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A Study on Assignment of Jeong-Gi-Sin to Three Danjeon in Donguibogam (『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』의 삼단전(三丹田)에 대한 정기신(精氣神) 배속 고찰(考察) - 『선경(仙經)』의 인용문을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Beom-seok;Baik, Yousang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The quotation of Seongyeong found in the chapter of danjeonyusam in Donguibogam uses a type of allocation of Gi(氣), Sin(神), and Jeong(精) each in Upper, Middle and Lower, three Danjeon, that is different from the type was widely accepted at the time. The paper attempts to interpret this in a new way. Methods : The paper collected the understanding of Jeong-Gi-Sin found in the Korean medicine based on Naedan Theory of Taoism, and tried to approach and structurally analyze the contents of Seongyeong, Ojinpyeonju, and Hwanggeuggyeongseseo found in Donguibogam's danjeonyusam. Results : The control of the body by Gi stored in Upper Danjeon is related to brain function, control of Gi at Lower Danjeon which preserves Jeong in Kidney is related to proliferation of Original Qi from kidney region throughout the body by triple energizers. Sin located at Middle Danjeon is contrasted with Jeong in Lower Danjeon, and Sin controls activity of life in the part between body and Gi. Conclusions : A new understanding on the assignment of Jeong-Gi-Sin in Seongyeong is possible, and it is expected to contribute to the future study of Korean Medicine and Taoism.

Utilizing Internet GIS for Cyber Governance (Cyber Governance를 위한 인터넷 GIS의 활용방안)

  • Kim, Kwang Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2002
  • As modern public administrations are constructing homepages based on GIS and enhancing public services through interactive communication with their citizens, cyber governance and internet GIS have been conglomerated more than before. As such, the transformation from 'GIS for public management' to 'Internet GIS for cyber governance' is in progress. In the future, cyber governance based on Internet GIS can be a new paradigm for public management. The aim of this study is to look for the applications of internet GISs for cyber governance. For this purpose, the study examines characteristics of cyber governance and internet GIS and analyses similarities between them. Based on this analysis, the study proposes various ways of applying internet GISs for cyber governance.

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Effects of GwakHyangJungGiSan on the Arterial Contraction in Rabbit (곽향정기산(藿香正氣散)이 가토(家兎)의 수축혈관에 마치는 영향(影響))

  • Sun Jung-Ki;Kim Ho-Hyun;Nam Chang-Gyu;Koo Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.260-268
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    • 2003
  • Object : This study was undertaken to define the mechanism of GwakHyangJungGiSan-induced relaxation in rabbit common carotid artery contracted by agonists. Method : In order to investigate the effect of GwakHyangJungGiSan on rabbit's contracted vascular ring detached from common carotid artery, vascular ring intact or damaged endothelium was used for the experiment using organ bath. To analyze the mechanism of GwakHyangJungGiSan-induced relaxation, GwakHyangJungGiSan extract was infused into contracted vascular ring which had been pretreated by pretreatment of indomethacin(IM), tetraethylammonium chloride(TEA), NωnitroLarginine(LNNA). Result : GwakHyangJungGiSan blocks an inflow of Ca2+ and relaxes vascular ring by the action of Nitric oxide from endothelium. Consequently when GwakHyangJungGiSan is prescribed, a rise in blood pressure by the resistance of peripheral vessel may be controlled to some extent and so it is anticipated that hypertension, a disorder of blood flow from the vascular contraction and vascular disease will be treated well.

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Use of Gastrointestinal Drugs in Patients without Digestive Symptoms (소화기계 무증상환자에 대한 소화기계 약제 투약현황)

  • Ko, Hee Kyung;Lee, Suk Hyang
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2000
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) medications have been administered to many patients without any gastrointestinal diseases. The objectives of this study were to evaluate use of GI drugs and assess related factors. Medical records of 600 outpatients were reviewed from January 1997 to December 1997 at A Hospital, Kyunggi-do, Korea. Fifty patients every month among all outpatients were randomly selected up to total 600 patients. Surgical patients, visitors for regular health examination and inpatients were excluded. GI symptoms included nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, constipation, heartburn, dysphagia and abdominal pain. The prescribed gastrointestinal drugs were antacids. H2-antagonist, sucralfate, cisapride, omeprazole, laxatives, digestive enzymes and antidiarrheal agents. Patients without GI symptoms were 348 out of 600 outpatients who were screened. Two hundred and eighty two of 348 patients (81%) were given GI drugs though they did not have any GI symptoms. There were no differences in regard to sex and age of patients. Most of medical departments prescribed gastrointestinal drugs for these patients. The most frequently prescribed drugs were in order of digestive enzyme, antacids and H2-antagonists. In view of economic aspects, patients paid 12.28 percents of total cost per prescription for unnecessary medicines. The medical practice of prescribing GI drugs should be assessed to define appropriate subgroups to have benefits with prophylactic administration and to reduce adverse effects caused by drug interactions. Pharmacists would have a significant role to promote rational drug therapy.

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Stress response as a contributing factor in horses with laminitis

  • Alexandra Moss;Britta Leise;Eileen Hackett
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.33.1-33.7
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    • 2023
  • Background: Laminitis is a complex and debilitating disease of horses. Numerous predisposing factors contribute to laminitis development, however the exact pathogenesis remains undetermined. Serum T4, cortisol, and histamine are components of the innate stress response and could play a causative or contributory role. Stress hormone concentrations in laminitis are largely unknown. Objective: To evaluate parameters associated with stress response in horses with laminitis, and compare these to healthy horses and horses with gastrointestinal (GI) disease. Methods: Thirty-eight adult horses presenting for non-medical conditions, GI abnormalities, or clinical laminitis were prospectively enrolled. Horses were assigned to the appropriate disease group (healthy, GI disease, and laminitis) and had blood drawn on presentation to the hospital. Samples were analyzed for plasma endogenous adrenocorticotrophic hormone (eACTH), serum cortisol, serum thyroid hormone, and plasma histamine. Results: Stress hormone concentrations were significantly different between horses in the laminitis and GI disease groups. Plasma histamine levels were highest in horses with laminitis, compared with GI disease and controls. Both horses with laminitis and GI disease had increased plasma eACTH when compared to healthy horses. Horses with GI disease had higher serum cortisol concentrations than horses with laminitis or controls. Serum T4 was lower in horses with GI disease than in horses with laminitis and controls. Conclusions: Horses with laminitis had relative increases in both plasma histamine and eACTH concentrations. Serum T4 and cortisol concentrations of horses with laminitis did not differ significantly when compared to healthy horses. The role of stress hormones in equine disease warrants further investigation.

Blood Glucose Response to Some Cereals and Determination of Their Glycemic Index to Rice as Standard Food (주요 곡류의 혈당반응 및 쌀기준 혈당지수 측정)

  • 이정선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.1170-1179
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to determine blood glucose responses to some cereals produced in Korea. The levels of blood glucose were measured over 2 hours after feeding healthy vounteers with 50g carbohydrate portions. The glycemic index(GI)k and glycemic index-rice(GI-rice) of a food has been defined as : GI=mean of (blood glucose response area of test food/ blood glucose response area of glucose taken by the same indicidual) ×100 and GI-rice=mean of (blood glucose response area of test food/blood glucose response area of rice taken by the same individual) ×100. The area under the curve is taken to be the area above the fasting value calculated geometrically from blood glucose increments. The GI of barely to glucose as the standard(57±7) was significantly (p<0.05) lower than those of other cereals whereas the GI of glutinous rice (110±8) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than other those of cereals. The GI values to rice as the standard were 63 ±6 for barley, 79±5 for buckwheat, 85±6 for foxtail millet, 90±12 for unpolished rice, 100±0 for rice, 102±7 for glutinous rice, 106 ±6 for unpolished glutinous rice, 115±13 for glutinous millet, 116±13 fro job's tear, and 122 ± 4 glutinous sorghum. The mean GI-rice was identical to the mean of the adjusted GI values, with a correlation coefficient of r=0.964(p<0.0001). This finding suggests that white rice could be used as standard food for the determination of GI.

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Isolation and Characterization of a Doritaenopsis Hybrid GIGANTEA Gene, Which Possibly Involved in Inflorescence Initiation at Low Temperatures

  • Luo, Xiaoyan;Zhang, Chi;Sun, Xiaoming;Qin, Qiaoping;Zhou, Mingbin;Paek, Kee-Yoeup;Cui, Yongyi
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2011
  • In the Doritaenopsis hybrid, like most of the orchid species and hybrids, temperature is crucial for the vegetative-to-reproductive transition, and low temperature is required for bud differentiation. To understand the molecular mechanism of this process, an orchid GIGANTEA (GI) gene, DhGI1, was isolated and characterized by using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR technique. Sequence analysis showed that the full-length cDNA is 4,022 bp with a major open reading frame of 3,483 bp, and the amino acid sequence showed high similarity to GI proteins in Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that DhGI1 was expressed throughout development and could be detected in roots, stems, leaves, peduncles and flower buds. The expression level of DhGI1 was higher when the plants were flowering at low temperature (22/18C day/night) than the other growth stages. Further analysis indicated that the accumulation of DhGI1 transcripts was significantly increased at low temperature, and concomitantly, initiation of the peduncle was observed. However, DhGI1 levels were low under high temperature (30/25C) conditions, and flower initiation was inhibited. These results indicate that the expression of DhGI1 is regulated by low temperature and that DhGI1 may play an important role in inflorescence initiation in this Doritaenopsis hybrid at low temperatures.

One Case Report of Prurigo Nodularis Patients Improved by Korean Medicine Treatment alone with Whidam's Su-Gi Therapy (휘담식 수기요법을 병행한 결절성(結節性) 양진(痒疹)의 한의(韓醫) 단독(單獨) 치험(治驗) 1 례(例))

  • Pi, Chien Mei;Jung, Jae Hun;Lee, Eun Mi;Lee, Jae Heung;Bae, Jae Ryong
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.113-145
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to report about a mid-40's female patient with Prurigo Nodularis, whose symptoms were relieved after Korean medicine treatment alone with Whidam's Su-Gi Therapy. Methods : the patient in this study received only Korean medicine treatment such as herbal medication, acupuncture treatment, cupping therapy and specially Whidam's Su-Gi therapy. Results : After the treatment, the symptoms of Prurigo Nodularis were relieved. Contact Itching Index fell from 10 to 5, and Non-Contact Itching Index fell from 10 to 4. On the whole the Body Heat has risen and skin condition has improved visually. The significance of Meridian Function Check(based on HRV) and skin syndrome is remarkable., Conclusions : This study showed that Whidam's Su-Gi therapy added with Korean Medicine treatment can be an effective choice for Prurigo Nodularis. So, wasting disease, especially immune-reduced syndrome such as Prurigo Nodularis, may also be treated with Korean Medicine alone without side effects.

Reduced risk of gastrointestinal bleeding associated with eupatilin in aspirin plus acid suppressant users: nationwide population-based study

  • Hyun Seok Lee;Ji Hyung Nam;Dong Jun Oh;Yeo Rae Moon;Yun Jeong Lim
    • The Korean journal of internal medicine
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2024
  • Background/Aims: Mucoprotective agents, such as eupatilin, are often prescribed to prevent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in addition to an acid suppressant despite the absence of a large-scale study. We evaluated the additional effect of eupatilin on the prevention of GI bleeding in both the upper and lower GI tract in concomitant aspirin and acid suppressant users using the nationwide database of national claims data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service (NHIS). Methods: An aspirin cohort was constructed using the NHIS claims data from 2013 to 2020. Patients who manifested with hematemesis, melena, or hematochezia were considered to have GI bleeding. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to determine the risk factors for GI bleeding associated with the concomitant use of GI drugs and other covariates among aspirin users. Results: Overall, a total of 432,208 aspirin users were included. The concurrent use of an acid suppressant and eupatilin (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.85, p = 0.016, vs. acid suppressant only) was a statistically significant preventive factor for GI bleeding. Moreover, a more than 3-month duration (HR = 0.88, p = 0.030) of acid suppressant and eupatilin prescription (vs. acid suppressant only) was a statistically significant preventive factor for GI bleeding. Conclusions: Eupatilin administration for ≥ 3 months showed additional preventive effect on GI bleeding in concomitant aspirin and acid suppressant users. Thus, cotreatment with eupatilin with a duration of 3 months or longer is recommended for reducing GI bleeding among aspirin plus acid suppressant users.

Effects of xylooligosaccharide-sugar mixture on glycemic index (GI) and blood glucose response in healthy adults (자일로올리고당을 함유한 설탕이 건강한 성인의 Glycemic Index (GI)와 혈당에 미치는 효과)

  • Kyung, Myungok;Choe, HanSaem;Jung, Sangwon;Lee, Kyungsun;Jo, SungEun;Seo, Sheungwoo;Choe, Keunbum;Yang, Chang-Kun;Yoo, Sang-Ho;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of xyloologosaccharide (XOS)-sugar mixture on glycemic index (GI) and blood glucose in human subjects. Methods: Randomized double-blind cross-over studies were conducted to examine the effect of sucrose with 14% xyloologosaccharide powder (Xylo 14) and sucrose with 20% xylooligosaccharide powder (Xylo 20) on GI and postprandial glucose response at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min. Results: GIs of Xylo 14 and Xylo 20 were 60.0±23.5 classified within medium GI range, and 54.3±17.7 within low GI range, respectively. Xylo 14 and Xylo 20 showed significantly lower area under the glucose curve (AUC) for 0-15 min (p = 0.0113), 0-30 min (p = 0.0004), 0-45 min (p < 0.0001), 0-60 min (p < 0.0001), 0-90 min (p < 0.0001), and 0-120 min (p = 0.0001). In particular, compared with glucose, the blood glucose levels of Xylo 14 and Xylo 20 were significantly lower at every time point between 15 and 120 min. Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that Xylo 14 and Xylo 20 had an acute suppressive effect on GI and the postprandial glucose surge.