• Title/Summary/Keyword: Global histogram

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Efficient Use of MPEG-7 Edge Histogram Descriptor

  • Won, Chee-Sun;Park, Dong-Kwon;Park, Soo-Jun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2002
  • MPEG-7 Visual Standard specifies a set of descriptors that can be used to measure similarity in images or video. Among them, the Edge Histogram Descriptor describes edge distribution with a histogram based on local edge distribution in an image. Since the Edge Histogram Descriptor recommended for the MPEG-7 standard represents only local edge distribution in the image, the matching performance for image retrieval may not be satisfactory. This paper proposes the use of global and semi-local edge histograms generated directly from the local histogram bins to increase the matching performance. Then, the global, semi-global, and local histograms of images are combined to measure the image similarity and are compared with the MPEG-7 descriptor of the local-only histogram. Since we exploit the absolute location of the edge in the image as well as its global composition, the proposed matching method can retrieve semantically similar images. Experiments on MPEG-7 test images show that the proposed method yields better retrieval performance by an amount of 0.04 in ANMRR, which shows a significant difference in visual inspection.

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Local-Based Iterative Histogram Matching for Relative Radiometric Normalization

  • Seo, Dae Kyo;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2019
  • Radiometric normalization with multi-temporal satellite images is essential for time series analysis and change detection. Generally, relative radiometric normalization, which is an image-based method, is performed, and histogram matching is a representative method for normalizing the non-linear properties. However, since it utilizes global statistical information only, local information is not considered at all. Thus, this paper proposes a histogram matching method considering local information. The proposed method divides histograms based on density, mean, and standard deviation of image intensities, and performs histogram matching locally on the sub-histogram. The matched histogram is then further partitioned and this process is performed again, iteratively, controlled with the wasserstein distance. Finally, the proposed method is compared to global histogram matching. The experimental results show that the proposed method is visually and quantitatively superior to the conventional method, which indicates the applicability of the proposed method to the radiometric normalization of multi-temporal images with non-linear properties.

Shape Preserving Contrast Enhancement

  • Hwang Jae Ho
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.08c
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    • pp.867-871
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a new analytic approach for shape preserving contrast enhancement is presented. Contrast enhancement is achieved by means of segmental histogram stretching modification which preserves the given image shape, not distorting the original shape. After global stretching, the image is partitioned into several level-sets according to threshold condition. The image information of each level-set is represented as typical value based on grouped differential values. The basic property is modified into common local schemes, thereby introducing the enhanced effect through extreme discrimination between subsets. The scheme is based on stretching the histogram of subsets in which the intensity gray levels between connected pixels are approximately same In spite of histogram widening, stretched by local image information, it neither creates nor destroys the original image, thereby preserving image shape and enhancing the contrast. By designing local histogram stretching operations, we can preserve the original shape of level-sets of the image, and also enhance the global intensity. Thus it can hold the main properties of both global and local image schemes, which leads to versatile applications in the field of digital epigraphy.

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Regional Dynamic Range Histogram Equalization for Image Enhancement (국부영역의 동적범위 변화를 이용한 영상 개선 알고리즘)

  • Lee Eui-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3 s.18
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2004
  • Image enhancement for Infrared imaging system is mainly based on the global histogram equalization. The global histogram equalization(GHE) is a method in which each pixel is equalized by using a whole histogram of an image. GHE is speedy and effective for real-time imaging system but its method fails to enhance the fine details. On the other hand, the basic local histogram equalization(LHE) method uses sliding a window and. the pixels under the window region are equalized over the whole output dynamic range. The LHE is adequate to enhance the fine details. But this method is computationally slow and noises are over-enhanced. So various local histogram equalization methods have been already presented to overcome these problems of LHE. In this paper, a new regional dynamic range histogram equalization (RDRHE) is presented. RDRHE improves the equalization quality while reducing the computational burden.

Automatic Contrast Enhancement by Transfer Function Modification

  • Bae, Tae Wuk;Ahn, Sang Ho;Altunbasak, Yucel
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we propose an automatic contrast enhancement method based on transfer function modification (TFM) by histogram equalization. Previous histogram-based global contrast enhancement techniques employ histogram modification, whereas we propose a direct TFM technique that considers the mean brightness of an image during contrast enhancement. The mean point shifting method using a transfer function is proposed to preserve the mean brightness of an image. In addition, the linearization of transfer function technique, which has a histogram flattening effect, is designed to reduce visual artifacts. An attenuation factor is automatically determined using the maximum value of the probability density function in an image to control its rate of contrast. A new quantitative measurement method called sparsity of a histogram is proposed to obtain a better objective comparison relative to previous global contrast enhancement methods. According to our experimental results, we demonstrated the performance of our proposed method based on generalized measures and the newly proposed measurement.

Global Contrast Enhancement Using Block based Local Contrast Improvement (블록기반 지역 명암대비 개선을 통한 전역 명암대비 향상 기법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hyun;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a scheme of global image contrast enhancement using local contrast improvement. Methods of global image contrast enhancement redistribute the image gray level distribution using histogram equalization without considering image properties, and cause the result image to include image pixels with excessive brightness. On the other hand, methods of the block-based local image contrast enhancement have blocking artifacts and a problem of eliminating important image features during an image process to reduce them. In order to solve these problems, the proposed method executes the block-based histogram equalization on temporary images that an input image is divided into various fixed-size blocks. And then it performs the global contrast enhancement by applying the global histogram equalization functions to the original input image. Since the proposed method selects the best histogram equalization function from temporary images that are improved by the block-based local image contrast enhancement, it has the advantages of both the local and global image contrast enhancement approaches.

Image Histogram Equalization Based on Gaussian Mixture Model (가우시안 혼합 모델 기반의 영상 히스토그램 평활화)

  • Jun, Mi-Jin;Lee, Joon-Jae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.748-760
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    • 2012
  • In case brightness distribution is concentrated in a region, it is difficult to classify the image features. To solve this problem, we apply global histogram equalization and local histogram equalization to images. In case of global histogram equalization, it can be too bright or dark because it doesn't consider the density of brightness distribution. Thus, it is difficult to enhance the local contrast in the images. In case of local histogram equalization, it can produce unexpected blocks in the images. In order to enhance the contrast in the images, this paper proposes a local histogram equalization based on the Gaussian Mixture Models(GMMs) in regions of histogram. Mean and variance parameters in each regions is updated EM-algorithm repeatedly and then ranges of equalization on each regions. The experimental results performed with image of various contrasts show that the proposed algorithm is better than the global histogram equalization.

Contrast Enhancement using Histogram Equalization with a New Neighborhood Metrics

  • Sengee, Nyamlkhagva;Choi, Heung-Kook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.737-745
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a novel neighborhood metric of histogram equalization (HE) algorithm for contrast enhancement is presented. We present a refinement of HE using neighborhood metrics with a general framework which orders pixels based on a sequence of sorting functions which uses both global and local information to remap the image greylevels. We tested a novel sorting key with the suggestion of using the original image greylevel as the primary key and a novel neighborhood distinction metric as the secondary key, and compared HE using proposed distinction metric and other HE methods such as global histogram equalization (GHE), HE using voting metric and HE using contrast difference metric. We found that our method can preserve advantages of other metrics, while reducing drawbacks of them and avoiding undesirable over-enhancement that can occur with local histogram equalization (LHE) and other methods.

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  • Jung, H.G.;Lee, Y.H.;Kim, B.J.;Yoon, P.J.;Kim, J.H.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a stereo vision-based forward obstacle detection and distance measurement method. In general, stereo vision-based obstacle detection methods in automotive applications can be classified into two categories: IPM (Inverse Perspective Mapping)-based and disparity histogram-based. The existing disparity histogram-based method was developed for stop-and-go applications. The proposed method extends the scope of the disparity histogram-based method to highway applications by 1) replacing the fixed rectangular ROI (Region Of Interest) with the traveling lane-based ROI, and 2) replacing the peak detection with a constant threshold with peak detection using the threshold-line and peakness evaluation. In order to increase the true positive rate while decreasing the false positive rate, multiple candidate peaks were generated and then verified by the edge feature correlation method. By testing the proposed method with images captured on the highway, it was shown that the proposed method was able to overcome problems in previous implementations while being applied successfully to highway collision warning/avoidance conditions, In addition, comparisons with laser radar showed that vision sensors with a wider FOV (Field Of View) provided faster responses to cutting-in vehicles. Finally, we integrated the proposed method into a longitudinal collision avoidance system. Experimental results showed that activated braking by risk assessment using the state of the ego-vehicle and measuring the distance to upcoming obstacles could successfully prevent collisions.

An Experimental Study of Image Thresholding Based on Refined Histogram using Distinction Neighborhood Metrics

  • Sengee, Nyamlkhagva;Purevsuren, Dalaijargal;tumurbaatar, Tserennadmid
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we aimed to illustrate that the thresholding method gives different results when tested on the original and the refined histograms. We use the global thresholding method, the well-known image segmentation method for separating objects and background from the image, and the refined histogram is created by the neighborhood distinction metric. If the original histogram of an image has some large bins which occupy the most density of whole intensity distribution, it is a problem for global methods such as segmentation and contrast enhancement. We refined the histogram to overcome the big bin problem in which sub-bins are created from big bins based on distinction metric. We suggest the refined histogram for preprocessing of thresholding in order to reduce the big bin problem. In the test, we use Otsu and median-based thresholding techniques and experimental results prove that their results on the refined histograms are more effective compared with the original ones.