• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometric Property

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Computer Vision and Neuro- Net Based Automatic Grading of a Mushroom(Lentinus Edodes L.) (컴퓨터시각과 신경회로망에 의한 표고등급의 자동판정)

  • Hwang, Heon;Lee, Choongho;Han, Joonhyun
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 1994
  • Visual features of a mushromm(Lentinus Edodes L.) are critical in sorting and grading as most agricultural products are. Because of its complex and various visual features, grading and sorting of mushrooms have been done manually by the human expert. Though actions involved in human grading look simple, it decision making underneath the simple action comes from the result of the complex neural processing of visual image. Recently, an artificial neural network has drawn a great attention because of its functional capability as a partial substitute of the human brain. Since most agricultural products are not uniquely defined in its physical properties and do not have a well defined job structure, the neuro -net based computer visual information processing is the promising approach toward the automation in the agricultural field. In this paper, first, the neuro - net based classification of simple geometric primitives were done and the generalization property of the network was tested for degraded primitives. And then the neuro-net based grading system was developed for a mushroom. A computer vision system was utilized for extracting and quantifying the qualitative visual features of sampled mushrooms. The extracted visual features of sampled mushrooms and their corresponding grades were used as input/output pairs for training the neural network. The grading performance of the trained network for the mushrooms graded previously by the expert were also presented.

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A Linkage between IndoorGML and CityGML using External Reference (외부참조를 통한 IndoorGML과 CityGML의 결합)

  • Kim, Joon-Seok;Yoo, Sung-Jae;Li, Ki-Joune
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2014
  • Recently indoor navigation with indoor map such as Indoor Google Maps is served. For the services, constructing indoor data are required. CityGML and IFC are widely used as standards for representing indoor data. The data models contains spatial information for the indoor visualization and analysis, but indoor navigation requires semantic and topological information like graph as well as geometry. For this reason, IndoorGML, which is a GML3 application schema and data model for representation, storage and exchange of indoor geoinformation, is under standardization of OGC. IndoorGML can directly describe geometric property and refer elements in external documents. Because a lot of data in CityGML or IFC have been constructed, a huge amount of construction time and cost for IndoorGML data will be reduced if CityGML can help generate data in IndoorGML. Thus, this paper suggest practical use of CityGML including deriving from and link to CityGML. We analyze relationships between IndoorGML and CityGML. In this paper, issues and solutions for linkage of IndoorGML and CityGML are addressed.

Development of a New Flood Index for Local Flood Severity Predictions (국지홍수 심도예측을 위한 새로운 홍수지수의 개발)

  • Jo, Deok Jun;Son, In Ook;Choi, Hyun Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2013
  • Recently, an increase in the occurrence of sudden local flooding of great volume and short duration due to global climate changes has occasioned the significant danger and loss of life and property in Korea as well as most parts of the world. Such a local flood that usually occurs as the result of intense rainfall over small regions rises quite quickly with little or no advance warning time to prevent flood damage. To prevent the local flood damage, it is important to quickly predict the flood severity for flood events exceeding a threshold discharge that may cause the flood damage for inland areas. The aim of this study is to develop the NFI (New Flood Index) measuring the severity of floods in small ungauged catchments for use in local flood predictions by the regression analysis between the NFI and rainfall patterns. Flood runoff hydrographs are generated from a rainfall-runoff model using the annual maximum rainfall series of long-term observations for the two study catchments. The flood events above a threshold assumed as the 2-year return period discharge are targeted to estimate the NFI obtained by the geometric mean of the three relative severity factors, such as the flood magnitude ratio, the rising curve gradient, and the flooding duration time. The regression results show that the 3-hour maximum rainfall depths have the highest relationships with the NFI. It is expected that the best-fit regression equation between the NFI and rainfall characteristics can provide the basic database of the preliminary information for predicting the local flood severity in small ungauged catchments.


  • Song, K.S.;Hwang, H.;Hong, J.T.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.489-497
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    • 2000
  • Since Chinese cabbages weigh 3 to 5kgf and are big in size at the time of harvest, handling operations such as harvesting, loading and unloading including transportation require the highest labor demand among all other cultivation processes. Recently, though several cabbage harvesters were developed in Japan and Europe, those harvesters were not suitable for Chinese cabbages cultivated in Korea because of the size and shape. The cabbage harvester is almost meaningless without any proper cabbage piling and pallet unloading mechanism. Most harvesters developed so far adopted a sort of slide and free falling way in collecting cabbages into the pallet. Three or four labors are usually required for cleaning incoming cabbages and loading those in the pallet. Because of the required time for piling cabbages without severe damage and the required space capacity to carry empty and loaded pallets, harvesting speed should be adjusted in accordance with time required for consecutive operations. Up to now, any automatic or semi-automatic collecting device has not been developed in the world to pile cabbages on the layer one by one into the pallet in the ordered way with little damage and to unload pallet from the harvester continuously during the harvest process. To compromise system expenses and function, Semi-automatic cabbage piling and pallet unloading mechanism was devised and it required one labor. The foldable mesh pallet with a size of 1050mm x 1050mm x 1000mm and holding capacity of around 70 cabbages was utilized. The prototype for piling and unloading mechanism was composed of three parts such as feeding device, automatic piling device with retractable bellows, and pallet unloading device. Prior to developing the prototype, the geometric properties and the amount of the damage of the cabbage caused during the piling operation were investigated. Considering the height of the pallet, a series of cabbage carrying plates were mounted to the bracket chain to lift and to carry cabbages to the loading device. Indoor laboratory experiments showed that the cabbage carrying chain conveyor worked successfully. Considering the conveying speed 0.46m/sec of the pull up belt from the cabbages on the ground, the speed of cabbage carrying chain conveyor worked property in the range of 0.26m/sec to 0.36m/sec. The system allowed the operator to modify the position of cabbage slightly. Overall system worked successfully resulting into almost same capacity without severe damage to the cabbage as human did.

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Geospatial Data Modeling for 3D Digital Mapping (3차원 수치지도 생성을 위한 지형공간 데이터 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Bae, Kyoung-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2009
  • Recently demand for the 3D modeling technology to reconstruct real world is getting increasing. However, existing geospatial data are mainly based on the 2D space. In addition, most of the geospatial data provide geometric information only. In consequence, there are limits in various applications to utilize information from those data and to reconstruct the real world in 3D space. Therefore, it is required to develop efficient 3D mapping methodology and data for- mat to establish geospatial database. Especially digital elevation model(DEM) is one of the essential geospatial data, however, DEM provides only spatially distributed 3D coordinates of the natural and artificial surfaces. Moreover, most of DEMs are generated without considering terrain properties such as surface roughness, terrain type, spatial resolution, feature and so on. This paper suggests adaptive and flexible geospatial data format that has possibility to include various information such as terrain characteristics, multiple resolutions, interpolation methods, break line information, model keypoints, and other physical property. The study area was categorized into mountainous area, gently rolling area, and flat area by taking the terrain characteristics into account with respect to terrain roughness. Different resolutions and interpolation methods were applied to each area. Finally, a 3D digital map derived from aerial photographs was integrated with the geospatial data and visualized.

Fabrication and Characteristics of Resin-Type Neutron Shielding Materials for Spent Fuel Shipping Cask (사용후핵연료 수송용기에 사용될 수지계 중성자 차폐재 제조 및 특성)

  • Cho, Soo-Haeng;Do, Jae-Bum;Ro, Seung-Gy;Do, Chun-Ho
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.597-604
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    • 1996
  • Resin-type neutron shielding materials, KNS-115A, 115B and 115C have been fabricated to be used for spent fuel shipping cask. The base material is epoxy resin, and polypropylene, aluminium hydroxide and boron carbide are added. These shielding materials offer good fluidity at processing, which makes it possible to apply this resin shield to complicated geometric shapes such as shipping cask. Several measurements were made for the shielding materials to evaluate the shielding property, combustion characteristics, fire resistance, thermal and mechanical properties. The neutron shielding ability of the shielding materials is estimated to be better than that of foreign's shielding material, NS-4-FR, due to higher hydrogen atomic density. Other properties of the shielding materials are as follows: Onset temperatures; $267{\sim}270^{\circ}C$, thermal conductivities; $0.62{\sim}0.72W/m{\cdot}K$, combustion characteristics; <$800^{\circ}C$, ATB(average time of burning); <5sec, AEB(average extent of burning) ; <5mm, tensile strengths; $2.3{\sim}3.0kg/mm^2$, compressive strengths; $5.3{\sim}13.3kg/mm^2$, flexural strengths; $4.4{\sim}5.4kg/mm^2$.

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Severity Analysis of the Pedestrian Crash Patterns Based on the Ordered Logit Model (Ordered Logit Model을 이용한 보행자 사고 심각도 요인 분석)

  • Choi, Jai-Sung;Kim, Sang-Youp;Hwang, Kyung-Sung;Baik, Seung-Yup
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2009
  • This Paper presents the severity analysis result of the year 2006 national pedestrian crashes using the data base of 37,589 records prepared for the National Police Bureau. A set of attributing factors considered to affect pedestrian crash patterns were selected, and their contributing effects were investigated by applying the Ordered Logit Model. This model was selected because this model has been able to afford satisfactory results when the dependent variable involved ordered severity levels; fatal, injury, and property- damage-only in this investigation. The investigation has unveiled the followings; First, the pedestrian crash patterns were dependent upon human -drivel and pedestrian- characteristics including gender, age, and drinking conditions. Second, other contributing factors included vehicle, roadway geometric, weather, and hour of day characteristics. Third, seasonal effect was not contributive to crash patterns. Finally, the application of the Ordered Logit Model facilitated the ordered severity level analysis of the pedestrian crash data. This paper concludes that conventional wisdom on the pedestrian crash characteristics is largely truthful. However, this conclusion is limited only to the data used in this analysis, and further research is required for its generalization.

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Seismic Fragility of I-Shape Curved Steel Girder Bridge using Machine Learning Method (머신러닝 기반 I형 곡선 거더 단경간 교량 지진 취약도 분석)

  • Juntai Jeon;Bu-Seog Ju;Ho-Young Son
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.899-907
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Although many studies on seismic fragility analysis of general bridges have been conducted using machine learning methods, studies on curved bridge structures are insignificant. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the seismic fragility of bridges with I-shaped curved girders based on the machine learning method considering the material property and geometric uncertainties. Method: Material properties and pier height were considered as uncertainty parameters. Parameters were sampled using the Latin hypercube technique and time history analysis was performed considering the seismic uncertainty. Machine learning data was created by applying artificial neural network and response surface analysis method to the original data. Finally, earthquake fragility analysis was performed using original data and learning data. Result: Parameters were sampled using the Latin hypercube technique, and a total of 160 time history analyzes were performed considering the uncertainty of the earthquake. The analysis result and the predicted value obtained through machine learning were compared, and the coefficient of determination was compared to compare the similarity between the two values. The coefficient of determination of the response surface method was 0.737, which was relatively similar to the observed value. The seismic fragility curve also showed that the predicted value through the response surface method was similar to the observed value. Conclusion: In this study, when the observed value through the finite element analysis and the predicted value through the machine learning method were compared, it was found that the response surface method predicted a result similar to the observed value. However, both machine learning methods were found to underestimate the observed values.

Robust Dynamic Projection Mapping onto Deforming Flexible Moving Surface-like Objects (유연한 동적 변형물체에 대한 견고한 다이내믹 프로젝션맵핑)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jung;Park, Jinho
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.897-906
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    • 2017
  • Projection Mapping, also known as Spatial Augmented Reality(SAR) has attracted much attention recently and used for many division, which can augment physical objects with projected various virtual replications. However, conventional approaches towards projection mapping have faced some limitations. Target objects' geometric transformation property does not considered, and movements of flexible objects-like paper are hard to handle, such as folding and bending as natural interaction. Also, precise registration and tracking has been a cumbersome process in the past. While there have been many researches on Projection Mapping on static objects, dynamic projection mapping that can keep tracking of a moving flexible target and aligning the projection at interactive level is still a challenge. Therefore, this paper propose a new method using Unity3D and ARToolkit for high-speed robust tracking and dynamic projection mapping onto non-rigid deforming objects rapidly and interactively. The method consists of four stages, forming cubic bezier surface, process of rendering transformation values, multiple marker recognition and tracking, and webcam real time-lapse imaging. Users can fold, curve, bend and twist to make interaction. This method can achieve three high-quality results. First, the system can detect the strong deformation of objects. Second, it reduces the occlusion error which reduces the misalignment between the target object and the projected video. Lastly, the accuracy and the robustness of this method can make result values to be projected exactly onto the target object in real-time with high-speed and precise transformation tracking.

Evaluation of Ecological quality and establishment of ecological restoration guideline in landscape level of Mt. Moodeung National Park (무등산국립공원의 생태적 질 평가 및 복원 가이드라인 수립)

  • Lim, Chi Hong;Park, Yong Su;An, Ji Hong;Jung, Song Hie;Nam, Kyeong Bae;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.296-307
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    • 2016
  • Ecological restoration is an eco-technology, which heals the nature damaged by human activity by imitating organization and function of the integrate nature and thereby provide an inhabitable space for diverse organisms. Such an ecological restoration has to be carried out by applying restoration plan prepared based on the results of diagnostic evaluation discussed in the diversified respects. This study aims to prepare an ecological restoration plan of the damaged forest ecosystem in Mt. Moodeung National Park. To arrive at the goal, first of all, we diagnosed quality of forest landscape established in Mt. Moodeung National Park based on natural (topography, climate, and distribution of vegetation) and artificial (land use, linear landscape element) factors. In addition, we evaluated the integrity of each zone divided by linear landscape element quantitatively based on geometric property and land use intensity. As the result of analysis, topography of Mt. Moodeung National Park tended to be depended on weathering property of parent rock and vegetation zones were divided to three vegetation zones. Based on land use pattern, deciduous broad-leaved forest, evergreen needle-leaved forest, and mixed forest occupied about 90% of Mt. Moodeung National Park. Mean score of forest landscape quality was shown in $69.86{\pm}11.41$. As a result, forest landscape elements in Mt. Moodeung National Park were influenced greatly by human activity and the degree was depended on topographic condition. This study suggested the synthetic restoration plan to improve ecological quality of Mt. Moodeung National Park based on the results of diagnostic evaluation.