• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Data

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Status of Spatial Data Warehouse in Korea (한국의 공간데이터웨어하우스 기술현황 조사)

  • Kim, Seung-Yong;Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2007
  • The NGIS(National Geographic Information System) project is in its third phase currently. To put the produced data to practical use, central and local governments are trying to implement spatial data warehouse(SDW). In this study, status of local and international SDW(Spatial Data Warehouse) technology were investigated. It has been observed that in Korea it was necessary to shift the focus from management of spatial data to servicing of spatial data to information end users. To that end, the following tasks should be pursued : 1) standardization, 2) automatic ways of linking various legacy administrative information, 3) development of customized middleware for spatial data integration and 4) legal system infra structure.

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Development of Web-GIS based SWAT Data Generation System (Web-GIS 기반 SWAT 자료 공급 시스템 구축)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong;Hong, Eun-Mi;Kim, Hak-Kwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Watershed topographical data is essential for the management for water resources and watershed management in terms of hydrology analysis. Collecting watershed topographical and meteorological data is the first step for simulating hydrological models and calculating hydrological components. This study describes a specialized Web-based Geographic Information Systems, Soil Water Assessment Tool model data generation system, which was developed to support SWAT model operation using Web-GIS capability for map browsing, online watershed delineation and topographical and meteorological data extraction. This system tested its operability extracting watershed topographical and meteorological data in real time and the extracted spatial and weather data were seamlessly imported to ArcSWAT system demonstrating its usability. The Web-GIS would be useful to users who are willing to operate SWAT models for the various watershed management purposes in terms of spatial and weather preparing.

MODIS DBMS구축 및 DB data입력 S/W 개발

  • 이동한;김민아;전정남
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 현재 한국항공우주연구원에서 수신, 저장하고 있는 MODIS 영상자료에 대한 DBMS (DataBase Management System) 구축 및 DB (DataBase) data 입력 S/W 개발 결과에 대해 설명한다. 우선, MODIS 영상자료의 DBMS를 구축하기 위한 DB table를 설계하였고, 이를 근거로 Oracle 9i를 사용하여 MODIS DBMS를 구축하여 운영 중이다. MODIS DBMS에 자동으로 MODIS 영상자료의 DB data들이 입력되도록 하기 위해, 첫 번째로 Visual C++를 사용하여서 MODIS DB table에 대한 DB data를 추출하는 ‘getatt.exe’ S/W를 개발하였고, 두 번째로 Visual Basic의 ADO를 사용하여서 ‘getatt.exe’ S/W로 추출된 DB data를 MODIS DBMS에 입력하는 S/W를 개발을 마무리하였으며, ‘getatt.exe’ S/W와 MODIS DBMS 입력 S/W를 한 개의 S/W로 통합하는 작업이 완료되어, 지금현재 한국항공우주연구원 내에서 정상적으로 MODIS DBMS가 운영 중이다.

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Organizational Factors Facilitating the Internationalization of Korean Franchising Companies (해외진출 국내 프랜차이즈기업의 조직특성)

  • Lim, Young-Kun;Lee, Dong-Whuy;Kim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2009
  • Franchising is one of the fastest growing types of business. It is already popular and well-known in the U.S., and has been growing in many other countries including Korea. Furthermore, many Korean franchising companies have expanded their business overseas actively. According to the data by the Ministry of Industry and Resource, 82 companies out of a sample of 500 franchising companies are already operating in many foreign countries and 48% of them have started their foreign business since 2006. This clearly indicates the fast growing current trend of foreign operation by Korean franchising companies. In spite of the fast growing trend of foreign expansion in the industry, academic research on internationalization of franchising companies is extremely difficult to find. Accordingly, academic research on the issue is necessary and urgent in Korea. Among the various research questions on internationalization of franchising business, this study intends to investigate the difference in organizational factors between the franchising companies doing foreign operation and those doing business only domestically. More specifically, this research has the following purposes. First, considering the lack of theoretical basis of previous studies, resource-based theory and agency theory are employed as the theoretical bases. Second, this study explains the difference in internationalization based on organizational factors such as company size, history and growth rate. Third, the five hypotheses regarding the difference in organizational factors are presented and tested empirically, which is the first attempt in the area of this topic. Finally, the study attempts to clarify the conflicting implications among theories regarding some organizational factos such as growth rate. As the theoretical background, resource-based theory and agency theory are discussed. According to resource-based theory, a firm can grow continuously when it has competence and resource, and also the ability to develop them. The competence and resource can include capital, human resource, management skill, market information, ability to manage risk, etc. Meanwhile, agency theory views the relationship between franchisor and franchisee as an agency relationship. In agency theory, bonding capability and monitoring capability are the two key factors which promote internationalization of franchising companies. Based on the two theories, a conceptual model is designed. The model consists of two groups of variables. One is organizational factors including size, history, growth rate, price bonding and geographic dispersion. The other is whether a franchising company is operating overseas or not. We developed the following five research hypotheses basically describing the relationship between organizational factors and internationalization of franchising companies. H1: The size of franchising companies operating overseas is larger than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H2: The history of franchising companies operating overseas is longer than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H3: The growth rate of franchising companies operating overseas is higher than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H4: The price bonding of franchising companies operating overseas is higher than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H5: The geographic dispersion of franchising companies operating overseas is wider than that of franchising companies operating domestically. Data for the analyses are obtained from 2005 Korea Franchise Survey data co-generated by Ministry of Industry and Resource, GS1 Korea, and Korea Franchise Association. Out of 2,804 population companies, 2,489 companies are excluded for various reasons and 315 companies are selected as the final sample. Prior to hypotheses tests, validity and reliability of the measures of size, history, growth rate and price bonding are examined for further analyses. Geographic dispersion is not validated since it is measured using nominal data. A series of independent sample T-tests is used to find out whether there exists any significant difference between the companies internationalized and those operating only domestically for each organizational factor. Among the five factors, size and geographic dispersion show significant difference, growth rate and price bonding do not reveal any difference and, finally, history factor shows conflicting results in the difference depending on how to measure it.

    shows the summary statistics for hypotheses testing. In conclusion, the results show that the size and history, which are the key variables in resource-based theory, have a significant relationship with internationalization and that geographic area, which belongs to agency theory, also has a strong relationship with internationalization. The results support the findings of extant research and, therefore, prove the usefulness of resource-based theory and agency theory in explaining internationalization of franchising companies. However, growth rate and price-bonding do not show a clear difference between the two types of companies. Accordingly, these two factors need further attention in the future research. Although this study shows meaningful findings theoretically and practically, it has several limitations. First, only organizational factors are considered even if there are various environmental factors influencing franchising firm's internationalization. Second, only being internationalized or not is considered. That is, modes of entry and the size of foreign operations are not included in the study. Third, internationalization strategy is often determined based on the desire for business expansion and higher profitability and egoistical reasons of the CEOs. However, this type of factors belonging to behavioral science is not discussed in the study. Finally, organizational ecology perspective is usefully applicable in explaining the survival and performance of internationally operating companies. Accordingly, research propositions based on this perspective need to be developed and tested.

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    • Kim, Do-Hyun
      • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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      • 2002.10a
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      • pp.145-150
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      • 2002
    • Web GIS (Geographic Information Systems) service systems provide the various GIS services of analyzing and displaying the spatial data with friendly user-interface. These services are expanding the business domain and many users want to access the distributed various spatial data. But, it is difficult to access diverse data sources because of different spatial data format and data access methods. In this paper, we design and implement web GIS services based on the inter-operability and GML (Geography Markup Language) of OGC(Open GIS Consortium) in web distributed environment. Inter-operability provides unique accessing method to distributed data sources based on OLE DB technology of Microsoft. In addition, GML support web GIS services based on XML. We design these GIS services as components using UML (Unified Modeling Language) of an object-oriented modeling language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software system. In addition, they also were developed in object-oriented computing environment, and it provides the interoperability, language-independent, easy developing environment as well as re-usability.

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    Water Quality Management System at Mok-hyun Stream Watershed Using RS and GIS

    • Lee, In-Soo;Lee, Kyoo-seock
      • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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      • 1999.11a
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      • pp.63-69
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      • 1999
    • The purpose of this study is to develop Water Quality Management System(WQMS), which performs calculating pollutant discharge and forecasting water quality with water pollution model. Operational water quality management requires not only controlling pollutants but acquiring and managing exact information. A GIS software, ArcView was used to enter or edit geographic data and attribute data, and MapObject was used to customize the user interface. PCI, a remote sensing software, was used for deriving land cover classification from 20 m resolution SPOT data by image processing. WQMS has two subsystems, Database Subsystem and Modelling subsystem. Database subsystem consisted of watershed data from digital map, remote sensing data, government reports, census data and so on. Modelling subsystem consisted of NSPLM(NonStorm Pollutant Load Model)-SPLM(Storm Pollutant Load Model). It calculates the amount of pollutant and predicts water quality. This two subsystem was connected through graphic display module. This system has been calibrated and verified by applying to Mokhyun stream watershed.

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    Estimating Pollutant Loading Using Remote Sensing and GIS-AGNPS model (RS와 GIS-AGNPS 모형을 이용한 소유역에서의 비점원오염부하량 추정)

    • 강문성;박승우;전종안
      • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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      • v.45 no.1
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      • pp.102-114
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      • 2003
    • The objectives of the paper are to evaluate cell based pollutant loadings for different storm events, to monitor the hydrology and water quality of the Baran HP#6 watershed, and to validate AGNPS with the field data. Simplification was made to AGNPS in estimating storm erosivity factors from a triangular rainfall distribution. GIS-AGNPS interface model consists of three subsystems; the input data processor based on a geographic information system. the models. and the post processor Land use patten at the tested watershed was classified from the Landsat TM data using the artificial neural network model that adopts an error back propagation algorithm. AGNPS model parameters were obtained from the GIS databases, and additional parameters calibrated with field data. It was then tested with ungauged conditions. The simulated runoff was reasonably in good agreement as compared with the observed data. And simulated water quality parameters appear to be reasonably comparable to the field data.

    Application of Groundwater Software for Windows(GWW): An Overview (GWW를 이용한 지하수 자료 관리)

    • 김윤영;이강근
      • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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      • v.3 no.1
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      • pp.9-14
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      • 1996
    • GWW was developed by UN(United Nations) in order to manage groundwater data systematically on PC windows. Temporal and spatial data from lab and field tests are stored in a data base. The data base can be displayed graphically by using the GIS (Geographic Information System) technique. Raw data from pumping tests, step-drawdown tests, and chemical analyses can be analysed to characterize the hydrogeologic system. This article demonstrates a GWW application using default database and groundwater data obtained at the Nanjido Landfill site.

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    A Study on the Internet Spatial Data Electronic Distribution System (인터넷 공간데이타 전자유통 시스템에 관한 연구)

    • 이기영;서의석;이용수
      • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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      • v.5 no.3
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      • pp.40-45
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      • 2000
    • Recently. the advent of WWW increased the population of internet users and many institutions are carrying out technical development research to implement spatial data distribution environment via internet because importance of Web Geographic Information System(WGIS) is being increased highly. To be accessed WGIS data, we need Spatial Data Electronic Distribution System(SDEDS) which registers and sell spatial data in WWW. In this paper, we Propose and design effective SDEDS to expel spatial data electronic distribution system which is connected WWW. Therefore, we show how to implement and functions of each module.

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    Development and Application of Dynamic Visualization Model for Spatial Big Data (공간 빅데이터를 위한 동태적 시각화 모형의 개발과 적용)

    • KIM, Dong-han;KIM, David
      • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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      • v.21 no.1
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      • pp.57-70
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      • 2018
    • The advancement and the spread of information and communication technology (ICT) changes the way we live and act. Computer and ICT devices become smaller and invisible, and they are now virtually everywhere in the world. Many socio-economic activities are now subject to the use of computer and ICT devices although we don't really recognize it. Various socio economic activities supported by digital devices leave digital records, and a myriad of these records becomes what we call'big data'. Big data differ from conventional data we have collected and managed in that it holds more detailed information of socio-economic activities. Thus, they offer not only new insight for our society and but also new opportunity for policy analysis. However, the use of big data requires development of new methods and tools as well as consideration of institutional issues such as privacy. The goals of this research are twofold. Firstly, it aims to understand the opportunities and challenges of using big data for planning support. Big data indeed is a big sum of microscopic and dynamic data, and this challenges conventional analytical methods and planning support tools. Secondly, it seeks to suggest ways of visualizing such spatial big data for planning support. In this regards, this study attempts to develop a dynamic visualization model and conducts an experimental case study with mobile phone big data for the Jeju island. Since the off-the-shelf commercial software for the analysis of spatial big data is not yet commonly available, the roles of open source software and computer programming are important. This research presents a pilot model of dynamic visualization for spatial big data, as well as results from them. Then, the study concludes with future studies and implications to promote the use of spatial big data in urban planning field.

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