• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geospatial information technology

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Geospatial Technologies for Landslide Inventory: Application and Analysis to Earthquake-Triggered Landslide of Sindhupalchowk, Nepal

  • Acharya, Tri Dev;Yang, In Tae;Lee, Dong Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2016
  • Landslide is one of the natural hazards, triggered by rainfall or earthquake and it leads to damage and loss of properties and lives especially in hilly and mountainous regions. Inventory maps of the area is of much importance in order to understand the landslide phenomena in detail, conduct further studies on landslide, prepare susceptibility map and minimize risk. Inventory maps of landslides can be constructed by several methods, using multiple images through visual interpretation, using algorithms in multi-spectral or SAR images or verification from field investigation. The possible methods were explored for Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal, which was struck by massive earthquake on 2015 and landslide inventory was prepared. The inventory was analyzed for its frequency over elevation, slope aspect and dominant soil classes and also the information value for their occurrence probability.

Geospatial Data Display Technique for Non-Glasses Stereoscopic Monitor (무안경식 입체 모니터를 이용한 지형공간 데이터의 디스플레이 기법)

  • Lee, Seun-Geun;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.599-609
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    • 2008
  • Development of computer and electronic technology leads innovative progress in spatial informatics and successful commercialization. Geospatial information technology plays an important role in decision making in various applications. However, information display media are two-dimensional plane that limits visual perception. Understanding human visual processing mechanism to percept stereo vision makes possible to implement three-dimensional stereo image display. This paper proposes on-the-fly stereo image generation methods that are involved with various exterior and camera parameters including exposure station, viewing direction, image size, overlap and focal length. Collinearity equations and parameters related with stereo viewing conditions were solved to generate realisitc stereo imagery. In addition stereo flying simulation scenery was generated with different viewing locations and directions. The stereo viewing is based on the parallax principle of two veiwing locations. This study implemented anaglyphic stereogram, polarization and lenticular stereo display methods. Existing display technology has limitation to provide visual information of three-dimensional and dynamic nature of the real world because the 3D spatial information is projected into 2D plane. Therefore, stereo display methods developed in this study improves geospatial information and applications of GIS by realistic stereo visualization.

A Study on the Operation Support and Activation of Drone Geospatial Information Service (드론 공간정보 서비스 운영지원 및 활성화에 대한 연구)

  • Ok, Jin-A;Yoo, Soonduck
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to establish strategic suggestions for the direction of the drone-related business by Gyeonggi-do through a survey on the operation and actual conditions of the drone geospatial information service business experienced by Gyeonggi-do civil servants. For this purpose, as a result of surveying the demand survey of 219 people in charge of drone field work, it was analyzed by dividing it into four categories: technology-based operation support, business discovery and support, legal and institutional support, and education and public relations. As an improvement measure, technology-based operation support is to secure service operation efficiency by establishing a dedicated manpower and a dedicated organization and securing drone-related experts.The plan for improvement of project discovery and support is as follows. 1) The government proactively discovers prior research projects for project discovery and support; 2) Legal and institutional support requires support services for simplification of administration such as drone geospatial data shooting schedules and permits, 3) legal and institutional review on improving the scope and restrictions for using drone geospatial data. In the field of education and publicity, it is necessary to operate an education program on the overall operation of drones, and to conduct seminars for each field and use, and to seek activation methods through practical application guidelines for the application process and system. The limitation of this study is that the survey subjects are related to Gyeonggi-do, and in the future, survey analysis through a wide range of participants is required.

The Analysis of 3-Dimensional Shape Using Non-Metric Cameras (비측량용 카메라를 이용한 3차원 형상 해석)

  • Jeong, Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2009
  • In the field of geospatial information, 3D shape information has been considered as a frame data for GIS. Many kind of physical shape information is, especially, required for the works related with space, such as planning, maintenance, management, etc. Conventional photogrammetry was implemented under the conditions with expensive metric cameras and analytical plotters operated by experts. Nowadays, however, the metric cameras and analytical plotters are replaced by low price non-metric digital cameras and personal computers by virtue of the progress in digital photogrammetry. This study aims to investigate the technology to easily and promptly produce 3D shape information required in geospatial information system using close-range photogrammetry with non-metric digital cameras. As the results of this study, 3D shape of an experimental object was made out with a common compact digital camera and only a known length of a line component in the object and the accuracy of the dimension of 3D shape was analyzed to be less than one pixel.

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3D Model Generation and Accuracy Evaluation using Unmanned Aerial Oblique Image (무인항공 경사사진을 이용한 3차원 모델 생성 및 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Jung, Kap-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.587-593
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    • 2019
  • The field of geospatial information is rapidly changing due to the development of sensor and data processing technology that can acquire location information. And demand is increasing in various related industries and social activities. The construction and utilization of three dimensional geospatial information that is easy to understand and easy to understand can be an essential element to improve the quality and reliability of related services. In recent years, 3D laser scanners are widely used as 3D geospatial information construction technology. However, 3D laser scanners may cause shadow areas where data acquisition is not possible when objects are large in size or complex in shape. In this study, 3D model of an object has been created by acquiring oblique images using an unmanned aerial vehicle and processing the data. The study area was selected, oblique images were acquired using an unmanned aerial vehicle, and point cloud type 3D model with 0.02 m spacing was created through data processing. The accuracy of the 3D model was 0.19m and the average was 0.11m. In the future, if accuracy is evaluated according to shooting and data processing methods, and 3D model construction and accuracy evaluation and analysis according to camera types are performed, the accuracy of the 3D model will be improved. In the point cloud type 3D model, Cross section generation, drawing of objects, and so on, it is possible to improve work efficiency of spatial information service and related work.

Software Analysis and Design of the Image Acquisition Subsystem Using the Unified Modeling Language

  • Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2001
  • Geospatial database, which is the basis for Geo-Spatial Information Systems, is produced by conventional mapping methods. Recently, with increased demand for digital forms of the geospatial database, studies are carried out to automate its production. The automated mapping system is composed of the image acquisition subsystem, positioning subsystem, point referencing subsystem and the visualization subsystem. The image acquisition subsystem is the most important part of the overall production line because it is the starting point and will affect all subsequent processes. This paper presents a software analysis and design of the image acquisition subsystem. The design was carried out using the Unified Modeling Language which is a modeling method used extensively in the software engineering field.

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A Study on the Accuracy Improvement of Orthophoto using Low-Cost UAV (저가형 무인비행체를 활용한 정사영상 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Bu-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.2_2
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2020
  • Various studies and business investments have been performed on UAV in the field of spatial information industry, and it is judged that this industry has being evolved into an expansion stage as a legalization progresses. In addition, public institutions such as Korea Land and Geospatial Information Corporation, Korea Expressway Corporation, and Korea Land and Housing Corporation which have relatively much utilized spatial information work have entered into the stage of settling with active introduction for reasons of work efficiency and business management. However, surveying drones are still classified as expensive equipment, which is a burden on general business application and technology popularization. Moreover, the stabilization of reliability of various location information acquired from UAV is a part of ongoing research and supplementation. Therefore, in this study, to use image information acquired from low-cost UAV as reliable spatial information data, the flight altitude was changed and compared with the result of double transverse flight with conventional photographing technique. As a result, there was no change in the result value at low altitude, but the result showed more than 30% accuracy and accuracy improvement for the X, Y value at the altitude of 130m or higher than the conventional method.

Driving altitude generation method with pseudo-3D building model for unmanned aerial vehicles

  • Hyeon Joong Wi;In Sung Jang;Ahyun Lee
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.240-253
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    • 2023
  • Spatial information is geometrical information combined with the properties of an object. In city areas where unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) usage demand is high, it is necessary to determine the appropriate driving altitude considering the height of buildings for safe driving. In this study, we propose a data-provision method that generates the driving altitude of UAVs with a pseudo-3D building model. The pseudo-3D building model is developed using high-precision spatial information provided by the National Geographic Information Institute. The proposed method generates the driving altitude of the UAV in terms of tile information, including the UAV's starting and arrival points and a straight line between the two points, and provides the data to users. To evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method, UAV driving altitude information was generated using data of 763 551 pseudo-3D buildings in Seoul. Subsequently, the generated driving altitude data of the UAV was verified in AirSim. In addition, the execution time of the proposed method and the calculated driving altitude were analyzed.

Developing Framework Model for Economic Renewal and Exchange of Geo-Spatial Data - A Case Study of Daegu Metropolitan City - (지리공간자료의 경제적 갱신과 교환체계를 위한 모형개발 - 대구광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Nam, Hyeong-Geun;Sakong, Ho-Sang;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.138-154
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    • 2008
  • Geo-special technologies are being adopted in variety fields since the 3rd NGIS plan that was started at 1996. However, the required system or structure to guarantee the up-to-date validity and accuracy of the geospatial data - the most fundamental elements of the technology - was not constructed yet. All the activities related to geospatial data, including topographical map and numerical base map, are all implemented in separate way; from change of geographical objects and features, data gathering, and database construction to distribution, transfer and sharing of these data. The data model that links all the activities are required that enables consistent data-flow and effective and systematic work-flow. In this study, economic data renewal and exchange method was proposed, and benefit-cost analysis was implemented by comparing the conventional work-flow to newly proposed work-flow. The case study was implemented using the model that was adopted in Daegu metropolitan city, and the model was developed by reflecting these results.

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