• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grid pattern

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The Effect of Titanium on the Castability of Cobalt-Chrome Alloy (코발트 크롬 합금의 주조성에 미치는 타이타늄의 효과)

  • Ryu, Su-Kyoung;Chung, Hee-Jeong;Vang, Mong-Sook;Yang, Hong-So;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Park, Sang-Won
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2011
  • Purpose of this experiment is to evaluate the effect of titanium on the castability when the titanium is added to the Co-Cr alloy. Raw materials Cobalt, Chrome, Molybdenum, Silicon, Manganase, Carbon, Nitrogen, Titanium were weighted and prepared. $Biosil^F$ (Degudent, Germany) was the control group. To the experimental group, different weight percent of titanium was added from 1 wt% to 4 wt%. The wax pattern is $30{\times}40$ cm in size, rectangular in shape and has total of 160 grids. Centrifugal machine (Neutrodyne Easy Ti: Manfredy) was used for casting. For evaluation of the castability, the number of complete grids was counted by visual inspection and X-ray inspection. The test showed similar castability with the control group in the titanium addition of 1 wt% to 3 wt%. The titanium addition of 4 wt% showed poor result. With titanium lower than 4 wt%, the experiment metals showed proper castability with high expectation of successful clinical use.

Accurate Localization of Metal Electrodes Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (자기공명영상을 이용한 금속전극의 정확한 위치 결정)

  • Joe, Eun-Hae;Ghim, Min-Oh;Ha, Yoon;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : Localization using MRI is difficult due to susceptibility induced artifacts caused by metal electrodes. Here we took an advantage of the B0 pattern induced by the metal electrodes by using an oblique-view imaging method. Materials and Methods : Metal electrode models with various diameters and susceptibilities were simulated to understand the aspect of field distortion. We set localization criteria for a turbo spin-echo (TSE) sequence usingconventional ($90^{\circ}$ view) and $45^{\circ}$ oblique-view imaging method through simulation of images with various resolutions and validated the criteria usingphantom images acquired by a 3.0T clinical MRI system. For a gradient-refocused echo (GRE) sequence, which is relatively more sensitive to field inhomogeneity, we used phase images to find the center of electrode. Results : There was least field inhomogeneity along the $45^{\circ}$ line that penetrated the center of the electrode. Therefore, our criteria for the TSE sequence with $45^{\circ}$ oblique-view was coincided regardless of susceptibility. And with $45^{\circ}$ oblique-view angle images, pixel shifts were bidirectional so we can detect the location of electrodes even in low resolution. For the GRE sequence, the $45^{\circ}$ oblique-view anglemethod madethe lines where field polarity changes become coincident to the Cartesian grid so the localization of the center coordinates was more facilitated. Conclusion : We suggested the method for accurate localization of electrode using $45^{\circ}$ oblique-view angle imaging. It is expected to be a novelmethodto monitoring an electrophysiological brain study and brain neurosurgery.

Restoration planning of the Seoul Metropolitan area, Korea toward eco-city

  • Lee, Chang Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2003
  • In order to prepare a basis for ecological restoration of the Seoul Metropolitan area, ecological diagnoses on soil physico-chemical properties and vegetation structure were carried out. Land use patterns, actual vegetation, and biotope patterns were also investigated based on aerial photograph interpretation and field checks. I formulated landscape elements overlaying those data and evaluated the ecological value of each element. Soil pollution was evaluated by analyzing soil samples collected in each grid on the mesh map, divided by 2km $\times$ 2km intervals. Soil samples were collected in forests or grasslands escaped from direct human interference. Soil pollution evaluated from pH, and SO$_4$, Ca, Mg, and Al contents of soil was more severe in the urban outskirts than in the urban center. Those soil environmental factors showed significant correlation with each other. Vegetation in the urban area was different in species composition from that in suburban areas and showed lower diversity compared with that in the suburban areas. Successional process investigated by population structure of major species also showed a difference. That is, successional trend was normal in suburban areas, but that in urban areas showed a retrogressive pattern. The landscape ecological map of Seoul indicates that the urban center lacks vegetation and greenery space is restricted in urban outskirts. Such an uneven distribution of vegetation has caused a specific urban climate and thereby contributed to aggravation of air and soil pollution, furthermore causing vegetation decline. From this result, it was estimated that such uneven distribution of vegetation functioned as a trigger factor to deteriorate the urban environment. I suggested, therefore, a restoration plan based on landscape ecological principles, which emphasizes connectivity and even distribution of green areas throughout the whole area of the Seoul to solve this complex environmental problem. In this restoration plan, first of all, I decided the priority order for connection of the fragmented greenery spaces based on the distances from the core reserves comprised of green belt and rivers, which play roles as habitats of wildlife as well as for improvement of urban environment. Next, I prepared methods to restore each landscape element included in the paths of green network to be constructed in the future on the bases of such preferential order. Rivers and roads, which hold good connectivity, were chosen as elements to play important roles in constructing green network by linking the fragmented greenery spaces.

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Visual Access Opportunity Analysis of Neighborhood Park Users using Space Syntax Theory - Focused on Cheongju City - (공간구문론을 이용한 근린공원 시각적 접근기회 분석- 청주시를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Ban, Yong-Un;Yoo, Nam-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes the visual access opportunities of neighborhood park users using the Space Syntax theory. In order to achieve this goal, 27 neighborhood parks were selected and 27 axial maps drawn according to the spatial configuration of the sites. Based on the axial map data, this study has calculated some specific space syntax indices, including Connectivity, Integration, and Intelligibility using the Axwoman ver 3.0 based on the Arcview 3.2 application. The value of the representative indices were used to examine visual access opportunities presented by the parks. This study was conducted in two aspects: one focusing on the entire space and another focusing on only the main entrance of the parks. The former used integration and intelligibility values and the latter used connectivity and integration values to evaluate the visual access opportunities of the sites. As a result, this study found that some parks, including Joongang, Balsan, and Sangdang, have high visual access opportunities in terms of the spatial configuration surrounding the park, which shows an integration value higher than 2, and also having intelligibility values higher than 0.7. This is the result of the grid land use pattern surrounding the parks and the straight roads that are closely linked to the main entrances of the parks. It is expected that this methodology and results will be used for locating neighborhood parks during the urban planning stage as providing reasonable evidence.

The application of fuzzy spatial overlay method to the site selection using GSIS (GSIS를 이용한 입지선정에 있어 퍼지공간중첩기법의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 임승현;조기성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 1999
  • Up to date, in many application fields of GSIS, we usually have used vector-based spatial overlay or grid-based spatial algebra for extraction and analysis of spatial data. But, because these methods are based on traditional crisp set, concept which is used these methods. shows that many kinds of spatial data are partitioned with sharp boundary. That is not agree with spatial distribution pattern of data in the real world. Therefore, it has a error that a region or object is restricted within only one attribution (One-Entity-one-value). In this study, for improving previous methods that deal with spatial data based on crisp set, we are suggested to apply into spatial overlay process the concept of fuzzy set which is good for expressing the boundary vagueness or ambiguity of spatial data. two methods be given. First method is a fuzzy interval partition by fuzzy subsets in case of spatially continuous data, and second method is fuzzy boundary set applied on categorical data. with a case study to get a land suitability map for the development site selection of new town, we compared results between Boolean analysis method and fuzzy spatial overlay method. And as a result, we could find out that suitability map using fuzzy spatial overlay method provide more reasonable information about development site of new town, and is more adequate type in the aspect of presentation.

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An Analysis on Applicability of Geophysical Exploration Methods to Monitoring Polymer-flooding (물리탐사 기법들의 화학공법 모니터링 적용성 분석)

  • Cheon, Seiwook;Park, Chanho;Ku, Bonjin;Nam, Myung Jin;Son, Jeong-Sul
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2015
  • Polymer flooding for enhancing hydrocarbon production injects into a reservoir polymer solution that is viscous. It is very important to monitor the behavior pattern of the polymer solution in order to evaluate the effectiveness of polymer flooding. To monitor the distribution of polymer solution and thus fluid substitution within the reservoir, we first construct seismic and resistivity rock physics models (RPMs), which are functions of reservoir parameters such as rocks and type of fluid, fluid saturation. For the seismic and resistivity RPMs, responses of seismic and electromagnetic (EM) tomography are numerically simulated as polymer injection, using two dimensional (2D) staggered-grid finite difference elastic modeling and 2.5D finite element EM modeling algorithms, respectively. In constructing RPM for EM tomography, three different reservoir rocks are considered: clean-sand, dispersed shale-sand, and sand-shale lamination rocks. The polymer solution is assumed to have 2 wt% of polymer as normally generated, while water is freshwater or saltwater. Further, neutron logging is also considered to check its sensitivity to polymer flooding. The techniques discussed in the paper are important in monitoring not only hydrocarbon but also geothermal reservoirs.

A Study on the Defense Geospatial Intelligence Governance - Focusing on the Intelligence Community and LandWarNet (국방지리공간정보 거버넌스에 대한 연구 - 미(美) 정보공동체와 육군 랜드워넷을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dong Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2014
  • Recently, ICT environments have been increasingly developed and the pattern of the war also has been changed to NCW. The development of communication and network technology, for example, C4I and TDL(Tactical Data Link), has been prosperous and rapid. But the geospatial intelligence field which is the basis of the network frames relatively has not been developed. The purpose of this paper is to foster the geospatial governance in terms of the defense perspective. In order to do that, this paper deals with the U.S. Intelligence Community(IC) and the U.S. Army Global Information Grid(GIG), LandWarNet and those could be good examples of roles and statuses of geospatial intelligence. IC has been produced essential intelligence which is required for policymakers and military leaders. IC has several stove-piped intelligence process systems which have been separately developed and competed. And so as to complete GIG, the U.S. Army adopted LandWarNet. The U.S. Corps of Engineers organized the Army Geospatial Center(AGC) on 1 October 2009 to support LandWarNet. In order to develop NCW, we should recognize geospatial intelligence as the basis of network framework and make a central leading organization of defense geospatial intelligence. The mission of Korea Defense Geospatial-Intelligence Agency should be changed from producing GEOINT to a strategic GEOINT agency. The Army should organize a laboratory of geospatial intelligence field. The mission of producing GEOINT should be transferred to a geospatial intelligence battalion which is newly organized.

Investigation of Subsurface Structure of Cheju Island by Gravity and Magnetic Methods (중력 및 자력 탐사에 의한 제주도 지질구조 연구)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Jung, Gwi-Geum;Chung, Seung-Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 1995
  • The geologic structure of the Cheju volcanic island has been investigated by analyzing the gravity and magnetic data. Bouguer gravity map shows apparent circular low anomalies at the central volacanic edifice, and the maximum difference of the anomaly values on the island appears to be 30 mgal. The subsurface structure of the island is modeled by three-dimensional depth inversion of gravity data by assuming the model consists of a stacked grid of rectangular prisms of volcanic rocks bounded below by basement rocks. The gravity modeling reveals that the interface between upper volvanic rocks and underlying basement warps downward under Mt. Halla with the maximum depth of 5 km. Magnetic data involve aeromagnetic and surface magnetic survey data. Both magnetic anomaly maps show characteristic features which resemble the typical pattern of total magnetic anomalies caused by a magnetic body magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field in the middle latitude region, though details of two maps are somewhat different. The reduced-to-pole magnetic anomaly maps reveal that main magnetic sources in the island are rift zones and the Halla volcanic edifice. The apparent magnetic boundaries inferred by the method of Cordell and Grauch (1985) are relatively well matched with known geologic boundaries such as that of Pyosunri basalt and Sihungri basalt which form the latest erupted masses. Inversion of aeromagnetic data was conducted with two variables: depth and susceptibility. The inversion results show high susceptibility bodies in rift zones along the long axis of the island, and at the central volcano. Depths to the basement are 1.5~3 km under the major axis, 1~1.5 km under the lava plateau and culminates at about 5 km under Mt. Halla. The prominent anomalies showing N-S trending appear in the eastern part of both gravity and magnetic maps. It is speculated that this trend may be associated with an undefined fault developed across the rift zones.

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Seasonal Variation of Surface heat budget and Wind Stress Over the Seas Around the Korean Peninsula (한반도주위 해양에서 의 해면 열수지와 응력의 계절변화)

  • 강인식;김맹기
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.325-337
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    • 1994
  • The distributions of heat and momentum fluxes on the surface over the oceans around the Korean Peninsula are obtained based on the surface-layer flux model of Kim and Kang (1994), and their seasonal variations are examined in the present study. the input data of the model is the oceanatmosphere data with a grid interval of 2$^{\circ}$ in longitude and latitude. The atmosphere data, which are the pressure, temperature, and specific humidity on the 1000 mb level for 3 year period of 1985∼1987, are obtained from the European center for Medium Range Forecast. The sea surface temperature (SST) is obtained from National Meteorological Center (NMC). The solar insolation and longwave radiation on the ocean surface are obtained, respectively, from the NASA satellite data and based on an emprical formula. It is shown from the net heat flux that the oceans near Korea lose heat to the atmosphere in January and October with the rates of 200∼ 400 Wm/SUP -2/ and 100 Wm/SUP -2/, respectively. But the oceans are heated by the atmosphere in April and July with about the same rate of 100 Wm/SUP -2/. The annualmean net heat flux is negative over the entire domain except the northern part of the Yellow Sea. The largest annual-mean cooling rate of about 120 Wm/SUP -2/ is appeared off the southwest of Japan. In the East Sea, the annual-mean cooling rate is 60∼90 Wm/SUP -2/ in the southern and northern parts and about 30 Wm/SUP -2/ in the middle part. The magnitude of wind stress in january is 3∼ 5 times bigger than those of the other months. As a result, the spatial pattern of annual-mean wind stress is similar to that of January. It is also shown that the annual-mean wind stress curl is negative. in the East China Sea and the South Sea,but it is positive in the northern part of the Yellow Sea.In the East sea,the stress curl is positive in the southeast and northern parts and negative in the northwestern part.

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Wave and surface current measurement with HF radar in the central east coast of Korea (동해중부에서 HF Radar를 이용한 파랑 및 해수유동 관측)

  • Kim, Moo-Hong;Kim, Gyung-Soo;Kim, Hyeon-Seong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.771-780
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    • 2014
  • We installed HF Radar of Array type in Site A and Site B, observing the real-time wave and current in the central East coast of Korea. WERA(WavE RAdar) in this research uses HF Radar of Array Type with frequency range of 24.525 MHz, developed by Helzel, Germany. Each site is a 8-Channel system consisting of four transmitters and eight receivers, generating wave and current data, being observed every thirty minutes at the present time. HF Radar has grid resolution of an interval of 1.5 km using bandwidth of 150 kHz; The wave data covers an observation range of about 25 km, and the current data covers the maximum observation range of about 50 km. The Wave data observed by HF Radar was compared and verified with the AWAC data observed in the research sites. MIT also compared the Current data observed by HF Radar with Monthly the East sea average surface current and current flow pattern provided by KOHA(Korea Hydrographic and oceanographic Administration). The regression line and deviation of the comparison data of Wave was calculated by Principal Component Analysis, which showed correlation coefficient 0.86 and RMSD 0.186. Besides, data analysis of long-term changes of the current in the East coast showed that, during August and September, the North Korean Cold Current flow into the southward direction and the East Korean Warm Current flow into the northward direction in the coast.