• Title/Summary/Keyword: GPS Survey

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Seamless Superimposition Technique of Virtual Objects for AR System of Excavator Based on Image Processing (굴삭기 AR 시스템을 위한 이미지 프로세싱 기반 가상 이미지 중첩 기술)

  • Lee, Kanghyeok;Park, Joohwan;Kang, Hojun;Shin, Dohyoung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • Recently, with having a great interest of the general public for the AR (Augmented Reality) technology, there have been lots of study to improve efficiency of a construction equipment with applying the AR technology to a construction equipment. The clear extrinsic calibration is essential to applying AR technology at the construction site without any error which came from superimposition between 'Real world' and 'Virtual world'. However, on the construction site, the clear extrinsic calibration is not possible, because of lack of time and budget for the specific survey, also, the huge error of the outdoor tracking system such as gyro, GPS system and so on. In this study, we do research about seamless superposition with unclear extrinsic calibration and the image process method for making AR navigator operating in the excavator. Based on this study, we figure that we can fully develop the AR navigator for the excavator. Furthermore, thereby operating AR navigator at many construction sites, we expect that the efficiency of the excavator will be improved. In addition, we can develop AR navigator for not only a excavator but all about construction equipment.

Analysis of Crustal Deformation on the Korea Peninsula after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (한반도 지각의 2011 도호쿠 대지진 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Kyung;Bae, Tae-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2012
  • The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) announced that an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude had occurred near the east coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, resulting in a displacement of the crust of about 2.4 meters. The Korean peninsula is located on the Eurasian tectonic plate that stretches out to Japan; therefore, there is a high possibility of being affected by an earthquake. The Korean GPS CORS network operated by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) was processed for ten days before and after the earthquake. Both static and kinematic baseline processing were tested for the determination of crustal deformation. The static baseline processing was performed in two scenarios: 1) fixing three IGS stations in China, Mongolia and Russia; 2) fixing SUWN, one of the CORS networks in Korea, in order to effectively verify crustal deformation. All data processing was carried out using Bernese V5.0. The test results show that most of the parts of the Korean peninsula have moved to the east, ranging 1.2 to 5.6 cm, compared to the final solution of the day before the earthquake. The stations, such as DOKD and ULLE that are established on the islands closer to the epicenter, have clearly moved the largest amounts. Furthermore, the station CHJU, located on the southwestern part of Korea, presents relatively small changes. The relative positioning between CORS confirms the fact that there were internal distortions of the Korean peninsula to some extent. In addition, the 30-second interval kinematic processing of CORS data gives an indication of earthquake signals with some delays depending on the distance from the epicenter.

Management of Construction Fields Information Using Low Altitude Close-range Aerial Images (저고도 근접 항공영상을 이용한 현장정보관리)

  • Cho, Young Sun;Lim, No Yeol;Joung, Woo Su;Jung, Sung Heuk;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2014
  • Compare to other industrial sites, the civil construction work not only takes longer time but also has made of complicated processes, such as the integrated management, process control, and quality control until the completion. However, it is hard to take control the construction sites, since numerous issues are always emerged. The study purposes on providing the dataset to synthetically manage and monitor the civil construction site, main design, drawings, process, construction cost, and others at real-time by using the low altitude close-range aerial images, based on UAV, and the GPS surveying method for treating the three-dimensional spatial information quickly and accurately. As a result, we could provide the latest information for the quick decision-making following from planning to completion of the construction, and objective site evaluation by the high-resolution three-dimensional spatial information and drawings. Also, the present map, longitudinal map, and cross sectional view are developed to provide various datasets rapidly, such as earthwork volume table, specifications, and transition of ground level.

A Study on Damage Scale Tacking Technique for Debris Flow Occurrence Section Using Drones Image (드론영상을 활용한 토석류 발생구간의 피해규모 추적기법)

  • Shin, Hyunsun;Um, Jungsup;Kim, Junhyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we analyzed the accuracy of elevation, slope, and area to the damage scale of the debris flow using the drones to track the details of the debris flow that method was between the digital topographical map(1/5,000) method and GPS ground survey method. The results are summarized as follows. At first, in the comparison of elevation, the value by the drones was 3.024m lower than the digital topography map, but in case of slope the average slope was $1.20^{\circ}$ and the maximum slope was $10.46^{\circ}$ which was higher by the drones image. Secondly, the difference area is $462m^2$ between on the digital topographic map and the drones image was calculated high, because it is determined by reflecting the uplift of the terrain as a point that calculated more accurate than the digital topographic map. Therefore, when compared with the existing method, the drone image method was very effective in terms of time and manpower.

Inland ASF Measurement by Signal of the 9930M Station (9930M국 로란-C 신호를 이용한 내륙 ASF 측정 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Chang-Bok;Lee, Jong-Koo;Kim, Young-Jae;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.603-607
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    • 2010
  • The LORAN system had been used widely and it was an essential navigation aid for ships in the ocean until the GPS is adopted actively. In particular, it was essential functionality for the ships to sail the oceans. According to the advancement of industry, however, the current accuracy of traditional Loran is insufficient for the utilization of harbour approach, land navigation, and the field of survey and timing. Therefore it is necessary that the study on the improvement of the positioning accuracy of Loran. The one of the improving methods is to measure and compensate the propagation time delay between the transmitter and user's receiver, which is called as additional secondary factor (ASF). In this study, we measured the ASF between the Pohang master transmitting station (9930M) and four points where locate within 33 km apart from the transmitting station, using the measuring technique of the absolute time delay without a time of coincidence (TOC) table. As the result of measurement, the ranging error caused by the propagation delay was about 210 m at 33 km, however it can be reduced up to 40 m with ASF compensation.

Development of Image-map Generation and Visualization System Based on UAV for Real-time Disaster Monitoring (실시간 재난 모니터링을 위한 무인항공기 기반 지도생성 및 가시화 시스템 구축)

  • Cheon, Jangwoo;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2018
  • The frequency and risk of disasters are increasing due to environmental and social factors. In order to respond effectively to disasters that occur unexpectedly, it is very important to quickly obtain up-to-date information about target area. It is possible to intuitively judge the situation about the area through the image-map generated at high speed, so that it can cope with disaster quickly and effectively. In this study, we propose an image-map generation and visualization system from UAV images for real-time disaster monitoring. The proposed system consists of aerial segment and ground segment. In the aerial segment, the UAV system acquires the sensory data from digital camera and GPS/IMU sensor. Communication module transmits it to the ground server in real time. In the ground segment, the transmitted sensor data are processed to generate image-maps and the image-maps are visualized on the geo-portal. We conducted experiment to check the accuracy of the image-map using the system. Check points were obtained through ground survey in the data acquisition area. When calculating the difference between adjacent image maps, the relative accuracy was 1.58 m. We confirmed the absolute accuracy of the image map for the position measured from the individual image map. It is confirmed that the map is matched to the existing map with an absolute accuracy of 0.75 m. We confirmed the processing time of each step until the visualization of the image-map. When the image-map was generated with GSD 10 cm, it took 1.67 seconds to visualize. It is expected that the proposed system can be applied to real - time monitoring for disaster response.

Accuracy Evaluation of LiDAR Measurement in Forest Area (산림지역에서 LiDAR 측량의 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Byoung-Kil;Kim, Jin-Kwang;Kim, Chang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2009
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEM) is widely used in establishing the topographic profile in nation spatial information. Aerial Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) system is one of the well-known means to produce DEM. The system has fast data acquisition procedures and less weather-dependent restrictions compared to photogrammetric approaches. In this regards, LiDAR has been widely utilized and accepted in the process of nation spatial information generation due to its sufficient positional accuracy. However, the investigation of the accuracy of aerial LiDAR data over the area of forestation with various kinds of vegetations has been barely implemented in Korea. Hence, this research focuses on the investigation of the accuracy of aerial LiDAR data over the area of forestation and the evaluation of the acquired accuracy according to the characteristics of the vegetations. The study areas include land with shrubs and its adjacent forest area with mixed tree species. The spots for the investigation have been selected to be well-distributed over the whole study areas and their coordinates are surveyed by Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Then, the surveyed information and aerial LiDAR data have been compared with each other and the result accuracy has been evaluated. Conclusively, it is recommended that LiDAR data collection to be conducted after defoliation period, especially over the areas with broadleaf trees due to the possibility of significant outliers.

A Feasibility Study for Mapping Using The KOMPSAT-2 Stereo Imagery (아리랑위성 2호 입체영상을 이용한 지도제작 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Kim, Youn-Soo;Seo, Hyun-Duck
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2012
  • The KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT)-2 has a capability to provide a cross-track stereo imagery using two different orbits for generating various spatial information. However, in order to fully realize the potential of the KOMPSAT-2 stereo imagery in terms of mapping, various tests are necessary. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of mapping using the KOMPSAT-2 stereo imagery. For this, digital plotting was conducted based on the stereoscopic images. Also the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and an ortho-image were generated using digital plotting results. An accuracy of digital plotting, DEM, and ortho-image were evaluated by comparing with the existing data. Consequently, we found that horizontal and vertical error of the modeling results based on the Rational Polynomial Coefficient(RPC) was less than 1.5 meters compared with the Global Positioning System(GPS) survey results. The maximum difference of vertical direction between the plotted results in this study and the existing digital map on the scale of 1/5,000 was more than 5 meters according as the topographical characteristics. Although there were some irregular parallax on the images, we realized that it was possible to interpret and plot at least seventy percent of the layer which was required the digital map on the scale of 1/5,000. Also an accuracy of DEM, which was generated based on the digital plotting, was compared with the existing LiDAR DEM. We found that the ortho-images, which were generated using the extracted DEM in this study, sufficiently satisfied with the requirement of the geometric accuracy for an ortho-image map on the scale of 1/5,000.

Determination of the Optimal Parameters in Data Processing for the Precision Geoid Construction (정밀 지오이드 구축을 위한 자료처리의 최적 변수 결정)

  • Lee, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2009
  • To solve the problems of distribution and quality on land gravity data, airborne gravity survey was performed in 2008 obtaining the airborne gravity data with accuracy of 1.56mGal. Since airborne gravity data is the obtained at the flight height, it is necessary to convert the airborne gravity data to the surface to combine various gravity data and compute precision geoid. In addition, Stokes' integral radius, Stokes' kernel and the radius of terrain effect computation should be optimally determined to calculate precision geoid. In this study, we made an effort to decide the optimal parameters based on the distribution and the characteristic of gravity data. Then, two geoid models were calculated using the selected parameters and the difference of geoid was calculated with mean of -16.95cm and the standard deviation of ${\pm}8.50cm$. We consider that this difference is due to the distribution and errors on the gravity data. For future work, the study on the effect of geoid with newly obtained land gravity data ship-borne gravity data and GPS/Leveling data should be conducted. Furthermore, the study on the downward continuation and terran effect calculation should be studied in detail for better precision geoid construction.

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Analysis of Shoreline Change Using Multi-temporal Remote Sensed Data on Songjeong Beach, Busan (다중시기 원격탐사 자료를 이용한 부산 송정해수욕장의 해안선 변화 분석)

  • Jang, Dong-Ho;Kim, Jang-Soo;Baek, Seung-Gyun
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2012
  • This research was carried out to analyze long-term shoreline change on Busan Songjeong Beach using multi-temporal remote sensed data, GPS survey data and grain size analysis. As a result of multi-temporal satellite imagery analysis, the beach was stable status till early 2000s, but the erosion occurred over whole beach after the construction of shore protection road since 2000. In the result of DEM analysis, the elevation of beach reduced and the slope of berm increased after construction of shore protection road along the coast, this means the erosion environment was dominant on the beach. But the sedimentation was slightly stronger than the erosion in northern region of the beach, then the slope of berm was gentle. In the result of grain size analysis using in-situ samples, the coarsening-trend was found in southeastern region (Line E) of the beach, it is caused by strong wave energy from the outer sea. Consequently, major causes of the beach erosion in the study area were the interception of sand supply from a dune owing to shore protection road construction and scouring phenomenon by strong wave energy in southeastern region of the beach. If the topographic or artificial change will not occur in the future, the erosion in this area will continue. Therefore the prevention measures are required.