• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geological model

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Application of the Latest Land Use Data for Numerical Simulation of Urban Thermal Environment in the Daegu (최신토지피복자료를 이용한 대구시의 열환경 수치모의)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Kwi-Ok;Won, Gyeong-Mee;Lee, Hwa-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.196-210
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    • 2009
  • The land surface precesses is very important to predict urban meteorological conditions. Thus, the latest land use data set to reflect the rapid progress in urbanization was applied to simulate urban thermal environment in Daegu. Because use of the U.S geological Survey (USGS) 25-category data, currently in the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5), does not accurately described the heterogeneity of urban surface, we replaced the land use data in USGS with the latest land-use data of the Korea Ministry of Environment over Daegu. The single urban category in existing 24-category U.S. Geological survey land cover classification used in MM5 was divided into 5 classes to account for heterogeneity of urban land cover. The new land cover classification (MC-LULC) improved the capability of MM5 to simulate the daytime part of the diurnal temperature cycle in the urban area. The 'MC-LULC' simulation produced the observed temperature field reasonably well, including spatial characteristics. The warm cores in western Daegu is characterized by an industrial area.

Viaduct seismic response under spatial variable ground motion considering site conditions

  • Derbal, Rachid;Benmansour, Nassima;Djafour, Mustapha;Matallah, Mohammed;Ivorra, Salvador
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.557-566
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    • 2019
  • The evaluation of the seismic hazard for a given site is to estimate the seismic ground motion at the surface. This is the result of the combination of the action of the seismic source, which generates seismic waves, the propagation of these waves between the source and the site, and site local conditions. The aim of this work is to evaluate the sensitivity of dynamic response of extended structures to spatial variable ground motions (SVGM). All factors of spatial variability of ground motion are considered, especially local site effect. In this paper, a method is presented to simulate spatially varying earthquake ground motions. The scheme for generating spatially varying ground motions is established for spatial locations on the ground surface with varying site conditions. In this proposed method, two steps are necessary. Firstly, the base rock motions are assumed to have the same intensity and are modelled with a filtered Tajimi-Kanai power spectral density function. An empirical coherency loss model is used to define spatial variable seismic ground motions at the base rock. In the second step, power spectral density function of ground motion on surface is derived by considering site amplification effect based on the one dimensional seismic wave propagation theory. Several dynamics analysis of a curved viaduct to various cases of spatially varying seismic ground motions are performed. For comparison, responses to uniform ground motion, to spatial ground motions without considering local site effect, to spatial ground motions with considering coherency loss, phase delay and local site effects are also calculated. The results showed that the generated seismic signals are strongly conditioned by the local site effect. In the same sense, the dynamic response of the viaduct is very sensitive of the variation of local geological conditions of the site. The effect of neglecting local site effect in dynamic analysis gives rise to a significant underestimation of the seismic demand of the structure.

Visualization analysis using R Shiny (R의 Shiny를 이용한 시각화 분석 활용 사례)

  • Na, Jonghwa;Hwang, Eunji
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1279-1290
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    • 2017
  • R's {shiny} package provides an environment for creating web applications with only R scripts. Shiny does not require knowledge of a separate web programming language and its development is very easy and straightforward. In addition, Shiny has a variety of extensibility, and its functions are expanding day by day. Therefore, the presentation of high-quality results is an excellent tool for R-based analysts. In this paper, we present actual cases of large data analysis using Shiny. First, geological anomaly zone is extracted by analyzing topographical data expressed in the form of contour lines by analysis related to spatial data. Next, we will construct a model to predict major diseases by 16 cities and provinces nationwide using weather, environment, and social media information. In this process, we want to show that Shiny is very effective for data visualization and analysis.

Construction of an Exposure Risk Map and Spatial Knowledge Base for Asbestos in Korea (석면 공간지식베이스 구축을 통한 석면 노출위험도 작성)

  • Hwang, Jae-Hong;Lee, Byung-Joo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2011
  • Asbestos is a toxic material that can lead to lung cancer and other diseases. There is no information regarding areas in Korea that contain asbestos in nature; consequently we need to manage such areas with care. The purpose of this study was to construct a local graded map of asbestos exposure risk based on the natural occurrence of asbestos in rocks. We first developed a means of evaluating the asbestos exposure risk and produced thematic maps based on a field survey. In addition, we constructed a knowledge base for asbestos through analysis, representation and processes about asbestos data and prepare for the development of an evaluation model for asbestos exposure risk. The spatial analysis of asbestos exposure risk is based on a weighted-overlay analysis using expert opinion and the literature, and a fuzzy-overlay analysis using the uncertainty in the data. The map of asbestos exposure risk, compiled according to the weighted and fuzzy operations, is expected to be used to ensure safety and to reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos.

The Development of 3-D System for Visualizing Information on Geotechnical Site Investigation (지반조사 정보의 3차원 가시화 시스템 개발)

  • 홍성완;배규진;서용석;김창용;김광염
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2002
  • With improving computer penormance and advancing simulation techniques, a growing number of softwares are being developed for visualization of investigation results in geotechnical problems. It is a very important subject for geological site investigation to understand or predict if there would be any hazardous geological conclition that might cause any increase of construction costs or an extension of construction period. A 3-D (three-climensional) visualization technique may be one of the powerful tools to overcome an uncertainty problem of geologica] site investigatior. The paper describes an overview of a newly developed geotechnical 3-D interpretation system for the purpose of applying the 3-D visualization technique, GIS (geographic information system) and D/B (database) to tunnel design and construction. VR (virtual reality) and 3-D visualization techniques are applied in order to develope the 3-D model of characteristics and structures of rock mass. D/B system for all the materials related to site investigation and tunnel construction is developed using GIS technique. This system is very useful for civil engineers to make a plan of tunnel construction at the design stage and also during construction with the advantage of improving the economy and safety of tunnels.

A Model Study of Processing Methods of Seismic Refraction Data for Mapping Geological Discontinuities - GRM, GLI, Tomography (지질불연속면에 대한 탄성파 굴절법탐사 자료처리 고찰 - GRM, GLI, Tomography)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Kim, Su-Hyun;Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, Won-Ki;Lee, Yong-Jae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.16 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2006
  • Three processing strategies of seismic refraction data are tested in terms of velocity and depth profiles or structures for mapping of geological discontinuities: GRM(generalized reciprocal method), GLI(generalized linear inversion), Tomography. The test data used in this study are the shot gathers reconstructed by numerical modeling for the structures of 3 planar layers(horizontal, inclined), the buried vertical fracture zones, and vertical fault zones. Tomography is shown to be very efficient for mapping of more complicated tone such as vertical fault and buried fracture zones, whereas GRM and GLI can be useful for horizontal and/or inclined layers, probably on their bases of analysis of first arrivals in travel time curves.

Gugokri-Nongdari Sedimentary Succession and Environment in the Southwestern Eumsung Basin (Cretaceous), Korea (백악기 음성분지 남서부의 구곡리-농다리 퇴적층과 퇴적환경)

  • Ryang, Woo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-554
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    • 2018
  • The Cretaceous Eumsung (Eumseong) Basin is a pull-apart basin, formed along a series of the Gongju strike-slip faults trending NE-SW. The Nongdari-Meer forest of the Gugokri area in the southwestern part of the basin is comprised of thick purple mudstone, intercalating conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, and green mudstone beds. The succession mainly consists of seven sedimentary facies: stratified conglomerate (C2), conglomerate encased in siltstone (CE), stratified pebbly sandstone encased in siltstone (PSE2), purple sandy siltstone (Zp), green sandy siltstone (Zg), purple mudstone (Mp), and green mudstone (Mg). Sedimentary environment is mainly indicative of alluvial-plain setting in an alluvial-to-lacustrine sedimentary system, developed in the southwestern part of the basin. Geological survey was fulfilled in succession of the Gugokri sedimentary system using 1:5000 topographic map, which resulted in a geological route map. This study newly suggested that there be fluvial systems showing ENE and NNE trends in the study area, based on data of palaeocurrent direction and sedimentary characteristics in new outcrops of the forest. The study also revised the precedent sedimentation model of the Gugokri system.

Effects of Bentonite Illitization on Cesium Sorption (벤토나이트의 일라이트화에 의한 세슘 수착 특성 변화 연구)

  • Hwang, Jeonghwan;Choung, Sungwook;Han, Weon Shik;Yoon, Wonwoo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the mineralogical properties of bentonite and illite and evaluated the Cs sorption at various concentrations (Cw≈1-105 ㎍/L). Bentonite samples, collected from South Korea and USA, majorly consisted of Ca- and Na-montmorillonite, showed large cation exchange capacity (CEC, 91.4 and 47.3 meq/100 g) and specific surface area (SSA, 46.1 and 39.7 m2/g). In contrast, illite sample (USA) had relatively low values for 14.4 meq/100g of CEC and 29.3 m2/g of SSA, respectively. Bentonite and illite had different non-linear sorption for Cs along with Cw. At low Cw<10 ㎍/L, illite showed higher sorption capacity than bentonite despite low CEC because of the existence of specific sorption sites at the weathered mineral edge. However, as Cw increased, bentonite represented high sorption capacity because the cation exchange between Cs and interlayer cations was effective at high Cw conditions. These results implicated that the Cs concentration is important to evaluate the sorption performance of bentonite and illite. Finally, the Cuadros' kinetic model for illitization using various K concentrations (2×10-5 and 1.7×10-3 mol/L) and temperature (100-200℃) showed that up to 50% of the montmorillonite in bentonite could be converted to illite, suggesting that the illitization should be considered to evaluate the sorption performance of the bentonite in deep geological disposal repository.

Development and Application of a Methodology to Build Geotechnical Information System Based on Geo-Knowledge Using GIS Technology (GIS를 이용한 지반-지식 기반 지반 정보화 시스템 구축 기법의 개발 및 적용)

  • Sun Chang-Guk;Chung Choong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2006
  • For the reliable prediction of spatial geotechnical data, a procedure to build the Geotechnical Information System (GTIS) based on geo-knowledge within the frame of GIS technology was developed by introducing a couple of new concepts of the extended area containing the study area and the additional site visit for acquiring surface geological data. To build the GTIS for Gyeongju as the case study of regional model application, intensive site investigations and pre-existing geotechnical data collections were performed and additional site visit was also carried out for acquiring surface geo-layer data in accordance with the developed procedure. Within the GTIS based on geo-knowledge for Gyeongiu area, the spatially distributed geo-layers across the extended area were predicted using the geostatistical kriging method and those for the study area were extracted. Furthermore, the spatial distribution maps for the thickess of geo-layers and the depth to bedrock were constructed for the practical use in geotechnical field. It was evaluated that the GTIS based on geo-knowledge developed in this study is superior to the conventional geotechnical GIS in terms of both the standard deviation and the geological expert judgment.

Experimental and numerical study on the earth pressure coefficient in a vertical backfilled opening

  • Jian Zheng;Li Li
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2024
  • Determining lateral earth pressure coefficient (EPC) K is a classic problem in geotechnical engineering. It is a key parameter for estimating the stresses in backfilled openings. For backfilled openings with rigid and immobile walls, some suggested using the Jaky's at-rest earth pressure coefficient K0 while other suggested taking the Rankine's active earth pressure coefficient Ka. A single value was proposed for the entire backfilled opening. To better understand the distributions of stresses and K in a backfilled opening, a series of laboratory tests have been conducted. The horizontal and vertical normal stresses at the center and near the wall of the opening were measured. The values of K at the center and near the wall were then calculated with the measured horizontal and vertical normal stresses. The results show that the values of K are close to Ka at the center and close to K0 near the wall. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the horizontal stress is almost the same at the center and near the wall, indicating a uniform distribution from the center to the wall. It can be estimated by analytical solutions using either Ka or K0. The vertical stress is higher near the center than near the wall. Its analytical estimation can only be done by using Ka at the center and K0 near the wall. Finally, the test results were used to calibrate a numerical model of FLAC2D, which was then used to analyze the influence of column size on the stresses and K in the backfilled opening.