• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geomatics

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Active Fire Detection Using Landsat 8 OLI Images: A Case of 2019 Australia Fires (Landsat 8 OLI 영상을 이용한 산불탐지: 2019년 호주 산불을 사례로)

  • Kim, Nari;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2020
  • Recent global warming and anthropogenic activities have caused more frequent and massive wildfires with longer durations and more significant damages. MODIS has been monitoring global wildfires for almost 20 years, and GK2A and Himawari-8 are observing the wildfires in East Asia 144 times a day. However, the spatial resolution of 1 to 2 km is not sufficient for the detection of small and medium-size active fires, and therefore the studies on the active fire detection using high-resolution images are essential. However, there is no official product for the high-resolution active fire detection. Hence, we implemented the active fire detection algorithm of Landsat 8 and carried out a high-resolution-based detection of active fires in Australia in 2019, followed by the comparisons with the products of Himawari-8 and MODIS. Regarding the intense fires, the three satellites showed similar results, whereas the weak igniting and extinguishing fires or the fires in narrow areas were detected by only Landsat 8 with a 30m resolution. Small-sized fires, which are the majority in Korea, can be detected by the high-resolution satellites such as Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, Kompsat-3A, and the forthcoming Kompsat-7. Also, a comprehensive analysis together with the geostationary satellites in East Asia such as GK2A, Himawari-8, and Fengyun-3 will help the interoperability and the improvement of spatial and temporal resolutions.

A Study on the Geomagnetic Reference Field Modeling from the Triaxial Magnetometer Data Onboard KOMPSAT-II (아리랑위성 2호의 삼축자력계로부터 관측된 지구자기장 모델 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Rae;Hwang, Jong-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Woo;Lee, Seon-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.377-384
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    • 2012
  • The main field component of the Earth's magnetic field was modeled from the tri-axial magnetometer onboard KOrean MultiPurpose SATellite-II (KOMPSAT-II) for the purpose of satellite attitude control. The model computed by the KOMPSAT-II magnetometer measurement data is compared with the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model of a degree of up to 13 in spherical harmonic coefficients. The previous study with KOMPSAT-I (Kim et al. 2004) indicated a good correlation of power spectrum of spherical harmonic coefficients with respect to the degree up to 5. This study, however, showed an agreement of the degree up to 8-9 of the coefficient power spectrum and a discrepancy between degrees 10 and 13. We have concluded that relevant data selection process, removal of the external field from the data in the high latitude region, an accuracy of the magnetometer all play an important role in finding a coherence with the IGRF model. This study will be extended to the secular variation model of geomagnetism if longer-period data become available.

Validity Assessment of Viewpoints Using the Reverse-viewshed Frequency Analysis (역방향 가시빈도 분석에 의한 조망점의 유효성 평가)

  • Park, Jong Chan;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.343-353
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the landscape change by development has become more important and it's been stipulated that environmental effects evaluation must include LIA which reflects the said issue. Even though the selection of viewpoints which have the biggest impact on LIA result is stipulated in accordance with related rules, the criteria are inconsistent. Therefore, LIA experts' or project developers' subjective opinions have been very influential. In this case, wrong viewpoints which do not meet the selection criteria could be selected based on a discretionary interpretation on them, which could in turn substantially reduce an accuracy and reliability of the LIA results. Therefore, this research suggested the reverse-viewshed frequency technique as method that can be verified accuracy and reliability of viewpoints. And it has comparatively analyzed effective viewpoints using reverse-viewshed frequency analysis on viewpoints which were selected for LIA. As a result, the average validity was just 58% of total viewpoints used in construction sites. And the validity of viewpoints decreased as viewshed frequency increased. Based on results above, it was able to verify that the unreasonable points of a substantial proportion have been used as viewpoints in LIA process.

A neural-based predictive model of the compressive strength of waste LCD glass concrete

  • Kao, Chih-Han;Wang, Chien-Chih;Wang, Her-Yung
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.457-465
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    • 2017
  • The Taiwanese liquid crystal display (LCD) industry has traditionally produced a huge amount of waste glass that is placed in landfills. Waste glass recycling can reduce the material costs of concrete and promote sustainable environmental protection activities. Concrete is always utilized as structural material; thus, the concrete compressive strength with a variety of mixtures must be studied using predictive models to achieve more precise results. To create an efficient waste LCD glass concrete (WLGC) design proportion, the related studies utilized a multivariable regression analysis to develop a compressive strength waste LCD glass concrete equation. The mix design proportion for waste LCD glass and the compressive strength relationship is complex and nonlinear. This results in a prediction weakness for the multivariable regression model during the initial growing phase of the compressive strength of waste LCD glass concrete. Thus, the R ratio for the predictive multivariable regression model is 0.96. Neural networks (NN) have a superior ability to handle nonlinear relationships between multiple variables by incorporating supervised learning. This study developed a multivariable prediction model for the determination of waste LCD glass concrete compressive strength by analyzing a series of laboratory test results and utilizing a neural network algorithm that was obtained in a related prior study. The current study also trained the prediction model for the compressive strength of waste LCD glass by calculating the effects of several types of factor combinations, such as the different number of input variables and the relevant filter for input variables. These types of factor combinations have been adjusted to enhance the predictive ability based on the training mechanism of the NN and the characteristics of waste LCD glass concrete. The selection priority of the input variable strategy is that evaluating relevance is better than adding dimensions for the NN prediction of the compressive strength of WLGC. The prediction ability of the model is examined using test results from the same data pool. The R ratio was determined to be approximately 0.996. Using the appropriate input variables from neural networks, the model validation results indicated that the model prediction attains greater accuracy than the multivariable regression model during the initial growing phase of compressive strength. Therefore, the neural-based predictive model for compressive strength promotes the application of waste LCD glass concrete.

Development of Alignment Information Extraction System on Highway by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique (지상 레이저 스캐닝 기법에 의한 도로선형정보 추출 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2007
  • A laser scanning technique has been attracting much attention as a new technology to acquire location information. This technique might be applicable to a wide range of areas, most notably in geomatics, due to its high accuracy of location and automation of high-density data acquisition. A alignment information extraction system on highway has been developed in this study by utilizing the advantages of the laser scanning technique. The system can accurately interpret the alignment information of highway and can be applied to actual works. To develop the alignment information extraction system on highway, an algorithm that can automatically separate a horizontal alignment into a straight line, a transition curve, and a circular curve was developed. It can increase its efficiency compared to the conventional methods. In addition, an algorithm that can automatically extract design elements of horizontal and vertical alignments of highway was developed and applied to an object highway. This yielded higher practicality with more accurate values compared to those from previous studies on the extraction of design elements of highway alignment. Furthermore, the extracted design elements were used to perform a virtual driving simulation on the object highway. Through this, data were provided for a visual judgment for judging visually whether the topography and structures were harmonized in a three-dimensional manner or not. The study also presents data that can serve as a basis to determine highway surface freezing sections and to analyze three-dimensional sight distance models. Through the establishment of a systematic database for diverse data on highway and the development of web-based operating programs, an efficient highway maintenance can be ensured and also they can provide important information to be used when estimating a highway safety in the future.

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A Seamline Extraction Technique Considering the Characteristic of NDVI for High Resolution Satellite Image Mosaics (고해상도 위성영상 모자이크를 위한 NDVI 특성을 이용한 접합선 추출 기법)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Chae, Taebyeong;Byun, Younggi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.395-408
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    • 2015
  • High-resolution satellite image mosaics are becoming increasingly important in the field of remote sensing image analysis as an essential image processing to create a large image constructed from several smaller images. In this paper, we present an automatic seamline extraction technique and the procedure to generate a mosaic image by this technique. For more effective seamline extraction in the overlap region of adjacent images, an NDVI-based seamline extraction technique is developed, which takes advantage of the computational time and memory. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) is an index of plant "greeness" or photosynthetic activity that is employed to extract the initial seamline. The NDVI can divide into manmade region and natural region. The cost image is obtained by the canny edge detector and the buffering technique is used to extract the ranging cost image. The seamline is extracted by applying the Dijkstra algorithm to a cost image generated through the labeling process of the extracted edge information. Histogram matching is also conducted to alleviate radiometric distortion between adjacent images acquired at different time. In the experimental results using the KOMPSAT-2/3 satellite imagery, it is confirmed that the proposed method greatly reduces the visual discontinuity caused by geometric difference of adjacent images and the computation time.

Accuracy Evaluation of LiDAR Measurement in Forest Area (산림지역에서 LiDAR 측량의 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Byoung-Kil;Kim, Jin-Kwang;Kim, Chang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2009
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEM) is widely used in establishing the topographic profile in nation spatial information. Aerial Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) system is one of the well-known means to produce DEM. The system has fast data acquisition procedures and less weather-dependent restrictions compared to photogrammetric approaches. In this regards, LiDAR has been widely utilized and accepted in the process of nation spatial information generation due to its sufficient positional accuracy. However, the investigation of the accuracy of aerial LiDAR data over the area of forestation with various kinds of vegetations has been barely implemented in Korea. Hence, this research focuses on the investigation of the accuracy of aerial LiDAR data over the area of forestation and the evaluation of the acquired accuracy according to the characteristics of the vegetations. The study areas include land with shrubs and its adjacent forest area with mixed tree species. The spots for the investigation have been selected to be well-distributed over the whole study areas and their coordinates are surveyed by Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Then, the surveyed information and aerial LiDAR data have been compared with each other and the result accuracy has been evaluated. Conclusively, it is recommended that LiDAR data collection to be conducted after defoliation period, especially over the areas with broadleaf trees due to the possibility of significant outliers.

A caving self-stabilization bearing structure of advancing cutting roof for gob-side entry retaining with hard roof stratum

  • Yang, Hongyun;Liu, Yanbao;Cao, Shugang;Pan, Ruikai;Wang, Hui;Li, Yong;Luo, Feng
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2020
  • An advancing cutting roof for gob-side entry retaining with no-pillar mining under specific geological conditions is more conducive to the safe and efficient production in a coalmine. This method is being promoted for use in a large number of coalmines because it has many advantages compared to the retaining method with an artificial filling wall as the gateway side filling body. In order to observe the inner structure of the gateway cutting roof and understand its stability mechanism, an equivalent material simulation experiment for a coalmine with complex geological conditions was carried out in this study. The results show that a "self-stabilization bearing structure" equilibrium model was found after the cutting roof caving when the cut line deviation angle was unequal to zero and the cut height was greater than the mining height, and the caving roof rock was hard without damage. The model showed that its stability was mainly controlled by two key blocks. Furthermore, in order to determine the optimal parameters of the cut height and the cut line deviation angle for the cutting roof of the retaining gateway, an in-depth analysis with theoretical mechanics and mine rock mechanics of the model was performed, and the relationship between the roof balance control force and the cut height and cut line deviation angle was solved. It was found that the selection of the values of the cut height and the cut line deviation angle had to conform to a certain principle that it should not only utilize the support force provided by the coal wall and the contact surface of the two key blocks but also prevent the failure of the coal wall and the contact surface.

A Study on the Enhancement of DEM Resolution by Radar Interferometry (레이더 간섭기법을 이용한 수치고도모델 해상도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Chang-Oh;Kim Sang-Wan;Lee Dong-Cheon;Lee Yong-Wook;Kim Jeong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.287-302
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    • 2005
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were generated by ERS-l/2 and JERS-1 SAR interferometry in Daejon area, Korea. The quality of the DEM's was evaluated by the Ground Control Points (GCPs) in city area where GCPs were determined by GPS surveys, while in the mountain area with no GCPs, a 1:25,000 digital map was used. In order to minimize errors due to the inaccurate satellite orbit information and the phase unwrapping procedure, a Differential InSAR (DInSAR) was implemented in addition to the traditional InSAR analysis for DEM generation. In addition, DEMs from GTOPO30, SRTM-3, and 1:25,000 digital map were used for assessment the resolution of the DEM generated from DInSAR. 5-6 meters of elevation errors were found in the flat area regardless of the usage and the resolution of DEM, as a result of InSAR analyzing with a pair of ERS tandem and 6 pairs of JERS-1 interferograms. In the mountain area, however, DInSAR with DEMs from SRTM-3 and the digital map was found to be very effective to reduce errors due to phase unwrapping procedure. Also errors due to low signal-to-noise ratio of radar images and atmospheric effect were attenuated in the DEMs generated from the stacking of 6 pairs of JERS-1. SAR interferometry with multiple pairs of SAR interferogram with low resolution DEM can be effectively used to enhance the resolution of DEM in terms of data processing time and cost.

Wildfire Risk Index Using NWP and Satellite Data: Its Development and Application to 2019 Kangwon Wildfires (기상예보모델자료와 위성자료를 이용한 산불위험지수 개발 및 2019년 4월 강원 산불 사례에의 적용)

  • Kim, Yeong-Ho;Kong, In-Hak;Chung, Chu-Yong;Shin, Inchul;Cheong, Seonghoon;Jung, Won-Chan;Mo, Hee-Sook;Kim, Sang-Il;Lee, Yang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.337-342
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    • 2019
  • This letter describes the development of WRI (Wildfire Risk Index) using GDAPS (Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System) and satellite data, and its application to the Goseong-Sokcho and Gangneung-Donghae wildfires in April 4, 2019. We made sure that the proposed WRI represented the change of wildfire risk of around March 19 and April 4 very well. Our approach can be a viable option for wildfire risk monitoring, and future works will be necessary for the utilization of GK-2A products and the coupling with the wildfire prediction model of the Korea Forest Service.