• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geoidal heights

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Evaluation of EGM2008 earth geopotential model using GPS/leveling data (GPS/leveling 데이터에 의한 EGM2008 지구중력장모델의 평가)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2008
  • Earth geopotential models were used to determine the reference surface in geoid modelling and many global geopotential models were developed after 1980's. Nowadays, EGM96 and EIGEN-GL04C geopotential models have been most widely used in the world, but what so called EGM2008 earth geopotential model were developed in 2008 by NGA. In this paper, we intended to compare the results of spherical harmonic analyses using the three geopotential model, EGM96, EIGEN-GL04C and EGM2008. So, the spherical harmonic analyses were performed up to degree and order 360(in case of EGM2008, up to degree and order 720, 1440, 2190 in addition), on each $1'{\times}1'$grid point in and around Korean peninsula. Geometric geoid were calculated at 464 GPS/leveling points for accuracy evaluation and then the results of three geopotential models were compared to geometric geoid. The results show that the accuracy of EGM2008 is improved considerablely compared to EGM96 and EIGEN-GL04C and it is possible to calculate geoidal heights within 14cm standard deviation and 5.5cm standard deviation after LSC fitting in and around Korean peninsula using EGM2008 geopotential model.

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A Study on Geoid Model Development Method in Philipphines (필리핀 지오이드모델의 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Pena, Bonifasio Dela
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2009
  • If a country has her geoid model, it could be determine accurate orthometric height because the geoid model could provide continuous equi-gravity potential surface. And it is possible to improve the coordinates accuracy of national control points through geodetic network adjustment considering geoidal heights. This study aims to find the best way to develop geoid model in Philippines which have similar topographic conditions as like Malaysia and Indonesia in Eastsouth asia. So, in this study, it is surveyed the general theories of geoid determination and development cases of geoid model in Asia and it is computed that the geoidal heights and gravity anomalies by spherical harmonic analysis using EGM2008, the latest earth geopotential model. The results show that first, the development of gravimetric geoid model based on airborne gravimetry is needed and second, about 200 GPS surveying data at national benchmark is needed. It is concluded that it is the most reasonable way to develop the hybrid geoid model through fitting geometric geoid by GPS/leveling data to gravimetric geoid. Also, it is proposed that four band spherical Fast fourier transformation(FFT) method for evaluation of Stokes integration and remove and restore technique using EGM2008 and SRTM for calculation of gravimetric geoid model and least square collocation algorithm for calculation of hybrid geoid model.

Accuracy Analysis of New Geopotential Model using GPS/Levelling Data (GPS/Levelling데이터를 사용한 새로운 지구중력장모델의 정확도 분석)

  • Yun Hong-Sic;Cho Jae-Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.353-358
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a new geopotential model, EIGEN-CG01C which had been developed from CHAMP and GRACE mission observations and surface gravity data. The accuracy analysis was conducted by comparing the geoidal heights computed from two types of geopotential models (i.e., EIGEN-CG01C and EGM96) with spirit leveled GPS bench mark. To this end, three hundred twenty GPS leveled bench marks are used as bases for the numerical investigation. From the analysis, it was possible to conclude that EIGEN-CG01C was more suitable to upgrade the KGEOID 98 since the results that the EGM96 was slightly biased.

Comparison between FFT and LSC Method for the Residual Geoid Height Modeling in Korea (한국의 잔여지오이드고 모델링을 위한 FFT 및 LSC 방법 비교)

  • Lee, Dong Ha;Yun, Hong Sic;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2D
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we performed the residual geoid modeling using the FFT and LSC methods in context of application of R-R (Remove and Restore) technique as a general technique for gravimetric geoid model in order to propose the effective way of geoid determination in Korea. For this, a number of data compiled for residual geoid modeling by the multi-band spherical FFT method with Stoke's formula and LSC method as known as statistical method. The geometric geoidal heights obtained from 503 GPS/Levelling data were used for inducing the various elements and proper computation process which should be considered for improving the accuracy of residual geoid modeling. Finally, we statistically compared the results of residual geoid heights between FFT and LSC methods and reviewed then the proper way of residual geoid modeling to the region of Korea. As the results of comparison, LSC method is not suitable for residual geoid modeling in Korea due to the noise and lack of gravity observations and the effects of local characteristics, while FFT method by applying Stokes' integral with proper cap size and modified kernel which provides the better accuracy of residual geoid heights up to 10 cm more than those of LSC method.

Determination of the Optimal Height using the Simplex Algorithm in Network-RTK Surveying (Network-RTK측량에서 심플렉스해법을 이용한 최적표고 결정)

  • Lee, Suk Bae;Auh, Su Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2016
  • GNSS/Geoid positioning technology allows orthometric height determination using both the geoidal height calculated from geoid model and the ellipsoidal height achieved by GNSS survey. In this study, Network-RTK surveying was performed through the Benchmarks in the study area to analyze the possibility of height positioning of the Network-RTK. And the orthometric heights were calculated by applying the Korean national geoid model KNGeoid13 according to the condition of with site calibration and without site calibration and the results were compared. Simplex algorithm was adopted for liner programming in this study and the heights of all Benchmarks were calculated in both case of applying site calibration and does not applying site calibration. The results were compared to Benchmark official height of the National Geographic Information Institute. The results showed that the average value of the height difference was 0.060m, and the standard deviation was 0.072m in Network-RTK without site calibration and the average value of the height difference was 0.040m, and the standard deviation was 0.047m in Network-RTK with the application of the site calibration. With linearization method to obtain the optimal solution for observations it showed that the height determination within 0.033m was available in GNSS Network-RTK positioning.

Height Datum Transformation using Precise Geoid and Tidal Model in the area of Anmyeon Island (정밀 지오이드 및 조석모델을 활용한 안면도 지역의 높이기준면 변환 연구)

  • Roh, Jae Young;Lee, Dong Ha;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • The height datum of Korea is currently separated into land and sea, which makes it difficult to acquire homogeneous and accurate height information throughout the whole nation. In this study, we therefore tried to suggest the more effective way to transform the height information were constructed separately according to each height datum on land and sea to those on the unique height datum using precise geoid models and tidal observations in Korea. For this, Anmyeon island was selected as a study area to develop the precise geoid models based on the height datums land (IMSL) and sea (LMSL), respectively. In order to develop two hybrid geoid models based on each height datum of land an sea, we firstly develop a precise gravimetric geoid model using the remove and restore (R-R) technique with all available gravity observations. The gravimetric geoid model were then fitted to the geometric geoidal heights, each of which is represented as height datum of land or sea respectively, obtained from GPS/Leveling results on 15 TBMs in the study area. Finally, we determined the differences between the two hybrid geoid models to apply the height transformation between IMSL and LMSL. The co-tidal chart model of TideBed system developed by Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) which was re-gridded to have the same grid size and coverage as the geoid model, in order that this can be used for the height datum transformation from LMSL to local AHHW and/or from LMSL to local DL. The accuracy of height datum transformation based on the strategy suggested in this study was approximately ${\pm}3cm$. It is expected that the results of this study can help minimize not only the confusions on the use of geo-spatial information due to the disagreement caused by different height datum, land and sea, in Korea, but also the economic and time losses in the execution of coastal development and disaster prevention projects in the future.