• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS모형

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Development and its APPLIcation of Computer Program for Slope Hazards Prediction using Decision Tree Model (의사결정나무모형을 이용한 급경사지재해 예측프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Cho, Yong-Chan;Seo, Yong-Seok;Ahn, Sang-Ro
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2C
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2009
  • Based on the data obtained from field investigation and soil testing to slope hazards occurrence section and non-occurrence section in crystalline rocks like gneiss, granite, and so on, a prediction model was developed by the use of a decision tree model. The classification standard of the selected prediction model is composed of the slope angle, the coefficient of permeability and the void ratio in the order. The computer program, SHAPP ver. 1.0 for prediction of slope hazards around an important national facilities using GIS technique and the developed model. To prove the developed prediction model and the computer program, the field data surveyed from Jumunjin, Gangneung city were compared with the prediction result in the same site. As the result of comparison, the real occurrence location of slope hazards was similar to the predicted section. Through the continuous study, the accuracy about prediction result of slope hazards will be upgraded and the computer program will be commonly used in practical.

Comparison of Runoff Analysis Between GIS-based Distributed Model and Lumped Model for Flood Forecast of Dam Watershed (댐유역 홍수예측을 위한 GIS기반의 분포형모형과 집중형모형의 유출해석 비교)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Kang, Boo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2006
  • In this study, rainfall-runoff analysis was performed for Yongdam watershed($930km^2$) using KOWACO flood analysis model based on Storage Function Method as lumped hydrologic model and Vflo which was developed for real-time flood prediction by University of Oklahoma. The results shows that, the hydrographs of lumped and distributed model with uncalibrated parameters which estimated from physical or experimental relationship show significant biases from observed hydrographs. However, the hydrograph at Cheoncheon site from the distributed model follows the actual hydrograph to an extent that no more calibration is necessary. It encourages that distributed model can have advantages for application in real-time flood forecasting as physically based distributed hydrologic model which can construct event-independent basin parameter group.

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Development of a distributed daily streamflow simulated model and evaluation of its applicability (분포형 물수지 유출 모형의 개발 및 적용성 검토)

  • Hong, Woo-Yong;Park, Geun-Ae;Jung, In-Kyun;Park, Min-Ji;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.1154-1158
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    • 2010
  • 최근 전 세계적으로 GIS (Geographic Information Science) 및 RS (Remote Sensing) 데이터 등 디지털정보의 구축이 급속도로 진행되고 있고, 이들의 발달로 유역에 대한 정확하고 상세한 각종 수문매개변수 수집이 가능하여 유역을 부분유역으로 분할한 기존의 집중형 수문모형보다 유역내의 공간적인 유량변동을 보다 상세하게 고려할 수 있는 격자기반의 분포형 수문모형의 활용도가 높아지고 있다. 유역의 수문특성 및 지형특성을 동일한 매개변수로 적용하기 때문에 유역의 공간적인 수문 및 지형특성을 표현하기 어려운 집중형 모형과 달리 강우-유출해석에 있어서 분포형 모형은 실제 복잡한 유역에서의 유출과정 또는 물질의 수문순환과정을 잘 이해할 수 있고, 어떤 유역의 토지이용형태의 변화가 초래하는 영향과 효과를 사전에 예측할 수 있으며, 신뢰성 있는 과거의 수문자료가 없거나 부족한 유역에서의 유출 계산이 용이하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 Fortran 90을 개발언어로 사용하여 GIS Data와 위성영상을 활용해 유출량을 모의하는 분포형 물수지 유출 모형을 개발하여 금강 상류유역인 용담댐 유역($930km^2$)을 대항으로 2000~2008년의 일 유출량을 모의하였다. 모형은 크게 3개의 모듈(유출량, 증발산량, 토양수분) 형태로 구성되었으며, 유출량은 강우 전 토양의 저류능을 추적하여 산정하였다. 모형의 결과는 셀별 값을 가지는 분포형으로 출력되며, 유역의 평균 수문자료가 Text file로 출력된다. 민감도 분석을 통하여 최적의 유출 관련 매개 변수를 선정하고 하류의 댐 유입량 자료를 바탕으로 모형의 보정(2001-2004) 및 검증(2005-2008)을 실시하였다. 유출량에 대한 Nash-Sutcliffe 모형효율은 0.78~0.93로 모의치가 실측치의 경향을 잘 표현하는 것으로 나타났다. 유출량 분포도는 강우량을 매우 잘 반영하였으며, 같은 강우조건하에서 토양의 배수조건에 따라 유출이 확연히 다르게 표현되었다.

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Decision of GIS Optimum Grid on Applying Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model with Radar Resolution (레이더 자료의 해상도를 고려한 분포형 강우-유출 모형의 GIS 자료 최적 격자의 결정)

  • Kim, Yon-Soo;Chang, Kwon-Hee;Kim, Byung-Sik;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2011
  • Changes in climate have largely increased concentrated heavy rainfall, which in turn is causing enormous damages to humans and properties. Therefore, the exact relationship and the spatial variability analysis of hydrometeorological elements and characteristic factors is critical elements to reduce the uncertainty in rainfall -runoff model. In this study, radar rainfall grid resolution and grid resolution depending on the topographic factor in rainfall - runoff models were how to respond. In this study, semi-distribution of rainfall-runoff model using the model ModClark of Inje, Gangwon Naerin watershed was used as Gwangdeok RADAR data. The completed ModClark model was calibrated for use DEM of cell size of 30m, 150m, 250m, 350m was chosen for the application, and runoff simulated by the RADAR rainfall data of 500m, 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km from 14 to 17 on July, 2006. According to the resolution of each grid, in order to compare simulation results, the runoff hydrograph has been made and the runoff has also been simulated. As a result, it was highly runoff simulation if the cell size is DEM 30m~150m, RADAR rainfall 500m~2km for peak flow and runoff volume. In the statistical analysis results, if every DEM cell size are 500m and if RADAR rainfall cell size is 30m, relevance of model was higher. Result of sensitivity assessment, high index DEM give effect to result of distributed model. Recently, rainfall -runoff analysis is used lumped model to distributed model. So, this study is expected to make use of the efficiently decision criteria for configurated models.

A Study on the Distribution Map Designs for the Construction of Cultural Properties GIS - Focusing on Regional Cultural relics information - (문화재GIS 구축을 위한 문화유적분포지도 제작 연구 - 지자체 문화유적정보를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2008
  • This study is aimed at the surveys of cultural relics and GIS based searching system which have been partially performed in each region. The goal of this research is to construct the cultural relics management system of region and to present the plan for a nationwide data integration. Consequently, based on the standard which presents from Cultural Properties Administration constructed a spatial and attribute data. And presented the model which matches national standard for a cultural property GIS integration. Also minimized a damage possibility about the cultural ruins, confirmed an application possibility about cultural ruins information of the local government.

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Analysis of Flood Runoff using GIUH Model (GIUH 모형을 이용한 홍수 유출해석)

  • Ahn Sang Jin;Kim Jin Geuk;Park Jae Hyun;Lee Heung Zik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.705-709
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    • 2005
  • 수공분야에 매우 중요한 강우-유출 해석을 위해 미계측 유역이나 자료가 결핍된 유역에서 효과적으로 사용하는 GIUH모형을 이용하기 위해서는 지형$\cdot$지질특성, 토지피복상태, 유역의 하천 분기특성 등이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 지형학적 인자를 추출하여 지형형태학적 특징과 Clark 단위도법을 이용하여 GIUH 모형을 보청천 유역의 산성지점에 비교하였다 그 결과 GIUH 모형을 이용한 수문곡선이 Clark 단위도법을 이용하여 작성한 수문곡선 보다 실측치와 유사한 결과가 나오는 것을 알 수 있었다.

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Development of Soil Erosion Analysis Systems Based on Cloud and HyGIS (클라우드 및 HyGIS기반 토양유실분석 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2011
  • This study purposes to develop a model to analyze soil loss in estimating prior disaster influence. The model of analyzing soil loss develops the soil loss analysis system on the basis of Internet by introducing cloud computing system, and also develops a standalone type in connection with HyGIS. The soil loss analysis system is developed to draw a distribution chart without requiring a S/W license as well as without preparing basic data such as DEM, soil map and land cover map. Besides, it can help users to draw a soil loss distribution chart by applying various factors like direct rain factors. The tools of Soil Loss Anaysis Model in connection with HyGiS are developed as add-on type of GMMap2009 in GEOMania, and also are developed to draw Soil Loss Hazard Map suggested by OECD. As a result of using both models, they are developed very conveniently to analyze soil loss. Hereafter, these models will be able to be improved continuously through researches to analyze sediment a watershed outlet and to calculate R value using data of many rain stations.