• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gas-combined

검색결과 958건 처리시간 0.028초

바이오가스 연료를 사용하는 소형 가스/증기터빈 복합 발전 시스템의 성능특성 해석 (Operating Characteristics Study of a Small Gas/Steam Turbine Combined System Using Biogas)

  • 강도원;신현동;김동섭;허광범;박정극
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the influence of firing biogas on the performance and operation of a gas/steam turbine combined system. A reference gas/steam turbine combined system, designed with biogas fuel(57% volumetric methane) was set up and off-design simulation was made to investigate operating characteristics when a couple of operating schemes to mitigate turbine blade overheating were applied. Performance at base-load operation using each scheme was compared and part load operation using the variable inlet guide vane was analysed. Also, differences in operating characteristics and performance caused by changes in the methane content of biogas and ambient temperature were examined.

가스터빈 결합, 분리실린더, 등적.등압.등온 혼합사이클 엔진성능의 변수 분석 (A Parametric Analysis of Performance of Gas Turbine Combined, Split Cylinder, Constant Volume, Pressure, Temperature, Mixed Cycle Engine)

  • 김동호;배종욱
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제28권7호
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    • pp.1082-1091
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    • 2004
  • Analyzed Parametrically was an internal combustion engine combined with gas turbine the cycle of which is splitted into compression side cylinder and expansion side one, and heat adding of which is during constant volume pressure, temperature process. The advantages of each measures were analyzed by means of thermal cycle diagram. The thermal efficiency of partial load cutting off firstly isothermal heat adding and secondly isobaric heat adding also was analyzed The authors suggested some potentials about the performance as for thermal efficiency, mean effective pressure and reducing emissions and noise supposed were the operating parameter of the engine set to some values and were some problems solved.

병원건물 분산에너지시스템 도입에 따른 경제성분석 (The Basic Study on Economic Evaluation of Distributed Energy System Installed in Hospital)

  • 홍원표;김병수
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2009년도 제40회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1136_1138
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    • 2009
  • This paper gives a basic Energy performance data of micro gas turbine and Renewable Energy(BIPV and Solar Collector System) installed in Hospital Building. The efficiency of solar collector and BIPV system was 30%, 10% individually, and lower than micro gas turbines. Micro gas turbines are small gas turbines that burn gaseous and liquid fuels to produce a high-energy exhaust gas and to generate the electrical power. Recently the size range for micro gas turbines is form 30 to 500kW and power-only generation or in combined heat and power(CHP) systems. If micro gas turbine was operated only for electric energy, the efficiency was about 30%, but for combined heat and power, the efficiency was about 90%. Finally, installed in large hospital, Micro gas turbine system was operated to CHP mode, was high-efficiency system than Solar collector and BIPV system.

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병원건물의 마이크로터빈과 신재생에너지도입에 따른 경제성평가 기초연구 (The Basic Study on Economic Evaluation of Micro-turbine and Alternative Energy system Installed in Hospital)

  • 김병수;홍원표
    • 한국조명전기설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국조명전기설비학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.439-444
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    • 2009
  • This paper gives a basic Energy performance data of micro gas turbine and Renewable Energy(BIPV and Solar Collector System) installed in Hospital Building. The efficiency of. solar collector and BIPV system was 30%, 10% individually, and lower than micro gas turbines. Micro gas turbines are small gas turbines that bum gaseous and liquid fuels to produce a high-energy exhaust gas and to generate the electrical power. Recently the size range for micro gas turbines is form 30 to 500kW and power-only generation or in combined heat and power(CHP) systems. If micro gas turbine was operated only for electric energy, the efficiency was about 30%, but for combined heat and power, the efficiency was about 90%. Finally, installed in large hospital, Micro gas turbine system was operated to CHP mode, was high-efficiency system than Solar collector and BIPV system.

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가스터빈 공기량 조절에 따른 열병합발전 성능 변화 (The performance of combined heat and power plant according to gas turbine air mass flow rate change)

  • 김재훈;문승재
    • 플랜트 저널
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 부분부하 운전 시 가스터빈의 공기량 조절에 따른 열병합 발전의 운전데이터 변화를 알아보았다. 가스터빈 부분부하 80%시 시뮬레이션 한 결과 입구가이드베인을 최대 24% 추가로 닫을 수 있었고, 압축기 공기량은 66.11 kg/s 감소, 배기가스 온도는 52℃ 상승시킬 수 있었다. 부분부하 90%는 입구가이드베인을 최대 12% 추가로 닫을 수 있었고, 압축기 공기량은 33.33 kg/s 감소, 배기가스 온도는 23℃ 상승 시킬 수 있었다. 열부하 추종운전 시 부분 부하 80%에서 출력을 최대 5.68 MW 상승, 복합발전 효율을 0.73% 상승, 열병합발전 효율을 1.81% 상승 시킬 수 있었고, 부분부하 90%에서 출력을 최대 2.55 MW 상승, 복합발전 효율을 0.32% 상승, 열병합발전 효율을 0.72% 상승 시킬 수 있었다.

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복합발전플랜트 내의 가스 화재 거동에 관한 수치해석 (Numerical Study of Fire Behavior Induced by Gas Leakage in Combined Cycle Power Plant)

  • 박재용;성건혁;이용남;최진욱;김대중;이성혁;유홍선
    • 한국분무공학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2015
  • To date, the demand for Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) has been continuously increased to overcome the problem of air pollution and lack of energy. In particular, the underground CCPP is exposed to substantial fire and explosion risks induced by gas leakage. The present study conducted numerical simulations to examine the fire behavior and gas leakage characteristics for a restricted region including gas turbine and other components used in a typical CCPP system. The commercial code of FLUENT V.14 was used for simulation. From the results, it was found that flammable limit distribution of leakage gas affects fire behavior. Especially, the flame is propagated in an instant in restricted region with LNG gas. In addition, consequence analysis factors such as critical temperature and radiation heat flux are introduced. These results would be useful in making the safety guidelines for the underground CCPP.

냉각공기 예냉각을 통한 가스터빈 설계변수 변화에 의한 복합발전시스템 성능향상 분석 (Analysis of Performance Enhancement of a Combined Cycle Power Plant by the Change of Design Parameters of Gas Turbine Using Coolant Pre-cooling)

  • 권현민;김동섭;강도원;손정락
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2016
  • Turbine blade cooling is one of the major technologies to enhance the performance of gas turbine and combined cycle power plants. In this study, two cases of coolant pre-cooling schemes were applied in combined cycle power plant: decrease of coolant mass flow needed to cool turbine blade and increase of turbine inlet temperature (TIT). Both schemes are benefited by the decrease of coolant temperature through coolant pre-cooling. Under the same degree of pre-cooling, increasing TIT exhibits larger plant power boost and higher plant efficiency than reducing coolant flow. As a result, the former produces the same gas turbine power with a much smaller degree of pre-cooling than the latter. Another advantage of increasing TIT is a higher plant efficiency. Even with an assumption of partial achievement of the theoretically predicted TIT, the method of increasing TIT can provide considerably larger power output.

복합열처리된 열간 가공용 금형공구강의 기계적 성질 및 열처리특성에 관한 연구 (Study on the Heat Treatment Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Hot Work Tool Steel by Using Combined Heat Treating)

  • 백성돈;노용식;최문성;최진원;이상윤
    • 열처리공학회지
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1989
  • The effect of gas mixing ratios during gas nitrocarburizing treatment on the formation of compound layer and the mechanical properties has been studied for hot work tool steel by using a combined heat treating technique. The thickness of compound and diffusion layers has been shown to grow as a parabolic relation with increasing the amount of ammonia at a given flow quantity of $CO_2$ gas. The compound layer consists mainly of ${\varepsilon}-Fe_3$(C, N) with small amounts of ${\gamma}^{\prime}-Fe_4N$ and ${\alpha}$-Fe. The combined heat treated hot work tool steel has shown that the thickness of compound layer increases with increasing nitrocarburizing time, but the rate of growth slows down as gas nitrocarburizing time goes more than two hours. Tensile properties have given a remarkable improvement. In particular, the wear resistance of combined heat treated hot work tool steel has exhibited an improvement of about 165% greater than that obtained from conventional quenching and multi-tempering treatments.

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Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine for Large-Scale IGCC Power Plant

  • Joo, Yong-Jin;Kim, Mi-Yeong;Park, Se-Ik;Seo, Dong-Kyun
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.415-419
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    • 2016
  • As the need for clean coal technology has grown, so has the global research and development efforts into integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants. An IGCC plant couples a gas turbine to a gasification block. Various technical and economic problems exist in designing such a system. One such problem is the difficulty in realizing economies of scale because the single-train flow capacity of commercial IGCC synthetic gas turbine plants is limited; the capacity does not exceed a net power rating of 300 MW. To address this problem, this study modeled and simulated a synthetic gas turbine with the goal of evaluating the feasibility of a 500 MW or larger IGCC plant. First, a gas turbine with the best output and efficiency was chosen for use with natural gas. The turbine was modeled using GateCycle (a simulation tool), and the integrity of the model validated by comparing the result to the design value. Next, off-design modeling was carried out for a gas turbine with synthetic gas based on its on-design model, and the result was compared with the study result of the gas turbine manufacturer. The simulation confirmed that it is possible to create a large capacity IGCC plant by undertaking the remodeling of a gas turbine designed to use natural gas into one suitable for synthetic gas.

석탄가스화 복합발전용 가스터빈의 성능 평가 (Performance Evaluation of the Gas Turbine for Integrated Ossification Combined Cycle)

  • 이찬;이진욱;윤용승
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1999
  • This simulation method is developed by using GateCycle code for the performance evaluation of the gas turbine in IGCC(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) power plant that uses clean coal gas fuel derived from coal gasification and gas clean-up processes and it is integrated with ASU(Air Separation Unit). In the present simulation method, thermodynamic calculation procedure is incorporated with compressor performance map and expander choking models for considering the off-design effects due to coal gas firing and ASU integration. With the clean coal gases produced through commercially available chemical processes, their compatibility as IGCC gas turbine fuel is investigated in the aspects the overall performance of the gas turbine system. The predictions by the present method show that the reduction of the air extraction from gas turbine to ASU results in a remarkable increase in the efficiency and net power of gas turbines, but it is accompanied with a shift of compressor operation point toward to surge limit. In addition, the present analysis results reveal the influence of compressor performance characteristics of gas turbine have to be carefully examined in designing the ASU integration process and evaluating the overall performance parameters of the gas turbine in IGCC Power plant.

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