• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS DB 설계 지침

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A study on the Standardization of Design Guidelines for Geographic Information Databases (지리정보 DB 설계 지침의 표준화 연구)

  • Lim, Duk-Sung;Moon, Sang-Ho;Si, Jong-Ik;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2003
  • Recently, two international standard organizations, ISO and OGC, have done the work of standardization for GIS. Current standardization work for providing interoperability among GIS DB focuses on the design of open interfaces. But, this work has not considered procedures and methods for designing GIS DB. Eventually, GIS DB has its own model. When we share the data by open interface among heterogeneous GIS DB, differences between models result in the loss of information. Our aim in this paper is to revise the design guidelines for geographic information databases in order to make consistent spatial data models, logical structures, and semantic structure of populated geographical databases. In details, we propose standard guidelines which convert ISO abstract schema into relation model, object-relation model, object-centered model, and geometry-centered model. Furthermore, we provide sample models for applying these guidelines in commercial GIS S/Ws. Building GIS DB based on design guidelines proposed in the paper has the following advantages: the interoperability among databases, the standardization of schema definitions, and the catalogue of GIS databases through.

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Analysis on Spatial Impact Zone of the place_name on the Direction Sign in Urban Using the Road Sign Management System Database In Changwon city (도시부 방향표지 안내지명의 공간적 영향권 설정방안 연구 - 창원시 도로표지관리시스템 DB를 활용하여 -)

  • Jung, In-Taek;Rhee, Kyoung-Ah;Chong, Kyu-Soo;Lee, Young-In
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2014
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Affairs of Korean government improved RSMS to be linked with GIS data and now we have research foundation. In case of expressway and rural national highway, there is a referenced place-name for direction road sign, but there is no reference in urban road and is only a guideline. Direction signs in urban could not have consistent place-name and it is vary difficult to select the proper place-name. Based on the change of analysis environment and perception of road sign - related problem, This study is aimed to suggest how to deduce the spatial impact zone of place-name from DB and GIS in RSMS of Changwon City. The results indicated that there is a spatial difference between place-names according to whether is near or far on the road sign. It is expected that this method would be effectively used in case of new road sign and so the process to select the place-name would be simple.

Development of GIS based Water Quality Simulation System for Han River and Kyeonggi Bay Area (한강과 경기만 지역 GIS 기반 통합수질모의 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Chol-Young;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2008
  • There has been growing demands to manage the water quality of west coastal region due to the large scale urbanization along the coastal zone, the possibility of application of TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Loadings) to Han river, and the natural disaster such as oil spill incident in Taean, Chungnam. However, no system has been developed for such purposes. In this background, the demand of GIS based effective water quality management has been increased to monitor water quality environment and propose best management alternatives for Han river and Kyeonggi bay. This study mainly focused on the development of integrated water quality management system for Han river bas in and its estuary are a connected to Kyeonggi bay to support integrated water quality management and its plan. Integration was made based on GIS by spatial linking between water quality attributes and location information. A GIS DB was built to estimate the amount of generated and discharged water pollutants according to TMDL technical guide and it included input data to use two different water quality models--W ASP7 for Han river and EFDC for coastal area--to forecast water quality and to suggest BMP(Best management Practices). The results of BOD, TN, and TP from WASP7 were used as the input to run EFDC. Based on the study results, some critical areas which have relatively higher pollutant loadings were identified, and it was also identified that the locations discharging water pollutant loadings to river and seasonal factor affected water quality. And the relationship of water quality between river and its estuary area was quantitatively verified. The results showed that GIS based integrated system could be used as a tool for estimating status-quo of water quality and proposing economically effective BMPs to mitigate water pollution. Further studies need to be made for improving system's capabilities such as adding decision making function as well as cost-benefit analysis, etc. Also, the concrete methodology for water quality management using the system need to be developed.

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