower W/B ratio, the fluidity were high, and the setting time was a little retarded. And the compressive strength of ultrafine ash blended mortar was increased in the long term. In the case of hardened cement paste at 28 days, $Ca(OH)_2$ contents was decreased in order of control, ultrafine ash, silica fume blended cement due to difference of the pozzolanic reaction.

Bioavailability and Feed Value of Starfish with Various Treatments (처리방법에 따른 불가사리의 이용율 및 사료적 가치)

  • Choe, H.S.;Park, J.H.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2007
  • To evaluate the feed value of starfish, antimicrobial effects of its extract, nutrients contents, concentration of amino acids and its bioavailability were tested. Steaming and ether processes were applied to obtain the extract from starfish for antimicrobial effects examination. The starfish was dried at $60^{\circ}C$ for 3 days before grinding for processing and fermentation. Ground starfish(GS), extruded starfish(ES), fermented starfish(EFS) were added with enzyme and without enzyme(Non enzyme fermented starfish : NEFS). Then the nutrient composition and bioavailability of those were analyzed. The extract from starfish showed no inhibition of the growth of lactobacillus and pathogenic bacteria. Protein content showed significantly higher 62.86% and 52.82%, respectively in EFS and NEFS than GS and EGS(p<0.05). The Ca content of GS, EGS, EFS and NEFS was 17.26%, 18.26%, 5.37% and 8.55%, respectively. It was low in EFS and NEFS due to measure the Ca content after fermentation. Total amino acid was 17.17 mg/g, 20.28 mg/g, 36.30 mg/g and 29.96 mg/g in GS, EGS, EFS and NEFS, respectively. The ratio of total amino acid to protein tended to show the similar tendency as total amino acid. Both total amino acid and its ratio to protein were increased by the fermentation. Bioavailability of the protein and Ca showed more 80% in EFS and NEFS. The nutrients availability of EFS were significantly higher in laying hens than other treatments. The results of these experiments indicate that starfish would be applied as a feed ingredients if it was properly treated.

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Optimal Abrasion Conditions for Separating Aggregate and Cement paste for Using Waste Concrete Fine Powder as Decarbonization Raw Material (폐콘크리트 미분말을 탈탄산 원료로 사용하기 위한 골재와 시멘트페이스트 분리의 최적 마쇄 조건 분석)

  • Ha-Seog Kim;Min-Chul Lee
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we attempted to reduce CO2 generated during manufacturing by replacing limestone (CaCO3), a carbonate mineral used to produce cement clinker, with a decarbonated raw material to which CO2 is not bound. The raw material for decarbonization was cement paste attached to waste concrete, among various industrial by-products. Waste concrete has cement paste adhered to the aggregate, which cannot be separated efficiently by general crushing and grinding methods. Peeling and grinding methods effectively remove only the cement paste without damaging the original aggregate. The abrasion time, steel ball type, and steel ball ratio were selected as effective factors for Abrasion. An optimal abrasion experiment was conducted to produce waste concrete fine powder containing decarbonated CaO as a cement clinker raw material through an experimental design method. The experiment revealed that the optimal conditions for producing waste concrete fine powder were an abrasion time of 7 minutes, a steel ball size for pulverization of 8 mm, and a steel ball ratio for pulverization of 0.6.

Evaluation of Strength Incremental Ratio of Korean Marine Clayey Soil (국내 해성 점성토의 강도증가율 평가)

  • Kim, Ju-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2017
  • Applicability of Skempton's and Hansbo's equation for estimating strength incremental ratio of Korean marine clayey soil was analyzed. These empirical equations have been commonly applied to design soft ground improvement by, especially, staged loading method. Strength incremental ratios proposed by Skempton (1954, 1957) and Hansbo (1957) using field vane tests(FVTs), measured in Scandinavia depends on plasticity index and liquid limit. Although lean clay in Scandinavia can be classified as clay based on USCS, this soil contains no clay mineral because it was produced by the glacial grinding of rock, sometimes, called rock flour. On the contrary, plasticity indices of Korean marine clayey soils increase linearly with the percentage of clay fraction (% finer than $2{\mu}m$ by weight). Except for strength incremental ratios using $q_u/2$ values in the case of soils having a low plasticity, such as Incheon, Hwaseong and Gunsan soils, these values are in the range of 0.25 to 0.35, independently of the plasticity index, $I_p$.

Mechanical alloying behavior of PbTe thermoelectric materials (PbTe 열전재료의 기계적 합금화 거동)

  • O, Tae-Seong;Choe, Jae-Sik;Hyeon, Do-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 1995
  • Mechanical alloying behavior of the PbTe intermetallic compound, which is used for thermoelectric generation, has been investigated with milling time and ball-to-powder weight ratio. Formation of PbTe alloy was completed by mechanical alloying of the as-mixed Pb and Te powders for 2 minutes at ball-to-powder weight ratio of 2 : 1. In situ measurement of the abrupt temperature rise during the ball milling process indicated that the PbTe intermetallic compound was formed by a self-sustained reaction rather than diffusional reactions. Lattice constant of PbTe alloy fabricated by mechanical alloying, 0. 6462nm, was not varied with milling time and ball-to-powder weight ratio. This value of the lattice parameter is in excellent agreement with 0.6459nm, which was reported for PbTe powders processed by melting and grinding.

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Finite Element Analysis for Optimizing the Initial Thickness of an Under-drive Brake Piston used in a Automatic Transmission (자동변속기용 언더 드라이브 브레이크 피스톤의 두께 최적화를 위한 유한요소해석)

  • Lee, J.S.;Yoon, J.H.;Lee, J.H.;Kim, S.H.;Hong, E.C.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2014
  • The under-drive brake piston is an important component in automotive transmissions. It changes the velocity by controlling the gear ratio. It has been traditionally manufactured by hot forging. Recently, there has been an effort to replace this traditional manufacturing method with cold forging in order to improve the dimensional accuracy and decrease the surface roughness. Cold forging uses a smaller amount of initial material and also has a shorter cycle time since the forged surface can be the final surface without the need of post-processing such as machining or grinding. In the current study, finite element analysis was conducted to evaluate a process design using an initial plate with reduced thickness. This smaller thickness decreases the amount of material needed for the part as well as the machining to produce the final product.

Superconducting magnetic separation of ground steel slag powder for recovery of resources

  • Kwon, H.W.;Kim, J.J.;Ha, D.W.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, Young-Hun
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.22-25
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    • 2017
  • Steel slag has been considered as an industrial waste. A huge amount of slag is produced as a byproduct and the steel slag usually has been dumped in a landfill site. However the steel slag contains valuable resources such as iron, copper, manganese, and magnesium. Superconducting magnetic separation has been applied on recovery of the valuable resources from the steel slag and this process also has intended to reduce the waste to be dumped. Cryo-cooled Nb-Ti superconducting magnet with 100 mm bore and 600 mm of height was used as the magnetic separator. The separating efficiency was evaluated in the function of magnetic field. A steel slag was ground and analyzed for the composition. Iron containing minerals were successfully concentrated from less iron containing portion. The separation efficiency was highly dependent on the particle size giving higher separating efficiency with finer particle. The magnetic field also effects on the separation ratio. Current study showed that an appropriate grinding of slag and magnetic separation lead to the recovery of metal resources from steel slag waste rather than dumping all of the volume.