• Title/Summary/Keyword: Green's formula

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Definition of Triangle Cell and Effective Generating methodology of Generalized Reed-Holler Coefficients (삼각 셀의 정의와 효율적인 GRM 계수 생성 기법)

  • 나기수;윤병희;변기영
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.6C
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    • pp.751-762
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose the method to derive new GRM(Generalized Reed-Muller) coefficients for each 2$^n$ polarities using Triangle cell. As the existing methods to generate GRM coefficients, there are Green's method to operate transform matrix with a given RM coefficient and Besslich's method to get other polarities using basic transfer matrices repeatedly. In this paper, Triangle cell is defined so as to obtain GRM coefficients efficiently. After arranging 2$^n$ given RM coefficients of a first row of Triangle cell, sequence modulo sum is peformed in parallel to low column by a fixed numerical formula. To prove the efficiency of proposed arithmetic method, it is compared with Besslich’s method. As the compared result, to calculate GRM coefficients of all polarities to n input variables, Besslich’s method needs 2$^n$$^{-1}$ ${\times}$(2$^n$-1) two-input Ex-ORs and the proposed method needs 2${\times}$(the number of Ex-ORs for n-1 variables)+3$^n$$^{-1}$ for the same system complexity - (lo $g_2$$^n$) $T_{X}$./.

Radiation Characteristics of Microstrip Antenna on the Superstrate-Loaded Cylindrical Bianisotropic Substrated (덮개층을 갖는 원통형 쌍이방성 기판 위의 마이크로스트립 안테나의 방사특성)

  • Yoon, Joong-Han;Lee, Sang-Mok;An, Gyoo-Chul;Kwak, Kyung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.36D no.11
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the effects of superstrate on the radiation patterns of dipole on cylindrical bianisotropic substrates were studied. Special constitutive relations are used to describe the bianisotropic properties of a material, such that the Green's function can be formulated. Electromagnetic fields and boundary conditions in spectral region were used to find Green's function of the spectral representation and electromagnetic fields in space region were derived through inverse Fourier transformations of fields in spectral region using asymptotic formula for far zone. Radiation characteristics of axial Hertzian dipole on superstrate loaded cylindrical bianisotropic substrates were obtained. The effects of bianisotropic superstrate on the radiation properties of the antennas including beam scanning, directivity enhancement, dark-region illumination, and on horizon radiation, are discussed.

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Radiation Characteristics of the Bianisotropic Superstrate-Loaded Microstrip Antenna on Cylindrical Bianisotropic Substrates (쌍이방성 기판에 쌍이방성 덮개층을 갖는 원통형 마이크로스트립안테나의 방사특성)

  • Yoon, Joong-Han;Choi, Byung-Ha
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.3 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the effects of superstrate on the radiation patterns of dipole on cylindrical bianisotropic subtrates were studied. Special constitutive relations are used to describe the bianisotropic properties of a material, such that the Green's function can be formulated. Electromagnetic fields and hounds conditions in spectral region were used to find Creen's function of the spectral representation and electromagnetic fields in space region were derived through inverse Fourier transformations of fields in spectral region using asymptotic formula for far zone. Radiation characteristics of axial Hertzian dipole on superstrate leaded cylindrical bianisotropic substrates were analyzed.

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Hyeongok's Sagan-tang was Combined according to the Theory for Properties and Tastes of Herbal Medicines (현곡(玄谷) 사간탕(瀉肝湯)의 구성한약과 그 기미배오(氣味配伍) 분석)

  • Won, Chan-Uk;Kim, Sang-Chan;Shin, Soon-Shik
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1341-1345
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    • 2007
  • There are four kinds of formulas for purging the liver to cure its sthenic syndrome based on the types of preparation formulas : Sagan-tang, Saganhwan, Saseem-san and Saganeum. Another formula called Sacheonghwan, Sacheong-tang and Sacheong-san is to purge the green colour of liver. There are 38 kinds of Sagan-tang, 2 kinds of Saganhwan, 29 kinds of Sagan-san, 5 kinds of Saganeum, 4 kinds of Sacheonghwan, 3 kinds of Sacheong-tang and 1 kind of Sacheong-san. Combination of herbal medicines, carried out in formulas for purging the liver, consists of various kinds depending on medical scientists' personal experience in medical treatment without any general principles, which makes it difficult to apply it to clinical use. The objectives of this study lie in theoretical establishment of Sagan-tang for curing the sthenic syndrome of liver through analyzing the component medicines and combination principles of Hyeongok's Sagan-tang, and furthermore, maximizing the clinical use of Sagan-tang. This study analyzed the component medicines and combination principles of Hyeongok's Sagan-tang based on the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines from the ${\ulcorner}$Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine${\lrcorner}$, the theory for principal herbal medicine, assistant herbal medicine, adjuvant herbal medicine, dispatcher herbal medicine, and the five elements doctrine. Hyeongok's Sagan-tang is an odd prescription, composed of 7 kinds of ingredients : No.1 Radix Paeoniae (2don;7.5 g), No.2 Fructus Chaenomelis (1don;3.75 g), No.3 Radix Rehmanniae (1don), No.4 Folium Phyllostachydis Henonis (1don), No.5 Radix Bupleuri (1don), No.6 Radix Scutellariae (1don), and No.7 Radix Glycyrrhizae (1don). There are three methods for curing the sthenic syndrome of liver according to the five elements doctrine : purging the liver, purging the heart and invigorating the lung. In the case of taste purgation, two herbal medicines with sour taste, Radix Paeoniae and Fructus Chaenomelis, are combined into the principal and assistant herbal medicine, respectively. For property purgation, two herbal medicines with the cool property, Radix Bupleuri and Radix Scutellariae, are combined into adjuvant herbal medicines. Both sweet and cold herbal medicines, Radix Rehmanniae and Folium Phyllostachydis Henonis, are combined into adjuvant herbal medicines. Sour herbal medicines, Radix Paeoniae and Fructus Chaenomelis, were combined to invigorate the lung. Cool herbal medicines, Radix Bupleuri and Radix Scutellariae, were combined to invigorate the lung and to purge the liver. In addition, Radix Glycyrrhizae are combined as dispatcher herbal medicine, harmonizing all the herbal medicines composing the formula. First, to cure the sthenic syndrome of the liver, the methods of purging the liver and the heart, and invigorating the lung should be used according to the five elements doctrine. Secondly, herbal medicines appropriate for those treatment methods should be chosen according to the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicine and thirdly, the combination of those herbal medicines should be carried out according to the theory for principal herbal medicine, assistant herbal medicine, adjuvant herbal medicine, dispatcher herbal medicine. As a good example, Hyeongok's Sagan-tang is combined according to the above theories.

A Review of Clinical Researches on Socheongryong-Tang (소청룡탕의 임상연구 분석)

  • Kim, Won-Bae;Seok, Eun-Joo;Jeon, Su-Yeon;Jeong, Jong-Kil;Lee, Soong-In
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2018
  • Objective : This study's purpose was to review the clinical studies of Socheongryong-Tang. Method : We searched papers about Socheongryong-Tang using KISS, KTKP, PUBMED, Embase, Science Direct, and the key words "Socheongryong-Tang", "Shoseiryuto", "Xiao Qing Long Tang", and "Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction" were used. Papers not matched with inclusion criteria were excluded. Until today, there have been 143 studies on the effects of asthma, allergic rhinitis, common cold, eczema and other various effects of Socheongryong-Tang. Of these, 15 were classified as clinical research papers. Results : There were 4 cases of asthma, 2 cases of allergic rhinitis, 2 cases of common cold, 1 case of pneumonia in patients with dementia, 1 case of eczema, 1 case of drug interaction study, 1 case of ephedrine drug removal, 3 cases of side effects causing pneumonia. Conclusion : It can be seen that Socheongryong-Tang has established the basis for application for the purpose of asthma, allergic rhinitis, wind-cold type cold, preventing pneumonia in patients with dementia, dyshidrotic eczema. On the other hand, considering three cases that cause side effects of pneumonia, it is necessary to confirm whether or not the symptoms of pneumonia are certainly progressing when observing the progress of the patient.

Analytical Evaluation of MoM Matrix Elements Based upon a New Closed-Form Greenos Functions (새로운 Closed-Form 그린함수에 근거를 둔 MoM 행렬 요소의 해석적 계산)

  • 김의중;이상준;이영순
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2004
  • An efficient method of moments(MoM), which can lead to the analytical evaluation of the matrix elements, is proposed to analyze microstrip structures. The present method is formulated in conjunction with use of a new closed-form spatial-domain Green's functions which are derived by use of the integral formula for semi-infinite integrals of Bessel functions. It is observed that the computational efficiency such as the amount of calculation and computation speed has been improved due to the present MoM scheme by a factor of about 4 in comparison with the previous method. To validate the proposed method, several numerical examples are presented.

A Study on State Analysis of Substation Using PMU (PMU를 이용한 변전소 상태 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Tae-Hee Kim;Kyung-Min Lee;Cheol-Won Park;Dong-Hoon Jeon;Dae-Yoon Kwon;Yong-Sung Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.304-308
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, in order to analyze the PMU data of the accident section, we collected the raw data of a total of 35 PMU installed at the Yeonggwang substation and tried to find a way to analyze the data, and analyzed the data using Excel format and formula. As a result, the three-phase voltage and current data of the PMU were calculated using formulas in Excel and interpreted as effective and reactive power, and it was possible to check the effective and reactive power of the accident section through the graph to see why it was different from before the accident. As a result, it was confirmed that each power was greatly reduced in the graph of the effective and reactive power of the accident section, and it was confirmed that the loss occurred as the power of the accident section was greatly reduced.

An Experimental Study of Wave Impact Loads on an FPSO Bow in 2D Wave-Tank

  • Dong-Min Park;Byoungjae Park;Kangsu Lee
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.218-231
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    • 2024
  • In harsh environments, an floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) is occasionally damaged by impact loads, such as bow flare slamming and green water. This study conducted an impact load measurement experiment on a model of an FPSO bow in a 2D wave tank. Three types of frequency-focused waves (steep, spilling, and plunging) were generated, and the speed and slope of the waves were measured. Seven wave probes were placed in a row, and the wave elevation was measured to determine the speed and slope of the waves. In addition, the side of the 2D wave tank was photographed with a high-speed camera. The speed and slope of the waves obtained from the wave probe array agreed well with those obtained from the photographs taken using a high-speed camera. In the case of a steep wave, wave runup occurred at the bow before the wave reached the bow of the FPSO, so no impact load was generated, and only hydrostatic pressure was measured. Impact loads were generated in the spilling and plunging waves, and the magnitude of impact loads using the Von Karman's estimation formula and the impact loads measured in model tests showed similar values.

Luminescence Properties of InP/ZnS Quantum Dots depending on InP Core synthesis Temperature (InP 코어 합성온도에 따른 InP/ZnS의 코어/쉘 양자점의 발광특성)

  • Seo, Han Wook;Jeong, Da-Woon;Kim, Min Young;Hyun, Seoung Kyun;On, Ji Sun;Kim, Bum Sung
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.321-325
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigate the optical properties of InP/ZnS core/shell quantum dots (QDs) by controlling the synthesis temperature of InP. The size of InP determined by the empirical formula tends to increase with temperature: the size of InP synthesized at $140^{\circ}C$ and $220^{\circ}C$ is 2.46 nm and 4.52 nm, respectively. However, the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of InP is not observed because of the formation of defects on the InP surface. The growth of InP is observed during the deposition of the shell (ZnS) on the synthesized InP, which is ended up with green-red PL spectrum. We can adjust the PL spectrum and absorption spectrum of InP/ZnS by simply adjusting the core temperature. Thus, we conclude that there exists an optimum shell thickness for the QDs according to the size.

Hyeongok's Bogan-tang was Combined according to the Theory for Properties and Tastes of Herbal Medicines (현곡(玄谷) 보간탕(補肝湯)의 구성한약과 그 기미배오(氣味配伍) 분석)

  • Shin, Soon-Shik
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.591-595
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    • 2007
  • There are eight kinds of formulas for invigorating the liver to cure its asthenic syndrome based on the types of preparation formulas Began-tang, Boganhwan, Bogansan, Bogandan, Boganeum, Boganjoo, Boganjeon and Bogango. Another formula called Bocheonghwan is to invigorate the green colour of liver. There are 22 kinds of Bogan-tang, 12 kinds of Boganhwan, 25 kinds of Bogansan, one kind of Bogandan, one kind of Boganeum, one kind of Boganjoo, one kind of Boganjeon, one kind of Bogango, and two kinds of Bocheonghwan. Combination of herbal medicines, carried out in formulas for invigorating the liver, consists of various kinds depending on medical scientists' personal experience in medical treatment without any general principles, which makes it difficult to apply it to clinical use. The objectives of this study lie in theoretical establishment of Bogan-tang for curing the asthenic syndrome of liver through analyzing the component medicines and combination principles of Hyeongok's Bogan-tang, and furthermore, maximizing the clinical use of Began-tang. This study analyzed the component medicines and combination principles of Hyeongok's Bogan-tang based on the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines from the ${\ulcorner}$yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine${\lrcorner}$ , the theory for principal herbal medicine, assistant herbal medicine, adjuvant herbal medicine, dispatcher herbal medicine, and the five elements doctrine. Hyeongok's Began-tang is an odd prescription, composed of 7 kinds of ingredients No.1 Radix Angelicas Sinensis (2don;7.5g), No.2 Rhizoma Chuanxiong (1don;3.75g), No.3 Radii Polygoni Multiflori (1don), No.4 Fructus Lycii (1don), No.5 Cortex Cinnamomi (1don), No.6 Rhizoma Gastrodiae (1don), and No.7 Radix Glycyrrhizae (1don). There are three methods for curing the asthenic syndrome of liver according to the five elements doctrine invigorating the liver, invigorating the kidney and purging the lung. First, if you suffer from the asthenic syndrome of the liver, you need to invigorate your liver. There are two available methods, including taste and property invigoration according to the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines. They each imply the pungent taste and the warm property invigorate the liver. In the case of taste invigoration, two herbal medicines with pungent taste, Radix Angelicas Sinensis and Rhizoma Chuanxiong, are combined into the principal and assistant herbal medicine, respectively. For property invigoration, two herDal medicines with the warm property, Cortex Cinnamomi and Rhizoma Gastrodiae, are combined into adjuvant herbal medicines. Secondly, if you suffer from the asthenic syndrome of the liver, you need to invigorate your kidney which is mother in the mother-child relationship in inter-promotion among the five elements. There are two methods to invigorate the kidney, including taste and property invigoration according to the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines. They each mean the bitter taste and the cold property invigorate the kidney. Therefore, it is important to use bitter herbal medicines for taste invigoration and cold ones for property invigoration. Both Differ and cold herbal medicines, Radix Polygoni Multiflori and Fructus Lycii, are combined into adjuvant herbal medicines. Lastly, if you suffer from the asthenic syndrome of the liver, you need to purge your lung which is an element being surpassed in the relationship between the elements surpassed and ones not surpassed in inter-restraint among the five elements. There are two methods to purge the lung, which include taste and property invigoration according to the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines. Taste invigoration means to purge the lung with pungent taste and property invigoration to purge the lung with warm property. Therefore, it is important to use pungent herbal medicines for taste invigoration and warm ones for property invigoration. Both pungent and warm herbal medicines, Radix Angelicas Sinensis and Rhizoma Chuanxiong, were combined to invigorate and purge the lung. In addition, Radix Glycyrrhizae are combined as dispatcher herbal medicine, harmonizing all the herbal medicines composing the formula. First, to cure the asthenic syndrome of the liver, the methods of invigorating the liver and the kidney, and purging the lung should be used according to the five elements doctrine. Secondly, herbal medicines appropriate for those treatment methods should be chosen according to the theory for properties and tastes of herDal medicine and thirdly, the combination of those herbal medicines should be carried out according to the theory for principal herbal medicine, assistant herbal medicine, adjuvant herbal medicine, dispatcher herbal medicine. As a good example, Hyeongok's Bogan-tangon is combined according to the above theories. In conclusion, this formula was created by applying to the theory for properties and tastes of herbal medicines.