• 제목/요약/키워드: Gravity casting

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.033초

Computer Simulation of Solidification Process in the Gravity Die Casting

  • Choi, J.K.;Kim, D.O.;Hong, C.P.
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 1989
  • A basic three dimensional thermal model has been developed to simulate the solidification sequence for gravity die casting process. The finite difference method was used to analyze the solidification process during all the casting cycles. The prediction of die temperature in the quasi-steady state was analyzed by the boundary element method. The influence of die cooling on the heat flow in the cast/mold system was also investigated. Predictions of the computer simulation on temperature profiles and location of shrinkage defects were in good agreement with those observed in experimental die castings. Models of computer simulation which is developed by this work can be useful for the design and process control of die casting.

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Al-Si-Cu계 합금의 주조법과 용체화처리 조건이 기계적 특성변화에 미치는 영향 (Effects of the Solid Solution Treatment Conditions and Casting Methods on Mechanical Properties of Al-Si-Cu Based Alloys)

  • 문민국;김영찬;김유미;최세원;강창석;홍성길
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the effects of two different casting methods (gravity casting and, diecasting) and various solid-solution conditions on the mechanical properties of ASC (Al-10.5wt%Si-1.75wt%Cu) and ALDC12 (Al-10.3wt%Si-1.72wt%Cu-0.76wt%Fe-0.28wt% Mn-0.32wt%Mg-0.9wt%Zn) alloys were investigated. A thermodynamic solidification analysis program (PANDAT) was used to predict the liquidus, solidus, and phases of the used alloys. In the results of an XRD analysis, ${\beta}$-AlFeSi peaks were observed only in the ALDC12 alloy regardless of the casting method or SST (solid-solution treatment) conditions. However, according to the results of a FE-SEM observation, both ${\theta}(Al_2Cu)$ and ${\beta}$-AlFeSi were found to exist besides ${\alpha}$-Al and eutectic Si in the gravity-casted ASC alloy at $500^{\circ}C$ after a SST of 120min. The ${\alpha}$-AlFeSi and ${\beta}$-AlFeSi phases including the eutectic phases were also found to exist in the ALDC12 alloy. The results of a microstructural observation and analyses by XRD, FE-SEM and EDS were in good agreement with the PANDAT results. The gravity-casted ALDC12 and ASC specimens showed the highest Y.S. and UTS values after aging for three hours at $180^{\circ}C$ after a SST at $500^{\circ}C$ for 30min. At longer solid-solution treatment times at $500^{\circ}C$ in the gravity-casted ALDC12 and ASC specimens, the elongations of the ASC alloys increased, whereas they decreased slightly in the ALDC12 alloys.

평판 강혼 주조용 연주기의 Slip Force 거동에 대하여 (Behavior of Slip Force in Continuous Flate Casting)

  • Si Young Kim
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 1981
  • 평판 강괴를 연속적으로 주조할 경우에 초기주조 상태에서 Mold 내부의 Support bar 및 용강자중, 주조속도, 용강두께, 이를 지지하는 제어 Roller, 유압기구, 구동 Motor, 그리고 주조조직의 응고 등이 용강의 인발력을 유도하는 Pinch Roller와의 사이에서 동력학적 부평형을 일으켜 Slip 현상을 초래하므로 본 논문에서는 이상의 제요인들을 근거로 Slip 현상을 규명하는 식을 유도하고 강괴의 주조속도, 비중량, 두께의 변화에 대한 Slip Force 거동을 규명하였다. 그 결과 1. 본 논문의 해석식에 의하여 평판강괴 연속주조용 Pinch Roller의 적정압을 설계할 수 있다. 2. 비중량은 순수히 자중만 증가시키는 요인이며 Slip Force는 주조속도변화에 대해서 포물선적으로 증가한다. 3. 주조두께 및 비중량의 변화에 대한 Slip Force는 이에 비례하여 증가하나 특히 두께의 값이 소폭보다 대폭에서 그 변화 값이 크게 나타났다.

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알루미늄 중력주조용 내구성 도형제의 도형조건에 따른 내마모 및 내열특성 연구 (A Study on the Wear and Heat Resistance Properties of Durable Moldwash Conditions for Al Gravity Die Casting According to Mold Washing Process Condition)

  • 김억수;남궁정;박진하;이광학
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.237-241
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    • 2008
  • This study has been carried out to investigate the wear and heat resistant properties of durable moldwash agent for Al gravity casting according to mold washing process conditions. The wear properties of coated specimen were performed by sliding wear testing machine and heat resistance were evaluated by measuring the loss of coated moldwash agent during emerging of coated specimen in Al melts. During testing, experimental variables were mold surface temperature, moldwash agent/distilled wear, and additive concentrations. The lower additive concentration and mold temperature caused the smooth surface roughness of coated specimen, It was found that the specimen coated with moldwash/water ratio 1:3, additive concentration 9wt% and mold temperature higher than $200^{\circ}C$ showed superior wear and heat treatment. Also, these results were supported by fluidity test.

알루미늄 합금의 중력금형주조 시 진공감압을 이용한 충전성 개선 (Improvement of Mold Filling in Aluminum Gravity Die Casting by Vacuum Suction)

  • 김정국;김기영
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.138-143
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    • 2009
  • Vacuum suction is applied to the mold during pouring in the inclined gravity die casting to remove defects such as misrun and gas porosity in the brake master cylinder. Casting defects are observed after solidification and their cause is analyzed by using the calculated results with commercial solidification and flow analysis code(ZCAST). The optimum vacuum suction is -2 cmHg, and when the start time of vacuum suction is 3 seconds after pouring, better filled result is obtained by holding it for 15 seconds. Reproducibility test under the optimum conditions attained from the above pouring tests is performed, and it is confirmed that these pouring conditions can be applied to the mass production immediately.

자동차용 피스톤 주물의 3차원 응고해석 (Three Dimensional Solidification Analysis in Automotive Cast Piston)

  • 김지준;김진수;류관호;최정길;이진형;홍준표
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 1993
  • In gravity die casting, die cooling systems are frequently employed with water cooling to remove the heat of the solidifying metal. Thermal modeling is an important technique in mold design for improving the productivity of the process. Computer simulation system which consists of pre-processor, main solidification simulator and post-processor has been developed for three dimensional solidification analysis of cyclic gravity die casting. The pre-processor is used for mesh generation in a PC system. The modified finite difference method is adopted for the main solidification simulation algorithm during all the casting cycles. The post-processor graphically presents the simulation results. Several experiments in automotive cast piston were carried out. The temperature variations in casting and mold with time are measured experimentally, and the results are compared with calculation results. The effects of cycle number on solidification pattern are also studied. Several experimental results for the prediction of shrinkage defects are compared with calculated results.

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쾌속 조형 공정을 이용한 다이캐스팅 제품의 시작 공정 개발 (Development of the Simulated Die Casting Process by using Rapid Prototyping)

  • 김기돈;양동열
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2002년도 금형가공 심포지엄
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    • pp.180-186
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    • 2002
  • The simulated die-casting process in which the traditional plaster casting process is combined with Rapid Prototyping technology is being used to produce Al, Mg, and Zn die-casting prototypes. Unlike in the die-casting process, molten metal in the conventional plaster casting process is fed via a gravity pour into a mold and the mold does not cool as quickly as a die-casting mold. The plaster castings have much larger and grosser grain structure as compared as the die-castings and the thin walls of the plaster mold cavity may not be completely fillet Because of lower mechanical properties induced by the large grain structure and incomplete Idling, the conventional plaster casting process is not suitable for the trial die-casting Process. In this work, an enhanced trial die-casting process has been developed in which molten metal in the plaster mold cavity is vibrated and pressurized simultaneously. Patterns for the casting are made by Rapid Prototyping technologies and then plaster molds, which have runner system, are made using these patterns. Imparted pressurized vibration to molten metal has made grain structure of castings much finer and improved fluidity of the molten metal enough to obtain complete filling at thin walls which can not be filled in the conventional plaster casting process.

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자동차 VALVE HOUSING용 2-CAVITY 다이캐스팅의 충전 현상 분석 (Analysis of Charging Phenomenon of 2-Cavity Die Casting for Automobile's Valve Housing)

  • 이종형;윤종철;유덕상;이창헌;하홍배
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2006
  • In perspective of saving natural resource and energy, today's automobiles are in process of regenerating by smaller and lighter. In order to achieve the sufficiency on the consumption of the fuel, new mechanism and new assembly are required. Therefore the expectations on the new materials are very high. Especially, AI materials are widely used to reduce the weight. AI that is used in automobiles is mostly casting material, and according to the innovation of technique is in rapid development. AI Die casting is an important field as today's trend of lightweight on automobiles. One of the parts in steering system, Valve Housing plays a role of reduce the operating effort of drivers. Unfortunately, the Valve Housing which is widely reliable to the most automobiles are not developed at this moment in our automobile industry. Therefore, they are produced by casting method which cost three times or even more expensive in production. If Valve Housing, which is a part of steering system is produced by Gravity Casting, the space that manufacturing equipment will be increased, and more time and workers would be brought into service. For such reason, Die Casting would replace Gravity Casting in order to minimize cost of time, manpower, and working space.

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아연 합금 웜기어의 중력 주조 공정을 위한 주조 방안 설계 및 해석에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Gating System and Simulation for Gravity Casting of ZnDC1 Worm Gear)

  • 이운길;김재현;진철규;천현욱
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.589-596
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the optimum gating system was designed, and the two zinc alloy worm gears were manufactured in single process by applying a symmetrical gating system with 2 runners. The SRG ratio is set to 1 : 0.9 : 0.6, and the cross-sectional shapes such as sprue, runner and gate are designed. In order to determine whether the design of the gating system is appropriate, casting analysis was carried out. It takes 4.380 s to charge the casting 100%, 0.55 to 0.6 m/s at the gates and solidification begins after the casting is fully charged. The amount of air entrapment is 2% in the left gear and 6% in the right gear. Hot spots occurred in the center hole of the gear, and pores were found to occur around the upper part of the hole. Therefore, the design of the casting method is suitable for worm gears. CT analysis showed that all parts of worm gear were distributed with fine pores and some coarse pores were distributed around the central hole of worm gear. The yield strength and tensile strength were 220 MPa, 285 MPa, and the elongation rate was 8%. Vickers hardness is 82 HV.

주철 보수용접부의 잔류응력 분포에 관한 연구 (A study on Residual Stress Distribution of a Repair Weldment of Casting)

  • 김현수;배상득;박윤기
    • 대한용접접합학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한용접접합학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 개요집
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    • pp.207-209
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    • 2003
  • In FE analysis for residual stress of a casting, contact force between mould and casting material and gravity force must be considered for exact simulation. Preheating of a repair weldment had a little effects on the reduction of residual stress. However, preheating with hammer peening had a great deal of effects on the reduction of residual stress. A method for estimation of fatigue life for a repair weldment has been established.

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