• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS 기법

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A Study on the Application Technique and Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (리모트센싱과 GIS의 통합 및 그 적용기법에 관한 연구)

  • 안철호;연상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1991
  • This paper was suggested the detailed methods on the integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for various application of two functions at the one system with making the most use of respective merits rather than make use of independent systems. It developed of algorithm about simultaneous overlay of raster and vector data for remote sensing and GIS for these objects. For test application on integration of remote sensing and GIS, it used of remote sensing data of satellite and used to topographic map of the same area for vector data acquisition of GIS application. For the practical application, it proved of effective value of integration of raster and vector data by present of useful technique with multilateral approach method through data conversion about thematic application for major application fields of remote sensing and GIS and it suggested that new application technique for integrated application of remote sensing GIS through synthetic situation analysis.

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A Study of the Method for External Noise Shielding using the GIS UHF Sensor Module Applied to the Partial Discharge Signal Sensitivity and Method of Frequency Transforming in the Internal GIS (GIS내부의 부분방전신호 감도개선 및 주파수변환기법에 의한 GIS UHF Sensor 모듈의 외부노이즈차폐기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Min
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.728-732
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    • 2010
  • GIS(Gas insulated switching gear) is power equipment with excellent dielectric strength and is economy merit in high confidence and stability. Recently, because equipment of GIS was occurring problem of confidence used for a long time, partial discharge on-line diagnosis systems have been importantly recognized. Partial discharge (PD) detection is an effective means for monitoring and evaluation of dielectric condition of gas insulated system (GIS). The ultra-high-frequency (UHF) PD detection technique can detect and locate the PD sources inside GIS by detecting electromagnetic wave emitted from PD source. Therefore, real-time diagnostic system using UHF detection method has been developed for this application is being expanded gradually. However, the signal of partial discharge occurring in SF6 gas is very weak and susceptible to external noises which mainly consist of PD in air. Thus, it is important to distinguish the PD in SF6 gas more sensitively from the external noises. Unfortunately, these external noise signals and the partial discharge signals have very similar characteristics. Therefore, to solve this problem, we need the signal processing method for distinguish partial discharge signals with external noise signals for improvement of SNR(signal to noise ratio) and sensitivity. In this paper, we proposed internal signal processing method for removing external noise signals with built-in pre.amplifier and frequency conversion circuit.

Estimate for Ensuring sight Distance of Curve Section from Consideration of the Environmental Impact Assessment based on the 3D GIS (3차원 GIS기법으로 환경영향을 고려한 곡선부 시거 안정성 분석)

  • Choi Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.700-705
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    • 2006
  • The latest system of GIS has been changing from 2 dimension to 3 dimension. According to the rapid growth of the fields linked to 3D GIS, 3D GIS has variously affected the public field, the national defense field. and the industrial field. This study estimated sight distance safety of curve section considering the environmental impact based on 3D GIS. Sight distance is calculated from the relation between road which keeps the three-dimension character and driver gaze, so it needs to consider both plane and vertical for the accurate measuring. This study made analysis of the sight distance through considering the environmental impact with driving simulation of design speed 80km/h and running speed 60-120km/h.

A Study on the Emergency Action Plan using GIS Tool (GIS기법을 이용한 비상대처계획(EAP)작성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung Sik;Shin, Chang Dong;Jeong, Dae Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.591-595
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구에서는 위성사진과 1:5,000 수치지도를 이용하고, 실제 측량자료 및 현장조사를 통하여 GIS기법으로 홍수범람 정도를 중첩하여 보다 세밀한 홍수범람도와 비상대처계획도를 작성하였다. 입력자료는 국내의 실제 지형 및 저수지 자료를 이용하였으며, 현장조사를 수행하여 주요 시설물 및 교량, 도로망 등을 파악하고 재해취약인구를 고려한 현실적인 대피경로를 제시하였다. 본 연구의 수행으로 저수지 하류유역에서 보다 적합한 실제적인 비상대처계획을 수립하였으며, 재해의 피해저감에 합리적인 대책을 제시할 것으로 판단된다.

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Defining of Trade Area using Spatial Data Mining Technique in Business GIS (비지니스 GIS에서 공간 데이터마이닝(Spatial Data Mining)기법을 이용한 상권추출)

  • 이병길
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2003
  • Lots of application systems are developed for applying business GIS in marketing or strategic planning of the company, recently. Almost of the systems require statistics for some areas(trade areas or sales areas) as the important information of decision support. As far as now, trade areas are defined for individual stores using know-how of the specialists, but there is no well-defined method for defining of trade areas of the specific business domains or trade areas of the customers. In this study, we have applied the spatial data mining methods to the point features in GIS, evaluated the results of each methods, and discussed the feasibility of defining of trade areas. From the results of this study, we have concluded that the defining of trade areas from point features, such as franchisees of credit card company or memberships of retail chain store, and that the DENCLUE(DENsity-based CLUstEring) method is the best suitable spatial data mining algorithm for this purpose.

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Preparation of Landslide Hazard Map Using the Analysis of Historical Data and GIS Method (GIS 기법 및 발생자료 분석을 이용한 산사태 위험지도 작성)

  • Yun, Hong-Sik;Lee, Dong-Ha;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we performed a GIS-based landslide hazard analysis by employing historical landslide data in Korea, coupling with geomorphological, geological, climatic and rainfall data. Based on 596 landslide data from 2001 to 2003, the correlations between landslide occurrence and various factors (elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, soil type and rainfall) that affect the occurrence were estimated by the statistical analysis, zonal statistics. The weights and hazard indices of 6 raster layers were derived from the estimated correlations in order to generate a landslide hazard map by applying raster calculation technique. As a result of this study, GIS technique can be used effectively to incorporate the landslide hazard contributions from various data sets simultaneously.

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Feasibility Mapping of Groundwater Yield Characteristics using Weight of Evidence Technique based on GIS in the Pocheon Area (GIS 기반 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 포천 지역의 지하수 산출특성 예측도 작성)

  • Heo Seon-Hee;Lee Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the weight of evidence(WofE) technique based on GIS was applied to spatially estimate the groundwater yield characteristics at the Pocheon area In Gyunggi-do. The groundwater preservation depends on many hydro-geologic factors that include hydrologic data, land-use data, topographic data, geological map and other natural materials collected at the site, even with man-made things. All these data can be digitally processed and managed by GIS database. In the applied technique of WofE, the prior probabilities were estimated as the factors that affect the yield on lineament, geology, drainage pattern or river system density, landuse and soil. We calculated the value of the weight values, W+ and W-, of each factor and estimated the contrast value of it. Results by the groundwater yield characteristic computation using this scheme were presented feasibility map in the form of the posterior probability to the consideration of in-situ samples. It is concluded that this technique is regarded as one of the effective techniques for the feasibility mapping related to the estimation of groundwater-bearing potential zones and its spatial pattern.

GIS-Based Methods to Assess the Population Distribution Criteria for Undesirable Facilities: The Case of Nuclear Power Plants (비선호 시설의 인구분포 관련 입지기준 평가를 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 -원자력 발전소의 경우-)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Cho, Daeheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.755-774
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of the study is to propose GIS-based methods to assess the population distribution criteria for undesirable facilities such as nuclear power plants. First of all, a review of the relevant criteria was conducted for the official documents compiled by such institutions as IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), U.S. NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and some national institutes including the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. It is informed from the review that the fundamental principle underlying the various criteria is to maximize the distance between a plant and the nearest population center. It is realized that two interrelated GIS-based techniques need to be devised to put the principle into practice; sophisticated ways of representing population distribution and identifying population centers. A dasymetric areal interpolation is proposed for the former and cell-based and area-based critical density methods are introduced. Grid-based population distributions at various spatial resolutions are created by means of the dasymetric areal interpolation. By applying the critical density methods to the gridded population distribution, some population centers satisfying the population size and density criteria can be identified. These methods were applied to the case of the Gori-1 nuclear power plant and their strengths and limitations were discussed. It was revealed that the assessment results could vary depending upon which method was employed and what values were chosen for various parameters. This study is expected to contribute to foster the applications of methods and techniques developed in geospatial analysis and modeling to the site selection and evaluation.

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Development of Practical Model for Integrating GIS and 3D Geostatistical Methods (GIS와 3차원 지구통계기법의 결합 모델 개발)

  • Choi, Yo-Soon;Ki, Se-Il;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2005
  • 기존의 GIS와 지구통계기법을 결합한 연구들은 GIS 데이터베이스로 구축될 자료를 생성하기 위해 2차원 접근방식을 이용해왔다. 그러나 실제 현장 샘플 자료들은 대부분 3차원 공간에 분포하기 때문에 2차원 지구통계기법을 적용하는 것은 실제 자료가 가지고 있는 3차원 위치정보를 정확히 반영할 수 없는 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 GIS 기반 자료에 3차원 지구통계기법을 적용하여 공간변수를 예측하고, 생성된 공간변수를 다시 GIS로 반환하여 데이터베이스로 구축하는 결합 모델을 개발하였다. 3차원 지구통계기법을 결합한 결과 보다 정확한 공간변수 예측을 확인할 수 있었고, 그 결과를 GIS에서 다시 활용할 수 있었다.

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Media GIS using Three-Dimensional Graphics Mapping Technique (3차원 그래픽 매핑기법을 이용한 미디어 GIS)

  • 김성수;이성호;김경호;김경옥
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.10c
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    • pp.229-231
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 실세계의 비디오 영상을 기반으로 사용자에게 비디오내의 지리객체들의 정보를 제공해 줄 수 있는 시스템 구현 기법을 제시한다. 제안된 기법은 2차원 수치지도와 3차원 부가속성을 가진 3차원 데이터베이스를 이용하여 비디오와 지리정보를 연계할 수 있는 새로운 기법을 제시하고 미디어 GIS 시스템을 구현하였다. 또한, 2차원, 3차원, 미디어 데이터간의 상호연계 및 운용기능을 제공함으로써 기존의 지리정보시스템 분야의 새로운 패러다임을 제시한다. 3차원 그래픽 매핑기법은 기존의 비디오에서 얻어진 이미지에 대한 별도의 이미지 프로세싱 과정 없이 지리정보를 서비스 할 수 있다는 장점을 가진다. 제안된 방법을 이용하여 비디오 영상을 스트리밍하면서 클라이언트가 지리 정보서비스 받을 수 있는 GeoVideo 서버 및 웹을 통해 서비스를 제공하는 GeoVideo 클라이언트 시스템을 구현하였다.

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