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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometrical Characteristics

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Evaluation of incremental sheet forming characteristics for 3D-structured aluminum sheet - part 2 (3D 구조 알루미늄 판재의 점진판재성형 특성 평가 (제2보))

  • Kim, Young-Suk;Do, Van-Cuong;Ahn, Dae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1585-1593
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    • 2015
  • 3D-structured (embossed) aluminum sheets have been used in the heat insulation purpose for automative exhaust parts because of increasing their surface areas and stiffness reinforcement imposed in making the embossing pattern. However, there are many restrictions in press forming of the embossed sheet compared with the flat sheet (non-embossed one) because of its difference in the mechanical properties and the geometrical 3-dimensional shape. In this paper we investigated the deformation characteristic of embossed aluminum sheet in the incremental sheet forming process which has frequently used in the design verification and the trial manufacturing of sheet products. The single point incremental forming (SPIF) experiments for the rectangular cone forming using the CNC machine with a chemical wood-machined die and a circular tool shape showed that the formability of the embossed sheet are better than that of the flat sheet in view of the maximum angle of cone forming. This comes from the fact that the embossed sheet between the tool and the elastic die wall is plastically compressed and the flatted area contributes to increase the plastic deformation. Also the tool path along the outward movement from the center showed a better formability than that of the inward movement from the edge. However the surface quality for the tool path along the outward movement evaluated from the surface deflection is inferior than that of the tool path along the inward movement.

Commissioning of a micro-MLC (mMLC) for Stereotactic Radiosurgery (방사선수술용 4뱅크 마이크로 다엽콜리메이터의 인수 검사)

  • Jeong, Dong-Hyeok;Shin, Kyo-Chul;Kim, Jeung-Kee;Kim, Soo-Kon;Moon, Sun-Rock;Lee, Kang-Kyoo
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2009
  • The 4 bank mico-MLC (mMLC; Acculeaf, Direx, Isral) has been commissioned for clinical use of linac based stereotactic radiosurgery. The geometrical parameters to control the leaves were determined and comparisons between measured and calculated by the calculation model were performed in terms of absolute dose (cGy/100 MU). As a result of evaluating calculated dose for various field sizes and depths of 5 and 10 cm in water in the geometric condition of fixed SSD (source to surface distance) and fixed SCD (source to chamber distance), most of differences were within 1% for 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays. The penumbral widths at the isocenter were approximately evaluated to 0.29~0.43 cm depending on the field size for 6 MV and 0.36~0.51 cm for 15 MV x-rays. The average transmission and leakage for 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays were 6.6% and 7.4% respectively in single level of leaves fully closed. In case of dual level of leaves fully closed the measured transmission is approximately 0.5% for both 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays. Through the commissiong procedure we could verify the dose characteristics of mMLC and approximately evaluate the error ranges for treatment planning system.

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Characteristic of Mechanical Clinching for Al5052 to High-Strength Steels (Al5052 합금소재와 고장력강판의 이종재료 클린칭 접합특성)

  • Lee, Chan-Joo;Lee, Sang-Kon;Lee, Seon-Bong;Kim, Byung-Min
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.997-1006
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    • 2010
  • For manufacturing modern cars, so-called multi-materials, such as aluminum alloy with high-strength steels, are used. For obtaining such materials, a new joining method is required to achieve the multi-material design. Mechanical clinching is one of joining methods used to join the dissimilar materials. The objective of this study is to investigate the characteristics of mechanical clinching of Al5052 alloy to high-strength steels (SPFC440, 590, 780). Using FE-analysis and clinching experiment, the joinability of Al5052 alloy to high-strength steel is evaluated by geometrical shape of mechanical clinched joint, such as neck-thickness and undercut. Further, the joint strength is evaluated by performing a single-lap shear test. The upper high-strength steel SPFC780 was not clinched because of the necking of the upper sheet. The joint strength increased with increasing strength of the upper sheet. For the lower high-strength steel sheet, the joinability and joint strength decreased with increasing strength of the lower sheet.

The use of SMA wire dampers to enhance the seismic performance of two historical Islamic minarets

  • El-Attar, Adel;Saleh, Ahmed;El-Habbal, Islam;Zaghw, Abdel Hamid;Osman, Ashraf
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2008
  • This paper represents the final results of a research program sponsored by the European Commission through project WIND-CHIME (W_ide Range Non-IN_trusive D_evices toward C_onservation of HI_storical Monuments in the ME_diterranean Area), in which the possibility of using advanced seismic protection technologies to preserve historical monuments in the Mediterranean area is investigated. In the current research, the dynamic characteristics of two outstanding Mamluk-Style minarets, which similar minarets were reported to experience extensive damage during Dahshur 1992 earthquake, are investigated. The first minaret is the Qusun minaret (1337 A.D, 736 Hijri Date (H.D)) located in El-Suyuti cemetery on the southern side of the Salah El-Din citadel. The minaret is currently separated from the surrounding building and is directly resting on the ground (no vaults underneath). The total height of the minaret is 40.28 meters with a base rectangular shaft of about 5.42 × 5.20 m. The second minaret is the southern minaret of Al-Sultaniya (1340 A.D, 739 H.D). It is located about 30.0 meters from Qusun minaret, and it is now standing alone but it seems that it used to be attached to a huge unidentified structure. The style of the minaret and its size attribute it to the first half of the fourteenth century. The minaret total height is 36.69 meters and has a 4.48 × 4.48 m rectangular base. Field investigations were conducted to obtain: (a) geometrical description of the minarets, (b) material properties of the minarets' stones, and (c) soil conditions at the minarets' location. Ambient vibration tests were performed to determine the modal parameters of the minarets such as natural frequencies and mode shapes. A 1/16th scale model of Qusun minaret was constructed at Cairo University Concrete Research Laboratory and tested under free vibration with and without SMA wire dampers. The contribution of SMA wire dampers to the structural damping coefficient was evaluated under different vertical loads and vibration amplitudes. Experimental results were used along with the field investigation data to develop a realistic 3-D finite element model that can be used for seismic risk evaluation of the minarets. Examining the updated finite element models under different seismic excitations indicated the vulnerability of such structures to earthquakes with medium to high a/v ratio. The use of SMA wire dampers was found feasible for reducing the seismic risk for this type of structures.

A Study on the Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for the Tunnel Reinforced by Umbrella Arch Method (Umbrella Arch 공법이 적용된 터널의 3차원 유한요소 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 김창용;배규진;문현구;최용기
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1998
  • Recently, Umbrella Arch Method(UAM), one of the auxiliary techniques for tunnelling, is used to reinforce the ground and improve stability of tunnel face. Because UAM combines the advantages of a modern forepoling system with the grouting injection method, this technique has been applied in subway, road and utility tunnel sites for the last few years in Korea. Also, several research results are reported on the examination of the roles of inserted pipes and grouted materials in UAM. But, because of its empirical design and construction methodology, more qualitative and systematic design sequences are needed. Therefore, above sequences using numerical analysis are proposed and, the effects of some design parameters were studied in this research. In order to acco,mplish these objects, first, the roles of pipe and grouting materials, steel-rib and the others in ground improving mechanism of UAM are clarified. Second, the effects of design parameters are investigated through parametric studies. Design parameters are as follows; 1) ground condition, 2) overburden, 3) geometrical formulation of pipes, 4) grouting region and 5) characteristics of pipes.

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The Effect of Barrel Vibration Intensity to the Plating Thickness Distribution

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Roselle D. Llido
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 1999
  • In chip plating, several parameters must be taken into consideration. Current density, solution concentration, pH, solution temperature, components volume, chip and media ratio, barrel geometrical shape were most likely found to have an effect to the process yields. The 3 types of barrels utilized in chip plating industry are the conventional rotating barrel. vibrational barrel (vibarrel), and the centrifugal type. Conventional rotating barrel is a close type and is commonly used. The components inside the barrel are circulated by the barrel's rotation at a horizontal axis. Process yield has known to have higher thickness deviation. The vibrational barrel is an open type which offers a wide exposure to electrolyte resulting to a stable thickness deviation. It rotates in a vertical axis coupled with multi-vibration action to facilitate mixed up and easy transportation of components, The centrifugal barrel has its plated work centrifugally compacted against the cathode ring for superior electrical contact with simultaneous rotary motion. This experiment has determined the effect of barrel vibration intensity to the plating thickness distribution. The procedures carried out in the experiment involved the overall plating process., cleaning, rinse, Nickel plating, Tin-Lead plating. Plating time was adjusted to meet the required specification. All other parameters were maintained constant. Two trials were performed to confirm the consistency of the result. The thickness data of the experiment conducted showed that the average mean value obtained from higher vibrational intensity is nearer to the standard mean. The distribution curve shown has a narrower specification limits and it has a reduced variation around the target value, Generally, intensity control in vi-barrel facilitates mixed up and easy transportation of components, However, it is desirable to maintain an optimum vibration intensity to prevent solution intrusion into the chips' internal electrode. A cathodic reaction can occur in the interface of the external and internal electrode. 2HD+e20H+H2 Hydrogen can penetrate into the body and create pressure which can cause cracks. At high intensity, the chip's motion becomes stronger, its contact between each other is delayed and so plating action is being controlled. However, the strong impact created by its collision can damage the external electrode's structure thereby resulting to bad plating condition. 1 lot of chip was divided into two equal partion. Each portion was loaded to the same barrel one after the other. Nickel plating and tin-lead plating was performed in the same station. Portion A maintained the normal barrel vibration intensity and portion B vibration intensity was increased two steps higher. All other parameters, current, solution condition were maintained constant. Generally, plating method find procedures were carried out in a best way to maintained the best plating condition. After plating, samples were taken out from each portion. molded and polished. Plating thickness was investigated for both. To check consistency of results. 2nd trial was done now using different lot of another characteristics.

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Modeling of Elastodynamic Problems in Finite Solid Media (유한 고체내 탄성동역학 문제의 모델링)

  • Cho, Youn-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.138-149
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    • 2000
  • Various modeling techniques for ultrasonic wave propagation and scattering problems in finite solid media are presented. Elastodynamic boundary value problems in inhomogeneous multi-layered plate-like structures are set up for modal analysis of guided wave propagation and numerically solved to obtain dispersion curves which show propagation characteristics of guided waves. As a powerful modeling tool to overcome such numerical difficulties in wave scattering problems as the geometrical complexity and mode conversion, the Boundary Element Method(BEM) is introduced and is combined with the normal mode expansion technique to develop the hybrid BEM, an efficient technique for modeling multi mode conversion of guided wave scattering problems. Time dependent wave forms are obtained through the inverse Fourier transformation of the numerical solutions in the frequency domain. 3D BEM program development is underway to model more practical ultrasonic wave signals. Some encouraging numerical results have recently been obtained in comparison with the analytical solutions for wave propagation in a bar subjected to time harmonic longitudinal excitation. It is expected that the presented modeling techniques for elastic wave propagation and scattering can be applied to establish quantitative nondestructive evaluation techniques in various ways.

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Development of Radionuclide Inventory Declaration Methods Using Scaling Factors for the Korean NPPs - Scope and Activity Determination Method - (국내 원전 대상의 척도인자를 활용한 핵종재고량 규명 방법의 개발 - 범위 및 방사능 결정 방법-)

  • Hwang, Ki-ha;Lee, Sang-chul;Kang, Sang-hee;Lee, Kun-Jai;Jeong, Chan-woo;Ahn, Sang-myeon;Kim, Tae-wook;Kim, Kyoung-doek;Herr, Young-hoi
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2004
  • Regulations and guidelines for radioactive waste disposal require detailed information about the characteristics of radioactive waste drums prior to transport to the disposal sites. However, estimation of radionuclide concentrations in the drummed radioactive waste is difficult and unreliable. In order to overcome this difficulty, scaling factor (SF) method has been used to assess the activities of radionuclides, which could not be directly analyzed. A radioactive waste assay system has been operated at Korean nuclear power plant (KORI site) since 1996 and consolidated SF concept has played a dominant role in the determination of radionuclide concentrations. However, SFs are somewhat dispersive and limited in KORI site. Therefore establishment of the assay system using more improved SFs is planned and progressed. In this paper, the scope of research is briefly introduced. For the selection of more reliable activity determination method, the accuracy of predicted SF values for each activity determination method is compared. From the comparison of each activity determination method, it is recommended that SF determination method should be changed from the arithmetic mean to the geometrical mean for more reliable estimation of radionuclide activity. Arithmetic mean method and geometric mean method are compared based on the data set in KORI system. And, this change of SF determination method will prevent an inordinate over-estimation of radionuclide inventory in radwaste drum.

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A Numerical Analysis on the Determination of Shock Loss Coefficient at Flared Intersection of Network-type Double-deck Road Tunnel (네트워크형 복층 도로터널 확폭구간에서의 충격손실 계수 결정을 위한 수치해석 연구)

  • Park, Yo Han;Lee, Seung Jun;Kim, Jin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze ventilation design factor for network-type double-deck road tunnel that have been developed actively around the world. A numerical analysis was carried out through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to derive shock loss coefficient that occurs due to the change in cross sectional area at both merging section and diverging section. The model used for the numerical analysis is real-scale model and the reliability of the result is secured by comparing with the coefficient of the previous studies. As a result of this study, shock loss coefficient was calculated depending on the change in cross-sectional area ratio and was higher than the result of previous studies in case of both merging section and diverging section. It is considered that the characteristics of the geometrical structure of network-type double-deck road tunnel have a great impact on shock loss coefficient. Therefore, the result of this study is expected to be helpful for more accurate ventilation design of network-type double-deck road tunnel.

Digital Processing and Acoustic Backscattering Characteristics on the Seafloor Image by Side Scan Sonar (Side Scan Sonar 탐사자료의 영상처리와 해저면 Backscattering 음향특성)

  • 김성렬;유홍룡
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 1987
  • The digital data were obtained using Kennedy 9000 magnetic tape deck which was connected to the SMS960 side scan sonar during the field operations. The data of three consecutive survey tracks near Seongsan-po, Cheju were used for the development of this study. The softwares were mainly written in Fortran-77 using VAX 11/780 MINI-COMPUTER (CPU Memory; 4MB). The established mapping system consists of the pretreatment and the digital processing of seafloor image data. The pretreatment was necessary because the raw digital data format of the field magnetic tapes was not compatible to the VAX system. Therefore the raw data were read by the personal computer using the Assembler language and the data format was converted to IBM compatible, and next data were communicated to the VAX system. The digital processing includes geometrical correction for slant range, statistical analysis and cartography of the seafloor image. The sound speed in the water column was assumed 1,500 m/sec for the slant range correction and the moving average method was used for the signal trace smoothing. Histograms and cumulative curves were established for the statistical analysis, that was purposed to classify the backscattering strength from the sea-bottom. The seafloor image was displayed on the color screen of the TEKTRONIX 4113B terminal. According to the brief interpretation of the result image map, rocky and sedimentary bottoms were very well discriminated. Also it was shown that the backscattered acoustic pressurecorrelateswith the grain size and sorting of surface sediments.

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