• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometric accuracy

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A Geometric Compression Method Using Dominant Points for Transmission to LEO Satellites

  • Ko, Kwang Hee;Ahn, Hyo-Sung;Wang, Semyung;Choi, Sujin;Jung, Okchul;Chung, Daewon;Park, Hyungjun
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.622-630
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    • 2016
  • In the operation of a low earth orbit satellite, a series of antenna commands are transmitted from a ground station to the satellite within a visibility window (i.e., the time period for which an antenna of the satellite is visible from the station) and executed to control the antenna. The window is a limited resource where all data transmission is carried out. Therefore, minimizing the transmission time for the antenna commands by reducing the data size is necessary in order to provide more time for the transmission of other data. In this paper, we propose a geometric compression method based on B-spline curve fitting using dominant points in order to compactly represent the antenna commands. We transform the problem of command size reduction into a geometric problem that is relatively easier to deal with. The command data are interpreted as points in a 2D space. The geometric properties of the data distribution are considered to determine the optimal parameters for a curve approximating the data with sufficient accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to conventional methods currently used in practice.

Planning of Dental Implant Placement Using 3D Geometric Processing and Finite Element Analysis (3차원 기하 처리와 유한요소 분석을 이용한 치아 임플란트 식립 계획 수립)

  • Park, Hyung-Wook;Park, Chul-Woo;Kim, Myong-Soo;Park, Hyung-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2012
  • In order to make dental implant surgery successful, it is important to perform proper planning for dental implant placement. In this paper, we propose a decent approach to dental implant placement planning based on geometric processing of 3D models of jawbones, a nerve curve and neighboring teeth around a missing tooth. Basically, the minimum enclosing cylinders of the neighboring teeth around the missing tooth are properly used to determine the position and direction of the implant placement. The position is computed according to the radii of the cylinders and the center points of their top faces. The direction is computed by the weighted average of the axes of the cylinders. For a cylinder whose axis passes the position along the direction, its largest radius and longest length are estimated such that it does not interfere with the neighboring teeth and the nerve curve, and they are used to select the size and type of an implant fixture. From the geometric and spatial information of the jawbones, the teeth and the fixture, we can construct the 3D model of a surgical guide stent which is crucial to perform the drilling operation with ease and accuracy. We have shown the validity of the proposed approach by performing the finite element analysis of the influence of implant placement on bone stress distribution. Adopted in 3D simulation of dental implant placement, the approach can be used to provide dental students with good educational contents. It is also expected that, with further work, the approach can be used as a useful tool to plan for dental implant surgery.

Nonlinear dynamic performance of long-span cable-stayed bridge under traffic and wind

  • Han, Wanshui;Ma, Lin;Cai, C.S.;Chen, Suren;Wu, Jun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.249-274
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    • 2015
  • Long-span cable-stayed bridges exhibit some features which are more critical than typical long span bridges such as geometric and aerodynamic nonlinearities, higher probability of the presence of multiple vehicles on the bridge, and more significant influence of wind loads acting on the ultra high pylon and super long cables. A three-dimensional nonlinear fully-coupled analytical model is developed in this study to improve the dynamic performance prediction of long cable-stayed bridges under combined traffic and wind loads. The modified spectral representation method is introduced to simulate the fluctuating wind field of all the components of the whole bridge simultaneously with high accuracy and efficiency. Then, the aerostatic and aerodynamic wind forces acting on the whole bridge including the bridge deck, pylon, cables and even piers are all derived. The cellular automation method is applied to simulate the stochastic traffic flow which can reflect the real traffic properties on the long span bridge such as lane changing, acceleration, or deceleration. The dynamic interaction between vehicles and the bridge depends on both the geometrical and mechanical relationships between the wheels of vehicles and the contact points on the bridge deck. Nonlinear properties such as geometric nonlinearity and aerodynamic nonlinearity are fully considered. The equations of motion of the coupled wind-traffic-bridge system are derived and solved with a nonlinear separate iteration method which can considerably improve the calculation efficiency. A long cable-stayed bridge, Sutong Bridge across the Yangze River in China, is selected as a numerical example to demonstrate the dynamic interaction of the coupled system. The influences of the whole bridge wind field as well as the geometric and aerodynamic nonlinearities on the responses of the wind-traffic-bridge system are discussed.

Estimation of Human Height and Position using a Single Camera (단일 카메라를 이용한 보행자의 높이 및 위치 추정 기법)

  • Lee, Seok-Han;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a single view-based technique for the estimation of human height and position. Conventional techniques for the estimation of 3D geometric information are based on the estimation of geometric cues such as vanishing point and vanishing line. The proposed technique, however, back-projects the image of moving object directly, and estimates the position and the height of the object in 3D space where its coordinate system is designated by a marker. Then, geometric errors are corrected by using geometric constraints provided by the marker. Unlike most of the conventional techniques, the proposed method offers a framework for simultaneous acquisition of height and position of an individual resident in the image. The accuracy and the robustness of our technique is verified on the experimental results of several real video sequences from outdoor environments.

Correction of Radiometric Distortion Caused by Geometric Property in SAR image using SAR Simulation (SAR영상의 모의제작에 의한 기하학적 복사왜곡의 보정)

  • Jeong, Soo;Yeu, Bock-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1998
  • SAR data can be achieved independently of weather conditions or sun illumination which is main limitation of electro-optical sensor to get image. The information from imagery can be more enlarged using Shh data be-cause SAR data offers different information from electro-optical sensor. SAR data contains various distortions caused by the radar specification and geometric properties of data acquisition. These distortions should be removed to get the information with acceptable accuracy. In this study, we aimed to correct the radiometric distortion in Shh image caused by the geometric property of the object. For this purpose, we simulated the SAR image by modelling of the power of return beam which is variable according to the geometric configuration between SAR antenna and ground object. Dividing the SAR image by the simulation image, then, we can get the radiometrically corrected image. As a result of this study, we could minimize the effect of radiometric distortion in achieving some qualitative information from SAR image for the related field, such as Geospatial Information System.

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Three dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete frames considering the cracking effect and geometric nonlinearity

  • Kara, Ilker Fatih;Dundar, Cengiz
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2009
  • In the design of tall reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings, the serviceability stiffness criteria in terms of maximum lateral displacement and inter-story drift must be satisfied to prevent large second-order P-delta effects. To accurately assess the lateral deflection and stiffness of tall R/C structures, cracked members in these structures need to be identified and their effective member flexural stiffness determined. In addition, the implementation of the geometric nonlinearity in the analysis can be significant for an accurate prediction of lateral deflection of the structure, particularly in the case of tall R/C building under lateral loading. It can therefore be important to consider the cracking effect together with the geometric nonlinearity in the analysis in order to obtain more accurate results. In the present study, a computer program based on the iterative procedure has been developed for the three dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete frames with cracked beam and column elements. Probability-based effective stiffness model is used for the effective flexural stiffness of a cracked member. In the analysis, the geometric nonlinearity due to the interaction of axial force and bending moment and the displacements of joints are also taken into account. The analytical procedure has been demonstrated through the application of R/C frame examples in which its accuracy and efficiency in comparison with experimental and other analytical results are verified. The effectiveness of the analytical procedure is also illustrated through a practical four story R/C frame example. The iterative procedure provides equally good and consistent prediction of lateral deflection and effective flexural member stiffness. The proposed analytical procedure is efficient from the viewpoints of computational effort and convergence rate.

Satellite Image Processing Software for Value-Added Products

  • Lee, Hae-Yeoun;Park, Won-Kyu;Kim, Seung-Bum;Kim, Tae-Jung;Yoon, Tae-Hun;Shin, Dong-Seok;Lee, Heung-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 1999
  • To extract value-added products which are important in scientific area and practical life, e.g. digital elevation models, ortho-rectified images and geometric corrected images, Satellite Technology Research Center at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed a satellite image processing software called "Valadd-Pro". In this paper, "Valadd-Pro" software is briefly introduced and its main components such as precise geometric correction, ortho-rectification and digital elevation model extraction component are described. The performance of "Valadd-Pro" software was assessed on 10m resolution 6000 $\times$ 6000 SPOT panchromatic images (60km $\times$ 60km) using ground control points from GPS measurements. The height accuracy was measured by comparing our results with 100m resolution $DTEDs^{1)}$ produced by USGS and 60m resolution DEMs generated from digitized contours produced by National Geography Institute. Also, to show the superior performance of "Valadd-Pro" software, we compared the performance with that of commonly used PCI$\circledR$ commercial software. Based on the results, the geometric correction of "Valadd-Pro" software needs fewer ground control points than that of PCI$\circledR$ software and the ortho-rectification of "Valadd-Pro" software shows similar performance to that of PCI$\circledR$ software. In the digital elevation model extraction, "Valadd-Pro" software is two times more accurate and four times faster than PCI$\circledR$ software.ccurate and four times faster than PCI$\circledR$ software.

Geometric Processing for Freeform Surfaces Based on High-Precision Torus Patch Approximation (토러스 패치 기반의 정밀 근사를 이용한 자유곡면의 기하학적 처리)

  • Park, Youngjin;Hong, Q Youn;Kim, Myung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2019
  • We introduce a geometric processing method for freeform surfaces based on high-precision torus patch approximation, a new spatial data structure for efficient geometric operations on freeform surfaces. A torus patch fits the freeform surface with flexibility: it can handle not only positive and negative curvature but also a zero curvature. It is possible to precisely approximate the surface regardless of the convexity/concavity of the surface. Unlike the traditional method, a torus patch easily bounds the surface normal, and the offset of the torus becomes a torus again, thus helps the acceleration of various geometric operations. We have shown that the torus patch's approximation accuracy of the freeform surface is high by measuring the upper bound of the two-sided Hausdorff distance between the freeform surface and set of torus patches. Using the method, it can be easily processed to detect an intersection curve between two freeform surfaces and find the offset surface of the freeform surface.

An Efficient Correction Process of CT-Simulator Couch with Current Diagnostic CT Scanners (진단용 CT-모의치료기 테이블의 효율적인 교정 방법)

  • Goo, Eun-Hoe;Lee, Jae-Seung;Cho, Jung-Keun;Moon, Seong-Kwon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2009
  • This study suggested that the table of CT-simulator and the laser alignment system using diagnostic CT scanner have an efficient method for improvement in alignment between the planned target center of traverse image with CT scanner. It was conducted on the daily QA when presented in the AAPM TG66 with correcting the laser alignment system using geometric trigonometric functions and investigated the effectiveness of correction methods as compared with those before and after correction. Before correction error was 3.82mm between the planned target center of image, the table longitudinal axis was twisted with 0.436o. The laser alignment system using geometric trigonometric functions in after correction was satisfied with tolerance limits of ${\pm}2mm$ when occurred about 0.7mm in errors between the planned target center. The table correction to satisfy the geometric accuracy is very inefficient over against the time and economic loss as well as technical limits in the case of application as only radiation therapy associated with CT-simulator with diagnostic CT scanner in use. But, the method which corrects the laser alignment system is economic and relatively simple with possibility of getting well geometric accuracy and we suppose that it is efficient method for applying in the clinic.

Accuracy Analysis on 3-D Coordinates According to the Variation of Photo Direction and of Convergent Angle in Close-Range Photogrammetry (근거리(近距離) 사진측량(寫眞測量)의 촬영방향(撮影方向)과 수렴각변화(收斂角變化)에 따른 3차원(三次元) 좌표결정(座標決定)의 정확도(正確度) 분석(分析))

  • Yeu, Bock Mo;Sohn, Duk Jae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 1989
  • For convergent photos, which are now widely adopted for terrestrial facility survey, a number of experimental studies and theoretical studies on the developments of accuracy predictional model according to the convergent angle change have been accomplished. And such studies are basically depend on the symmetrical geometric configuration at the normal direction to the center of the object. However, in may cases of facility survey such as building facades, bridges, dam surfaces, relatively flat topography, etc., the object features are almost like planar, and frequently the surroundings do not allow the photo station at normal direction, and the sufficient convergent angle can be hardly achieved. Considering those points, in this study, the accuracy analysis on three dimensional coordinates according to the variations of photo direction and of convergent angle to the planar object were attempted, and the optimum geometric configurations at the normal, side-looking, and the most side-looking direction were investigated. The result through this study show that from normal direction to the side-looking direction angle ${\tau}=30^{\circ}$, the larger the convergent angle, the higher the accuracy, and in case that right photo is at the most side-looking direction, the better accuracy can be achieved according to the convergent angle increase up to $60^{\circ}$.

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