• 제목/요약/키워드: Gravity modeling

검색결과 195건 처리시간 0.065초

A Flow Characteristics for a Separation Behavior of Two-body Vehicle (비행 조건에 따른 비행체 단분리의 주위 유동장 해석)

  • Park, Geunhong;Kim, Kiun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 한국추진공학회 2017년도 제48회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.266-267
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    • 2017
  • A numerical investigation of the stage separation behavior of two-body vehicle focusing on its flow characteristics were carried out. For this simulation, separation of a booster from vehicle was modeled by a chimera grid system and calculated by using commercial code, CFD-FASTRAN$^{TM}$. Consideration of a spring force, gravity and relative acceleration of a booster was the essential factor that simulates the realistic situation. In this study, It was validated that the booster separation time decreases with increase in flight mach number and angle of attack. In view of the results so far achieved, it was expected that the dynamics modeling and boundary condition set up applied in this study will be helpful in a estimation of a safe stage separation and event sequence of flight test.

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Comparative assessment of seismic rehabilitation techniques on a full scale 3-story RC moment frame structure

  • Di Ludovico, M.;Balsamo, A.;Prota, A.;Manfredi, G.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.727-747
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    • 2008
  • In the framework of the SPEAR (Seismic PErformance Assessment and Rehabilitation) research Project, an under-designed three storey RC frame structure, designed to sustain only gravity loads, was subjected, in three different configurations 'as-built', Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) retrofitted and rehabilitated by reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing, to a series of bi-directional pseudodynamic (PsD) tests under different values of peak ground acceleration (PGA) (from a minimum of 0.20g to a maximum of 0.30g). The seismic deficiencies exhibited by the 'as-built' structure after the test at PGA level of 0.20g were confirmed by a post - test assessment of the structural seismic capacity performed by a nonlinear static pushover analysis implemented on the structure lumped plasticity model. To improve the seismic performance of the 'as-built' structure', two rehabilitation interventions by using either FRP laminates or RC jacketing were designed. Assumptions for the analytical modeling, design criteria and calculation procedures along with local and global intervention measures and their installation details are herein presented and discussed. Nonlinear static pushover analyses for the assessment of the theoretical seismic capacity of the structure in each retrofitted configuration were performed and compared with the experimental outcomes.

Study on the Design Constraints of the Wall-Climbing Mobile Robot Using Permanent Magnetic Wheels (Part 1 - Design Guideline) (영구 자석 바퀴를 이용한 벽면 이동 로봇의 설계시의 제약 사항들에 대한 연구 (Part 1 - 설계지침))

  • 한승철;이화조;김은찬
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • 제21권9호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2004
  • Most tasks of the large vertical or ceiling structures have been carried out by human power. Those tasks require us much operation costs and times, safety devices, etc. So the need of automation for those tasks have been rising. That automation needs a wall-climbing mobile vehicle. Most former researches are things about attachment devices and moving mechanisms. A wall-climbing mobile vehicle must be designed by a method different from the case of the vehicle of the horizontal environment. That is because gravity acts as a negative role on the stability of a wall-climbing vehicle. In this thesis, the particular shape characteristics of a wall-climbing mobile vehicle are derived by the wall-environment modeling. In addition, some design constraints of the permanent magnetic wheel as an attachment device was studied. According to those requirements and constraints, one specific wall-climbing mobile vehicle was designed and some experiments were made on the attachment ability of that vehicle.

Data Pattern Estimation with Movement of the Center of Gravity

  • Ahn Tae-Chon;Jang Kyung-Won;Shin Dong-Du;Kang Hak-Soo;Yoon Yang-Woong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 2006
  • In the rule based modeling, data partitioning plays crucial role be cause partitioned sub data set implies particular information of the given data set or system. In this paper, we present an empirical study result of the data pattern estimation to find underlying data patterns of the given data. Presented method performs crisp type clustering with given n number of data samples by means of the sequential agglomerative hierarchical nested model (SAHN). In each sequence, the average value of the sum of all inter-distance between centroid and data point. In the sequel, compute the derivation of the weighted average distance to observe a pattern distribution. For the final step, after overall clustering process is completed, weighted average distance value is applied to estimate range of the number of clusters in given dataset. The proposed estimation method and its result are considered with the use of FCM demo data set in MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox and Box and Jenkins's gas furnace data.

Novel aspects of elastic flapping wing: Analytical solution for inertial forcing

  • Zare, Hadi;Pourtakdoust, Seid H.;Bighashdel, Ariyan
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.335-348
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    • 2018
  • The structural dynamics (SD) behavior of Elastic Flapping Wings (EFWs) is investigated analytically as a novel approach in EFWs analysis. In this regard an analytical SD solution of EFW undergoing a prescribed rigid body motion is initially derived, where the governing equations are expressed in modal space. The inertial forces are also analytically computed utilizing the actuator induced acceleration effects on the wing structure, while due to importance of analytical solution the linearity assumption is also considered. The formulated initial-value problem is solved analytically to study the EFW structural responses, where the effect of structure-actuator frequency ratio, structure-flapping frequency ratio as well as the structure damping ratio on the EFW pick amplitude is analyzed. A case study is also simulated in which the wing is modeled as an elastic beam with shell elements undergoing a prescribed sinusoidal motion. The corresponding EFW transient and steady response in on-off servo behavior is investigated. This study provides a conceptual understanding for the overall EFW SD behavior in the presence of inertial forces plus the servo dynamics effects. In addition to the substantial analytical results, the study paves a new mathematical way to better understanding the complex role of SD in dynamic EFWs behavior. Specifically, similar mathematical formulations can be carried out to investigate the effect of aerodynamics and/or gravity.

A Multiphase Flow Modeling of Gravity Currents in a Rectangular Channel (사각형 수로에서 중력류의 다상흐름 수치모델링)

  • Paik, Joongcheol;Kim, Byung Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 한국수자원학회 2019년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.98-98
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    • 2019
  • 중력류 또는 밀도류는 주변 유체에 비해 상대적으로 밀도가 큰 유체가 밀도차에 의한 추진력으로 흐르는 것이다. 중력류의 수치모델링에는 두 가지 어려움이 있다. 즉, 적합한 지배방정식을 구성하여 적용하는 것 그리고 난류의 영향을 합리적으로 반영하는 것이다. 기존 중력류 해석을 위한 지배방정식들은 유체의 연속방정식과 운동량 방정식 그리고 밀도 또는 농도의 이송방정식을 조합하여 구성된다. 이들 지배방정식을 이용한 연구들은 대부분 두 유체 사이의 밀도차가 충분히 작아서 밀도 변동(variations)의 영향은 오로지 부력항에서만 유지된다는 Boussinesq 근사에 근거를 둔다. 그리고 이송방정식에서 밀도 또는 농도의 확산계수을 점성계수의 함수로 표현하기 위해서 Schmidt 수를 이용한다. 수치모델링에서 Schimdt 수는 상수값을 적용하지만, 이 값은 밀도의 연직방향 경사에 근거한 부력빈도(buoyancy frequency)와 난류량의 따라 큰 차이를 보이는 것으로 알려져있다. 한편, 표준 통계학적 난류모델과 벽함수를 적용한 수치모델링은 초기 중력에 의해서 무너지는(slumping) 단계를 넘어 관성력으로 추진되는 단계와 점성 효과가 지배적인 단계에서는 정확도에 현저히 낮아지기 때문에 대부분 큰와모의(large-eddy simulation, LES) 또는 DNS(direct numerical simulation)수준의 고해상도(high-resolution) 해석기법을 적용하여 공학적인 문제에 적용하는 데는 한계가 있다. 이 연구에서는 Boussinesq 근사와 Schmidt 수를 사용하지 않으며, LES 보다 적용이 용이한 DES (detached-eddy simulation)기법을 조합한 다상흐름 수치모델을 적용하여 중력류를 해석을 시도하였다. 수치해석결과를 실험값과 함께 기존 수치모델링 기법으로 구한 수치해와 비교분석하여 이 연구에서 개발 및 적용된 수치모델링 기법의 적용성을 평가한다.

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A Study of Numerical Analysis for Stage Separation Behavior of Two-body Vehicle (비행체 단분리 거동 예측에 대한 수치 연구)

  • Park, Geunhong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2018
  • A numerical investigation of stage separation behavior of a two-body vehicle focusing on its flow characteristics is carried out. For this simulation, the separation of a booster from a vehicle is modeled using a chimera grid system and calculated with commercial code, $CFD-FASTRAN^{TM}$. Consideration of spring force, gravity and relative acceleration of a booster is the essential factor of a realistic simulation. In this study, it is validated that the booster separation time decreases with an increase in flight Mach number and angle of attack. In view of results thus far achieved, it is expected that the dynamics modeling and boundary condition set-up applied in this study will be useful for estimating safe stage separation and event sequencing of flight tests.

Effect of connection modeling on the seismic response of steel braced non-moment resisting frames

  • Bagheri, Saman;Tabrizi, Navid Vafi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제68권5호
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    • pp.591-601
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    • 2018
  • Non-moment beam-to-column connections, which are usually referred to as simple or shear connections, are typically designed to carry only gravity loads in the form of vertical shears. Although in the analysis of structures these connections are usually assumed to be pinned, they may provide a small amount of rotational stiffness due to the typical connection details. This paper investigates the effects of this small rotational restraint of simple beam-to-column connections on the behavior and seismic response of steel braced non-moment resisting frames. Two types of commonly used simple connections with bolted angles, i.e., the Double Web angle Connection (DWC) and Unstiffened Seat angle Connection (USC) are considered for this purpose. In addition to the pinned condition - as a simplified representation of these connections - more accurate semi-rigid models are established and then applied to some frame models subjected to nonlinear pushover and nonlinear time history analyses. Although the use of bracing elements generally reduces the sensitivity of the global structural response to the behavior of connections, the obtained results indicate considerable effects on the local responses. Namely, our results show that consideration of the real behavior of connections is essential in designing the column elements where the pin-connection assumption significantly underestimates design of outer columns of upper stories.

Nonlinear regression methods and genetic algorithms for estimation of compression index of clays using toughness limit

  • Satoru Shimobe;Eyyub Karakan;Alper Sezer
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.371-382
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    • 2024
  • Measurement or prediction of compression index (Cc) of soils is essential for assessment of total and differential settlement of structures. It is a well-known fact that this parameter is controlled by several index identifiers of soil including initial void ratio, Atterberg limits, overconsolidation ratio, specific gravity, etc. Many studies in the past proposed relationships for prediction of Cc based on different index properties. Therefore, this study aims to present a comparison of previously proposed equations for estimation of Cc. Data from literature was compiled, and a total of 90 and 623 test results on remolded and undisturbed specimens were used to question the validity of previously proposed equations. Nevertheless, the modeling ability of 7 and 12 equations for estimation of Cc of remolded and undisturbed soils were questioned by use of compiled data. Moreover, new empirical relationships based on initial void ratio and toughness limit for prediction of Cc was proposed by use of nonlinear multivariable regression and evolutionary based regression analyses. The results are promising-the performances of models established are quite acceptable, which are verified by statistical analyses.

The Study of Formation for Dokdo Seamounts at the Northeastern Part of the Ulleung Basin Using Gravity and Magnetic Data (중력 및 자력자료 분석에 의한 울릉분지 북동부 독도 및 주변 해산들의 형성 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Chan-Hong;Ko, Young-Tak;Jung, Eui-Young;Kwak, Jun-Young;Yoo, Sang-Hoon;Min, Kyung-Duck
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.153-170
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    • 2007
  • Loading time and loading environment of the Dokdo seamounts were studied from flexure model and VGP(Virtual Geomagnetic Pole) determined by gravity and magnetic data. In spite of their similarity in size. a large difference about 50 mGal between gravity anomaly peaks of Dokdo and the Isabu Tablemount suggests different compensation degrees. Flexural modeling results show that the flexural rigidity(effective elastic thickness) of lithosphere for Dokdo is stronger(thicker) than that for the Isabu Tablemount. Also, it implies that the age of lithosphere at the time of loading of the Isabu Tablemount may be younger than that of Dokdo. Magnetic anomalies occur complicated over the Dokdo seamounts. Paleomagnetism was studied from VGP estimated by the least square and the seminorm magnetization methods with 1500 m upward continued magnetic anomalies. Age dating of Dokdo from previous study, flexural modeling, VGP, and geomagnetic polarity time scale suggest that after the cease of spreading in the Ulleung Basin, the Isabu Tablemount was formed first in normal polarity interval and followed by Dokdo. Also, they indicate that the fist large eruption of Dokdo was in normal polarity interval and the second large eruption in reversed polarity interval. The Simheungtaek Tablemount was formed in normal polarity interval between the formations of the Isabu Tablemount and Dokdo. These loading times for the Dokdo seamounts show a good coherence with the compressive stress period after the end of the opening of the East Sea. The Dokdo seamounts probably was caused by volcanism associated with the compressive stress.