• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometric Correction

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    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.216-219
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the concept and techniques to generate the level lA, lB and 2A image products have been reviewed. In particular, radiometric and geometric corrections and bands registration used to generate level lA, lB and 2A products have been focused in this study. Radiometric correction is performed to take into account radiometric gain and offset calculated by compensating the detector response non-uniformity. And, in order to compensate satellite altitude, attitude, skew effects, earth rotation and earth curvature, some geometric parameters for geometric corrections are computed and applied. Bands registration process using the matching function between a geometry, which is called 'reference geometry', and another one which is corresponds to the image to be registered is applied to images in case of multi-spectral imaging mode. In order to generate level-lA image products, a simple radiometric processing is applied to a level-0 image. Level-lB image has the same radiometry correction as a level-lA image, but is also issued from some geometric corrections in order to compensate skew effects, Earth rotation effects and spectral misregistration. Level-2A image is generated using some geo-referencing parameters computed by ephemeris data, orbit attitudes and sensor angles. Level lA image is tested by visual analysis. The difference between distances calculated level 1 B image and distances of real coordinate is tested. Level 2A image is tested Using checking points.

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Radiometric and Geometric Correction of the KITSAT-1 CCD Earth Images (우리별 1호 지구 관측 영상의 방사학적 및 기하학적 보정)

  • 이임평;김태정
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 1996
  • The CCD Earth Images Experiment(CEIE) is one of the main payload of the KITSAT-1. Since it was launched on Oct. 10, 1992, the CEIE has taken more than 500 images on the Earth surface world-wide so far. An image from the space is very different from a feature on the real Earth surface due to various radiometric and geometric distortions. Preprocessing to remove those distortions has to take place before the images data are processed and analyzed further for various applications. This paper describes the procedure to perform preprocessing including radiometric and geometric correction.e-processing system. The GCP marking using this technique showed a sufficient accuracy for KITSAT1,2 narrow camera images.

Navigation and Find Co-location of ATSR Images

  • Shin, Dong-Seok;Pollard, John-K.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.133-160
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, we propose a comprehensive geometric correction algorithm of Along Track Scanning Radiometer(ATSR) images. The procedure consists of two cascaded modules; precorrection and fine co-location. The pre-correction algorithm is based on the navigation model which was derived in mathematical forms. This model was applied for correction raw(un-geolocated) ATSR images. The non-systematic geometric errors are also introduced as the limitation of the geometric correction by this analytical method. A fast and automatic algorithm is also presented in the paper for co-locating nadir and forward views of the ATSR images by using a binary cross-correlation matching technique. It removes small non-systematic errors which cannot be corrected by the analytic method. The proposed algorithm does not require any auxiliary informations, or a priori processing and avoiding the imperfect co-registratio problem observed with multiple channels. Coastlines in images are detected by a ragion segmentation and an automatic thresholding technique. The matching procedure is carried out with binaty coastline images (nadir and forward), and it gives comparable accuracy and faster processing than a patch based matching technique. This technique automatically reduces non-systematic errors between two views to .$\pm$ 1 pixel.

Automated Geometric Correction of Geostationary Weather Satellite Images (정지궤도 기상위성의 자동기하보정)

  • Kim, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Hur, Dong-Seok;Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.297-309
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    • 2007
  • The first Korean geostationary weather satellite, Communications, Oceanography and Meteorology Satellite (COMS) will be launched in 2008. The ground station for COMS needs to perform geometric correction to improve accuracy of satellite image data and to broadcast geometrically corrected images to users within 30 minutes after image acquisition. For such a requirement, we developed automated and fast geometric correction techniques. For this, we generated control points automatically by matching images against coastline data and by applying a robust estimation called RANSAC. We used GSHHS (Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline) shoreline database to construct 211 landmark chips. We detected clouds within the images and applied matching to cloud-free sub images. When matching visible channels, we selected sub images located in day-time. We tested the algorithm with GOES-9 images. Control points were generated by matching channel 1 and channel 2 images of GOES against the 211 landmark chips. The RANSAC correctly removed outliers from being selected as control points. The accuracy of sensor models established using the automated control points were in the range of $1{\sim}2$ pixels. Geometric correction was performed and the performance was visually inspected by projecting coastline onto the geometrically corrected images. The total processing time for matching, RANSAC and geometric correction was around 4 minutes.

The Study on image correction of geometric distortion in digital radiography image (방사선투과영상의 기하학적 왜곡 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, S.K.;Ahn, Y.S.;Gil, D.S.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2011
  • This study is made to provide with a method for correcting the geometric distortion of the digital radiography image by analytical approach based upon the inverse square law and Beer's law. This study is aimed to find out and improve a mathematic model of nonlinear type. Variations in the alignment of the X-ray source, the object, and imaging plate affect digital radiography images. A model which is expressed in parameter values; e.g, angle, position, absorption coefficient, length, width and pixel account of radiography source, is developed so as to match the sample image. For the best correction of the digital image that is the most similar to the model image, a correction technique based upon tangent is developed; then applied to the digital radiography images of steel tubes. As a result, the image correction is confirmed to be made successfully.

Correction Method for Geometric Image Distortion and Its Application to PCB Inspection Systems (인쇄회로기판 검사를 위한 기하학적 영상 왜곡의 보정 방법)

  • Lee, Wan-Young;Park, Tae-Hyoung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.772-777
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    • 2009
  • The geometric distortion of image is one of the most important parameters that take effect on the accuracy of optical inspection systems. We propose a new correction method of the image distortion to increase the accuracy of PCB inspection systems. The model-free method is applied to correct the randomly distorted image that cannot be represented by mathematical model. To reduce the correction time of inspection system, we newly propose a grid reduction algorithm that minimize the number of grids by the quad-tree approach. We apply the proposed method to a PCB inspection system, and verify its usefulness through experiments using actual inspection images.

인공위성영상 전처리시스템의 RPC(Rational Polynomial Coefficients) 기하보정모듈 생성

  • Seo, Doo-Chun;Lee, Dong-Han
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2005
  • The main objective of this study is to develop RPC geometric correction module for the pre-processing systems of the satellite image. For this purpose, the Terrain-Independent Ⅰ, Terrain-Independent Ⅱ and Terrain-Dependent Ⅲ have been applied in tests with KOMPSAT-1 EOC and SPOT PAN images.

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Geometric Correction of the NOAA/AVHRR Imagery (NOAA/AVHRR 영상의 기하학적 보정)

  • 서명석;신경섭;박경윤
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 1990
  • Methods of geometric correction for the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer imagery of NOAA satellites were developed and applied to the software for image processing of meteorological satellite data. The software for finding the earth location of each scan position and the software for gridding on original imagery were dedigned. On the assumption of circular orbits and the spherical earth, the methods developed were sufficiently accurate in the purpose of most meteorological data analyses.

A Study on Geometric Correction Method for RADARSAT-1 SAR Satellite Images Acquired by Same Satellite Orbit (동일궤도 다중 RADARSAT-1 SAR 위성영상의 기하보정방법에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.605-612
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    • 2010
  • Numberous satellites have monitored the Earth in order to detect changes in a large area. These satellites provide orbit information such as ephemeris data, RPC coefficients and etc. besides image data. If we can use such orbit data afforded by satellite, we can reduce the number of control point for geo-referencing. This paper shows the efficient geometric correction method of strip-satellite RADARSAT-l SAR images acquired by same orbit using ephemeris data, single control point and virtual control points. For accuracy analysis of proposed method, this paper compared the image geometrically corrected by the proposed method to the image corrected by ERDAS Imagine.

A Comparative Study of Geocoding Methods for Radarsat Image - According to the DEM Resolutions - (Radarsat 영상의 기하보정 방법에 대한 비교 연구 - DEM 해상도에 따라 -)

  • 한동엽;박민호;김용일
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 1998
  • SAR imagery can overcome the limitations of electro-optical sensor imagery and provide us Information which plays a supplementary role. But it is necessary to remove a variety of geometric errors in SAR imagery. An accurate geometric correction of SAR imagery is not easy task to achieve, though some techniques and theories are introduced. We also have difficulties such as transformation problem between 'International' ellipsoid in Radarsat system and 'Bessel' ellipsoid. Two widely used correction method, one is made by simulated image, and the other by collinearity equation, usually use DEM. In this study, the merits and demerits of geocoding methods respectively and the effective method for Korean terrain were found.