• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS Module

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A Study on Change of Average SCS-CN Value by the Spatial Resolution (공간해상도에 따른 유역평균 SCS-N값 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Chang Eun-Mi;Jung In-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2004
  • Hydraulic models has a module to calculate SCS-CN values in order to estimate amount of water flow, which can be done with remotely sensed data and GIS data. The choice of the ancillary data tends to determine the range of SCS-CN values. We compare the results of SCS-CN value with satellite data of different spatial resolution and with soil maps of different scale. Mokhyun river basin was chosen,partly because of availbility of water quality and quantity data, partly because of rapid changes in land use and land cover since last ten years. The average CN values were calculated with spatial resolutions of 2.5 meter and 30 meter, We could not find any different result due to spatial resolution of CN resolution but due to both soil maps and to land cover maps. Further studies should be done for more than two kinds of satellite data.

Comparison and analysis of spatial information measurement values of specialized software in drone triangulation (드론 삼각측량에서 전문 소프트웨어의 공간정보 정확도 비교 분석)

  • Park, Dong Joo;Choi, Yeonsung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2022
  • In the case of Drone Photogrammetry, the "pixel to point tool" module of Metashape, Pix4D Mapper, ContextCapture, and Global MapperGIS, which is a simple software, are widely used. Each SW has its own logic for the analysis of aerial triangulation, but from the user's point of view, it is necessary to select a SW by comparative analysis of the coordinate values of geospatial information for the result. Taking aerial photos for drone photogrammetry, surveying GCP reference points through VRS-GPS Survey, processing the acquired basic data using each SW to construct ortho image and DSM, and GCPSurvey performance and acquisition from each SW The coordinates (X,Y) of the center point of the GCP target on the Ortho-Image and the height value (EL) of the GCP point by DSM were compared. According to the "Public Surveying Work Regulations", the results of each SW are all within the margin of error. It turned out that there is no problem with the regulations no matter which SW is included within the scope.

Prediction and Verification of Distribution Potential of the Debris Landforms in the Southwest Region of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 서남부 암설사면지형의 분포가능성 예측 및 검증)

  • Lee, Seong-Ho;Jang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated a debris landform distribution potential area map in the southwest region of the Korean peninsula. A GIS spatial integration technique and logistic regression method were used to produce a distribution potential area map. Seven topographic and environmental factors were considered for analysis and 28 different data set were combined and used to get most effective results. Moreover, in an accuracy assessment, the extracted results of the Distribution Potential area were evaluated by conducting a cross-validation module. Block stream showed the highest accuracy in the combination No. 6, and that DEM (digital elevation model) and TWI (topographic wetness index) have relatively high influences on the production of the Block stream Distribution Potential area map. Talus showed the highest accuracy in the combination No. 13. We also found that slope, TWI and geology have relatively high influences on the production of the Talus Distribution Potential area map. In addition, fieldwork confirmed the accuracy of the input data that were used in this study, and the slope and geology were also similar. It was also determined that these input data were relatively accurate. In the case of angularity, the block stream was composed of sub-rounded and sub-angular systems and Talus showed differences according to the terrain formation. Although the results of the rebound strain measurement using a Schmidt's hammer did not shown any difference in topographic conditions, it is determined that the rebound strain results reflected the underlying geological setting.

Analysis on Spatiotemporal Variability of Erosion and Deposition Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model (분포형 수문모형을 이용한 침식 및 퇴적의 시.공간 변동성 분석)

  • Lee, Gi-Ha;Yu, Wan-Sik;Jang, Chang-Lae;Jung, Kwan-Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.995-1009
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    • 2010
  • Accelerated soil erosion due to extreme climate change, such as increased rainfall intensity, and human-induced environmental changes, is a widely recognized problem. Existing soil erosion models are generally based on the gross erosion concept to compute annual upland soil loss in tons per acre per year. However, such models are not suitable for event-based simulations of erosion and deposition in time and space. Recent advances in computer geographic information system (GIS) technologies have allowed hydrologists to develop physically based models, and the trend in erosion prediction is towards process-based models, instead of conceptually lumped models. This study aims to propose an effective and robust distributed rainfall-sediment yield-runoff model consisting of basic element modules: a rainfall-runoff module based on the kinematic wave method for subsurface and surface flow, and a runoff-sediment yield-runoff model based on the unit stream power method. The model was tested on the Cheoncheon catchment, upstream of the Yongdam dam using hydrological data for three extreme flood events due to typhoons. The model provided acceptable simulation results with respect to both discharge and sediment discharge even though the simulated sedigraphs were underestimated, compared to observations. The spatial distribution of erosion and deposition demonstrated that eroded sediment loads were deposited in the cells along the channel network, which have a short overland flow length and a gentle local slope while the erosion rate increased as rainfall became larger. Additionally, spatially heterogeneous rainfall intensity, dependant on Thiessen polygons, led to spatially-distinct erosion and deposition patterns.

A Study on the Length of DMZ and MDL (비무장지대 및 군사분계선의 길이에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2019
  • This study is to measure the length of the Demilitarized Zone and the Military Demarcation Line(MDL) on the Korean Peninsular. For this purpose, maps of the Armistice Agreement Volume II were used. These maps are nine sheets. In order to extract the MDL shown on the map, coordinates were assigned to the scanned image maps using the georeferencing module of ArcGIS based on the sheet line coordinates. The accuracy of the extracted vectors was checked by overlaying them on the maps of the Armistice Agreement Volume II. And I tried to validate these vectors through comparative analysis with vectors extracted from Kim(2007). Vectors extracted from Kim(2007) had errors in the curvilinear parts of the MDL, but the vectors extracted from this study exactly matched the MDL in the Armistice Agreement Volume II. The measured length is 239.42km(148.77miles). This means that the expression '155mile MDL' or '248km DMZ' in papers, reports or mass media has so far been inappropriate. I think this study will be able to provide information on the exact length of the DMZ in studies related with DMZ or in policy decisions by the national and local government. However, it is deemed necessary to verify this result by national organizations such as the NGII(National Geographic Information Institute). After these verification procedures, I hope that the national government will inform the people of the exact length of DMZ and MDL.