• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic network

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Historical Geographic Network archived in Tongdian(통전)

  • Cho, Seong-Ik
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes a way of constructing modern concept of geographic network by interpreting historical geography recorded in old archives such as the Tongdian(通典, Comprehensive Manual) which is one of the important materials in studying old concept of Chinese administrative geography. it is proposed a way of producing geographic network by constructing base network, and by combining and adjusting the constructed networks. The proposed way of construction has been applied for generating a geographic network around Bohai gulf and Sandong peninsula, by using descriptions recorded in the administrative division(州郡典) of the Tongdian.

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A Study on the Stratege for Intergrating National Geographic Information System and National Very High-speed Communication Network (국가지리정보시스템과 초고속 정보통신망의 연계전략에 관한 연구)

  • 유근배;황철수;구자용;오충원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 1997
  • National Geographic Information System(NGIS) should be designed on the assumption that geographic data collected by each national organization should be integrated into geographic database systemically. To achieve this object, NGIS database would be better connected to National Very High-Speed Communication Network. In the process of research, some problems related to Korean NGIS are found. These are standardization, compatibility, extension, issue of making and opening digital map, and issue related to land information. So, it is required that pilot project apply National Geographic Information System in terms of National Very High-Speed computer network project. This project is to contain two main theme building of physical network and special management of network which is related with NGIS.

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A Geographic Distributed Hash Table for Virtual Geographic Routing in MANET (MANET에서 가상 위치 기반 라우팅을 위한 지역 분산 해쉬 테이블 적용 방법)

  • Ko, Seok-Kap;Kim, Young-Han
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a new geographic distributed hash table (GDHT) for MANETs or Mesh networks, where virtual geographic protocol is used. In previous wort GDHT is applied to a network scenario based on two dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. Further, logical data space is supposed to be uniformly distributed. However, mobile node distribution in a network using virtual geographic routing is not matched to data distribution in GDHT. Therefore, if we apply previous GDHT to a virtual geographic routing network, lots of DHT data are probably located at boundary nodes of the network or specific nodes, resulting in long average-delay to discover resource (or service). Additionally, in BVR(Beacon Vector Routing) or LCR(Logical Coordinate Routing), because there is correlation between coordinate elements, we cannot use normal hash function. For this reason, we propose to use "geographic hash function" for GDHT that matches data distribution to node distribution and considers correlation between coordinate elements. We also show that the proposed scheme improves resource discovery efficiently.

Robust Location Error Detection Protocol for Geographic Routing in indoor Wireless Sensor Networks (실내 무선 센서 네트워크에서 위치 기반 라우팅을 위한 위치 에러 감지 프로토콜)

  • Kong, Young-Bae;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.51-53
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    • 2009
  • In wireless sensor networks(WSNs), geographic routing algorithms can enhance the network capacity. However, in the real WSNs, it is difficult for each node to know its accurate physical location. Geographic routing with location error may have serious problems such as disconnected links and delayed data transmission. In this letter, we present an efficient location error detection scheme for geographic routing. The proposed algorithm can efficiently update its incorrect location without additional procedure and finally enhance the performance on the geographic routing with the location errors.

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Integrated Water Distribution Network System using the Mathematical Analysis Model and GIS (수리해석 모형과 GIS를 이용한 통합 용수배분 시스템)

  • Kwon, Jae-Seop;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2001
  • In this study, GNLP(GIS linked non-linear network analysis program) for pipeline system analysis has been developed. This GNLP gets the input data for pipeline analysis from existing GIS(geographic information system) data automatically, and has GUI(graphic user interface) for user. Non-Linear Method was used for hydraulic analysis of pipe network based on Hazen-Williams equation, and Microsoft Access of relational database management system(RDBMS) was used for the framework of database applied program. GNLP system environment program was improved so that a pipe network designer can input information data for hydraulic analysis of pipeline system more easily than that of existing models. Furthermore this model generate output such as pressure and water quantities in the form of a table and a chart, and also produces output data in Excel file. This model is also able to display data effectively for analysed data confirmation and query function which is the core of GIS program.

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A Study on the Linkage for National Geographic Information Clearinghouse (국가지리정보유통망과 계열 유통망의 연계에 관한 연구)

  • 신동빈;김수현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2003
  • The Competitive power of the country in knowledge information can be determined that how efficiently useful knowledge and information can be circulated. Korean government established the second National GIS Master Plan, and constructed National Geographic Information Clearinghouse to the goal 'whole nation's internet circulation of the geographic information and practical use'. But every departments of government are trying to circulate their geographic information individually, And this case, consumer group should approach to several dissemination network in various routing line to get the geographic information. In fact, it is difficult to present the solution for uilified single dissemination network. It is difficult to present suitable linkage plan coinciding in special environment and characteristics of all systems. Consequently, in this study, we suggested linkage element that should consider far link with National Geographic Information Clearinghouse, and presented linkage plan by linkage target type.

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Automatic Extraction of Road Network using GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) for Transportation Geographic Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-won;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.775-779
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    • 2002
  • Currently, high-resolution satellite imagery such as KOMPSAT and IKONOS has been tentatively utilized to various types of urban engineering problems such as transportation planning, site planning, and utility management. This approach aims at software development and followed applications of remotely sensed imagery to transportation geographic analysis. At first, GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) and main modules in it are overviewed, and newly implemented results under MS visual programming environment are presented with main user interface, input imagery processing, and internal processing steps. Using this software, road network are automatically generated. Furthermore, this road network is used to transportation geographic analysis such as gamma index and road pattern estimation. While, this result, being produced to do-facto format of ESRI-shapefile, is used to several types of road layers to urban/transportation planning problems. In this study, road network using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and IKONOS imagery are directly compared to multiple road layers with NGI digital map with geo-coordinates, as ground truth; furthermore, accuracy evaluation is also carried out through method of computation of commission and omission error at some target area. Conclusively, the results processed in this study is thought to be one of useful cases for further researches and local government application regarding transportation geographic analysis using remotely sensed data sets.

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Performance Analysis of Position Based Routing Protocol for UAV Networks (UAV 네트워크 환경에 적합한 위치기반 라우팅 프로토콜의 성능 분석)

  • Park, Young-Soo;Jung, Jae-Il
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.2C
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2012
  • Many systems are developing for the realization of NCW(Network Centric Warfare). UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Network is attracting attention in a lot of military applications. In general, UAVs have the potential to create an ad-hoc network and greatly reduce the hops from source to destination. However, UAV networks exhibit unique properties such as high mobility, high data rate, and real time service. The routing protocols are required to design the multi-hop routing protocols that can dynamically adapt to the requirements of UAV network. In this paper we analyse Geographic Routing Protocol is based on geographical distance between source and destination for efficient and reliable transmission. Geographic Routing Protocol is evaluated in video service scenarios with TDMA model in our simulation. The simulation results show that the performance of Geographic Routing Protocol is better than the MANET Routing Protocol in terms of packet received ratio, end to end delay, and routing traffic sent.

A Study on the Construction of the Framework Spatial DB for Developing Watershed Management System Based on River Network (하천 네트워크 기반의 유역관리시스템 개발을 위한 프레임워크 공간 DB 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok;Kim, Joo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2004
  • When watershed spatial database is constructed from DEM, hydrological geographic characteristics of watershed can be easily extracted. And the characteristics can be assigned and managed as the attribute of spatial database. In this study the scheme of constructing framework spatial database which is basic information for managing watershed information is examined. We established framework spatial data and defined the relationship of the data. And framework spatial database of test site was constructed. In this study, HyGIS(Hydrological Geographic Information System) which is developed by domestic technology for making hydrological spatial data and developing water resources system is used. Hydrological geographic characteristics and spatial data is extracted by HyGIS. And the data from HyGIS is used for constructing framework spatial database of test site. Finally, this study suggests the strategy of constructing framework spatial database for developing watershed management system based on river network.

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A Study on the Implementation of Geographic Information System for an Intelligent Power Distribution Network with Location Informations of Power Line Communication-based Automatic Meter Reading System (전력선통신 기반 저압원격검침 시스템의 공간 정보를 활용한 지능형 배전망 지리정보시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Chung-Ki;Lee, Seung-Gol
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.365-369
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, geographic information system(GIS) for an intelligent power distribution network was implemented with location informations acquired from automatic meter reading system, where the location informations of power line communication(PLC) modems installed at customer side were collected at data concentration units(DCUs) of headend equipment via PLC and then were transmitted to front end processor server. By displaying the connection status of the power distribution network on GIS map, operation of advanced metering infrastructure(AMI) or management of power grid system could be performed intuitionally and in real time, because the configuration state of the power grid could be easily monitored. The feasibility of the proposed system was confirmed with the especially constructed laboratory-level test bed and the verification test of the system will be carried out for a real power distribution network.