• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS based

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Information Technology and Environmental Decision-Making (정보 기술과 환경 의사 결정)

  • Woo Chung-Gyoo
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.371-398
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    • 2001
  • Sciences and technologies are the sources which have formed presently highly developed civilizations and cultures and have enhanced the quality of human lives. But we see the dark sides of them as well as the bright sides, and we have the consciousness of environmental crisis and destruction of lives caused by them. Thus were are criticisms against human-tropism or technology-tropism from nature-tropism or deep ecology. However, if people would continue to have the desire of enjoying the present quality of their lives, they should try to develop and improve pro-environmental technologies. In this vein, we have the necessity of making environmental decisions and solving environmental problems by information technologies. Since the second half of the last century, 'environment' is the key word because we have the consciousness of environment strongly. As we solve human problems by making decisions of actions, we must face with environmental decisions in order to solve our environmental problems. If we have the better understanding of the nature of information and the role of information technology, and the relation of information technology and decision-making, we are able to design environmental systems and implement their optimal interfaces of environmental components. For this purpose, we are obliged to combine several useful technologies including GIS, DSS, Knowledge-based system and artificial neural networks. Therefore the developments and cooperations of these fields in environmental decision making enables us to live in the better and comfortable surrounding in the near future.

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Spatial Distribution of the Emergency Medical Facilities and Spatial Disparity of the Demand-Supply Level for the Emergency Medical Service (응급의료기관의 공간분포와 응급의료 서비스 수급의 공간적 격차)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.606-623
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    • 2004
  • Emergency medical service pertains highly to the public service sector which has to be provided equally in a society and evenly in a spatial dimension by the government. However, emergency medical centers in Korea are inequally distributed in a space and also human capital, facility, and equipment for emergency medical centers show clear disparity among regions. This research analyzed the spatial balance of the demand supply level for emergency medical service in Seoul by constructing the potential demand surface map and supply surface map for this service. The surface map of demand-supply balance for emergency medical service was constructed by GIS based map algebra algorism. The results by this analysis very clearly reveal the spatial disparity of emergency medical service. The places where are over-represented by demand level compared to their supply level are estimated to require an additional establishment of emergency medical centers in the near future. While, the places where are over-represented by supply level compared to their potential demand for emergency medical services indicate the possibility of problems in the management of emergency medical centers because of a surplus in the supply of emergency medical services. The results of this research can be utilized in providing valuable information for the adequate provision of emergency medical centers and for the estimation of range on the service area of emergency medical services.

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A Study on the Correlation between Coal Mining Subsidence and Underground Goaf (페탄광지역의 지반침하발생과 지하 채굴적의 상관관계 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-Kuk;Kim, Ki-Dong;Song, Kyo-Young;Jo, Min-Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2008
  • This study is to examine a relation between coal mining subsidence occurrence at abandoned underground coal mines and underground goaf with respect to surface geology, subsurface structure, depth and thickness of coal beds and the distribution of drifts. A study is carried out at the site where susceptibility of coal mining subsidence was proven high in a previous study. In that previous study, the susceptibility of coal mining subsidence was spatially analyzed by GIS using digitized geological maps, investigation reports, digitized mining tunnel maps without consideration of subsurface structure and the multi-level arrangement of drifts. Here we analyze geological characteristics around the goaf and the distribution of coal seam based upon digitized geological maps and investigation reports on the study area. And digitized mining tunnel maps are also used to analyze the depth and multi-level arrangement of drifts. The results show that weakened surface rock strength, relatively shallow depth and large thickness of coal seam below the surface are closely related to the coal mining subsidence occurrence. Complicatedly inter-connected drifts, shallow depth of drifts and surface rock fractures are revealed as additional control factors affecting coal mining subsidence. These factors examined in this study as well as original factors should be taken into account for the quantitative estimation of coal mining subsidence occurrence at abandoned underground coal mine.

Estimating Forest Site Productivity and Productive Areas of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica Using Environmental Variables (환경요인에 의한 상수리나무와 신갈나무의 임지생산력 및 적지 추정)

  • Shin, Man-Yong;Sung, Joo-Han;Chun, Jung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to estimate forest site productivity and productive areas of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica using environmental factors including climatic variables. Using the data set from digital forest site map and forest climatic map, a total of 42 environmental variables were regressed on site index for developing the best site index equations for Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica. Five to six environmental factors by species were selected as independent variables in the best site index equations. For the site index equations, three evaluation statistics (i.e., mean difference, standard deviation of difference, and standard error of difference) were applied to the test data set for the validation of the results, The site index equations fitted well to the test data set with relatively low bias and variation. As a result, it was concluded that the site index equations by species were well capable of estimating site quality. Finally, based on the site index equations, the productive areas by species were estimated by applying GIS technique to the digital forest maps. In addition, the distribution of productive areas by species was illustrated.

Policy Suggestions for Soil Contamination Prevention and Management of Inactive or Abandoned Metal Mines (휴.폐금속광산지역의 토양오염관리정책의 평가)

  • Park Yong-Ha;Seo Kyung-Won
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • Attempts were made to analyze the national policy of soil contamination prevention and management of inactive or abandoned metal (IAM) mines in Korea. This approach focused on legal systems and legislation, remediation technology development, and the arrangement or distribution of budgets pertaining to national policy since the mid 1990's. Prevention of Mining Damage and Recovery Act enacted. Defines the roles, responsibility and budget of the government when recovering mine damages. However, in 2005 there still remains to improve the national policy of soil contamination prevention and management of IAM mines. Analysis of national and industrialized foreign countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands suggest the following improvements: i) arranging distinct regulations between strict and non-strict liability criteria for potentially responsible parties; limiting innocent and non-strict liability depending on the period of incurred mining activity, ii) enhancing participation of local communities by enforcing law and legislation, iii) establishing a national database system of (potentially) IAM contaminated sites based on the Website-Geographic Information System, iv) carrying out site-specific risk assessments and remediation of IAM contaminated sites, v) preparation and distribution of clean-up fund at mine sites adequately, and vi) technology development for the cleaning of IAM contaminated sites; awarding positive incentives of a legal nature for participants applying newly developed technology in IAM mines.

Application of MPI Technique for Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model (분포형 강우유출모형 병렬화 처리기법 적용)

  • Chung, Sung-Young;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hur, Young-Teck;Jung, Kwan-Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.747-755
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    • 2010
  • Distributed Models have relative weak points due to the amount of computer memory and calculation time required for calculating water flow using a numerical analysis based on kinematic wave theory when compared to the conceptual models used so far. Typically, the distributed models have been mainly applied to small basins. It was necessary to decrease the resolution of the grid to make it applicable for large scale watersheds, and because it would take up too much time to calculate using a higher resolution. That has been one of the more difficult factors in applying the model for actual work. In this paper, MPI (Message Passing Interface) technique was applied to solve the problem of calculation time as it is one of the demerits of the distributed model for performing physical and complicated numerical calculations for large scale watersheds. The comparison studies were performed a single domain and a divided small domain in Yongdam Dam watershed in case of typoon 'Ewiniar' at 2006. They were compared to analyze the application effects of parallelization technique. As a result, a maximum of 10 times the amount of calculation time was saved but keeping the level of quality for discharge by using parallelization code rather than a single processor.

Impacts of Land Use and Urban Design Characteristics on Transit Ridership in the Seoul Rail Station Areas (서울시 역세권에서의 토지이용 및 도시설계특성이 대중교통이용증대에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Sung, Hyung-Gon;Kim, Dong-Jun;Park, Jee-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2008
  • One of the efforts both to prevent urban sprawling development patterns and to promote use of public transportation is known as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), including such planning elements as the density and diversity of land use and pedestrian-friendly urban design around a transit center. The aim of this study is thus to conduct impact analyses of TOD planning elements on transit ridership in the Seoul rail station areas. First, the authors investigate and draw out various actual elements of TOD planning by using GIS-based data and Smart Card data. Then the authors analyze impacts of TOD planning elements on transit ridership for the Seoul rail station areas. After condensing 34 variables presumably influencing transit ridership into seven factors by using factor analyses, the study utilizes multiple regression modeling methods to identify their impacts on transit ridership. The analysis results demonstrate that transit ridership tends to increase more in rail station areas where there is a non-residential high density, mixed use of land and narrow and small-size road network patterns. The implementation of TODs should be a useful method in inducing a Transit-Oriented City through redevelopment and new development.

A State-of-the-Practice Review on the Management of the Domestic Geotechnical and Geological Information Data (국내 지질 및 지반조사 자료 관리 현황에 대한 실용적 고찰)

  • Jang, Yonggu;Jeon, Heungsoo;Chae, Deokho;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2013
  • Recently, there have been various researches on the cost reduction and savings during the construction activities with the development of automation and computerized information system. Considering the cost savings during the construction, the development of the geological and geotechnical information system with high practical use becomes very important since the geologic and geotechnical data are required for the design of the various structures. Currently, the geological and geotechnical data are collected and distributed as a geological/geotechnical map or engineering geology map and map with other specific purpose through geoinfo system at Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea Mineral Resources GIS at Korea Mineral Resources Corporation, Geotechnical Information Portal System at Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Geotechnical Information System at the City of Seoul and the Ocean Data Integration Material System at Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration. Furthermore, the information on the groundwater is monitored and collected via Integrated Ground Water Information Service at Korea Water Resources Corporation and Rural Groundwater net at Korea Rural Community Corporation. Therefore, in this study, the contents of the geological and geotechnical data collected from the above mentioned government organization are compared and the DB and distribution system with higher utilization are suggested based on the comparisons with those from other countries such as United States of America, Japan and Germany.

Estimation of Classification Accuracy of JERS-1 Satellite Imagery according to the Acquisition Method and Size of Training Reference Data (훈련지역의 취득방법 및 규모에 따른 JERS-1위성영상의 토지피복분류 정확도 평가)

  • Ha, Sung-Ryong;Kyoung, Chon-Ku;Park, Sang-Young;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • The classification accuracy of land cover has been considered as one of the major issues to estimate pollution loads generated from diffuse landuse patterns in a watershed. This research aimed to assess the effects of the acquisition methods and sampling size of training reference data on the classification accuracy of land cover using an imagery acquired by optical sensor(OPS) on JERS-1. Two kinds of data acquisition methods were considered to prepare training data. The first was to assign a certain land cover type to a specific pixel based on the researchers subjective discriminating capacity about current land use and the second was attributed to an aerial photograph incorporated with digital maps with GIS. Three different sizes of samples, 0.3%, 0.5%, and 1.0% of all pixels, were applied to examine the consistency of the classified land cover with the training data of corresponding pixels. Maximum likelihood scheme was applied to classify the land use patterns of JERS-1 imagery. Classification run applying an aerial photograph achieved 18 % higher consistency with the training data than the run applying the researchers subjective discriminating capacity. Regarding the sample size, it was proposed that the size of training area should be selected at least over 1% of all of the pixels in the study area in order to obtain the accuracy with 95% for JERS-1 satellite imagery on a typical small-to-medium-size urbanized area.

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A Study on the Research Topics and Trends in Korean Journal of Remote Sensing: Focusing on Natural & Environmental Disasters (토픽모델링을 이용한 대한원격탐사학회지의 연구주제 분류 및 연구동향 분석: 자연·환경재해 분야를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Taeyong;Park, Hyemin;Heo, Junyong;Yang, Minjune
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_2
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    • pp.1869-1880
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    • 2021
  • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing (KJRS), leading the field of remote sensing and GIS in South Korea for over 37 years, has published interdisciplinary research papers. In this study, we performed the topic modeling based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a probabilistic generative model, to identify the research topics and trends using 1) the whole articles, and 2) specific articles related to natural and environmental disasters published in KJRS by analyzing titles, keywords, and abstracts. The results of LDA showed that 4 topics('Polar', 'Hydrosphere', 'Geosphere', and 'Atmosphere') were identified in the whole articles and the topic of 'Polar' was dominant among them (linear slope=3.51 × 10-3, p<0.05) over time. For the specific articles related to natural and environmental disasters, the optimal number of topics were 7 ('Marine pollution', 'Air pollution', 'Volcano', 'Wildfire', 'Flood', 'Drought', and 'Heavy rain') and the topic of 'Air pollution' was dominant (linear slope=2.61 × 10-3, p<0.05) over time. The results from this study provide the history and insight into natural and environmental disasters in KRJS with multidisciplinary researchers.