• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS track

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GIS Oriented Platform For Solving Real World Logistic Vehicle Routing Problem

  • Md. Shahid Uz Zaman;Chen, Yen-Wei;Hayao Miyagi
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1248-1251
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    • 2002
  • Logistics optimization problems related with vehicle routing such as warehouse locating, track scheduling, customer order delivery, wastage pickup etc. are very interesting and important issues to date. Many Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Systems (VRSS) have been developed/proposed to optimize the logistics problems. But majority of them are dedicated to a particular problem and are unable to handle the real world spatial data directly. The system developed for one problem may not be suitable for others due to inter-problem constraint variations. The constraints may include geographical, environmental and road traffic nature of the working region along with other constraints related with the problem. So the developer always needs to modify the original routing algorithm in order to fulfill the purpose. In our study, we propose a general-purpose platform by combining GIS road map and Database Management System (DBMS), so that VRSS can interact with real world spatial data directly to solve different kinds of vehicle routing problems. Using the features of our developed system, the developer can frequently modify the existing algorithm or create a new one to serve the purpose.

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Automated Edge-based Seamline Extraction for Mosaicking of High-resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상 모자이킹을 위한 경계선 기반의 접합선 자동 추출)

  • Jin, Kyeong-Hyeok;Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2009
  • By the advent of the high resolution satellite imagery, a ground-coverage included by a single satellite image is decreased. By the reason, there are increasing needs in image mosaicking technology to use images to various GIS fields. This paper describes an edge-based seamline extraction algorithm using edge information such as rivers, roads, buildings for image mosaicking. For this, we developed a method to track and link discontinuous edges extracted by edge detection operator. To estimate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we applied the algorithm to IKONOS, KOMPSAT-1 and SPOT-5 satellite images. The experimental results showed that the algorithm successfully dealts with discontinuities caused by geometric differences in two images.

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Study on a Demand Volume Estimation Method using Population Weighted Centroids in Facility Location Problems (시설물 입지에 있어 인구 중심점 개념을 이용한 수요 규모 추정 방법 연구)

  • Joo, Sung-A;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2007
  • This paper is to discuss analytical techniques to estimate demand sizes and volumes that determine optimal locations for multiple facilities for a given services. While demand size estimation is a core part of location modeling to enhance solution quality and practical applicability, the estimation method has been used in limited and restrict parts such as a single population centroid in a given larger census boundary area or small theoretical application experiments(e.s. census track and enumeration district). Therefore, this paper strives to develop an analytical estimation method of demand size that converts area based demand data to point based population weighted centroids. This method is free to spatial boundary units and more robust to estimate accurate demand volumes regardless of geographic boundaries. To improve the estimation accuracy, this paper uses house weighted value to the population centroid calculation process. Then the population weighted centroids are converted to individual demand points on a grid formated surface area. In turn, the population weighted centroids, demand points and network distance measures are operated into location-allocation models to examine their roles to enhance solution quality and applicability of GIS location models. Finally, this paper demonstrates the robustness of the weighted estimation method with the application of location-allocation models.

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Development of Pollutant Transport Model Working In GIS-based River Network Incorporating Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data (ADCP자료를 활용한 GIS기반의 하천 네트워크에서 오염물질의 이송거동모델 개발)

  • Kim, Dongsu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.6B
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a newly developed pollutant transport model named ARPTM which was designed to simulate the transport and characteristics of pollutant materials after an accidental spill in upstream of river system up to a given position in the downstream. In particular, the ARPTM incorporated ADCP data to compute longitudinal dispersion coefficient and advection velocity which are necessary to apply one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation. ARPTM was built on top of the geographic information system platforms to take advantage of the technology's capabilities to track geo-referenced processes and visualize the simulated results in conjunction with associated geographic layers such as digital maps. The ARPTM computes travel distance, time, and concentration of the pollutant cloud in the given flow path from the river network, after quickly finding path between the spill of the pollutant material and any concerned points in the downstream. ARPTM is closely connected with a recently developed GIS-based Arc River database that stores inputs and outputs of ARPTM. ARPTM thereby assembles measurements, modeling, and cyberinfrastructure components to create a useful cyber-tool for determining and visualizing the dynamics of the clouds of pollutants while dispersing in space and time. ARPTM is expected to be potentially used for building warning system for the transport of pollutant materials in a large basin.

Analysis of the Urban Interactions of Seoul Metropolitan Region using Commuting Data and GIS (통근자료와 GIS를 이용한 서울대도시권 도시 간 상호작용 분석)

  • Kim, Jyso;Chang, Hoon;Lim, Up
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2D
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2009
  • To predict the urban growth trend and to prevent the metropolitan problems, it is important to track the spatio-temporal changes in the urban spatial structure. Commuting is inevitable and regular activities emerging in the metropolitan region. Therefore, it can be a useful to examine the interregional interaction and the urban spatial change. The purpose of this study is to investigate the urban interaction between Seoul and cities around Seoul Metropolitan Region, and GIS functions helped analysis and visualized results. An analysis of current commuting data using the Gravity Model suggests that the interaction between Seoul and its peripheral cities has been intensified from 1990 to 2000 and that the urban interaction was closely related to the distance. And the southward distribution of the cities having a strong interaction with Seoul accounts for the imbalance in growing of Seoul Metropolitan Region.

Algorithm for Detecting, Indentifying, Locating and Experience to Develop the Automate Faults Location in Radial Distribution System

  • Wattanasakpubal, Choowong;Bunyagul, Teratum
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the design of an algorithm to detect, identify, and locate faults in radial distribution feeders of Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA). The algorithm consists of three major steps. First, the adaptive algorithm is applied to track/estimate the system electrical parameter, i.e. current phasor, voltage phasor, and impedance. Next process, the impedance rule base is used to detect and identify the type of fault. Finally, the current compensation technique and a geographic information system (GIS) are applied to evaluate a possible fault location. The paper also shows the results from field tests of the automate fault location and illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed fault location scheme.

Establishment of A WebGIS-based Information System for Continuous Observation during Ocean Research Vessel Operation (WebGIS 기반 해양 연구선 상시관측 정보 체계 구축)

  • HAN, Hyeon-Gyeong;LEE, Cholyoung;KIM, Tae-Hoon;HAN, Jae-Rim;CHOI, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2021
  • Research vessels(R/Vs) used for ocean research move to the planned research area and perform ocean observations suitable for the research purpose. The five research vessels of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology(KIOST) are equipped with global positioning system(GPS), water depth, weather, sea surface layer temperature and salinity measurement equipment that can be observed at all times during cruise. An information platform is required to systematically manage and utilize the data produced through such continuous observation equipment. Therefore, the data flow was defined through a series of business analysis ranging from the research vessel operation plan to observation during the operation of the research vessel, data collection, data processing, data storage, display and service. After creating a functional design for each stage of the business process, KIOST Underway Meteorological & Oceanographic Information System(KUMOS), a Web-Geographic information system (Web-GIS) based information platform, was built. Since the data produced during the cruise of the R/Vs have characteristics of temporal and spatial variability, a quality management system was developed that considered these variabilities. For the systematic management and service of data, the KUMOS integrated Database(DB) was established, and functions such as R/V tracking, data display, search and provision were implemented. The dataset provided by KUMOS consists of cruise report, raw data, Quality Control(QC) flagged data, filtered data, cruise track line data, and data report for each cruise of the R/V. The business processing procedure and system of KUMOS for each function developed through this study are expected to serve as a benchmark for domestic ocean-related institutions and universities that have research vessels capable of continuous observations during cruise.

An Automated OpenGIS-based Tool Development for Flood Inundation Mapping and its Applications in Jeju Hancheon (OpenGIS 기반 홍수범람지도 작성 자동화 툴 개발 및 제주 한천 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Kyungdong;Kim, Taeeun;Kim, Dongsu;Yang, Sungkee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.691-702
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    • 2019
  • Flood inundation map has various important roles in terms of municipal planning, timely dam operation, economic levee design, and building flood forecasting systems. Considering that the riparian areas adjacent to national rivers with high potential flood vulnerability conventionally imposed special cares to justify applications of recently available two- or three-dimensional flood inundation numerical models on top of digital elevation models of dense spatial resolution such as LiDAR irrespective of their high costs. On the contrary, local streams usually could not have benefits from recent technological advances, instead they inevitably have relied upon time-consuming manual drawings or have accepted DEMs with poor resolutions or inaccurate 1D numerical models for producing inundation maps due mainly to limited budgets and suitable techniques. In order to efficiently and cost-effectively provide a series of flood inundation maps dedicatedly for the local streams, this study proposed an OpenGIS-based flood mapping tool named Open Flood Mapper (OFM). The spatial accuracy of flood inundation map derived from the OFM was validated throughout comparison with an inundation trace map acquired after typhoon Nari in Hancheon basin located in Jeju Island. Also, a series of inundation maps from the OFM were comprehensively investigated to track the burst of flood in the extreme flood events.

Groundwater pollution risk mapping using modified DRASTIC model in parts of Hail region of Saudi Arabia

  • Ahmed, Izrar;Nazzal, Yousef;Zaidi, Faisal
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2018
  • The present study deals with the management of groundwater resources of an important agriculture track of north-western part of Saudi Arabia. Due to strategic importance of the area efforts have been made to estimate aquifer proneness to attenuate contamination. This includes determining hydrodynamic behavior of the groundwater system. The important parameters of any vulnerability model are geological formations in the region, depth to water levels, soil, rainfall, topography, vadose zone, the drainage network and hydraulic conductivity, land use, hydrochemical data, water discharge, etc. All these parameters have greater control and helps determining response of groundwater system to a possible contaminant threat. A widely used DRASTIC model helps integrate these data layers to estimate vulnerability indices using GIS environment. DRASTIC parameters were assigned appropriate ratings depending upon existing data range and a constant weight factor. Further, land-use pattern map of study area was integrated with vulnerability map to produce pollution risk map. A comparison of DRASTIC model was done with GOD and AVI vulnerability models. Model validation was done with $NO_3$, $SO_4$ and Cl concentrations. These maps help to assess the zones of potential risk of contamination to the groundwater resources.

Using the TDR in Dielectric for Partial Discharge Signals Detection Method (이종 비유전율에서 TDR을 이용한 PD발생 위치 추적방법)

  • Choi, Mun-Gyu;Cha, Hanju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.9
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    • pp.1374-1379
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    • 2015
  • Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR) using microwave bands, including broadband spectrum that occurs at the range of rates that start between partial discharge position it easier to make the techniques that could be measured. Partial discharge in the Gas Insulated Switchgear(GIS), the dielectric constant in the band more than GHz different the insulating material if you want to organize, and the insulating material regardless of how partial discharge position in the SF6 gas Partial Discharge by applying the heritability estimated its position, but the position error occurred about 23 percent of the existing way, correct in not suitable location tracking the outbreak PD. This technique the rate of other dielectric that make up the power apparatus heterology is measured at the function to slow the progression of the electromagnetic waves apart by calculating the partial discharge as the location, A simple way to track. Dielectric using other methods proposed new structure can calculate the speed of heritability PD is occurring can measure.