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The literature study on the cerebral palsy (뇌성마비(腦性麻痺)의 동(東)·서의학적(西醫學的) 문헌고찰(文獻考察))

  • You, Ho-Sang;Oh, Min-Seok;Song, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.469-501
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    • 2000
  • In the literature study on the cerebral palsy, the results were as follows : 1. Cerebral palsy is defined as a disorder of movement and posture due to a defect or lesion of the immature brain. For practical purposes it is useful to exclude from cerebral palsy those disorders of posture and movement which are of short duration, due to a progressive disease due solely to mental deficiency. 2. Cerebral Palsy is classified with quadriplegia, diplegia, hemi plegia, triplegia, and monoplegia or spastic CP, athetoid CP, ataxic CP, and combined classifications 3. Causes of Cerebral Palsy is any damage to the developing brain, whether caused by genetic or developmental disorders. And it is classified with prenatal.natal and postnatal causes. 4. Management consists of helping the child achieve maximum potential in growth and development. This should be started as early as possible with identification of the very young child who may have a developmental disorder. Certain medications, surgery, and braces may be used to improve nerve and muscle coordination and prevent dysfunction. 5. The aim of treatment is to encourage children and adults to learn to be as independent as possible. Some children and adults who have mild cerebral palsy will have no problems in achieving independence 6. Oji(五遲), Oyeon(五軟) and Okyeong(五硬) have the simmiar concepts with the cerebral palsy. 7. Oji(五遲) Oyeon(五軟) and Okyeong(五硬) are caused by seoncheon-pumbu-bujok(先天稟賦不足) and related with gan(肝), bi(脾) and sin(腎). 8. The treatment is achieved by the method of bogansin(補肝腎), ganggeungol(强筋骨) and boiungikki(補中益氣). And jihwanghwan(地黃丸) has been used most frequently.

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Performance Evaluation of the routing protocols in a Large Scale Circuit Switched Telecommunication Network Composed of Mobile and Fixed Subscribers (${\cdot}$ 무선 가입자로 구성된 대규모 회선 교환망에서 라우팅프로토콜에 대한 성능평가)

  • Ko, Jong-Ha;Shin, Ho-Gan;Lee, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.36S no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we have proposed and evaluated the performance of the routiong protocols servicing the mobile and fixed subscribers in a large e scale circuit switched telecommunication network, connected by gateways. The large scale network consists of several subnetworks, and a subnetwork is composed of $M{\times}N$ nodes in grid topology. When a call for mobile subscriber occurs, the current routing protocols search the whole large scale network to find a mobile subscriber. Therefore, it causes many redundant packets and long call setup delay. So, we have proposed a new routing protocol, in which the destination subscriber is first searched at the subnetwork where the call is proposed protocol is better than that of the current protocol.

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Diagnosis and treatment in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (샤르코-마리-투스 질환의 진단 및 치료)

  • Kim, Sang-Beom;Park, Kee Duk;Choi, Byung-Ok
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2005
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease was described by Charcot and Marie in France and, independently, by Tooth in England in 1886. CMT is the most common form of inherited motor and sensory neuropathy, and is a genetically heterogeneous disorder of the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, many genes have been identified as CMT-causative genes. Traditionally, subclassification of CMT have been divided into autosomal dominant inherited demyelinating (CMT1) and axonal (CMT2) neuropathies, X-linked neuropathy (CMTX), and autosomal recessive inherited neuropathy (CMT4). Recently, intermediate type (CMT-Int) with NCVs between CMT1 and CMT2 is considered as a CMT type. There are several related peripheral neuropathies, such as $D{\acute{e}}j{\acute{e}}rine$-Sottas neuropathy (DSN), congenital hypomyelination (CH), hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) and giant axonal neuropathy (GAN). Great advances have been made in understanding the molecular basis of CMT, and 17 distinct genetic causes of CMT have been identified. The number of newly discovered mutations and identified genetic loci is rapidly increasing, and this expanding list has proved challenging for physicians trying to keep up with the field. Identifying the genetic cause of inherited neuropathies is often important to determine at risk family members as well as diagnose the patient. In addition, the encouraging studies have been published on rational potential therapies for the CMT1A. Now, we develop a model of how the various genes may interact in the pathogenesis of CMT disorder.

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Wind profile management and blockage assessment for a new 12-fan Wall of Wind facility at FIU

  • Aly, Aly Mousaad;Chowdhury, Arindam Gan;Bitsuamlak, Girma
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 2011
  • Researchers at the International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC), Florida International University (FIU), are working in stages on the construction of a large state-of-the-art Wall of Wind (WoW) facility to support research in the area of Wind Engineering. In this paper, the challenges of simulating hurricane winds for the WoW are presented and investigated based on a scale model study. Three wind profiles were simulated using airfoils, and/or adjustable planks mechanism with and without grids. Evaluations of flow characteristics were performed in order to enhance the WoW's flow simulation capabilities. Characteristics of the simulated wind fields are compared to the results obtained from a study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and also validated via pressure measurements on small-scale models of the Silsoe cube building. Optimal scale of the test model and its optimal distance from the WoW contraction exit are determined - which are two important aspects for testing using an open jet facility such as the WoW. The main objective of this study is to further the understanding of the WoW capabilities and the characteristics of its test section by means of intensive tests and validations at small scale in order to apply this knowledge to the design of the full-scale WoW and for future wind engineering testing.

A proposed technique for determining aerodynamic pressures on residential homes

  • Fu, Tuan-Chun;Aly, Aly Mousaad;Chowdhury, Arindam Gan;Bitsuamlak, Girma;Yeo, DongHun;Simiu, Emil
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2012
  • Wind loads on low-rise buildings in general and residential homes in particular can differ significantly depending upon the laboratory in which they were measured. The differences are due in large part to inadequate simulations of the low-frequency content of atmospheric velocity fluctuations in the laboratory and to the small scale of the models used for the measurements. The imperfect spatial coherence of the low frequency velocity fluctuations results in reductions of the overall wind effects with respect to the case of perfectly coherent flows. For large buildings those reductions are significant. However, for buildings with sufficiently small dimensions (e.g., residential homes) the reductions are relatively small. A technique is proposed for simulating the effect of low-frequency flow fluctuations on such buildings more effectively from the point of view of testing accuracy and repeatability than is currently the case. Experimental results are presented that validate the proposed technique. The technique eliminates a major cause of discrepancies among measurements conducted in different laboratories. In addition, the technique allows the use of considerably larger model scales than are possible in conventional testing. This makes it possible to model architectural details, and improves Reynolds number similarity. The technique is applicable to wind tunnels and large scale open jet facilities, and can help to standardize flow simulations for testing residential homes as well as significantly improving testing accuracy and repeatability. The work reported in this paper is a first step in developing the proposed technique. Additional tests are planned to further refine the technique and test the range of its applicability.

A literature study on Bromidrosis (腋격의 病因.病機.治療에 對한 文獻的 考察)

  • Kim, Jong-sung;Kim, Kyung-joon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.157-184
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    • 2000
  • Bromidrosis is a disease which is also called huchou[호격] in the oriental medicine. This disease produces an odor and a small amount of sweat from the axillary area. Prognosis of the disease could possibly get better with age. This can be explained by the fact that its symptoms begin usually when a person reaches puberty and as the person gets old, the symptoms reduce or disappear even when specific treatments are not applied. Although the disease is not lethal, many patients have difficulties in leading a normal and comfortable life, physically and psychologically with this in mind and some osbservations gained from the literature studies on the causes,symptoms, and treatments, I embarked on a study aimed at finding out the therapies. My study on the literature has produced the following results ; 1. In the oriental medicine, hu-chou[호격] means the characteric smell or odor produced from the fox. 2. The literature studies point out two causes in the oriental medicine. One is natural. The other is acquired. Acquired cases have the following causes: shi-re-nei-yun[濕熱內蘊]. xie-뱌-bu-huo[血氣不和], gan-qi-yu-jie[肝氣鬱結]. 3 There are two therapies in the oriental medicine. One is internal and the other external. out of the two, external therapies were mainly used according to the literature studies that I have consulted. 4. According to my study, the most frequently used herbal medicine was Alunitum(明 礬)(45 times), followed by Minium(密陀僧)(39 times) and Moschus(?香)(21 times respectively). 5. My study also found that bian-zheng[辨證] was not .rarely listed on old literatures. Therefore, old literatures did not clearly show how to root out the disease. They only taught now to alleviate the symptoms and remove the characteric odor.

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Fed-batch Cultivation of Escherichia coli YK537 (pAET-8) for Production of phoA Promoter-controlled Human Epidermal Growth Factor

  • Wang Yonggang;Du Peng;Gan Renbao;Li Zhimin;Ye Qin
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2005
  • Secretion of the expressed heterologous proteins can reduce the stress to the host cells and is beneficial to their recovery and purification. In this study, fed-batch cultures of Escherichia coli YK537 (pAET-8) were conducted in a 5-L fermentor for the secretory production of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) whose expression was under the control of alkaline phosphatase promoter. The effects of feeding of glucose and complex nitrogen sources on hEGF production were investigated. When the fed-batch culture was conducted in a chemically de-fined medium, the cell density was 9.68 g/L and the secreted hEGF was 44.7 mg/L in a period of 60 h. When a complex medium was used and glucose was added in pH-stat mode, the secreted hEGF was improved to 345 mg/L. When the culture was fed with glucose at a constant specific rate of $0.25\;gg^{-1}h^{-1}$, hEGF reached 514 mg/L. The effects of adding a solution containing yeast extract and tryptone were further studied. Different rate of the nitrogen source feeding resulted in different levels of phosphate and acetic acid formation, thus affected hEGF expression. At the optimal feeding rate, hEGF production achieved 686 mg/L.

Microplastic Management for Preventing Risk of Persistent/Bioaccumulative Substance (잔류성.생물축적성 물질 피해저감을 위한 미세플라스틱(Microplastic) 관리방안)

  • Park, Jeong-Gue;Gan, Sun-Yeong
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.65-98
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    • 2014
  • Plastics of the marine environment are broken gradually down into smaller particles by chemical weathering, called "microplastic". Microplastics absorb organic pollutants that are persistent bioaccumulative substances. If marine animals ingested microplastic added to contaminant, it will lead to a bioaccumation through the food web. It eventually destroy health of marine environment and is harmful to marine top predators including humans. Also, Microplastics can impact marine animals by leaching the endocrine disruptor in microplastic itself as well as playing an adsorbent role of organic pollutants. Persistent and bioaccumulative substances in Korea have been regulated in terms of chemical risk but existing regulations largely have been limited in land-based source management of microplastic. Thus, the harmful impact will be increased whether the microplastics absorbed contaminants. To prevent risk of persistent bioaccumulative substances, this study suggests the following: (1) the strict management of microplastic by designating the hazardous substances, (2) expand the use of biodegradable plastic, (3) the effort for reuse and recycle, (4) the expand of microplastic clean-up programs.

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A Study of Architectural and Design Elements of Secondary Shirines in Traditional Buddhist Temples in Korea (한국 전통사찰에 있어서 부불전의 건축요소와 의장적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the architectural design elements of secondary shrines in traditional Buddhist temples in Korea. For this study, a survey of six kinds of secondary shrines (Myemgbujem, Yeongsanjeon, Eungjinjem, Yaksajeoun, Gwaneumjeon, Mireukjeon), according to specified design elements(building sizes, roof styles, Gongpo, Dancheong, shape of Datjip), was conducted. The results of this study are summarized as follows; Myeongbujem is built in every temples(25 examples), most having simila1ities in sizes and architectural elements(roof, Gongpo structure, Dancheong, Datjip). The majority of Yemgsanjeon(l4 examples) and Eungjinjem shrines(l5 examples) are mostly 3-Gan sized buildings, having a Matbaejibung and Ikkmg structural system. Gwaneumjeon, on the other hands, has 1he most elaborate architectural elements. Among 12 cases, 8 buildings have Paljakjibung, 9 buildings have Silk-Dancheong in innerspace, and Datjip are included in six buildings. Yaksajeon shrines are small in mnnber, but most of these shrines have a Dapo structure, and, despite of their size, are designated as cultural properties.

Antibacterial Mode of Action of Cinnamomum verum Bark Essential Oil, Alone and in Combination with Piperacillin, Against a Multi-Drug-Resistant Escherichia coli Strain

  • Yap, Polly Soo Xi;Krishnan, Thiba;Chan, Kok-Gan;Lim, Swee Hua Erin
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1299-1306
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to investigate the mechanism of action of the cinnamon bark essential oil (CB), when used singly and also in combination with piperacillin, for its antimicrobial and synergistic activity against beta-lactamase TEM-1 plasmid-conferred Escherichia coli J53 R1. Viable count of bacteria for this combination of essential oil and antibiotic showed a complete killing profile at 20 h and further confirmed its synergistic effect by reducing the bacteria cell numbers. Analysis on the stability of treated cultures for cell membrane permeability by CB when tested against sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed that the bacterial cell membrane was disrupted by the essential oil. Scanning electron microscopy observation and bacterial surface charge measurement also revealed that CB causes irreversible membrane damage and reduces the bacterial surface charge. In addition, bioluminescence expression of Escherichia coli [pSB1075] and E. coli [pSB401] by CB showed reduction, indicating the possibility of the presence of quorum sensing (QS) inhibitors. Gas-chromatography and mass spectrometry of the essential oil of Cinnamomum verum showed that trans-cinnamaldehyde (72.81%), benzyl alcohol (12.5%), and eugenol (6.57%) were the major components in the essential oil. From this study, CB has the potential to reverse E. coli J53 R1 resistance to piperacillin through two pathways; modification in the permeability of the outer membrane or bacterial QS inhibition.