• 제목/요약/키워드: Golfers in 20.30s

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.02초

골프 복식규범과 골프웨어 스타일 표현 -20·30대 골퍼를 중심으로- (Golf Clothing Norms and Golf Wear Stylistic Expressions -Centered on Golfers in 20·30s-)

  • 김고운;하지수
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.1134-1149
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    • 2016
  • This study identified domestic and foreign golf clothing norms and extended recognition and attitude on golf clothing norms expressed in a golf wear style for golfer groups in their 20s-30s. Domestic golf clothing norms were derived from a theoretical research and case study; subsequently, golfers in their 20s-30s were classified into 4 groups. In-depth interviews were conducted using a serious leisure concept to analyze attitudes and stylistic expressions. Domestic golf clothing norms derived from stipulated and implicit norms varied as a type and situation of a golf course, gender of the golfer, and domestic golfers in their 20s-30s perceived such a point. For golfers in their 20s-30s, attitudes on golf clothing norms and their stylistic expressions showed differences according to gender and leisure type. As for gender characteristics, female golfers focused on 'look prettier' in stylistic expressions through experiences with a double-standard clothing norm; however, male golfers showed strict application and observance of a clothing norm in stylistic expressions compared to female golfers. However, male golfer groups in their 20s-30s as 'casual leisure participants' and those as 'serious leisure participants' showed differences becuase the former showed a tendency to observe clothing norms from other viewpoints and evaluations and the latter showed off their abilities and careers as a means of distinction. As for characteristic of stylistic expressions according to a leisure type, golfers in their 20s-30s showed distinction as serious leisure participants through forming new and independent clothing norms. Research findings are expected to provide an opportunity to reconsidering the influence of clothing norms in young people who have a strong tendency to express clothing style as a means to pursue individuality and taste.

최근 스포츠웨어 트렌드에 대한 소비자 선호도 분석과 이에 기초한 골프웨어 디자인 방향의 제시 -국내 20~30대 여성 골퍼를 대상으로- (An Analysis of the Female Golfers′ Preference of the Recent Sportswear Trend and a Suggestion of a Direction for Golfwear Design)

  • 이지은;이주현
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제26권8호
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    • pp.1254-1264
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for golfwear design targeting young female golfers, based on the analysis of their preference of recent sportswear trend. Total 197 respondents, female golfers, were sampled for data gathering, who were asked to answer to the self-report questionnaire with the stimuli of five trendy golfwear styles [i.e., representing recent sportswear trend]. In summary, the results of this study were as follows: 1) The female golfers showed significant difference in their preference of recent sportswear-trend sues, according to their age or marital status. 2) Among the five trendy styles, each of which corresponded to five themes in 2002 S/S sportswear trend, the style of "Retro Chic", a type of retrospective trend theme, was most favored. 3) The female golfers in their twenties residing in Kangnam, were found to have ① relatively higher fashion leadership, and ② higher preference of maximal and kitsch trends, when compared with the rest of the respondents. 4) The most influential design elements in each trendy style, dominating the golfers' preference, varied with the feature of trend themes. 5) Based on the analysis of the young female golfers′ preferences of recent sportswear trend, a direction for golfwear design were suggested.

하절용 골프웨어의 착용실태 및 소비자 요구도 (Investigation of wearing behaviors and consumer's needs for summer golf wear)

  • 김정화;이선영;이정순
    • 감성과학
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2007
  • 골프의 대중화가 이루어짐에 따라 다양한 연령대가 골프웨어 시장에 흡수되면서 기존의 $50{\sim}60$대 고객 뿐 아니라 $30{\sim}40$대 전문직 종사자들과 20-30대의 젊은 새로운 소비자층이 형성되어 골프웨어에 대한 소비자의 요구도 다양화되어 가고 있다. 본 연구는 골프웨어에 대한 새로운 소비자 요구를 조사하고 분석하여 다양하고 폭넓어진 골프웨어 시장에서 차별화된 상품개발과 기획에 반영할 수 있는 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 조사 대상자는 대전지역에 위치한 골프 연습장을 이용하고 있는 20세 이상의 남녀 150명으로 하였다. 조사방법은 설문지법(Questionnaire method)으로 설문지의 내용은 남녀 골프 참가자들의 인구 통계학적 특성과 운동습관 및 태도에 관한 문항, 현재 착용 중인 골프웨어의 특성에 관한 문항, 골프웨어에 대한 소비자 요구 사항 문항으로 총 45문항을 개발하여 조사를 실시한 결과. 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 조사대상자 들이 현재 착용하고 있는 골프웨어에 대한 특성을 살펴 본 결과, "착용쾌적감이 좋다", "신축성이 있어 활동적이다", "사이즈가 전반적으로 잘 맞는다", "촉감이 좋다"의 문항들에서는 3.5점 이상의 높은 평점을 나타냈으나, "적당한 가격이다", "보푸라기가 잘 생기지 않는다", "세탁후 수축, 신장, 탈색, 이염이 잘 일어나지 않는다"등의 문항들은 3점이하의 비교적 낮은 평가 결과를 나타내었다. 골프웨어에 대한 소비자 요구사항을 파악하여 제품개발에 반영할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 21개의 소비자 요구사항을 추출하였다. 골프웨어에 대한 소비자의 요구사항 중 "착용감"이 가장 중요하게 고려되는 항목으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로는 "흡수성", "촉감", "신축성", "차외선 차단", "사이즈"등의 순으로 중요하다고 응답하였다. 골프웨어에 대한 소비자의 요구사항이 어떤 차원으로 구성되어 있는가를 밝히기 위해 요인분석을 실시한 결과, 유행/디자인 특성요인, 섬유소재 특성요인, 위생성능 특성요인, 체형보정 특성요인 등 4개의 요인이 추출되었다.

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일 지역 흡연자들의 금연클리닉에 대한 인식 및 기대정도 (Smoking Cessation Clinics: Expectancy and Cognition)

  • 민순;김혜숙;김경미;하윤주;김은아
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study investigates the level of expectancy, cognition, and work condition among smokers with respect to the smoking cessation clinics. Methods: The study participants included over 503 smokers aged 30 yr and in five districts of G city. The researcher and assistants personally visited homes and workplaces of the participants between November 20 and November 30, 2008 for the survey. Results: The subjects learned to smoke from their friends and started smoking when they were 15 out of curiosity. They smoked more than one cigarette every day. With respect to cognition, 67.5% of the subjects had no intention to utilize smoking cessation clinics, and 71.7% were unaware of their benefits. Those with a high level of cognition regarding smoking cessation clinics were generally in their 60s, married, residents in the Southern and Western Districts, service or technical workers, and hikers. The expectancy for the clinic was high among those who were married, Catholics, and golfers. Conclusions: The results suggest that smoking cessation may be achieved by increasing the level of cognition and expectancy among smokers. In this regard, providing information and implementing positive publicity campaigns targeting families, Places of worship, and workplaces may be beneficial.